13:43:49 RRSAgent has joined #dap 13:43:49 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/10/26-dap-irc 13:43:51 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:43:51 Zakim has joined #dap 13:43:53 Zakim, this will be DAP 13:43:53 ok, trackbot; I see UW_DAP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 17 minutes 13:43:54 Meeting: Device APIs Working Group Teleconference 13:43:54 Date: 26 October 2011 13:44:14 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2011Oct/0075.html 13:44:59 Chair: Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch 13:45:04 Present+ Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch 13:47:42 fjh_ has joined #dap 13:50:43 fjh__ has joined #dap 13:55:16 jcantera has joined #dap 13:55:36 spoussa has joined #dap 13:56:34 SungOk has joined #dap 13:57:03 UW_DAP()10:00AM has now started 13:57:11 + +1.503.333.aaaa 13:57:39 Clarke has joined #dap 13:58:24 + +34.97.424.aabb 13:58:24 + +1.303.730.aacc 13:58:30 Present+ Sakari_Poussa 13:58:39 zakim, aacc is me 13:58:39 +Clarke; got it 13:58:49 Present+ Jose_Cantera 13:58:57 Present+ Clarke_Stevens 13:59:14 zakim, aabb is me 13:59:14 +jcantera; got it 13:59:15 AnssiK has joined #dap 13:59:43 Present+ SungOk_You 13:59:56 +??P13 14:00:01 zakim, ??P13 is me 14:00:01 +AnssiK; got it 14:00:05 +[IPcaller] 14:00:07 zakim, aaaa is me 14:00:07 +spoussa; got it 14:00:14 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 14:00:14 +fjh; got it 14:00:30 zakim, who is on the call 14:00:30 I don't understand 'who is on the call', AnssiK 14:00:40 +??P15 14:00:42 zakim, who is here? 14:00:43 On the phone I see spoussa, jcantera, Clarke, AnssiK, fjh, ??P15 14:00:45 On IRC I see AnssiK, Clarke, SungOk, spoussa, jcantera, fjh__, Zakim, RRSAgent, fjh, tmpsantos, richt, darobin, lgombos, wmaslowski, Josh_Soref, ilkka, ingmar, trackbot, dom 14:01:02 wmaslowski has left #dap 14:01:22 Zakim, ??P15 is me 14:01:22 +darobin; got it 14:01:27 +richt 14:01:36 Present+ Rich_Tibbett 14:01:38 Cathy has joined #dap 14:01:59 Regrets+ Josh_Soref 14:02:04 Present+ Cathy_Chan 14:02:26 +??P17 14:02:27 Zakim, ??P17 is me 14:02:27 +dom; got it 14:02:33 Present+ Dominique_Hazael-Massieux 14:02:44 zakim, who is here? 14:02:44 On the phone I see spoussa, jcantera, Clarke, AnssiK, fjh, darobin, richt, dom 14:02:46 On IRC I see Cathy, AnssiK, Clarke, SungOk, spoussa, jcantera, fjh__, Zakim, RRSAgent, fjh, tmpsantos, richt, darobin, lgombos, Josh_Soref, ilkka, ingmar, trackbot, dom 14:02:58 Could I get a minute on the agenda to discuss distribution of the CableLabs discovery implementation? 14:03:24 ScribeNick: richt 14:03:33 Topic: Administrative 14:03:45 fjh: Timezone change on the first Monday of TPAC 14:04:00 fjh: May affect people dialling in. 14:04:07 fjh: TPAC agenda is finalized. 14:04:13 TPAC final agenda , see http://www.w3.org/2011/11/TPAC/ 14:04:21 +??P18 14:04:27 Plenary day info http://www.w3.org/wiki/TPAC2011 14:04:34 +??P19 14:04:43 fjh: Any other announcements? 14:04:48 [no other announcements] 14:04:51 Zakim, ??P18 is me 14:04:51 +Cathy; got it 14:04:51 Topic: TPAC F2F 14:04:56 Draft agenda - http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/wiki/F2F_Agenda_3-4_November_2011,_Santa_Clara_(TPAC) 14:05:12 Zakim, ??P19 is me 14:05:12 +SungOk; got it 14:05:24 proposal is to have breaks 10-10:30, lunch 12-1, break 3:30-4 14:06:21 afternoon break, 3:3:30 might be better on day 1, 14:07:05 i'm going to be a bit late on thursday morning. i have an appointment with santa clara municipality @9am. i should be on site by 9:45 and hopefully on the call by 9:25 14:07:33 fjh: Anything on the agenda that needs adjusting? 14:07:50 + + 14:07:52 darobin: Anything on privacy as a topic? 14:08:06 darobin: Privacy IG going to be around? 