IRC log of htmlspeech on 2011-09-15
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 15:48:05 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #htmlspeech
- 15:48:05 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 15:48:14 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #htmlspeech
- 15:50:14 [smaug]
- Have we decided whether to meet @tpac?
- 15:53:54 [burn]
- burn has joined #htmlspeech
- 15:54:00 [burn]
- olli, not yet
- 15:54:13 [burn]
- although I have a space reserved that can be used either for this group or for a follow-on WG
- 15:54:57 [burn]
- I would like to use the space and time at TPAC for html speech-related discussions
- 15:56:08 [burn]
- burn has changed the topic to: Agenda: (burn)
- 15:56:20 [burn]
- trackbot, start telcon
- 15:56:22 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 15:56:24 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be
- 15:56:24 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot
- 15:56:25 [trackbot]
- Meeting: HTML Speech Incubator Group Teleconference
- 15:56:25 [trackbot]
- Date: 15 September 2011
- 15:56:27 [burn]
- trackbot, this will be htmlspeech
- 15:56:27 [trackbot]
- Sorry, burn, I don't understand 'trackbot, this will be htmlspeech'. Please refer to for help
- 15:56:38 [burn]
- zakim, this will be htmlspeech
- 15:56:38 [Zakim]
- ok, burn, I see INC_(HTMLSPEECH)11:30AM already started
- 15:56:50 [burn]
- Agenda:
- 15:56:56 [satish]
- satish has joined #htmlspeech
- 15:57:33 [Zakim]
- +Dan_Burnett
- 15:57:51 [mbodell]
- mbodell has joined #htmlspeech
- 15:57:54 [burn]
- zakim, I am Dan_Burnett
- 15:57:57 [Zakim]
- ok, burn, I now associate you with Dan_Burnett
- 15:58:16 [smaug]
- Zakim, who is here
- 15:58:16 [Zakim]
- smaug, you need to end that query with '?'
- 15:58:39 [smaug]
- Zakim, who is here?
- 15:58:39 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see ??P10, Dan_Burnett
- 15:58:40 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see mbodell, satish, burn, Zakim, RRSAgent, smaug, trackbot
- 15:59:19 [bringert]
- bringert has joined #htmlspeech
- 15:59:28 [Zakim]
- +Michael_Bodell
- 15:59:40 [burn]
- zakim, nick mbodell is Michael_Bodell
- 15:59:40 [Zakim]
- ok, burn, I now associate mbodell with Michael_Bodell
- 16:00:00 [ddahl]
- ddahl has joined #htmlspeech
- 16:00:03 [smaug]
- Zakim, ??P10 is Olli_Pettay
- 16:00:03 [Zakim]
- +Olli_Pettay; got it
- 16:00:20 [Zakim]
- +Alex_Chen
- 16:00:45 [smaug]
- Zakim, nick smaug is Olli_Pettay
- 16:00:50 [Zakim]
- +Debbie_Dahl
- 16:00:53 [burn]
- zakim, Alex_Chen is Bjorn_Bringert,Satish_Sampath
- 16:00:54 [Zakim]
- ok, smaug, I now associate you with Olli_Pettay
- 16:01:04 [Zakim]
- +Bjorn_Bringert,Satish_Sampath; got it
- 16:01:33 [burn]
- Chair: Michael_Bodell
- 16:02:44 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft]
- 16:03:02 [burn]
- zakim, [Microsoft] is Robert_Brown
- 16:03:02 [Zakim]
- +Robert_Brown; got it
- 16:04:01 [Robert]
- Robert has joined #htmlspeech
- 16:04:27 [glen]
- glen has joined #htmlspeech
- 16:04:31 [satish_]
- satish_ has joined #htmlspeech
- 16:05:05 [Charles]
- Charles has joined #htmlspeech
- 16:05:08 [Zakim]
- + +1.650.253.aaaa
- 16:05:28 [burn]
- ScribeNick: satish_
- 16:05:38 [burn]
- Scribe: Satish_Sampath
