See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 16 August 2011
<scribe> scribenick: mhausenblas
<dmcneil> does anyone else hear the echo?
<Seema> y
PROPOSAL: Accept the minutes of last meeting
<boris> +1
<Marcelo> +1
RESOLUTION: Accept the minutes of last meeting
<trackbot> ACTION-140 -- Boris Villazón-Terrazas to produce an RDF Schema representation of the R2RML vocabulary terms. -- due 2011-08-16 -- OPEN
<trackbot> ACTION-147 -- Richard Cyganiak to implement ISSUE-29 resolution by stating that conversion to string is done implicitly in any context where a string value is required, and is done according to the rules for SQL's CAST expression. Columns whose type cannot be CAST to string MUST NOT be used in a context that requires a string; and mark the issue as pending review -- due 2011-08-16 -- OPEN
<ericP> no clue
<trackbot> ACTION-152 -- Juan Sequeda to figure out and solution with Souri to address ISSUE-64 -- due 2011-08-16 -- OPEN
<trackbot> ACTION-153 -- Marcelo Arenas to draft a solution for ISSUE-65 and send out to WG -- due 2011-08-16 -- OPEN
Michael: there was a proposal to close both ISSUES-64 and ISSUE-65?
Juan: Let's close the two actions and discuss the issues later
close ACTION-152
<trackbot> ACTION-152 Figure out and solution with Souri to address ISSUE-64 closed
close ACTION-153
<trackbot> ACTION-153 Draft a solution for ISSUE-65 and send out to WG closed
<trackbot> ISSUE-64 -- Predicate IRI design for foreign key does not handle common cases where same column sequence may be used for multiple foreign key constraints -- open
<dmcneil> michael - maybe you could try muting your phone when others are speaking?
<trackbot> ISSUE-65 -- For uniformity and performance, "literal" triples must be always generated for each child table column in a foreign key -- open
<dmcneil> no that is not better
<MacTed> try muting through Zakim?
<ericP> PROPOSAL: to close ISSUE-64 noting that the current DM definition generates triples for all foreign keys even if they are on the same columns
<dmcneil> the echo stopped
(Eric explains the background on the proposal)
<Souri> example: Family <f, n, spouse>, Employee <f, n, salary>, Soccer <f, n, goals>
Eric: cost re ISSUE-64 are to high and use case is not clear
Juan: agreed
<Souri> two different properties need to have two different ranges
Souri: fine with me, I thought
it's needed for completness
... see my example above
<Zakim> cygri, you wanted to say that that ISSUE-64 is a very minor issue because it's such a small corner case
<Marcelo> +q
Richard: would also be possible to say that the 'ugly' but complete URI only generated in case of clash
Marcelo: also related with
... problem there is in case of FK with one attribute
... to avoid this we need a different URI
<Souri> +1 to Marcelo regarding issue with literal property and constraint property
Juan: should we note the incompleteness in the spec?
<ericP> +1 to cygri's propsal
Souri: re ISSUE-65 ... as Marcelo says
<cygri> PROPOSAL: close ISSUE-64 by adding a note to the spec stating, "if multiple FKs are defined on the same sequence of columns, then the same property IRI will be used"
<Souri> -1 to ISSUE-64 proposal because it causes confusion for ISSUE-65
Michael: Noted, Souri, but this doesn't help me ...
scribe confused, doesn't understand what Ted is talking about
<Zakim> ericP, you wanted to say that the current spec only generates a reference triple for what would be the ambiguous cases
Michael: I think Richard has a point, let's try 65 first
<juansequeda> +1 to address 65 first
<Souri> the whole idea of having different approach for single-col fkey and multi-col fkey seems confusing
Richard: Agree with Souri re current design is a bit confusing
<trackbot> ISSUE-65 -- For uniformity and performance, "literal" triples must be always generated for each child table column in a foreign key -- open
Richard: if we had a way to distinguish FK from literal this would be easier
<Souri> +1 to Richard's non-concrete proposal: put a prefix say "fkey"
Souri: Agree with Richard
... as long as we can distinguish the two cases
Juan: So, what you want is XXX
<Souri> fkey/f,n
<juansequeda> Juan: So, what you want to know through the IRI if it represents a literal or foreign key
<juansequeda> Souri: yes
<Souri> absolutely agree with Richard: we need to distinguish between literal (data) property and fkey (object) property
<ericP> i think anything we come up with would look like:
<ericP> <People/ID=7> <People#LID> 7 .
<ericP> <People/ID=7> <People#Lfname> "Bob" .
<ericP> <People/ID=7> <People#Laddr> 18 .
<ericP> <People/ID=7> <People#Raddr> <Addresses/ID=18> .
