IRC log of dap on 2011-12-14

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:46:48 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #dap
14:46:48 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:46:50 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
14:46:50 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #dap
14:46:52 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be DAP
14:46:52 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see UW_DAP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 14 minutes
14:46:53 [trackbot]
Meeting: Device APIs Working Group Teleconference
14:46:53 [trackbot]
Date: 14 December 2011
14:47:21 [fjh_]
fjh_ has joined #dap
14:47:42 [fjh_]
trackbot, start telecon
14:47:47 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
14:47:49 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be DAP
14:47:49 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see UW_DAP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 13 minutes
14:47:50 [trackbot]
Meeting: Device APIs Working Group Teleconference
14:47:50 [trackbot]
Date: 14 December 2011
14:48:09 [dsr]
dsr has joined #dap
14:48:10 [fjh_]
14:49:03 [fjh_]
Chair: Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch
14:49:12 [fjh_]
Present+ Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch
14:49:48 [fjh_]
Regrets+ Niklas_Widell
14:59:20 [Zakim]
UW_DAP()10:00AM has now started
14:59:27 [Zakim]
14:59:40 [Zakim]
14:59:43 [AnssiK]
zakim, ??P18 is me
14:59:43 [Zakim]
+AnssiK; got it
14:59:49 [Zakim]
14:59:51 [AnssiK]
Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen
15:00:10 [Zakim]
15:00:15 [Zakim]
15:00:20 [Zakim]
15:00:22 [Clarke]
Clarke has joined #dap
15:00:23 [Zakim]
15:00:24 [Claes]
Claes has joined #dap
15:00:24 [richt]
Present+ Rich_Tibbett
15:00:30 [ernesto_jimenez]
Present+ Ernesto_Jimenez
15:00:31 [fjh]
zakim, [IPcaller] is me
15:00:31 [Zakim]
+fjh; got it
15:00:33 [Clarke]
15:00:34 [glenn]
Present+ Glenn_Adams
15:00:38 [AnssiK]
zakim, who is on the call?
15:00:38 [Zakim]
On the phone I see glenn, AnssiK, Deepanshu_Gautam, Josh_Soref, richt, Nigil, fjh
15:00:39 [Deepanshu]
Deepanshu has joined #dap
15:00:49 [Clarke]
Present+ Clarke_Stevens
15:00:58 [Cathy]
Cathy has joined #dap
15:01:02 [Cathy]
Present+ Cathy_Chan
15:01:09 [Deepanshu]
Present+ Deepanshu_Gautam
15:01:37 [Zakim]
15:01:46 [fjh]
zakim. who is here?
15:01:48 [Zakim]
+ +
15:02:00 [dsr]
Present+ Dsr
15:02:01 [Zakim]
15:02:02 [Zakim]
15:02:06 [fjh]
s/zakim. who is here?//
15:02:08 [timeless]
timeless has joined #dap
15:02:08 [Claes]
Zakim, aaaa is Claes
15:02:08 [Zakim]
+Claes; got it
15:02:10 [fjh]
zakim, who is here?
15:02:10 [Zakim]
On the phone I see glenn, AnssiK, Deepanshu_Gautam, Josh_Soref, richt, fjh, Dsr, Claes, ??P3
15:02:16 [Zakim]
On IRC I see timeless, Cathy, Deepanshu, Claes, Clarke, dsr, fjh, Zakim, RRSAgent, glenn, ernesto_jimenez, AnssiK, darobin, richt, lgombos, dom, Josh_Soref, slightlyoff, ilkka,
15:02:20 [Clarke]
??P3 is me
15:02:20 [Zakim]
... trackbot, rektide, mounir
15:02:21 [Claes]
Present+ Claes_Nilsson
15:02:30 [Clarke]
zakim, ??P3 is me
15:02:32 [Zakim]
15:02:39 [Zakim]
+Clarke; got it
15:03:04 [Zakim]
15:03:08 [fjh]
zakim, who is here?