- 16:06:51 [Zakim]
- +Michael_Johnston
- 16:06:53 [burn]
- zakim, aaaa is Glen_Shires
- 16:06:53 [Zakim]
- +Glen_Shires; got it
- 16:07:06 [burn]
- ScribeNick: glen
- 16:07:20 [Zakim]
- +Charles_Hemphill
- 16:07:21 [burn]
- Scribe: Glen_Shires
- 16:07:33 [MJ]
- MJ has joined #htmlspeech
- 16:07:38 [mbodell]
- 16:07:41 [burn]
- zakim, nick glen is Glen_Shires
- 16:07:41 [Zakim]
- ok, burn, I now associate glen with Glen_Shires
- 16:08:25 [glen]
- Discussing draft
- 16:09:00 [glen]
- Robert: in writing code, found using constructors wherever possible simplifies it
- 16:09:32 [glen]
- ... see code in
- 16:09:54 [glen]
- ... service query object, etc is overblown
- 16:10:08 [glen]
- ... if remote service, then need to create a service object
- 16:10:24 [glen]
- ... to pass into constructor of SpeechInput request
- 16:10:40 [glen]
- ... (read the email for better description)
- 16:15:22 [glen]
- bringert: typically just want to use default ... or if want specific speech service
- 16:15:30 [glen]
- ... in either case, fundamentally same API
- 16:15:58 [glen]
- ... two cases: default service or specific service. In either case, ask for a feature and it either succeeds or fails.
- 16:17:44 [glen]
- burn: security/authentication is easier in this model
- 16:18:03 [glen]
- ... not required for default
- 16:19:06 [glen]
- ??: how to handle permissions (old api had error callback)
- 16:19:16 [burn]
- s/??:/Olli:/
- 16:19:20 [glen]
- bringert: not getting permission is just another type of failure
- 16:19:34 [glen]
- ... (permissions from user)
- 16:20:04 [glen]
- Robert: rather than overload constructor, use a 2-stage approach: constructor + open function
- 16:20:17 [glen]
- ... in open function: use this URI, use default, etc
- 16:20:23 [glen]
- ... async callback "I'm ready"
- 16:20:47 [glen]
- ... on SpeechInputRequest
- 16:21:19 [glen]
- bringert: create, open, start/initialize (3 steps)
- 16:22:11 [glen]
- Robert: can stack up language, grammar
- 16:22:33 [glen]
- bringert: create, open/initialize, start (3 steps)
- 16:22:50 [Zakim]
- +Milan_Young
- 16:23:23 [glen]
- ... setup for remote servers
- 16:23:39 [glen]
- satish: start to set quality
- 16:23:44 [glen]
- satish: start to set qualities
- 16:24:08 [Milan]
- Milan has joined #HTMLSpeech
- 16:24:10 [glen]
- ... open callback indicates success/fail
- 16:24:23 [mbodell]
- I'm not sure createFoo is that unstandard. Check out for an example of an object with a lot of createFoos
- 16:24:26 [glen]
- ... whether supports capabilities
- 16:25:31 [glen]
- mbodell: SpeechService
- 16:25:48 [glen]
- bringert: new SpeechService, SpeechService.Open
- 16:26:22 [glen]
- Robert: old days: classes to create objects, had twice as many classes as needed
- 16:26:35 [glen]
- burn: what params in 3 steps?
- 16:27:00 [glen]
- bringert: create is constructor (no params or URL)
- 16:27:05 [glen]
- satish: or SpeechServiceObject
- 16:27:16 [glen]
- Robert: now I'm thinking a flat model, one object
- 16:27:20 [burn]
- s/burn:/??1:/
- 16:27:51 [glen]
- bringert: open has success and error callbacks
- 16:28:16 [glen]
- ... attributes, URI
- 16:28:41 [glen]
- bringert: create, initialize, start - no arguments, only attributes
- 16:29:26 [glen]
- satish: same or different handlers?
