See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 17 January 2012
<scribe> scribenick: mhausenblas
PROPOSAL: Accept the minutes of last meeting
RESOLUTION: Accept the minutes of last meeting
<trackbot> ISSUE-57 -- R2RML doesn't allow R2RML documents in RDF/XML syntax -- pending review
<trackbot> ACTION-181 -- Richard Cyganiak to implement ISSUE-57 resolution -- due 2011-12-27 -- PENDINGREVIEW
close ACTION-181
<trackbot> ACTION-181 Implement ISSUE-57 resolution closed
<trackbot> ISSUE-68 -- Multiple PredicateMaps in a PredicateObjectMap -- pending review
<trackbot> ACTION-183 -- Richard Cyganiak to implement the resolution to ISSUE-68 -- due 2012-01-17 -- OPEN
<trackbot> ISSUE-70 -- Behaviour of fully qualified column names in rr:sqlQuery -- pending review
<cygri> ACTION: cygri to implement ericP's change to vendor extension note: [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-185 - Implement ericP's change to vendor extension note: [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2012-01-24].
<trackbot> ISSUE-71 -- Column name collisions between child and parent queries in RefObjectMaps -- pending review
<trackbot> ISSUE-73 -- Section 11 cleanup -- pending review
<trackbot> ACTION-174 -- Eric Prud'hommeaux to implement ISSUE-69 resolution in DM -- due 2011-12-02 -- OPEN
close ACTION-174
<trackbot> ACTION-174 Implement ISSUE-69 resolution in DM closed
<trackbot> ACTION-185 -- Richard Cyganiak to implement ericP's change to vendor extension note: -- due 2012-01-24 -- OPEN
Richard: Hope that the proposed text addresses Eric's concern
<ivan> For the minutes: We will add one more sentence to the end of this Note (plus some wording tweaks). It will then read:
<ivan> [[
<ivan> Note: R2RML extensions that handle vendor-specific types or user-defined types beyond the standard SQL 2008 datatypes are expected to do so by behaving as if the table above contained additional rows that associate the SQL datatypes with appropriate RDF-compatible datatypes (e.g., the XML Schema built-in types [XMLSCHEMA2]), and appropriate lexical transformations where required. Note however that future versions of R2RML may also normatively add additional row
<ivan> s to this table.
<ivan> ]]
Eric: Agreed
Ashok: How do we proceed here?
Richard: Expect my updates till end of week
<trackbot> ACTION-167 -- Juan Sequeda to look at the comments 9, 11 and 15 and reply to them officially -- due 2011-11-15 -- OPEN
close ACTION-167
<trackbot> ACTION-167 Look at the comments 9, 11 and 15 and reply to them officially closed
<scribe> ACTION: Juan to make sure comments 9, 11 and 15 are in the correct DM document [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-186 - Make sure comments 9, 11 and 15 are in the correct DM document [on Juan Sequeda - due 2012-01-24].
<cygri> ACTION: cygri to review/incorporate Ashok's changes from [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-187 - Review/incorporate Ashok's changes from [on Richard Cyganiak - due 2012-01-24].
Ivan: We can only take the CR
resolution when the docs are ready/frozen
... R2RML as per Richard will be available by end of week
... Is DM ready by end of week as well?
Juan: Yes
Ivan: So, we can review the documents starting on Friday 20
<Souri> Let us do a review first. I am particularly concerned if we have rich examples illustrating schema-qualified and case-sensitive SQL identifiers, esp. in the DM doc.
<ericP> i suspect that i should delete some text nicely flagged in
<cygri> Sections that still have changes pending: SotD, 6.3, 10, 11, B.2
Michael: The plan would be that if by this Friday the docs are ready/frozen, everyone, but esp. David should review and send in comments by CoB Monday 23 Jan and the Editors address them till next week's meeting
(Editors trying to figure what really changes)
Souri: My concern is re section 2
- examples
... we have to be careful about these
... we need to make sure that it's covered in the TC as
Michael: Can I ask one Editor from each document to inform the WG on Friday when they freeze the documents?
Richard: if not double-quoted then it's case insensitive, yielding a canonical all upper-case
<juansequeda> +q to ask if the fastest solution is to put all examples in uppercase and therefore the resulting RDF also in uppercase?
<Souri> "People" => translates to "PEOPLE"
<Zakim> mhausenblas, you wanted to discuss process
<cygri> ericP++
<Zakim> juansequeda, you wanted to ask if the fastest solution is to put all examples in uppercase and therefore the resulting RDF also in uppercase?
<dmcneil> +q
<dmcneil> no
<mhausenblas_> Phone (VoIP) is dead
<mhausenblas_> I can't continue
<mhausenblas_> neither chairing nor scribing
<dmcneil> +1-617-761-6200
<mhausenblas_> I guess we're more or less done?
<dmcneil> eric & souri are talking now
<dmcneil> +q
David: Can't tell if there was a gap or only make the examples consitent?
ericP: making it consistent
Michael: Editors please let us know when the frozen documents are ready for review, everyone please send in comments by CoB 23 Jan!
(meeting adjourned)
trackbot, end telecon
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/consitent/consistent/ Found ScribeNick: mhausenblas Inferring Scribes: mhausenblas Default Present: dmcneil, EricP, Ivan, mhausenblas, joerg, seema, cygri, Ashok_Malhotra, Souri, juansequeda Present: dmcneil EricP Ivan mhausenblas joerg seema cygri Ashok_Malhotra Souri juansequeda David Eric Richard Michael Joerg Seema Ashok Juan Regrets: Marcelo Agenda: Found Date: 17 Jan 2012 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: cygri juan[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]