Log file opened at: 2011/09/19 09:14:59 AM [09:14:59 AM] <Info> The connection to the server has been established [09:15:08 AM] *** You have joined the channel [09:15:08 AM] *** WebID XG -- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/ -- 2011-09-12 telecon AgendaÊ http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-webid/2011Sep/0005.html [09:42:17 AM] *** danbri (danbri@ has joined the channel [10:11:22 AM] *** danbri has quit IRC (Client exited) [10:50:05 AM] *** domel (chatzilla@ has joined the channel [10:57:56 AM] *** bblfish (bblfish@ has joined the channel [10:58:00 AM] <bblfish> hi [10:59:21 AM] <bblfish> trackbot, start meeting [10:59:21 AM] * trackbot is preparing a teleconference [10:59:23 AM] <trackbot> RRSAgent, make logs world [10:59:25 AM] <trackbot> Zakim, this will be WEBID [10:59:25 AM] <Zakim> ok, trackbot; I see INC_WEBID(WEBID)11:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute [10:59:26 AM] <trackbot> Meeting: WebID Incubator Group Teleconference [10:59:26 AM] <trackbot> Date: 19 September 2011 [10:59:30 AM] <bblfish> RRSAgent, draft minutes [10:59:38 AM] <bblfish> RRSAgent, make logs public [10:59:56 AM] <bblfish> zakim, agenda? [10:59:56 AM] <Zakim> I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: [10:59:58 AM] <Zakim> 4. "B. Setting priorities until the end of the conference" [from bblfish] [11:01:01 AM] <Zakim> INC_WEBID(WEBID)11:00AM has now started [11:01:08 AM] <Zakim> +??P4 [11:01:32 AM] <domel> Zakim, I am ??P4 [11:01:32 AM] <Zakim> +domel; got it [11:01:51 AM] <Zakim> +??P15 [11:02:08 AM] <bergi> Zakim, I am ??P15 [11:02:08 AM] <Zakim> +bergi; got it [11:02:32 AM] <Zakim> + +1.574.277.aaaa [11:02:50 AM] <bblfish> agenda -4 [11:02:50 AM] * Zakim notes agendum 4, "B. Setting priorities until the end of the conference", dropped [11:02:52 AM] <Zakim> - +1.574.277.aaaa [11:03:28 AM] <Zakim> +OpenLink_Software [11:03:33 AM] <MacTed> Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me [11:03:33 AM] <Zakim> +MacTed; got it [11:03:35 AM] <MacTed> Zakim, mute me [11:03:35 AM] <Zakim> MacTed should now be muted [11:03:37 AM] <domel> zakim, who's here? [11:03:38 AM] <Zakim> On the phone I see domel, bergi, MacTed (muted) [11:03:39 AM] <Zakim> On IRC I see bblfish, domel, MacTed, jeffsayre, mischat, elf-pavlik, trackbot, Zakim, Andrei[log], bergi [11:03:55 AM] <Zakim> + +1.650.450.aabb [11:04:19 AM] <Zakim> +??P21 [11:04:33 AM] <Zakim> +bblfish [11:04:39 AM] <jeffsayre> zakim, I am 1.650.450.aabb [11:04:39 AM] <Zakim> sorry, jeffsayre, I do not see a party named '1.650.450.aabb' [11:05:05 AM] <jeffsayre> Zakin, I am aabb [11:05:07 AM] *** MacTed has changed the topic to ÒWebID XG -- http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/ -- 2011-09-19 telecon AgendaÊ http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-webid/2011Sep/0016.htmlÓ [11:05:08 AM] *** danbri (danbri@ has joined the channel [11:05:19 AM] <jeffsayre> Zakim, I am aabb [11:05:19 AM] <Zakim> +jeffsayre; got it [11:05:30 AM] <domel> zakim, who's here? [11:05:30 AM] <Zakim> On the phone I see domel, bergi, MacTed (muted), jeffsayre, ??P21, bblfish [11:05:32 AM] <bblfish> agendum +"Accept minutes from previous meeting: [11:05:32 AM] <bblfish> http://www.w3.org/2011/09/12-webid-minutes.html" [11:05:32 AM] <Zakim> On IRC I see danbri, bblfish, domel, MacTed, jeffsayre, mischat, elf-pavlik, trackbot, Zakim, Andrei[log], bergi [11:05:34 AM] * Zakim notes agendum 5 added [11:05:52 AM] <bblfish> adendum +"Action Item Review" [11:06:02 AM] <bblfish> agendum +"Action Item Review" [11:06:02 AM] * Zakim notes agendum 6 added [11:06:44 AM] <bblfish> agendum +"introduce Jurgen and other new ones" [11:06:44 AM] * Zakim notes agendum 7 added [11:07:20 AM] <bblfish> agendum +" The EARL Test Suite" [11:07:21 AM] * Zakim notes agendum 8 added [11:07:31 AM] <bblfish> agendum next [11:08:26 