15:03:08 [Zakim]
On the phone I see glenn, AnssiK, Deepanshu_Gautam, Josh_Soref, richt, fjh, Dsr, Claes, Clarke, Pieter, Cathy
15:03:13 [Zakim]
On IRC I see timeless, Cathy, Deepanshu, Claes, Clarke, dsr, fjh, Zakim, RRSAgent, glenn, ernesto_jimenez, AnssiK, darobin, richt, lgombos, dom, Josh_Soref, slightlyoff, ilkka,
15:03:16 [Zakim]
... trackbot, rektide, mounir
15:03:16 [dom]
Zakim, ??P3 is Clarke
15:03:20 [Zakim]
I already had ??P3 as Clarke, dom
15:03:28 [Zakim]
15:03:31 [dom]
Zakim, ??P31 is me
15:03:32 [Zakim]
15:03:33 [timeless]
timeless has joined #dap
15:03:34 [Zakim]
+dom; got it
15:03:48 [Zakim]
15:04:09 [timeless]
timeless has joined #dap
15:04:37 [Zakim]
15:05:30 [Josh_Soref]
Scribe: Josh_Soref
15:05:43 [fjh]
Topic: Administrative
15:06:06 [Josh_Soref]
RESOLUTION: Cancel Dec 28 Call
15:06:13 [Josh_Soref]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
15:06:13 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Josh_Soref
15:06:22 [fjh]
HTML Speech Incubator Group completes,
15:06:28 [Josh_Soref]
Topic: Minutes Approval
15:06:36 [fjh]
15:06:55 [Josh_Soref]
RESOLUTION: Minutes of Dec 7 Meeting are Approved
15:07:04 [Josh_Soref]
Topic: March F2F
15:07:12 [fjh]
Date and location confirmation
15:07:13 [fjh] (Dom)
15:07:13 [fjh]
Week of 19 March (Tue - Thur ?)
15:07:13 [fjh]
15:07:13 [fjh]
Shenzhen (adjacent to Hongkong), Beijing offers...
15:07:28 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: We need to nail this down
15:07:37 [Josh_Soref]
... people need to get approvals and visas
15:07:56 [Josh_Soref]
Deepanshu: I don't think it would be troublesome to get to Shenzhen
15:08:04 [Josh_Soref]
... you can take a Ferry from Hong Kong there
15:08:15 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: so basically you fly in to HK and then Ferry
15:08:17 [dom]
q+ to ask about who would be hosting in BEijing
15:08:21 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: Can we decide on the dates first?
15:08:34 [bryan]
bryan has joined #dap
15:08:36 [fjh]
ack dom
15:08:36 [Zakim]
dom, you wanted to ask about who would be hosting in BEijing
15:08:41 [Zakim]
+ +1.425.214.aabb - is perhaps SungOk_You?
15:08:49 [Josh_Soref]
... Mar 20-22
15:08:50 [Dzung_Tran]
Dzung_Tran has joined #dap
15:08:55 [Dzung_Tran]
Present+ Dzung_Tran
15:08:55 [darobin]
[and we have an offer from LG in Seoul as well, right?]
15:09:09 [Josh_Soref]
RESOLUTION: F2F will be March 20-22
15:09:34 [Zakim]
15:10:15 [R_Berkoff]
R_Berkoff has joined #dap
15:10:25 [Josh_Soref]
dom: did we have an offer for Beijing?
15:10:29 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: it came privately, not on the list
15:10:30 [darobin]
I'm Jing Wu from Chinaunicom.
15:10:32 [darobin]
Chinaunicom is very glad to host the F2F meeting in March next year in Beijing.
15:10:47 [R_Berkoff]
Present+ Russell_Berkoff(Samsung)
15:10:50 [fjh]
zakim, who is here?
15:10:50 [Zakim]
On the phone I see glenn, AnssiK, Deepanshu_Gautam, Josh_Soref, richt, fjh, Dsr, Claes, Clarke, Pieter, Cathy, dom, darobin, SungOk_You?, Jon_Gunderson
15:10:53 [Zakim]
On IRC I see R_Berkoff, Dzung_Tran, bryan, Cathy, Deepanshu, Claes, Clarke, dsr, fjh, Zakim, RRSAgent, glenn, ernesto_jimenez, AnssiK, darobin, richt, lgombos, dom, Josh_Soref,
15:10:56 [Zakim]
... slightlyoff, ilkka, trackbot, rektide, mounir
15:11:19 [bryan]
present+ Bryan_Sullivan
15:11:24 [Josh_Soref]
dom: i think knowing the Week and the Country
15:11:35 [Josh_Soref]
... should be sufficient for Josh_Soref's needs
15:12:38 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: it seems that we'd want to confirm that the host is able to provide Internet and similar
15:12:57 [Josh_Soref]
Deepanshu: because this would be our first time hosting
15:13:10 [Josh_Soref]
... we'd want to know how many attendees (roughly)
15:13:15 [Josh_Soref]
... we would provide internet of course
15:13:26 [Josh_Soref]
... but for other logistics, we need that estimate
15:13:42 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: dom, do we need a questionnaire for participant count?
