IRC log of webevents on 2011-10-04

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:57:39 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #webevents
14:57:39 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:57:44 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #webevents
14:58:07 [smaug]
mbrubeck: once I've written some more, perhaps you could push those to w3c hg
14:58:46 [mbrubeck]
Zakim, this is RWC_WebEven
14:58:46 [Zakim]
ok, mbrubeck; that matches RWC_WebEven()11:00AM
14:58:47 [Zakim]
+ +1.781.993.aaaa
14:59:14 [abarsto]
abarsto has joined #webevents
14:59:42 [ArtB]
RRSAgent, make log Public
14:59:43 [Zakim]
14:59:51 [ted_]
zakim, [Mozilla] is Ted_Mielczarek
14:59:51 [Zakim]
+Ted_Mielczarek; got it
14:59:53 [ArtB]
ScribeNick: ArtB
14:59:53 [ArtB]
Scribe: Art
14:59:53 [ArtB]
14:59:53 [ArtB]
Date: 04 October 2011
14:59:53 [ArtB]
Chair: Art
14:59:54 [ArtB]
Meeting: Web Events WG Voice Conference
15:00:00 [ArtB]
RRSAgent, make minutes
15:00:00 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ArtB
15:00:25 [Zakim]
15:00:34 [smaug]
Zakim, ??P14 is Olli_Pettay
15:00:34 [Zakim]
+Olli_Pettay; got it
15:00:47 [Zakim]
+ +1.408.653.aabb
15:00:48 [smaug]
Zakim, nick smaug is Olli_Pettay
15:00:49 [Zakim]
ok, smaug, I now associate you with Olli_Pettay
15:01:06 [ssharma2]
ssharma2 has joined #webevents
15:01:11 [Zakim]
+ +1.503.712.aacc
15:01:36 [ArtB]
zakim, aacc is Dzung_Tran
15:01:36 [Zakim]
+Dzung_Tran; got it
15:02:03 [Dzung_Tran]
Dzung_Tran has joined #webevents
15:02:08 [Zakim]
+ +1.206.792.aadd
15:02:09 [mbrubeck]
Zakim, aadd is Matt_Brubeck
15:02:09 [Zakim]
+Matt_Brubeck; got it
15:02:09 [Dzung_Tran]
Present+ Dzung_Tran
15:02:10 [smaug]
15:02:22 [mbrubeck]
Zakim, nick mbrubeck is Matt_Brubeck
15:02:22 [Zakim]
ok, mbrubeck, I now associate you with Matt_Brubeck
15:02:33 [mbrubeck]
Zakim, who is here?
15:02:33 [Zakim]
On the phone I see +1.781.993.aaaa, Ted_Mielczarek, Olli_Pettay, +1.408.653.aabb, Dzung_Tran, Matt_Brubeck
15:02:35 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Dzung_Tran, ssharma2, ArtB, Zakim, RRSAgent, smaug, ted_, scottmg, mbrubeck, trackbot, shepazu
15:02:37 [ted_]
zakim, nick ted_ is Ted_Mielczarek
15:02:42 [ArtB]
Present: Art_Barstow, Dzung_Tran, Olli_Pettay, Matt_Brubeck, Suman_Sharma, Ted_Mielczarek
15:02:44 [Zakim]
ok, ted_, I now associate you with Ted_Mielczarek
15:03:10 [ArtB]
Topic: Agenda
15:03:16 [ArtB]
AB: I submitted a draft agenda to the list on October 3 Any change requests?
15:03:46 [ssharma2]
+1.408.653.aabb is Suman_Sharma
15:04:00 [Zakim]
15:04:03 [ArtB]
Topic: Announcements
15:04:07 [ArtB]
AB: any short announcements for today?