AM] <bblfish> next agendum [11:08:26 AM] * Zakim thinks agendum 5. ""Accept minutes from previous meeting:" taken up [from bblfish] [11:08:39 AM] <bblfish> zakim, who's here? [11:08:39 AM] <Zakim> On the phone I see domel, bergi, MacTed (muted), jeffsayre (muted), ??P21, bblfish [11:08:41 AM] <Zakim> On IRC I see danbri, bblfish, domel, MacTed, jeffsayre, mischat, elf-pavlik, trackbot, Zakim, Andrei[log], bergi [11:09:04 AM] <bblfish> the minutes were here http://www.w3.org/2011/09/12-webid-minutes.html [11:10:36 AM] <bblfish> are those minutes not completely unacceptable [11:10:42 AM] <bblfish> +1 [11:10:45 AM] <domel> +1 [11:10:47 AM] <bergi> +1 [11:11:02 AM] <bblfish> RESOLVED: Minutes approved [11:11:16 AM] <bblfish> next agendum [11:11:16 AM] * Zakim thinks agendum 6. ""Action Item Review"" taken up [from bblfish] [11:11:37 AM] <domel> http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/track/actions [11:11:46 AM] <bblfish> http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/track/actions/open [11:14:54 AM] <bblfish> dome can you point to the ontology then in http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/track/actions/38 [11:14:59 AM] <bblfish> by editing it. [11:15:07 AM] *** J (d4117eb6@ has joined the channel [11:16:14 AM] <bblfish> agendum next [11:16:19 AM] <bblfish> next agendum [11:16:19 AM] * Zakim thinks agendum 7. ""introduce Jurgen and other new ones"" taken up [from bblfish] [11:16:54 AM] <bblfish> Jurgen is from Semantic Web Company in Vienna working on Pool Party thesaurus server [11:17:09 AM] <bblfish> is interested in WebID implementation for mockups and merging data [11:17:35 AM] <bblfish> so they are developing the WebID realm for Tomcat [11:17:58 AM] <bblfish> there is a small data file read by tomcat [11:18:22 AM] <bblfish> the webid realm then looks up into the file to see if users can access some tomcat page [11:18:40 AM] <bblfish> so one can protect ones pages without further coding [11:19:17 AM] <bblfish> needs testing so is looking forward for tests so he can implement for the tomcat realm [11:19:51 AM] <J> http://pilot5.poolparty.biz/PoolParty [11:19:54 AM] *** melvster (melvin@ has joined the channel [11:20:19 AM] <domel> zakim, who's here? [11:20:19 AM] <Zakim> On the phone I see domel, bergi, MacTed (muted), jeffsayre (muted), ??P21, bblfish [11:20:21 AM] <Zakim> On IRC I see melvster, J, danbri, bblfish, domel, MacTed, jeffsayre, mischat, elf-pavlik, trackbot, Zakim, Andrei[log], bergi [11:20:35 AM] <bblfish> ah yes the javascript works for Firefox [11:20:52 AM] <Zakim> +??P2 [11:21:06 AM] <melvster> zakim, ??P2 [11:21:06 AM] <Zakim> I don't understand '??P2', melvster [11:21:14 AM] <domel> Zakim, J is ??P21 [11:21:14 AM] <Zakim> +??P21; got it [11:21:14 AM] <melvster> zakim, ??P2 is me [11:21:15 AM] <Zakim> +melvster; got it [11:21:24 AM] <bblfish> requires them to give you a WebID [11:21:43 AM] <J> http://sourceforge.net/p/webidrealm/home/Home/ [11:22:16 AM] <bblfish> :-) [11:22:25 AM] <bblfish> next agendum [11:22:25 AM] * Zakim thinks agendum 8. "" The EARL Test Suite"" taken up [from bblfish] [11:23:20 AM] <bblfish> talking about http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-webid/2011Sep/0018.html [11:23:28 AM] <bblfish> bergi talking about this [11:24:12 AM] * domel create XHTML+RDFa version of the EARL Test vocabluary [11:24:20 AM] <bblfish> and mostly this is described here: http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/wiki/Test_Suite [11:25:52 AM] <bergi> https://github.com/bergos/w3-webid/blob/master/tests/earl/test.n3 [11:26:36 AM] <domel> and XHTML version - http://ii.uwb.edu.pl/~dtomaszuk/webid/earl.xhtml [11:27:27 AM] <bblfish> how to do this is explained here: https://www.axolotlfarm.org/svn/bergi/bergnet/java/tests/webid/trunk/README.txt [11:28:44 AM] <bblfish> svn co