14:08:10 fjh: Will look in to it. 14:08:20 Claes has joined #dap 14:08:30 Anders has joined #dap 14:08:39 zakim, who is here? 14:08:39 On the phone I see spoussa, jcantera, Clarke, AnssiK, fjh, darobin, richt, dom, Cathy, SungOk, + 14:08:40 Present+ Claes_Nilsson 14:08:42 On IRC I see Anders, Claes, Cathy, AnssiK, Clarke, SungOk, spoussa, jcantera, fjh__, Zakim, RRSAgent, fjh, tmpsantos, richt, darobin, lgombos, Josh_Soref, ilkka, ingmar, trackbot, 14:08:44 ... dom 14:08:47 Present+ Anders Isberg 14:09:02 fjh: Anything else for the F2F? 14:09:07 Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen 14:09:29 web & tv, API approaches and rationale - http://www.w3.org/wiki/API_Design_Approaches_and_the_Rationales_for_Them 14:09:39 Topic: Discovery 14:09:57 fjh: List discussion. Clarke you want to introduce an implementation? 14:10:16 Clarke: Just wondering how to share an implementation? 14:10:27 fjh: Uploading something is a good approach. 14:10:46 darobin: A link to where the implementation can be retrieved? 14:10:58 you could also send "it" to www-archive@w3.org 14:11:29 +Joseph_Scheuhammer 14:11:40 that will archive it in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/ 14:12:50 Clarke: we've implemented a Java Applet to enable discovery + 3 demos to play with. 14:13:03 Russell_Berkoff has joined #dap 14:13:26 Clarke: It's for demo purposes. Not a production piece of software. 14:14:20 Clarke: [discusses individual demos] 14:14:37 Clarke, could you provide more details in the demo link you will provide? 14:15:01 Clarke: One more thing... 14:15:02 :) 14:15:18 Clarke: We've tested this on most browsers and it *usually* works. 14:15:41 darobin: doesn't need to be production-level but really great to have a demo to play with. 14:15:56 Clarke: Will be demoing this during the TPAC Plenary talk. 14:16:06 during web and tv session 14:16:43 Topic: Vibration API 14:16:48 q+ 14:16:53 ack AnssiK 14:16:57 fjh: Anyone on the call that can speak to that? 14:17:26 AnssiK: We have Mozilla's implementation. Asked Mozilla if they want to contribute their proposal to this WG. Awaiting a reply. 14:17:45 AnssiK: Wonder if it would be helpful to create a spec based on what Mozilla currently have. 14:18:31 AnssiK: So is that useful? 14:18:33 I think it would be useful 14:18:34 darobin: I think so. 14:19:17 action: anssik to produce initial vibration api spec 14:19:17 Sorry, couldn't find user - anssik 14:19:29 AnssiK: OK, I'll make this in to a spec and then we can discuss it further. 14:19:31 action: anssi to produce initial vibration api spec 14:19:32 Created ACTION-458 - Produce initial vibration api spec [on Anssi Kostiainen - due 2011-11-02]. 14:20:06 ACTION-458: Start with Mozilla API proposal 14:20:07 ACTION-458 Produce initial vibration api spec notes added 14:21:40 dom: We should mention this plan to Mozilla and we will discuss on the Task Force mailing list for now. 14:21:56 s/Task Force/main Working Group/ 14:22:07 fjh: Or send a note to the TF mailing saying it's being discussed on the WG ML. 14:22:14 ack jantera 14:22:27 ack jcantera 14:23:08 ack jcantera 14:23:38 jcantera: I can provide some input on Vibration from working in this field. 14:23:46 ... with Immersion 14:23:48 jcantera: ...at the TPAC F2F. 14:24:05 jcantera: Most of the time you can't control the intensity of the vibration. 14:24:11 http://immersion.com/ 14:24:20 jcantera: Hopefully such implementors feedback will be helpful. 14:24:35 zakim, who is here? 14:24:35 On the phone I see spoussa, jcantera, Clarke, AnssiK, fjh, darobin, richt, dom, Cathy, SungOk, +, Joseph_Scheuhammer 14:24:37 On IRC I see Russell_Berkoff, Claes, Cathy, AnssiK, Clarke, SungOk, spoussa, jcantera, fjh__, Zakim, RRSAgent, fjh, tmpsantos, richt, darobin, lgombos, Josh_Soref, ilkka, ingmar, 14:24:39 ... trackbot, dom 14:24:41 darobin: would be very useful. 14:25:30 I think we should wait for a first draft and then discuss specific restrictions/issues. 