- 16:29:59 [glen]
- satish: if tied to function call, should be params. if lifetime of object, then attributes
- 16:31:12 [bringert]
- new SpeechinputRequest(), .init(success, error), .start(success, error)
- 16:31:13 [glen]
- bringert: args should be: create(void), init(successcallback, errorcallback), start(successCallback, errorCallback)
- 16:32:30 [glen]
- bringert: set all params at once and check once if works
- 16:33:53 [glen]
- ???: as Robert said, simplify common use case
- 16:34:19 [mbodell]
- s/\?\?\?:/Olli:/
- 16:35:11 [glen]
- Olli: can re-use a SpeechInputRequest object for different language>
- 16:35:42 [glen]
- bringert: should be .setlanguage then .init()
- 16:36:36 [glen]
- Olli: so no longer binding SpeechInputRequest to ??? -- permission handling may be more ugly
- 16:37:19 [glen]
- Robert: permissions problem hasn't yet been solved in doc
- 16:37:57 [glen]
- ... oh that permission, retract
- 16:39:11 [glen]
- mbodell: reco should have success/error callbacks - exact semantics of .init/.start and what can change between them not clear yet
- 16:39:41 [glen]
- ... old model: before .init, SpeechService completes before set individual properties
- 16:40:03 [glen]
- bringert: we don't need .init, just let .start do it, and have .willItWork()
- 16:40:10 [glen]
- satish: .start creates connection
- 16:40:49 [glen]
- mbodell: I think satish suggests start/reco and then state-change callback
- 16:41:24 [glen]
- bringert: use case: can I show mic button - based on .willItWork()
- 16:41:43 [glen]
- mbodell: does .willItWork consider user permissions?
- 16:41:51 [glen]
- ... don't want to prompt user to ask
- 16:42:49 [glen]
- bringert: yes, .willItWork() could contact server (and not send data) and check if it technically will work (independent of user permissions)
- 16:43:40 [glen]
- satish: service is third-party. Can browser inquire "do you support?" Maybe if don't identify domain.
- 16:44:38 [glen]
- bringert: don't need .init, just .start and .canStart
- 16:44:54 [glen]
- ... .init is not mandatory (because .start can call .init)
- 16:45:35 [glen]
- satish: .init is still there, developer can call it, but not required to
- 16:46:02 [glen]
- bringert: so fewer callbacks need to be implemented
- 16:46:09 [bringert]
- new SpeechinputRequest(), .init(), .start() (calls init() if not called already)
- 16:46:22 [bringert]
- callbacks are attributes (event handlers) on SpeechInputRequest
- 16:46:54 [mbodell]
- and some results and errors are DOM events (which may have onevent handlers)
- 16:48:10 [glen]
- bringert: .start() may call .init()
- 16:48:28 [glen]
- burn: simplifies what the developer is required to do
- 16:48:49 [glen]
- Robert: someone should volunteer to write sample code and then IDL
- 16:49:00 [glen]
- mbodell: about to ask for a volunteer
- 16:49:08 [glen]
- ... at least to level of other proposals
- 16:49:13 [glen]
- satish: I volunteer
- 16:49:45 [glen]
- RobertL first a code sample, then IDL
- 16:49:55 [glen]
- s/RobertL/Robert:/
- 16:50:25 [glen]
- mbodell: so this changes sections 3 and 4
- 16:50:34 [glen]
- topic: Section 7
- 16:50:57 [glen]
- satish: attributes for grammars
- 16:51:39 [glen]
- ddahl: what if URI changes after set grammar object
- 16:52:28 [glen]
- ??3: sevice may load at call time, so if changes in meantime, service may not load until next invocation
- 16:52:52 [glen]
- ddahl: what if content of URI changes after set grammar object
- 16:53:13 [glen]
- bringert: URI may point to a dynamic resource, so for every reco request, the service should check to see if changed
- 16:53:45 [glen]
- mbodell: setting it doesn't freeze the content. service does HTTP for fetching/caching/etc
- 16:54:12 [glen]
- satish: service may cache when setGrammar
- 16:54:28 [glen]
- burn: service is responsible for fetching/caching -- not the browser
- 16:55:22 [glen]
- bringert: use semantics of URI to fetch and cache (for example, HTTP has semantics)
- 16:55:53 [glen]
- burn: author may have a way to update, but not part of browser's job
- 16:56:25 [glen]
- mbodell: that covers grammars, moving on to other parameters
- 16:57:05 [glen]
- satish: object.set...
