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From RDF Working Group Wiki
Objectives FTF October 2013
See [FTF3 Main FTF3 Page].
- Bring as many documents as possible to LC in the near future
- Move to issue-driven process; close as many issues as possible at the FTF
- Some editorships may need to change; identify volunteers
- Identify possible Notes
RDF 1.1 Primer
- Identify steps to FPWD, LC and PR
- Identify any remaining issues
- Identify steps to FPWD, LC and PR
- Identify any remaining issues
RDF 1.1 Schema
- Identify steps to FPWD, LC and PR
- Identify any remaining issues
RDF Concepts
- Identify steps to LC/PR
- Identify any remaining issues
RDF Semantics
- Identify steps to LC/PR
- Identify any remaining issues
- Identify steps to LC and PR
- Discuss tests
- Identify implementations
- How to resolve remaining issues?
- Identify editors
- Identify steps to FPWD, LC and PR
- Discuss tests
- Identify implementations
- Identify any remaining issues
- Do we wish to pursue an n-quads syntax other than TriG?
- Should this be a Note?
JSON-LD Syntax 1.0
- Identify steps to LC/PR
- Identify any remaining issues
- Identify steps to LC/PR
- Identify any remaining issues
Possible Notes
- Identify possible Notes to be produced.
- Candidates include:
- Alternative Semantics
- JSON-LD Recipes
- Identify editors