<ericP> note the L or R
<ericP> i also think these will be worse warts than is the unary foreign key exception
<juansequeda> ericP: that works... but it's kind of a hack
Michael: DM Editors propose solution for ISSUE-64 and ISSUE-65 after the call today and send to list (Richard to comment on)
<trackbot> ISSUE-48 -- Mapping SQL datatypes to RDF -- open
<ericP> juansequeda, agreed. but i think there's no avoiding it if we want to keep the namespaces (for e.g. the People properties) sane
Michael: Got everything you need?
Richard: yes
<juansequeda> <People/ID=7> <People#fname> "Bob" .
<juansequeda> <People/ID=7> <People#addr> <Addresses/ID=18> .
<juansequeda> <People#fname> rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty
<juansequeda> <People#addr> rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty
<juansequeda> where anything that is an owl:DatatypeProperty is for literals and anything that is owl:ObjectProperty is for foreign keys
<Souri> eric what would be the syntax for 2-col key: <SOCCER#Rf,n> ?
Richard: will send out proposal in the next couple of days
<trackbot> ISSUE-57 -- R2RML doesn't allow R2RML documents in RDF/XML syntax -- open
Souri: We will not object now
Richard: two ways how to look at
... either not discuss it now and have a second LC or resolve
it now
... Would be good to resolve it before LC
... what I don't understand is why the objection is here in the
first place
Souri: It's more about document structure
scribe unsure if this is capture correctly
Souri: better would be two split
... into vocab and serialisation
<cygri> mhausenblas, please mute yourself and come over here
<cygri> your phone is broken
Souri: people should have an option
<cygri> mhausenblas, your phone is broken
<cygri> come over here
Michael: we can do this but then 1 Sep is not an option
Richard: I understand this (re
modularity) but we have two competing design goals
... interop vs. flexibility
Souri: it's just an option
Michael: For the record - I'd rather step down as a co-chair than loosing the most important aspect of a standard: interoperability
Richard: not very compelling to me
Juan: IIUC then you can reuse existing ontology editors
Souri: vocab is the important part
Juan: so R2RML is just a
... quite late in the game, this issue, isn't it?
Souri: it's not too late, it's simple to write
Ashok: are people open for a compromise - replace the MUST with a SHOULD?
Richard: ... It depends ... the
spec defines several conformance criteria
... processor, doc, graph
... I'm happy to say nothing at all for the processor
... but doc MUST be Turtle
Michael: I agree
<ericP> right now, an R2RML doesn't need an XML processor
<Souri> Document conforming to R2RML vocab vs. Document conforming to R2RML vocab using Turtle syntax
<ericP> +1 to cygry's terminology separation
<MacTed> MUST accept R2RML graph, SHOULD accept Turtle, MAY accept other serializations... ?
<Souri> Two-level Recommendations: 1) Vocab only 2) Vocab + Turtle
<ericP> Souri, don't we alrady have that?
<ericP> (with Richard's wording?)
<cygri> ericP, not quite. a processor currently MUST support turtle
Michael: I want to ensure interoperability
<ericP> ahh, R2RML is an a mapping graph expressed in Turtle?
<cygri> ericP, what do you mean by "R2RML"?
Richard: Seems there is no
consensus ATM
... will likely not be resolved in the next two weeks
... that means more feedback from WG-external
<MacTed> RFC-standard "SHOULD accept Turtle" means "do it unless there's a damn good reason not to" ... which it seems to me assures interop
Michael: Then we need to go for a 2nd LC
<Souri> I still do not see anything wrong with Two-level Recommedations: 1) Vocab only 2) Vocab + Turtle. If most implementers and mapping writers want Turtle, they will go with the 2nd.
Eric explains options
seems that we can offer two options and resolve post-LC
Michael: can you render a proposal for this now
<Souri> +1 agree with Eric: breaking up a Rec into two Recs is not a big deal
Michael: sounds good to me
... can anyone create a proposal PLEASE
PROPOSAL: close ISSUE-57 with rendering the options in R2RML
<Souri> We have to decide: SHOULD ... Turtle vs. MUST ... Turtle
<Souri> as Ashok said
<Ashok> Mark Issue 57 in the document as requiring community feedback
<Ashok> ,]... and enumerate the options
<Ashok> s/.]//
trackbot, end telecon
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.136 of Date: 2011/05/12 12:01:43 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/PROPOSE/PROPOSAL:/ Succeeded: s/Recommedations/Recommendations/ FAILED: s/.]// Found ScribeNick: mhausenblas Inferring Scribes: mhausenblas Default Present: +3539149aaaa, mhausenblas, dmcneil, boris, Ashok_Malhotra, ericP, juansequeda, soeren, everyone, MacTed, nunolopes, cygri_, Marcelo, Souri Present: +3539149aaaa mhausenblas dmcneil boris Ashok_Malhotra ericP juansequeda soeren everyone MacTed nunolopes cygri_ Marcelo Souri Michael David Boris Ashok Richard Juan Soeren Ted Nuno Eric Seema Agenda: Found Date: 16 Aug 2011 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items:[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]