- 16:58:06 [glen]
- mbodell: name/value string, can be more than one
- 16:58:14 [Charles]
- Consider JSON:
- 16:58:34 [glen]
- satish: is that more useful than one custom field
- 16:59:41 [mbodell]
- change setParameter to setCustomParameter
- 17:00:36 [glen]
- ??4: create new SpeechInputRequest then .setGrammar -- does this require communication with speech service to set up
- 17:00:52 [glen]
- mbodell: semantics are collect info then talk to speech service
- 17:01:40 [glen]
- ??4: request grammar to be activated before start audio
- 17:01:59 [mbodell]
- s/\?\?4:/MJ:/g
- 17:02:13 [glen]
- mbodell: .init may do this
- 17:02:46 [glen]
- ... so when call .start(), it's ready
- 17:03:09 [glen]
- ... main use case: grammars can take a long time, so improves latency when call .start()
- 17:03:24 [glen]
- ... MRCP (and others) allow defining grammars early
- 17:03:40 [glen]
- bringert: .addGrammar, .addGrammar .init(), then .start()
- 17:03:49 [glen]
- burn: change grammars?
- 17:03:56 [glen]
- mbodell: reInit?
- 17:04:23 [glen]
- bringert: .addGrammar and .activateGramar
- 17:04:50 [glen]
- ... specifying grammar, and starting to use grammar
- 17:05:12 [glen]
- mbodell: example .addGrammar, .init, .addGrammar, .start
- 17:05:17 [glen]
- satish: why allow that?
- 17:05:30 [glen]
- mbodell: some initialized, not others
- 17:06:01 [glen]
- bringert: so .start could call .init again
- 17:06:54 [glen]
- mbodell: some params shouldn't change after .init (like URI), but (in my mind) some should (like timeout)
- 17:07:21 [glen]
- ... .init connects to service (handles those issues), but shouldn't tie down other params
- 17:07:56 [glen]
- bringert: close (inert), pause, ??A
- 17:08:57 [glen]
- ... hard to remember what can change when, so my preference if anything gets changed between .init and .start, then .init gets called again
- 17:09:05 [glen]
- s/??A/resume/
- 17:10:26 [glen]
- bringert: in close state can change anything, in pause state can change some things and .init gets called again, in run state things don't change immediately
- 17:11:23 [glen]
- Robert: not everything can be changed
- 17:11:39 [glen]
- bringert: some changes may affect user-consent
- 17:12:33 [glen]
- ... perhaps split params (service UI and everything else) or just one bunch, would be hard to remember more categories
- 17:13:26 [glen]
- ... service UI could be only in constructor object
- 17:13:46 [glen]
- ??5: set up service in beginning, then user interaction later
- 17:14:45 [burn]
- s/??5/MJ/
- 17:14:52 [glen]
- ... if set up a bunch of params, then change service
- 17:15:00 [Zakim]
- -Olli_Pettay
- 17:16:01 [glen]
- mbodell: changing URI can change permission model
- 17:16:02 [smaug]
- Argh, I run out of skype credits
- 17:16:29 [glen]
- ... a separate SpeechInputRequest may be cleaner
- 17:17:11 [mbodell]
- make clear in doc that only init and start/reco actually communicate with server
- 17:18:38 [glen]
- topic: Media Stream Input
- 17:21:57 [glen]
- mbodell: does .start mean start at this point, or is it buffered?
- 17:21:58 [Zakim]
- +??P0
- 17:22:24 [glen]
- satish: permissions model may handle media capture differently than contacting speech service
- 17:22:49 [glen]
- mbodell: media capture permissions might encompass both
- 17:23:25 [glen]
- bringert: separate issue of sending data to a third party
- 17:23:42 [glen]
- burn: that's the point at which contact the speech service
- 17:25:59 [glen]
- mbodell: any agreement on if set up streaming, but haven't set up reco, does it buffer?
