15:59:20 RRSAgent has joined #webtv 15:59:20 logging to http://www.w3.org/2012/02/02-webtv-irc 15:59:22 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:59:24 Zakim, this will be 15:59:25 Meeting: Web and TV Interest Group Teleconference 15:59:25 Date: 02 February 2012 15:59:33 Zakim has joined #webtv 15:59:43 zakim, this will be webtv 15:59:47 jason has joined #webtv 15:59:58 zakim, call kazuyuki-617 16:00:02 ok, kaz; I see UW_WebTVIG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 16:00:04 duncanr has joined #webtv 16:00:16 zakim, who is here? 16:00:25 ok, kaz; the call is being made 16:00:28 UW_WebTVIG()11:00AM has now started 16:00:29 +Kazuyuki 16:00:39 zakim, who is here? 16:00:49 On the phone I see Kazuyuki 16:00:58 +Mark_Vickers 16:01:15 On the phone I see Kazuyuki, Mark_Vickers 16:01:27 +Clarke_Stevens 16:01:29 bryan has joined #webtv 16:01:33 +??P15 16:01:37 On IRC I see duncanr, jason, Zakim, RRSAgent, kaz, Clarke, mav, glenn, trackbot 16:02:45 zakim, I am here 16:02:45 + +1.417.671.aaaa 16:02:59 +Bryan_Sullivan 16:03:01 zakim, aaaa is me 16:03:21 + +44.303.040.aabb 16:03:35 zakim, aabb is Duncan 16:03:40 Johnsim has joined #webtv 16:03:47 + +1.360.367.aacc 16:03:49 +Canon 16:03:53 sorry, Clarke, I do not see a party named 'here' 16:03:53 zakim, aacc is Jason 16:03:59 +[Microsoft] 16:04:02 zakim, ??P15 is me 16:04:02 ph has joined #webtv 16:04:11 zakm, calll philipp-mobile 16:04:12 zakim, who is here? 16:04:13 +glenn; got it 16:04:17 zakm, call philipp-mobile 16:04:34 zakim, call philipp-mobile 16:04:45 +Duncan; got it 16:05:04 zakim, call ph-mobile 16:05:07 +Jason; got it 16:05:21 +Clarke; got it 16:05:31 On the phone I see Kazuyuki, Mark_Vickers, Clarke, glenn, Bryan_Sullivan, Duncan, Jason, Canon, [Microsoft] 16:05:44 franck has joined #webtv 16:05:45 ok, ph; the call is being made 16:05:45 present+ Bryan_Sullivan 16:05:47 +Philipp 16:05:56 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/MPTF/Agenda_Telco_2nd_February_2012#Agenda 16:06:10 + +1.408.475.aadd 16:06:12 zakim, Microsoft is John_Simmons 16:06:13 R_Berkoff has joined #webtv 16:06:27 I am sorry, ph; I do not know a number for ph-mobile 16:06:28 zakim, aadd is Russell 16:07:00 On IRC I see ph, Johnsim, bryan, duncanr, jason, Zakim, RRSAgent, kaz, Clarke, mav, glenn, trackbot 16:07:14 scribe:mav 16:07:16 +Philipp.a 16:07:30 chair:clarke 16:07:32 +John_Simmons; got it 16:07:50 +Russell; got it 16:08:09 topic: scribe schedule 16:08:17 -> http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/MPTF/Telco#Scribe_Schedule scribe list 16:08:20 zakim, drop philipp 16:08:35 topic: scribe list 16:08:57 See Scribe Schedule on wiki 16:09:01 + +1.415.867.aaee 16:09:14 Philipp is being disconnected 16:09:17 -Philipp 16:09:21 topic:Reorganizing site 16:09:43 clarke: will take first shot at organizing site. Will take suggestions. 16:09:58 +??P39 16:10:04 topic: Scheduling of work on content protection 16:10:42 clarke: Current plan: 1st adaptive bitrate, 2nd: content protection 16:11:13 jason: content protection bigger issue for content industry, so don't put it off too long 16:12:00 philippe: what was sent from IG to HTML WG on content protection to date? 16:12:08 s/philippe/philipp/ 16:12:28 mark has joined #webtv 16:12:35 http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/MPTF/Netflix_Content_Protection 16:12:57 zakim, aaee is MarkW 16:12:57 +MarkW; got it 16:13:19 clarke: sent along netflix proposal, but not reviewed by group 16:13:51 +1 to continuing work on both in parallel - I will seek internal input to provide as feedback 16:14:11 zakim, Canon is Franck 16:14:11 +Franck; got it 16:14:18 mark watson: OK with adaptive & content protection in parallel. haven't gotten feedback from group on netflix proposal yet. would like to get feedback. 16:14:32 s/mark watson:/mark_watson:/ 16:14:42 clarke: Propose content protection for agenda next week. 16:15:38 clarke: Ran into issues with ladder diagram. 16:17:07 clarke: Not clear how model 3 would work, e.g. new MIME type or not. Also not clear how processing would pass to script 16:17:29 can't hear markw over background noise on his end 16:17:40 zakim, ??P39 is Bob_Lund 16:17:40 +Bob_Lund; got it 16:18:14 mark_watson: Look at Chrome proposal on Media Source Extension proposal 16:19:25 mark_watson:script controls content feeding 16:19:54 linke to "Media Source Extension proposal"?? 