See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 07 September 2011
<scribe> ScribeNick: ChrisL
Vlad: Long time since last
... I think we have most folks who willbeat the f2f
<jdaggett> ok to start i think
Vlad: main goal is agenda for
... also jdaggett asked about TPAC
ChrisL: we decided a while back to meet at ATypI and not at TPAC as they were so close
Vlad: nothing happened since to make a TPAC meeting happen
jdaggett: TPAC is the ideal place to decide on from-origin etc as the right people willbe there, also the webapps folks
Vlad: I willbe there
... lets discuss tht when we discuss TPAC
... almost completed conformance testsuite so next goal is to
be sure we have 100% coverage and alltests are valid
... ChrisL saw some bugs recently
ChrisL: importing woff ua tests
into (emerging)W3C test hgarness and reporting framework
... firefox addin to display woff metadata?
jfkthame: there is one already
jfkthame: ther was an earlier bug but it was fixed
cslye: could FontSquirreladd this?
tal: validator could show the metadata too, if it was on the validators page
ChrisL: and please do check in the validator
<jfkthame> (P.S. see for the APIs in Gecko that the fontinfo add-on uses to get font details)
ChrisL: what to do with authoring tools that do not report fixing up of errors on import?
tal: there are cases thatit would never show an error
sergeym: ... authoring tool would need a strict mode. should not be added to tool requirements
s/should not./should/
ChrisL: another topic is who bugs which implementors to fix their bugs
Vlad: do we need an implementation report as a meeting result?
ChrisL: yes, at least a draft
Vlad: self conformance or independent testing?
ChrisL; independent is better
Vlad: so if we get tests running on different user agents. if two pass thatsatisfies the requirements
jfkthame: notcurrentlyas strict as thespec requires
ChrisL: is that just because the implementation predates the latest spec
jfkthame: yes
... need to file bugs
Vlad: so we should have a draft
report soon after the meeting
... sergeym you were looking for travel approval?
sergeym: willnot be there,can callin
action Chris to book zakim for the atypi f2f
<trackbot> Created ACTION-101 - Book zakim for the atypi f2f [on Chris Lilley - due 2011-09-14].
action Vlad to chweck phone connectivity with meeting organisers
<trackbot> Created ACTION-102 - Chweck phone connectivity with meeting organisers [on Vladimir Levantovsky - due 2011-09-14].
Vlad: tpac is good for inter-wg
coordination and we have two features moving to css3 fonts so
tpac is a good venue for that discussion
... interested parties should attend, therefore. who
cslye: willbe there
sergeym: probably sylvaing
Vlad: Oct 31 to Nov 4, Santa Clara
jdaggett: if we want a separate meeting we need to sign up for space
Vlad: yes but first checking who can be present
ChrisL: willbe there for css and svg meetings
<erik> I won't be at TPAC
jdaggett: to get resolution on from-origin and sor we need other groups than just fonts and css invlolved
ChrisL: should this be in a webapps meeting?
jdaggett: or a break out meeting
... also security and identity issues that are outsifde our
Vlad: so its important that we
discuss that, but for a fullwg meeting we don't have discussion
items due to recent f2f
... presence of webfonts wg member s is needed
... main goal is inter-group meetings
... any other business?
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) FAILED: s/should not./should/ Found ScribeNick: ChrisL Inferring Scribes: ChrisL Default Present: +1.781.970.aaaa, +1.425.882.aabb, +44.845.397.aacc, Vlad, ChrisL, jfkthame, jdaggett, +1.510.816.aadd, cslye, +1.443.895.aaee Present: +1.781.970.aaaa +1.425.882.aabb +44.845.397.aacc Vlad ChrisL jfkthame jdaggett +1.510.816.aadd cslye +1.443.895.aaee Agenda: Found Date: 07 Sep 2011 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]