15:13:51 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: Deepanshu, when do you need the count by?
15:13:57 [Josh_Soref]
Deepanshu: we'd need it by Mid Jan
15:14:07 [dom]
(DAP meetings have been in the range of 15 to 40 participants)
15:14:08 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: once we decide, we can put up a registration poll
15:14:27 [Josh_Soref]
Deepanshu: at latest by the end of January
15:14:40 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: i'd favor deciding now
15:14:42 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: me too
15:14:50 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: i think we should decide now, and on Shenzhen
15:14:51 [darobin]
+1 to Shenzhen
15:14:56 [Josh_Soref]
... although i don't know anything about it
15:14:58 [Clarke]
15:15:10 [Cathy]
+1 to Shenzhen
15:15:25 [Josh_Soref]
dsr: I agree, do we have confirmation about hosts in Shenzhen ?
15:15:28 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: yes
15:15:34 [Josh_Soref]
dsr: then i'd favor deciding now
15:15:41 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: Objections?
15:15:44 [Josh_Soref]
[ None ]
15:15:50 [Josh_Soref]
Resolution: March F2F will be in Shenzhen
15:16:08 [Josh_Soref]
... Huawei
15:16:24 [Deepanshu]
Huawei Technologies.
15:16:24 [Josh_Soref]
s/... Huawei/[ At Huawei ]/
15:16:35 [Deepanshu]
We are headquatered in Shenzhen
15:16:43 [Josh_Soref]
Topic: Battery
15:16:54 [darobin]
ACTION: Robin to reply to China Unicom and LG about hosting
15:16:55 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-495 - Reply to China Unicom and LG about hosting [on Robin Berjon - due 2011-12-21].
15:17:04 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: AnssiK, it looks like there's discussion on both lists
15:17:14 [Josh_Soref]
AnssiK: seems to be publication, a couple of LC comments
15:17:17 [AnssiK]
15:17:20 [Josh_Soref]
... i've been updating the ED based on them
15:17:21 [fjh]
s/Resolution: March/RESOLUTION: March/
15:17:34 [Josh_Soref]
... you can review the commit logs
15:17:48 [Josh_Soref]
... I don't think there's much need to review the changes on the call
15:17:57 [Josh_Soref]
... we got good feedback and have resolved a couple of bugs
15:18:09 [fjh]
Last Call period ends 20 December 2011
15:18:11 [Josh_Soref]
... I think we're ready to move forward
15:18:27 [Josh_Soref]
AnssiK: i'll be away for most of Jan
15:18:36 [Josh_Soref]
... if you want me to do something during Jan, that may be challenging
15:18:51 [Josh_Soref]
... Josh_Soref could edit the spec
15:19:09 [Josh_Soref]
... if you need to do edits in my absence, i trust you
15:19:15 [Josh_Soref]
... any changes at this point would be typos
15:19:32 [Josh_Soref]
... you (collectively) are free to make whatever (minor) changes it takes
15:19:37 [fjh]
need to update last call log
15:19:37 [Josh_Soref]
... please work with the implementers
15:19:39 [darobin]
+1 to shipping stuff
15:19:44 [Josh_Soref]
... so we can ship something from this WG
15:19:51 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: will you be at the F2F?
15:19:54 [Josh_Soref]
AnssiK: most likely not
15:20:04 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: thanks. we'll play it by ear.
15:20:09 [Josh_Soref]
Topic: Media Capture
15:20:14 [Josh_Soref]
Zakim, who is on the call?