https://www.axolotlfarm.org/svn/bergi/bergnet/java/tests/webid/trunk/ WebIDTestSuite [11:29:18 AM] <bergi> mvn compile [11:29:30 AM] <bergi> mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=org.bergnet.test.webid.WebIDTests -Dexec.args="-endpoint https://foafssl.org/test/WebId/n3 -stayalive -outputformat TTL" -X [11:30:06 AM] <bblfish> https://foafssl.org/test/WebId [11:32:28 AM] <bblfish> so the above is only good runs jetty will only work if your server is visible to the world (especially to foafssl.org) since it runs jetty server that hosts the foaf [11:32:44 AM] <bblfish> so that's what you need to test against your local endpoint [11:36:15 AM] <bergi> http://ns.bergnet.org/tmp/webid-tests/ [11:36:31 AM] <bblfish> the above is a test server [11:37:06 AM] <bblfish> sorry the above shows the contents of the runing the above code [11:37:35 AM] <bblfish> it creates one directory per test and those test create public keys and foaf files and the result of a request is placed there [11:37:41 AM] <bergi> http://ns.bergnet.org/tmp/webid-tests/bblfish-20110919152042/output.ttl [11:43:37 AM] <bblfish> http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/javax/security/auth/Subject.html [11:48:58 AM] <Zakim> -??P21.a [11:50:53 AM] <bblfish> [] a <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#Assertion> ; [11:50:54 AM] <bblfish> <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#result> [11:50:55 AM] <bblfish> [ a <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#TestResult> ; [11:50:57 AM] <bblfish> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/description> [11:50:58 AM] <bblfish> "Error during simpled authentication test" ; [11:51:00 AM] <bblfish> <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#outcome> [11:51:01 AM] <bblfish> <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#failed> [11:51:03 AM] <bblfish> ] ; [11:51:04 AM] <bblfish> <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#subject> [11:51:06 AM] <bblfish> <https://foafssl.org/test/WebId/n3> ; [11:51:07 AM] <bblfish> <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#test> [11:51:08 AM] <bblfish> <http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/test/suite#simple> . [11:52:02 AM] <jeffsayre> Issue with Google Voice. It cut me off and will not allow for redialing at this time. Strange... Switching to IRC only. [11:52:09 AM] <bergi> http://ns.bergnet.org/tmp/webid-tests/bblfish-20110919152042/simple/response.txt [11:53:08 AM] <bblfish> [] a <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#Assertion> ; [11:53:08 AM] <bblfish> <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#result> [11:53:10 AM] <bblfish> [ a <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#TestResult> ; [11:53:11 AM] <bblfish> <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/description> [11:53:13 AM] <bblfish> "Certificate time is valid"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string> ; [11:53:14 AM] <bblfish> <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#outcome> [11:53:16 AM] <bblfish> <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#passed> ; [11:53:17 AM] <bblfish> <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#pointer> [11:53:19 AM] <bblfish> [ a <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Document> , <http://clerezza.org/2009/08/platform#HeadedPage> , <https://localhost/test/WebID/ont/tests> ; [11:53:20 AM] <bblfish> <http://purl.org/dc/terms/created> [11:53:22 AM] <bblfish> "2011-09-19T13:20:54.721Z"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#dateTime> [11:53:24 AM] <bblfish> ] [11:53:25 AM] <bblfish> ] ; [11:53:26 AM] <bblfish> <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#subject> [11:53:28 AM] <bblfish> _:b1 ; [11:53:28 AM] *** danbri has quit IRC (Client exited) [11:53:30 AM] <bblfish> <http://www.w3.org/ns/earl#test> [11:53:32 