See also: IRC log
Shadi Introduces that he is the staff contact
<yeliz> Simon is introducing himself, he is from University of Manchester and he will be chairing the working group
Simon Harper Chair from Manchester
Klaus M from University of Linz - eAccess+ project maybe useful
<arun> who is the current speaker?
Benoit, University of Lyon - online video accessibility for sensory disability
Yeliz, Middle Eastern Technical University - Web Accessibility for Blind users - previously in EOWG
<Joshue> Arun, could you please put that URL into IRC?
Arun, New Delhi - NGO Bi-Directional Access to Information Soc.
<Mate> Máté, MTA SZTAKI (Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Computer and Automation Research Institute), W3C Hungarian Office coordinator
Mate, Hungarian Office of W3C - Accessibility Coordinator
Josh, NCBI Ireland - Senior Accessibility Consultant
<Joshue> thanks Arun!
SAZ: discusses logistics for the group
<Joshue> How to use IRC -
SAZ: Covers each new page closing with the planning document
SAZ: Points to
to describe the wiki process
... and
<Joshue> SH: The more topics that we find on the wiki, we can use that as a point of reference for future work etc.
<Joshue> SH: Anything you want to look at further please do add.
SAZ: also immediate outcomes
<Mate> sorry I have to leave you now, I will read the minutes
SAZ: any clarifications required?
SAZ: any access problems - can everyone use the wiki?
<Joshue> Yup, can get in fine.
<yeliz> I also get in fine
SAZ: Any additional Thoughts?
JO: Has Gestural stuff been added yet?
SAZ: not yet - but in charter - maybe nee more specific topics in the field
JO: Mobile Accessibility is of particular
interest - iPhone + voiceover looks really good
... Would like to look at mobile accessibility
SAZ: many aspects - customisation, interfacer,
gestural, APIs, etc - could be broken down into individual parts
... AM works in this with larger screens I think
JO: Web Events working Group may back this up - re events and their interaction - cross-fertilisation work
SAZ: JO please add and expand this.
YY: Are we going to focus on just Web
Accessibility or general accessibility but could be useful for the Web?
... gives an Affective computing example
SAZ: Both ways
SH: I'd agree with this and there should be cross-pollination
SAZ+SH: Lets be open minded about this
YY: Mobile accessibility is very broad - different slightly from Mobile Web Accessibility
SAZ: Don't feel constrained
... lets just add topics and see what we get with no hard exclusions
AM: Would like to start looking at the wiki before adding topics but some thoughts...
<Joshue> I've got to go, I'll track minutes etc. Bye
AM: starting from info in / info out -
assumptions made about the user -
... the way the user wishes to consume data may not be as the browser presents
<km> my microphone seems to have problems
SAZ: Any volunteers for the editorial work of the
teleconference seminar
... Maybe by suggestions to the mailing list
... Lets start by populating the wiki then we can choose from those topics
... be less constrained - push any ideas out their you want
RESOLUTION: If you're excited by a topic and would like to do the first one - just add it to the wiki and volunteer to be the editor.