See also: IRC log
SH: Giorgio and Markel will introduce draft call
and talk about next steps
... want to make sure we all agree on it on this call
... so that we can announce maybe end next week
MV: changed requirement from 2 pages to 1000
... modified accessibility conformance versus accessibility in use
... section about attribution as discussed last week
... dates still depend on when the webinar will take place
GB: thank you for writing it Markel, only had
initial input
... also need to consider how much time people have for writing the white
... need to allow some time to disseminate the call, and for people to think
about what they want to contribute
MV: agree
GB: what kind of constraints do we have for dates?
SH: not a particular constraint but want to do ~4
seminars per year so need one on a quartely basis
... 1000 words is not even two pages so quite ok
... can be a bit more liberal for this first seminar but should not go beyond
1st december week
<vivienne> There are a couple of 'typos' in paragraphs 3&4. I'm not sure about the time - maybe too short?
<Zakim> shadi, you wanted to agree with giorgio and to talk about editorial changes
<markel> if the weminar can take place in the beginning of Sep we can postpone the submission deadline to mid Oct
<thiessenp> +1 a little more time (CSUN deadline conflict, and 1-month short time)
SAZ: agree that need to be more linient, also competing with CSUN call for papers
<markel> I'm happy with that too, Si
SAZ: but certainly not have beyond early
... also think the draft call needs quite some work
<thiessenp> +1 more structure (good for skimming :)
SAZ: can draft a suggested change
SH: concerned that this is going on but happy to see suggested change
GB: also have number of suggested changes
... why don't we go over some of the most important issues?
MV: very different call for papers from the last
... trying to give a more typical conference call for papers
... happy to discuss now
VC: happy with all of it but just see some typograhpical issues
SH: can you make the changes directly to the wiki?
SAZ: concerned about setting the expectation of
"defining and benchmarking" metrics
... also about the references to W3C Note which may promote people to write
W3C Notes that are not from W3C
... also suggest more headings and less repetiveness
GB: agree we will not be defining metrics but it
is an important venue to propose metrics
... concerned about "white paper" which may be daunting
... maybe also describe coined terms "conformance accessibility" and
"accessibility in use"
... also add request for people to describe how they validated the quality of
their framework
SH: will provide template
MV: we are not knowledgeable of wording about W3C
Notes etc, so shadi please edit directly
... decided to use "white paper" rather than "position paper" to avoid less
scientific positions
<giorgio> shall we call them 'research abstracts'?
<markel> yes
<markel> +1
SH: maybe also "extended research abstracts"
<thiessenp> +1 research abstracts - unambiguous for industry and practitioners about what's expected
<vivienne> I have just made the couple of typographical corrections I saw that were required.
SAZ: please add content issues to the wiki
straight away
... will try to be much more editorial rather than content
<giorgio> I agree with simon
GB: will work on the changes today
<markel> we should release the CFP next week at the latest
<markel> are we sure we want a call for review?
<giorgio> I agree; we should get it out sooner.
<vivienne> I think the sooner we get it out, the better. Everyone on the list has already been asked to contribute.
<thiessenp> agreed: will give wiki a close read this week for edits / comments
SH: will send a note out the group after the changes early next week
<giorgio> I agree with simon, to close it next week.
SH: will take a decision on next week's call
SAZ: will try to prepare related announcement in parallel
<markel> Ok with that
<thiessenp> sounds good
<giorgio> ok with me
<vivienne> I'm okay with that
<sharper> +1 from me
<giorgio> ok, cheers
<vivienne> okay thanks