- 17:27:04 [mbodell]
- 17:27:12 [glen]
- bringert: if file, always beginning of file, if live (real-time like microphone) then no buffering
- 17:27:25 [glen]
- ... if want to buffer, developer can write code to do that
- 17:27:58 [glen]
- mbodell: so agree: no buffer
- 17:28:34 [mbodell]
- no buffer for media stream, we start the reco when the start/reco is called, and it starts listening to the stream only then
- 17:28:42 [glen]
- bringert: yes, audio api may have own buffering, or could even use javascript
- 17:29:58 [glen]
- topic: new meeting
- 17:30:14 [glen]
- burn: Olli asked me at beginning if a meeting at ??C
- 17:30:32 [glen]
- ... even if wrapped up this report, we may have more to discuss
- 17:31:16 [glen]
- ... unlikely a formal meeting/discussion, but may be useful/relevant/informal discussions
- 17:31:37 [glen]
- mbodell: and maybe formal if needed
- 17:32:29 [glen]
- burn: may have to slip call schedule out a week
- 17:32:35 [glen]
- mbodell: and document
- 17:32:39 [glen]
- burn: that's it, next call is next week, thanks everyone
- 17:32:43 [Zakim]
- -Robert_Brown
- 17:32:48 [Zakim]
- -Bjorn_Bringert,Satish_Sampath
- 17:32:51 [Zakim]
- -??P0
- 17:33:00 [Zakim]
- -Glen_Shires
- 17:33:03 [Zakim]
- -Debbie_Dahl
- 17:33:05 [Zakim]
- -Charles_Hemphill
- 17:33:05 [Zakim]
- -Michael_Bodell
- 17:33:06 [Zakim]
- -Milan_Young
- 17:33:08 [ddahl]
- ddahl has left #htmlspeech
- 17:33:15 [burn]
- rrsagent, make log public
- 17:33:18 [burn]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 17:33:18 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate burn
- 17:33:31 [Zakim]
- -Dan_Burnett
- 17:33:40 [burn]
- zakim, who's here?
- 17:33:40 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Michael_Johnston
- 17:33:42 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see Milan, MJ, glen, Robert, mbodell, satish, burn, Zakim, RRSAgent, smaug
- 17:33:59 [burn]
- zakim, bye
- 17:33:59 [Zakim]
- leaving. As of this point the attendees were Dan_Burnett, Michael_Bodell, Olli_Pettay, Debbie_Dahl, Bjorn_Bringert,Satish_Sampath, Robert_Brown, +1.650.253.aaaa, Michael_Johnston,
- 17:33:59 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #htmlspeech
- 17:34:03 [Zakim]
- ... Glen_Shires, Charles_Hemphill, Milan_Young
- 17:34:30 [trackbot]
- trackbot has joined #htmlspeech
- 17:34:31 [burn]
- zakim, s/+1.650.253.aaaa, //
- 17:35:05 [burn]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 17:35:05 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate burn
- 17:35:51 [AndChat|]
- AndChat| has joined #htmlspeech
- 17:36:44 [burn]
- hey Michael Johnston, please hang up
- 17:37:34 [burn]
- s/, +1.650.253.aaaa//
- 17:38:02 [burn]
- s/zakim, s\/+1.650.253.aaaa, \/\///
- 17:38:09 [burn]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 17:38:09 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate burn
- 17:38:20 [burn]
- s/hey Michael Johnston, please hang up//
- 17:40:15 [burn]
- s/??4:/MJ:/g
- 17:40:22 [burn]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 17:40:22 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate burn
- 17:41:15 [burn]
- s/??C/TPAC/
- 17:41:19 [burn]
- rrsagent, draft minutes
- 17:41:19 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate burn
- 19:12:39 [smaug]
- smaug has joined #htmlspeech
- 19:58:14 [AndChat|]
- AndChat| has joined #htmlspeech
- 20:33:24 [smaug]
- smaug has joined #htmlspeech
- 20:54:50 [AndChat|]
- AndChat| has joined #htmlspeech
- 20:55:36 [AndChat-]
- AndChat- has joined #htmlspeech
- 21:16:20 [smaug]
- smaug has joined #htmlspeech
- 21:59:17 [AndChat|]
- AndChat| has joined #htmlspeech