15:04:18 [ArtB]
Topic: Touch Event v1 Last Call
15:04:23 [ArtB]
AB: reminder the comment deadline for the Touch Events v1 LC is October 11 I think the comment tracking document includes all of the comments submitted to date <
15:04:54 [ArtB]
AB: if I missed anything, please let me know
15:05:15 [ArtB]
Topic: Issue-19: Align initTouchEvent parameters with Webkit
15:05:22 [ArtB]
AB: this is a standing issue <>. Any feedback from Webkit community?
15:05:36 [ArtB]
AB: I haven't seen anything
15:05:41 [ArtB]
MB: I have not
15:05:56 [ArtB]
AB: this leaves us where we were last time
15:06:16 [ArtB]
AB: this is related to Issue-23 ...
15:06:21 [ArtB]
Topic: Issue-23: Add a DOM4-style constructor to create and initialize TouchEvent objects.
15:06:28 [ArtB]
AB: we discussed Issue-23 last week and there was some subsequent followup between Matt, Anne and Olli
15:06:57 [ArtB]
AB: If Olli is OK with removing initTouchEvent method from TE v1, then I think we have consensus. A consequence of that change is a new LC will be needed.
15:07:26 [mbrubeck]
Zakim, aabb is Suman_Sharma
15:07:26 [Zakim]
+Suman_Sharma; got it
15:07:29 [ArtB]
AB: is that a fair characterization?
15:07:36 [ArtB]
OP: it's OK with removing it
15:07:47 [ArtB]
… from v1
15:08:05 [ArtB]
… And we need to do something about creating events in v2
15:08:12 [ArtB]
… But this allows v1 to proceed
15:08:20 [ArtB]
… and we can continue to work on v2
15:08:31 [ArtB]
… This also means all testing will need to be manual
15:09:03 [ArtB]
AB: it seems like we have consensus on Issue-23 to remove initTouchEvent
15:09:14 [ArtB]
… are there any objections to removing it?
15:09:28 [ArtB]
AB: Doug of course has an opinion on this
15:09:41 [ArtB]
… and I believe he now agrees with removing initTouchEvent from v1
15:09:51 [ArtB]
… I know he isn't here
15:10:17 [ArtB]
MB: yes, I think Doug agreed with this proposal to remove during the last call
15:10:39 [ArtB]
AB: then let's record a resolution and close Issue-23
15:11:01 [ArtB]
RESOLUTION: the initTouchEvent method will be removed in LC1 (and this means a new LC will be needed)
15:11:17 [ArtB]
AB: anything else on that issue?
15:11:29 [ArtB]
Topic: Issue-21 and Issue-22 ; status of Cathy's proposal
15:11:51 [ArtB]
MB: we need an action to remove that method
15:12:16 [ArtB]
… I can't do it this week
15:12:27 [ArtB]
AB: can anyone else take an action to remove that method
15:12:45 [ArtB]
ACTION: brubeck remove the initTouchEvent method from v1 spec
15:12:46 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-78 - Remove the initTouchEvent method from v1 spec [on Matt Brubeck - due 2011-10-11].
15:12:56 [ArtB]
AB: last week we discussed Issue-21 and Issue-22 and Cathy's proposals to address the issues
15:13:06 [ArtB]
AB: I believe we agreed that if no one expressed any concerns that Cathy would submit a changeset based on her proposal
15:13:21 [ArtB]
AB: Cathy isn't here today
15:13:26 [ArtB]
… I don't know here status
15:13:51 [ArtB]
AB: any comments on Cathy's proposal?
15:14:12 [ArtB]
ACTION: cathy to commit her proposals for Issue-21 and Issue-22
15:14:12 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-79 - Commit her proposals for Issue-21 and Issue-22 [on Cathy Chan - due 2011-10-11].
15:14:23 [ArtB]
Topic: Feedback from PFWG on Touch Events 13 September 2011 draft
15:14:32 [ArtB]
AB: Last week WAI's PFWG submitted some comments for the TE LC. I captured those as LC-6 and LC-7
15:15:04 [ArtB]
AB: the first comment (LC-7) is about the need for additional text re the relation between touch events and mouse events. And LC-6 is a request for some editorial questions.