15:20:14 [Zakim]
On the phone I see glenn, AnssiK, Deepanshu_Gautam, Josh_Soref, richt, fjh, Dsr, Claes, Clarke, Pieter, Cathy, dom, darobin, SungOk_You?, Jon_Gunderson
15:20:19 [fjh]
Media Stream Capture Scenarios , ACTION-461 (Travis)
15:20:20 [fjh]
15:20:32 [richt]
q+ for media capture
15:20:40 [darobin]
15:20:40 [dcoloma]
dcoloma has joined #dap
15:20:42 [fjh]
ack richt
15:20:42 [Zakim]
richt, you wanted to discuss media capture
15:20:47 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: preferably send feedback to the TF
15:20:56 [Josh_Soref]
richt: I'm still a bit unhappy with the split of that work
15:21:07 [Josh_Soref]
... i'd like to see more of the stuff come from WebRTC
15:21:12 [Josh_Soref]
... that might be due to the charter
15:21:17 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: I think for the split stuff
15:21:24 [Josh_Soref]
... it's about convincing the WebRTC people
15:21:34 [Josh_Soref]
... if we come up w/ a unified stream proposal that they like
15:21:43 [Josh_Soref]
richt: it's about coming up with a toolchain
15:21:50 [Josh_Soref]
... i started a discussion, but i didn't get any responses
15:22:02 [dom]
q+ to suggest making a concrete Web IDL proposal
15:22:02 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: i think it would be a good idea to chat w/ travis to get an aligned proposal
15:22:14 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: sometimes people are silent on the list because they agree
15:22:25 [fjh]
ack deepanshu_Gautam
15:22:30 [Josh_Soref]
richt: i'll talk with travis, i think we're aligned
15:23:05 [richt]
s/i'd like to see more of the stuff come from WebRTC/I'd like to see MediaStream come from WebRTC also/
15:23:10 [dom]
[I think there will be also needs to get stuff done for visas]
15:23:17 [darobin]
ack dom
15:23:17 [Zakim]
dom, you wanted to suggest making a concrete Web IDL proposal
15:23:17 [fjh]
15:23:27 [Josh_Soref]
i/Topic: Battery/fjh: Deepanshu if you could send out about logistics, that would be good/
15:23:30 [darobin]
+1 on concrete
15:23:50 [Josh_Soref]
i/Topic: Battery/Deepanshu: I can send out about Travel+Ferry but not Hotel as we haven't decided yet/
15:24:04 [Josh_Soref]
dom: XXX about WebIDL
15:24:11 [Josh_Soref]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
15:24:11 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Josh_Soref
15:24:39 [Josh_Soref]
s/+Clarke_Stevens/Present+ Clarke_Stevens/
15:25:07 [Josh_Soref]
dom: richt will you be making a concrete proposal?
15:25:13 [Josh_Soref]
richt: it's not that difficult
15:25:26 [Josh_Soref]
... i'm not editing the document, which makes things a bit of a pain
15:25:37 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: the document is on github, so you can fork and make pull requests
15:25:47 [fjh]
Task force highlights
15:25:48 [fjh]
15:26:06 [dom]
s/XXX about WebIDL/I think having a concrete Web IDL proposal on how the split would work would help moving forward
15:26:31 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: i don't think there's a lot we can talk about here as it's supposed to be done in the TF
15:26:50 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: right, but i'm not sure how to handle TFs yet
15:26:53 [Josh_Soref]
Topic: Web Intents
15:27:01 [fjh]
Web and TV IG has just published his first group note document:
15:27:01 [fjh]
"Requirements for Home Networking Scenarios".
15:27:02 [fjh]
15:27:02 [fjh]
15:27:02 [fjh]
5b) Task force highlights
15:27:02 [fjh]
15:27:24 [Josh_Soref]
s/??P3 is me//
15:27:38 [Josh_Soref]
Zakim, SungOK_You is really bryan
15:27:38 [Zakim]
+bryan; got it
15:28:02 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: I think we need to do more work on the list for intents
15:28:08 [Josh_Soref]
... i don't think there's anything to discuss on it
15:28:17 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: for Intents, I think we have to figure out IPR stuff
15:28:20 [Josh_Soref]
... and get a draft out
15:28:35 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: who's doing this?
15:28:43 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: we just talked about this w/ dsr before the call
15:28:47 [Claes]
15:28:54 [Deepanshu]
How do i put myself on the que?