16:20:02 s/linke/link/ 16:20:31 bob_lund:Problem selecting among alternative media. 16:21:54 mark_watson:Current Chrome model is all decisions in script, not media element 16:23:12 -> http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/MPTF/ADR_Error_Codes ADR Error Codes 16:27:55 +[Microsoft] 16:28:14 zakim, Microsoft is Kilroy 16:28:14 +Kilroy; got it 16:29:06 jason:The use case of script able to pass segments is agnostic. 16:30:27 duncan:Problem with both approaches - more script control requires more query to engine. 16:31:03 mark_watson: That can mostly be handled by canPlayType 16:32:41 mark_watson: usage of codec parameters can handle most cases, there may be some corner cases, e.g. limited support for interlace 16:34:24 clarke: duncan's proposal has 3 APIs: appendVideo, currentSegemntDownload [scribe: what was 3rd?] 16:34:54 http://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/MPTF/HTML_adaptive_calls 16:35:25 makrk_watson: need to generalize appendVideo API to allow placement other than next in sequence 16:35:47 s/makrk_watson/mark_watson/ 16:36:59 jason: what about a sliding window in live or simulcast? how is anchor maintained? 16:37:44 mark_watson: Not worked out live fully, but need ability to place segments in time line. 16:37:57 s/currentSegemntDownload/currentSegmentDownload/ 16:39:13 clarke: Another example is placing ads within a program 16:39:43 bob: Agree key is to use timeline in media. 16:41:19 Kilroy: There are difficulties with splicing, e.g. if lengths of media segments don't line up. API to support such splicing can get complex. 16:42:35 -MarkW 16:42:41 Kilroy: Concatenating use case OK, splicing gets more complex. 16:43:18 jason: HLS use case is usually simple concatenation. 16:43:42 present: Kazuyuki, Mark_Vickers, Clarke, glenn, Bryan_Sullivan, Duncan, Jason, Franck, John_Simmons, Russell, Philipp.a, Bob_Lund, Kilroy_Hughes 16:44:00 rrsagent, make log public 16:44:05 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:44:05 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/02/02-webtv-minutes.html kaz 16:44:47 zakim, who is speaking? 16:44:58 kaz, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Franck (22%) 16:44:59 kilroy: Script needs to know if streaming engine can handle splicing issues like padding for iframes. 16:46:24 kilroy: API needs to differentiate between concatenating vs. complex splicing. 16:47:07 kilroy: Segment formats can have constraints that allow for simple concatenation. 16:47:48 kilroy: Work on this going on in DASH and other groups. Would rather present consensus than own opinion. 16:48:00 clarke: Has DASH resolved this? 16:49:13 kilroy: DASH work on this still in progress, interacting with several API groups and the several media formats: h264, DASH, etc. 16:49:34 clarke: How do we make a proposal in this area? 16:51:33 mav: Shall we take adaptive & content protection off of HTML5 LC bugs from WebTV IG? 16:52:51 mav: Suggest Mark Watson decide on whether to withdraw Netflix proposal from LC bug 16:53:38 clarke: Other agenda items? 16:54:22 bob_lund: bug 13359 discussion 16:54:24 https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=13359 16:55:53 bob: I made a proposal submitted for passing data from media stream to script. There's been some push back as complex. There's been some suggestions for simplification. 16:56:15 bob: I think we'll get something, but not clear what it will be. 16:56:46 s/grenn/glenn/ 16:57:04 bob: I encourage others to comment. 16:57:35 -Kilroy 16:57:37 -glenn 16:57:39 clarke: adjourn 16:57:44 -Philipp.a 16:57:49 -Franck 16:57:50 -Jason 16:57:52 -Duncan 16:57:55 -Clarke 16:57:55 rrsagent, draft minutes 16:57:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2012/02/02-webtv-minutes.html kaz 16:57:57 -Russell 16:57:58 -Bryan_Sullivan 16:58:00 -John_Simmons 16:58:02 -Bob_Lund 16:58:13 -Mark_Vickers 16:58:14 franck has left #webtv 16:58:16 -Kazuyuki 16:58:18 UW_WebTVIG()11:00AM has ended 16:58:18 Attendees were Kazuyuki, Mark_Vickers, +1.417.671.aaaa, Bryan_Sullivan, +44.303.040.aabb, +1.360.367.aacc, glenn, Duncan, Jason, Clarke, Philipp, +1.408.475.aadd, John_Simmons, 16:58:18 ... Russell, +1.415.867.aaee, MarkW, Franck, Bob_Lund, Kilroy 17:20:00 duncanr has left #webtv 19:21:11 Zakim has left #webtv