15:15:18 [ArtB]
AB: I don't think there are any "Issues" per se but rather some follow up actions to address the comments.
15:15:45 [ArtB]
AB: has anyone read the comments from PFWG?
15:16:04 [ArtB]
MB: not yet
15:16:27 [ArtB]
AB: encourage everyone to followup on the mail list
15:16:37 [ArtB]
… that is, respond to Michael Cooper's email
15:16:52 [ArtB]
Topic: Testing Touch Events
15:17:00 [ArtB]
AB: we have a few actions related to touch event testing Action-74, Action-66 and Action-72. Earlier today Olli replied to his Action-74 via
15:17:38 [ArtB]
AB: I haven't looked at Olli's input
15:17:48 [ArtB]
OP: I looked at what Matt had done
15:17:58 [ArtB]
… and added some tests for multiple touches
15:18:23 [ArtB]
… We will need a lot more tests
15:18:28 [ArtB]
… But this is a start
15:18:33 [ArtB]
… I can add some more later
15:18:42 [ArtB]
AB: thanks very much!
15:18:50 [ArtB]
OP: I am using Android
15:19:05 [ArtB]
… and FF and it passes the tests
15:19:30 [ArtB]
s/and FF/and the default browser/
15:19:46 [ArtB]
… The default browser on Android uses webkit
15:20:09 [ArtB]
… The default browser and Opera browser both pass all of the tests I wrote
15:20:18 [ArtB]
AB: that's really helpful
15:20:24 [ArtB]
AB: Tran has Action-66: <Create multitouch test cases for the Touch Events spec> that is blocked on Olli. Perhaps Tran could review what Olli created.
15:20:40 [ArtB]
DT: I did look at it this morning
15:20:46 [ArtB]
… I will copy it and then expand on it
15:20:52 [ArtB]
… and try to do something this week
15:20:57 [ArtB]
AB: ok, that's great
15:21:14 [ArtB]
AB: anything else on testing for today?
15:21:24 [ArtB]
OP: once we have more tests for multitouch
15:21:30 [ArtB]
… we should move them to W3C
15:21:40 [ArtB]
… My tests are not in W3C space now
15:21:45 [ArtB]
… But they need to move
15:22:09 [ArtB]
AB: if you have any issues with that, Doug can help you (or perhaps me ;-)
15:22:30 [ArtB]
Topic: Any Other Business (AOB)
15:22:41 [ArtB]
AB: we will have a call next week if there are sufficient topics
15:23:06 [ArtB]
AB: encourage everyone to continue to use the Public mail list
15:23:13 [ArtB]
AB: anything else for today?
15:23:19 [ArtB]
AB: meeting adjourned
15:23:26 [Zakim]
15:23:28 [Zakim]
15:23:28 [Zakim]
15:23:29 [Zakim]
- +1.781.993.aaaa
15:23:35 [ArtB]
RRSAgent, make minutes
15:23:35 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ArtB
15:23:48 [Zakim]
15:23:49 [Zakim]
RWC_WebEven()11:00AM has ended
15:23:51 [Zakim]
Attendees were +1.781.993.aaaa, Ted_Mielczarek, Olli_Pettay, +1.408.653.aabb, +1.503.712.aacc, Dzung_Tran, +1.206.792.aadd, Matt_Brubeck, Suman_Sharma
15:28:34 [ArtB]
zakim, bye
15:28:34 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #webevents
15:28:40 [ArtB]
rrsagent, bye
15:28:40 [RRSAgent]
I see 2 open action items saved in :
15:28:40 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: brubeck remove the initTouchEvent method from v1 spec [1]
15:28:40 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:28:40 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: cathy to commit her proposals for Issue-21 and Issue-22 [2]
15:28:40 [RRSAgent]
recorded in