15:29:01 [Josh_Soref]
q+ Deepanshu
15:29:09 [Josh_Soref]
Claes: a question about the next F2F and Intents
15:29:12 [fjh]
ack Claes
15:29:27 [Josh_Soref]
... are there any plans to have any joint Intents F2F in concert w/ the DAP F2F?
15:29:28 [Deepanshu]
ans how to remove myself "q-"
15:29:45 [fjh]
s/ans how.*//
15:29:51 [Deepanshu]
15:29:51 [Josh_Soref]
s|s/ans how.*//|
15:29:55 [Josh_Soref]
15:30:02 [Josh_Soref]
s/ans how to remove myself "q-"//
15:30:29 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: the question of discussing Intents at the F2F depends on whether the Intents people attend the F2F
15:30:41 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: i think it's important to talk about it, so we should have an Agenda item
15:30:45 [darobin]
ACTION: Robin to figure out if the Intents TF wants to meet as part of DAP F2F
15:30:45 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-496 - Figure out if the Intents TF wants to meet as part of DAP F2F [on Robin Berjon - due 2011-12-21].
15:30:51 [bryan]
I would prefer that all task forces are represented at the F2F and there is specific dicussion.
15:30:54 [Josh_Soref]
Claes: darobin / fjh, could you discuss this with the TF leader?
15:31:06 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: i think that's important, thank you Claes
15:31:11 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: i will
15:31:16 [bryan]
Otherwise there is less reason to travel.
15:31:25 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: in general, we should figure out our Agenda for the F2F fairly soon
15:31:41 [Josh_Soref]
Topic: AoB
15:31:46 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: I'd suggest not to have a call next week
15:31:51 [Josh_Soref]
RESOLUTION: No call next week
15:32:18 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: regarding participation, i think we need a questionaire
15:32:24 [Josh_Soref]
Deepanshu: i think most attendees will need visas
15:32:30 [Josh_Soref]
... so most will need invitation letters
15:32:33 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: yes
15:32:45 [Josh_Soref]
Deepanshu: i'm not sure about the internal process for getting invitation letters
15:33:16 [Josh_Soref]
... it may be possible due to the internal details, that we'll need to know who needs invitation letters
15:33:28 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: i think the last time i was in china, we just needed a generic letter
15:33:39 [fjh]
Deepanshu, I need an invitation as soon as possible
15:33:42 [Josh_Soref]
dsr: we may have a generic letter with a block list of names
15:34:07 [fjh]
s/Deepanshu, I need an invitation as soon as possible//
15:34:20 [Josh_Soref]
Deepanshu: i'll get back on the list what information we need for each person
15:34:29 [Josh_Soref]
... we can provide any letters people ask for
15:34:49 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: can we do a swag for number of attendees?
15:35:16 [Josh_Soref]
Josh_Soref: didn't the WBS give you numbers?
15:35:21 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: that would do the trick
15:35:48 [Josh_Soref]
dom: regarding participants, the ballpark is 15..40
15:36:03 [Josh_Soref]
... the last time we met in Asia (Seoul), we had the lowest, which was 15
15:36:10 [Josh_Soref]
... but there were bad travel conditions then
15:36:25 [darobin]
[there were 18 responders for the week of 19th, but I would expect more]
15:36:26 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: specifically Fukushima
15:36:46 [darobin]
[I have emailed James to coordinate on Intents participation]
15:36:53 [Josh_Soref]
... which resulted in cancellations
15:37:03 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: Deepanshu, where does this leave you with planning?
15:37:10 [Josh_Soref]
Deepanshu: i'm just wondering about invitation letters?
15:37:25 [Josh_Soref]
... i'm not sure if the time would be enough
15:37:32 [Josh_Soref]
... if we get the information by the end of january
15:37:41 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: that might make it hard to turn around the passports
15:37:58 [Josh_Soref]
Deepanshu: we should be providing invitation letters ASAP
15:38:12 [Josh_Soref]
q+ to ask if we can invite all WG members
15:38:31 [Josh_Soref]
dom: i'd suggest Deepanshu get back to us with what he needs, time, etc.