AM] <bblfish> <http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/test/certificateDateOk> . [11:54:34 AM] <MacTed> Zakim, unmute me [11:54:34 AM] <Zakim> MacTed should no longer be muted [11:58:20 AM] <bblfish> earl/relyingParty [11:58:36 AM] <domel> it would good add a level of confidence in the results. http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-EARL10-20021206/#testresult [11:59:09 AM] <MacTed> Zakim, mute me [11:59:10 AM] <Zakim> MacTed should now be muted [12:00:23 PM] <bblfish> http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/test/TestXXX [12:00:47 PM] <bblfish> http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/earl/RelyingParty#TestXXX [12:00:59 PM] <melvster> isnt TestXXX the JUnit style? [12:01:03 PM] *** danbri (danbri@ has joined the channel [12:01:28 PM] <bblfish> the question is more about the namsepace i.e., http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/earl/RelyingParty# [12:01:31 PM] <melvster> ah ok [12:01:56 PM] <bblfish> http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/earl/TestSuite# [12:02:12 PM] <bblfish> should that be the name space for the test suite? [12:02:18 PM] <domel> +1 to this NS [12:02:51 PM] <MacTed> +1 [12:03:37 PM] <bergi> +1 [12:03:44 PM] <bblfish> +1 [12:04:58 PM] <bblfish> http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/webid/wiki/Test_Suite [12:05:08 PM] <Zakim> -melvster [12:06:04 PM] <bblfish> the other deliverables is logging in and logging out problems [12:07:36 PM] *** melvster has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [12:08:08 PM] *** melvster (melvin@ has joined the channel [12:08:30 PM] <bblfish> bye [12:08:30 PM] <Zakim> -domel [12:08:31 PM] <bblfish> \ [12:08:31 PM] <Zakim> -MacTed [12:08:33 PM] <Zakim> -bergi [12:08:35 PM] <Zakim> -bblfish [12:08:36 PM] *** J has left the channel [12:08:45 PM] *** domel has quit IRC (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0.2/20110905174115]) [12:08:50 PM] <Zakim> -??P21 [12:08:51 PM] <Zakim> INC_WEBID(WEBID)11:00AM has ended [12:08:54 PM] <Zakim> Attendees were domel, bergi, +1.574.277.aaaa, MacTed, +1.650.450.aabb, bblfish, jeffsayre, ??P21, melvster [12:11:15 PM] <melvster> sorry connection broke [12:16:43 PM] *** danbri has quit IRC (Client exited) [12:18:00 PM] *** jeffsayre has quit IRC (Quit: Bye. Time to defrag my brain) [12:24:36 PM] <MacTed> Zakim, who's here? [12:24:36 PM] <Zakim> apparently INC_WEBID(WEBID)11:00AM has ended, MacTed [12:24:38 PM] <Zakim> On IRC I see melvster, bblfish, MacTed, mischat, elf-pavlik, trackbot, Zakim, Andrei[log], bergi [12:25:01 PM] <MacTed> trackbot, end call [12:25:01 PM] <trackbot> Sorry, MacTed, I don't understand 'trackbot, end call'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help [12:25:06 PM] <MacTed> trackbot, end conference [12:25:06 PM] * trackbot is ending a teleconference [12:25:06 PM] <trackbot> Zakim, list attendees [12:25:06 PM] <Zakim> sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is [12:25:07 PM] <trackbot> RRSAgent, please draft minutes [12:25:08 PM] <trackbot> RRSAgent, bye [12:25:14 PM] <MacTed> trackbot, bye [12:25:14 PM] *** trackbot has left the channel [12:25:16 PM] <bblfish> thanks [12:25:19 PM] <MacTed> Zakim, bye [12:25:19 PM] *** Zakim has left the channel [12:25:22 PM] <bblfish> I thought they did that automatically [12:25:30 PM] <bblfish> when no one was in conf call [12:25:40 PM] <MacTed> nothing's quite as clean as one might hope... [12:32:16 PM] *** mischat has quit IRC (Quit: mischat) [01:24:02 PM] *** mischat (mischat@ has joined the channel [03:17:13 PM] *** melvster has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [03:19:07 PM] *** melvster (melvin@ has joined the channel [04:32:38 PM] *** melvster has quit IRC (Ping timeout) [04:42:44 PM] *** melvster (melvin@ has joined the channel Log file closed at: 2011/09/19 04:49:04 PM