Internationalization Core Working Group Teleconference

30 Nov 2011


See also: IRC log


Addison, Richard, Norbert, Koji, Felix, Mati
Addison Phillips


Action Items

close ACTION-83

<trackbot> ACTION-83 Talk to felix about fixing draft of blog article on 'translate' attribute closed

Info Share

richard: published WD of JLReq update
... this will be version 2
... please send comments by the end of december
... to the CJK list
... we hope to publish new Note document early in the new year
... working on tests again
... trying to convert lists of tests and improve while doing it
... updating results pages too
... so they link to w3c test framework
... last few days working on bidi test pages
... but not quite there
... need to bring to attention of test group
... still blocked in adding to test framework
... it needs coding
... assumes that all tests are .html files

IRI Progress

<rb> tag and other HTML5 issues



two things: 1. we didn't request escalation; 2. enter position

<kojiishi> http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=10830#c9

<r12a> 東京(とうきょう) not

<r12a> 東(とう)京(きょう)

<r12a> <ruby>

<r12a> <rb>&#26481;</rb><rb>&#20140;</rb>

<r12a> <rt>&#12392;&#12358;</rt><rt>&#12365;&#12423;&#12358;</rt>

<r12a> </ruby>

<r12a> http://rishida.net/tools/conversion/

<r12a> &#26481;&#20140;(&#12392;&#12358;&#12365;&#12423;&#12358;) not

<r12a> &#26481;(&#12392;&#12358;)&#20140;(&#12365;&#12423;&#12358;).

<r12a> <ruby>

<r12a> <rb>東</rb><rb>京</rb>

<r12a> <rt>とう</rt><rt>きょう</rt>

<r12a> </ruby>

Created ACTION-84 - Add to rb bug that we don't want to escalate [on Addison Phillips - due 2011-12-08].

Created ACTION-85 - Add to rb bug a summary of what we discussed at TPAC and conclusions arising and next steps [on Richard Ishida - due 2011-12-08].

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.136 (CVS log)
$Date: 2011/12/01 09:13:11 $