15:38:42 [Josh_Soref]
Deepanshu: i'll get back on the list with that
15:38:57 [Josh_Soref]
dom: once we have that, we can adjust the deadline for registration
15:39:24 [Josh_Soref]
... we can ask people to send that information as soon as they know that they are coming
15:39:49 [Josh_Soref]
... people who don't know if they are coming should go through the process
15:39:58 [Deepanshu]
it will not be possibel for us to host in Hongkong
15:40:09 [Josh_Soref]
15:40:38 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: i'm not sure about how transiting through Hong Kong works
15:40:51 [Josh_Soref]
darobin: Hong Kong has a visa exception for Transit or under 3 months
15:40:56 [Josh_Soref]
15:41:04 [Josh_Soref]
ack me
15:41:04 [Zakim]
Josh_Soref, you wanted to ask if we can invite all WG members
15:41:06 [darobin]
merry christmas! happy new year!
15:41:36 [fjh]
+1 robin
15:41:44 [Josh_Soref]
Deepanshu: we need passport numbers, expiry date, date of issue, date of birth, place of birth, place of issue
15:41:59 [Josh_Soref]
... i'm not sure about the specifics, but it seems to have specific things
15:42:18 [Josh_Soref]
... i'll get back on the list as soon as i know
15:42:22 [Josh_Soref]
Topic: Closing
15:42:27 [Josh_Soref]
fjh: have a happy new year
15:42:28 [Zakim]
15:42:29 [Zakim]
15:42:30 [Zakim]
15:42:30 [Josh_Soref]
[ bye ]
15:42:31 [Zakim]
15:42:31 [Zakim]
15:42:32 [Zakim]
15:42:32 [Zakim]
15:42:33 [Zakim]
15:42:33 [Josh_Soref]
RRSAgent, make minutes
15:42:33 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Josh_Soref
15:42:35 [Zakim]
15:42:37 [Zakim]
15:42:39 [Zakim]
15:42:42 [Zakim]
15:42:45 [Zakim]
15:42:53 [Zakim]
15:43:02 [glenn]
glenn has left #dap
15:43:16 [Josh_Soref]
Zakim, end call
15:43:16 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'end call', Josh_Soref
15:43:22 [Josh_Soref]
Zakim, help
15:43:22 [Zakim]
Please refer to for more detailed help.
15:43:25 [Zakim]
Some of the commands I know are:
15:43:27 [Zakim]
xxx is yyy - establish yyy as the name of unknown party xxx
15:43:29 [Zakim]
if yyy is 'me' or 'I', your nick is substituted
15:43:32 [Zakim]
xxx may be yyy - establish yyy as possibly the name of unknown party xxx
15:43:35 [Zakim]
I am xxx - establish your nick as the name of unknown party xxx
15:43:37 [Zakim]
xxx holds yyy [, zzz ...] - establish xxx as a group name and yyy, etc. as participants within that group
15:43:40 [Zakim]
xxx also holds yyy - add yyy to the list of participants in group xxx
15:43:42 [Zakim]
who's here? - lists the participants on the phone
15:43:44 [Zakim]
who's muted? - lists the participants who are muted
15:43:46 [Zakim]
mute xxx - mutes party xxx (like pressing 61#)
15:43:48 [Zakim]
unmute xxx - reverses the effect of "mute" and of 61#
15:43:51 [Zakim]
is xxx here? - reports whether a party named like xxx is present
15:43:54 [Zakim]
list conferences - reports the active conferences
15:43:56 [Zakim]
this is xxx - associates this channel with conference xxx
15:43:58 [Zakim]
excuse us - disconnects from the irc channel
15:44:00 [Zakim]
I last learned something new on $Date: 2010/03/15 18:49:04 $
15:44:09 [Josh_Soref]
Zakim, excuse us
15:44:09 [Zakim]
leaving. As of this point the attendees were glenn, AnssiK, Deepanshu_Gautam, Josh_Soref, richt, Nigil, fjh, Dsr, +, Claes, Pieter, Clarke, Cathy, darobin, dom,
15:44:09 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #dap
15:44:13 [Zakim]
... +1.425.214.aabb, Jon_Gunderson, bryan
15:44:23 [Josh_Soref]
RRSAgent, bye
15:44:23 [RRSAgent]
I see 2 open action items saved in :
15:44:23 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Robin to reply to China Unicom and LG about hosting [1]
15:44:23 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:44:23 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Robin to figure out if the Intents TF wants to meet as part of DAP F2F [2]
15:44:23 [RRSAgent]
recorded in