15:02:00 RRSAgent has joined #htmlt 15:02:00 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/09/06-htmlt-irc 15:02:17 zakim, this is htmlt 15:02:17 sorry, krisk, I do not see a conference named 'htmlt' in progress or scheduled at this time 15:03:49 Looks like this will be all on IRC 15:04:26 Normal given the past meetings... 15:04:46 Agenda http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-testsuite/2011Sep/0001.html 15:05:48 Looks like a light meeting agenda... 15:06:01 Item #1 Check for and bugs on approved tests 15:06:22 Bug #12896 (old) 15:06:51 I recall that we were going to have plh come back to confirm that this is true 15:07:18 I'll send this out in the meeting notes since it's been a little while 15:07:56 I presume that Ms2ger believes that this is a valid bug since he opened the bug 15:08:32 If anyone else has feedback please respond either to the IRC, Meeting notes or in the bug itself 15:09:05 I'll add this to the next meeting to help drive this bug to closure 15:09:14 Actually 15:09:41 getElementsByClassName is now defined in DOM Core instead of HTML 15:10:13 So I'll move these tests to the WebApps repo 15:10:43 You should ping the Opera folks since the wrote most of the tests 15:11:04 jgraham, ^ 15:11:57 IMHO standard practice is to remove tests if they are no longer normative 15:12:23 Bug #13875 15:13:25 Ms2ger could you send something to the list or add to the bug maybe a use case using httpd.js vs php? 15:13:49 Haven't had time to spend on that yet 15:14:19 Ok 15:20:53 Looks like you fixed/updated some canvas tests 15:21:01 (you meaning ms2ger) 15:21:08 I did 15:22:14 The TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR should be noted 15:22:25 Do you want to add more to the IRC on these changes? 15:22:51 No 15:25:52 Any reason? 15:26:20 The reason I ask is that this error case had really good browser interop (chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera) 15:26:30 Oh 15:27:00 No this is not the case...the IDL spec is leading - which seems odd 15:27:28 It would be alot easier to have the IDL spec just match all the browsers and canvas content on the web 15:28:40 It doesn't really matter which exception is thrown, IMO 15:28:51 Might as well pick a logical one 15:31:39 e.code == 17 (TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR) seems just fine 15:33:05 Anyway, if you think it's an issue, it's a spec issue 15:34:08 If we just care that an assert is thrown then the HTML test should be updated as such 15:34:37 Seems like it would be more valid to have some IDL cases in webapps rather then trying to test the web IDL spec via HTML tests 15:35:03 WebIDL is a normative dependency for HTML, so we should test the implications of that 15:37:23 That is fine just ned to call this out - better to be clear that this is a web IDL test case and not a HTML test case 15:37:37 It is an HTML test case 15:37:49 It is testing an interface defined in HTML 15:38:33 Still seems like a spec bug in IDL 15:39:37 I think TypeError makes more sense when you pass a value that doesn't match the type of the parameter, but please file a bug on WebIDL 15:40:42 Moving on Agenda Item #2 new test submissions 15:43:18 Any comments on test submission that people may want to be informed of? 15:45:12 Nothing in particular 15:45:28 OK - people can always look at the 'shortlog' http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html/shortlog 15:46:03 Thats the end of the agenda 15:46:08 shall we adjourn? 15:46:18 OK 15:47:38 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:47:46 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:47:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/09/06-htmlt-minutes.html krisk 15:53:10 Oops 15:53:15 Forgot about this... 15:53:59 While you're here, you can move these getElementsByClassName tests: ) 15:54:35 Or I could pretend that I didn't hear you 15:57:35 This is IRC, sticking fingers in your ears won't help :) 16:14:45 It's OK I stuck them in my eyes too 17:24:25 Ms2ger has joined #HTMLT 17:30:48 Zakim has left #htmlt 17:33:48 RRSAgent, bye 17:33:48 I see no action items