19:49:39 RRSAgent has joined #webperf 19:49:39 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/07/27-webperf-irc 19:49:41 RRSAgent, make logs world 19:49:41 Zakim has joined #webperf 19:49:43 Zakim, this will be WPWG 19:49:43 ok, trackbot; I see RWC_web-per(WPWG)4:00PM scheduled to start in 11 minutes 19:49:44 Meeting: Web Performance Working Group Teleconference 19:49:44 Date: 27 July 2011 19:59:42 RWC_web-per(WPWG)4:00PM has now started 19:59:48 + +1.650.253.aaaa 20:00:24 simonjam has joined #webperf 20:00:53 +[Microsoft] 20:01:07 + +1.650.214.aabb 20:01:53 present+ Arvind Jain 20:01:57 present+ James Simonsen 20:02:02 present+ Nic Jansma 20:02:05 present+ Jatinder Mann 20:02:08 scribe: Jatinder Mann 20:03:25 +??P10 20:03:45 present+ TonyG 20:03:53 + +1.734.332.aacc 20:05:34 Jatinder: The WG has agreed to publish Performance Timeline and User Timing specs as FPWD. 20:07:41 Jatinder: Has everyone looked at the changes? 20:07:47 Tony: Changes look good. 20:09:20 Jatinder: Should we setup a timeline to take these specs to Last Call? I would recommend taking Performance Timeline, Resource Timing and User Timing specs into Last Call on August 8, 2011. Thoughts? 20:16:11 Tony: We were wondering whether we should hold to go into last call until we start looking at implementation. 20:18:04 Jatinder: We have started looking at implementations and haven't seen any issues yet. 20:18:55 - +1.650.253.aaaa 20:18:56 -[Microsoft] 20:18:56 - +1.650.214.aabb 20:18:58 -??P10 20:19:01 - +1.734.332.aacc 20:19:03 RWC_web-per(WPWG)4:00PM has ended 20:19:04 Attendees were +1.650.253.aaaa, [Microsoft], +1.650.214.aabb, +1.734.332.aacc 20:20:02 Tony: What is the process for going to CR? Don't we need two implementations to enter CR? 20:20:33 Jatinder: Yes, I believe that is the case for entering CR. I'm not sure what state the specs would be if we go to last call without two implementations. 20:21:29 Arvind: The specs can go to last call. After last call, if there are not two implementations, they will go to call for implementations. Once two implementations are available, the specs will then move to candidate recommendation. 20:21:53 Jatinder: That makes sense. In that case, shall we go to last call? 20:21:59 Arvind: Yes, let's do it. 20:22:08 Tony: I'm not against. 20:23:16 Jatinder: The WG has agreed to take Performance Timeline, Resource Timing and User Timing specs into Last Call on August 8, 2011. This period will last at least until August 31, 2011. We may want to move the last call period to 6 weeks in case there are a lot of August vacations. 20:29:43 Jatinder: Is there any other business we want to discuss? 20:30:23 Tony: There was one small issue. While reading the webIDL spec, I noticed that typed arrays (T[]) might be something interesting to consider for these specs. What are your thoughts? 20:31:09 Jatinder: I'm sorry, I haven't read that portion of the WebIDL spec yet. We should probably all read the WebIDL spec and discuss futher if we want to consider typed arrays. I will open an action item to look into to typed arrays. 20:31:45 Action Jatinder to look into updating the Timing specs to use typed arrays (T[]) from the Web IDL spec. 20:31:45 Created ACTION-45 - Look into updating the Timing specs to use typed arrays (T[]) from the Web IDL spec. [on Jatinder Mann - due 2011-08-03]. 21:00:56 RWC_web-per(WPWG)4:00PM has now started 21:01:02 +[Microsoft] 21:02:31 -[Microsoft] 21:02:33 RWC_web-per(WPWG)4:00PM has ended 21:02:33 Attendees were [Microsoft] 21:02:57 rrsagent, generate minutes 21:02:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/07/27-webperf-minutes.html JatinderMann 21:07:04 rrsagent, please part 21:07:04 I see no action items