14:25:54 Or jcantera and AnssiK work together on producing the first draft? 14:26:26 fjh: AnssiK to produce first draft and then we can discuss further at TPAC and beyond. 14:26:37 Topic: Sensors 14:26:48 fjh: Discussion ongoing on the list. 14:27:19 jcantera: Issues open on the discovery of sensors, connecting to multiple sensors. 14:27:31 jcantera: to be discussed at the F2F meeting. 14:27:31 ... for discussion during F2F 14:27:41 s/... for discussion during F2F// 14:28:09 jcantera: Will present a prototype implementation of the Sensors API. Implemented in Android using the low-level sensor APIs. 14:28:25 jcantera: Will be demonstrating in an app via a WebView. 14:28:57 darobin: will the prototype be available for others to play with? 14:29:12 jcantera: code is being uploaded for the public to use. 14:29:24 jcantera: ...in github. link will be provided when that's ready. 14:29:29 Topic: Feature Permissions 14:29:43 - + 14:30:02 fjh: we'll defer this since relevant people are not on the call. 14:30:05 Topic: Contacts 14:30:09 fjh: What's the next step? 14:30:15 https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebAPI/ContactsAPI 14:30:26 mozilla recently reviewed the contacts spec 14:30:40 and deciddd it didn't like a bunch of things in it 14:30:52 i tried to get them to send feedback to the list 14:30:59 richt notes we could go to last call but waiting for feedback from mozilla and still working on test cases 14:30:59 but they aren't 14:31:00 -> http://w3c-test.org/dap/contacts/tests/ contacts API test suite 14:31:20 Josh_Soref has started to re-work on it, hasn't he? 14:31:22 they want better alihnment with vcard4 14:31:26 fjh: should we discuss this at the F2F? 14:31:36 yeah, i'm starting to rework it 14:31:38 darobin: hopefully we can discuss directly with a Mozilla rep. 14:31:53 [will discuss further at the F2F] 14:32:05 q+ 14:32:09 Topic: Battery 14:32:11 fwiw, i agree with and was working to make changes which happen to correspond with their cission 14:32:17 AnssiK: Optimistic on progress of this spec. 14:32:18 +1 to publishing battery whenever the editor's happy 14:32:24 s/cission/vission 14:32:34 AnssiK: Have been patching in feedback from Mozilla. 14:32:37 suggest we publish soon 14:32:42 AnssiK: Might be good to publish after TPAC. 14:32:44 s/vission/vision 14:33:04 it's actually too late for publishing before TPAC 14:33:40 fjh: Let's do a CfC during the TPAC F2F. 14:34:10 Cathy has joined #dap 14:34:30 moratorium ends on 7/11 14:35:06 Topic: AOB 14:35:32 fjh: Any other topics? Are we done? 14:35:36 -dom 14:35:38 -Clarke 14:35:39 -AnssiK 14:35:40 -darobin 14:35:41 -jcantera 14:35:41 -spoussa 14:35:42 fjh: We're done. See you all next week. 14:35:43 -fjh 14:35:43 -Cathy 14:35:47 rrsagent,, generate minutes 14:35:47 I'm logging. I don't understand ', generate minutes', fjh. Try /msg RRSAgent help 14:35:47 [meeting ended] 14:35:53 rrsagent, generate minutes 14:35:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/10/26-dap-minutes.html fjh 14:35:54 -Joseph_Scheuhammer 14:35:55 -richt 14:37:32 s/Will look in to it./I have an issue to bring up, TAG may have some new update on its privacy work, will look into any additional items./ 14:38:24 s/deciddd/decided/ 14:38:46 s/alihnment/alignment/ 14:39:24 s/This work is progressing well, thanks Anssi. Suggest we publish after TPAC./ 14:39:37 rrsagent, generate minutes 14:39:37 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/10/26-dap-minutes.html fjh 14:40:12 s/suggest we publish soon/This work is progressing well, thanks Anssi. Suggest we publish after TPAC./ 14:40:21 rrsagent, generate minuites 14:40:21 I'm logging. I don't understand 'generate minuites', fjh. Try /msg RRSAgent help 14:40:29 rrsagent, generate minutes 14:40:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/10/26-dap-minutes.html fjh 14:41:10 fjh_ has joined #dap 14:49:07 RRSAgent: stop