20:46:40 RRSAgent has joined #webperf 20:46:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/07/06-webperf-irc 20:46:42 RRSAgent, make logs world 20:46:42 Zakim has joined #webperf 20:46:44 Zakim, this will be WPWG 20:46:44 ok, trackbot; I see RWC_web-per(WPWG)4:00PM scheduled to start 46 minutes ago 20:46:45 Meeting: Web Performance Working Group Teleconference 20:46:45 Date: 06 July 2011 20:48:54 scribe: Jatinder Mann 20:48:58 present_ Jatinder Mann 20:49:03 present+ Jatinder Mann 20:52:49 present+ Cameron McCormack 20:54:29 plh has joined #webperf 20:54:57 present+ Philippe Le Hegaret 21:00:05 RWC_web-per(WPWG)4:00PM has now started 21:00:12 +[Microsoft] 21:00:26 zakim, passcode? 21:00:26 the conference code is 97373 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), plh 21:00:49 +Philippe 21:00:51 jamesr has joined #webperf 21:01:14 present+ James Robinson 21:01:21 +Ian 21:01:36 +??P7 21:01:39 Zakim, ??P7 is me 21:01:39 +heycam; got it 21:02:18 Zakim, who is on the phone? 21:02:18 On the phone I see [Microsoft], Philippe, Ian, heycam 21:02:24 Zakim, Ian has jamesr 21:02:24 +jamesr; got it 21:03:02 Topic: Discuss feedback on the setImmediate specification. 21:03:44 + +1.503.264.aaaa 21:04:43 Jatinder: Any particular feedback on the setImmediate spec we want to discuss first? 21:04:59 James: Per my mailing list question, I had some concerns regarding the clamping. 21:05:28 Jason: I had just sent a response to you on the mailing list prior to the call starting. 21:05:55 ...you had some questions on my historical account, what in particular are you referring to? 21:06:19 James: Questions about the historical account on when clamping was introduced. 21:06:37 bweigand has joined #webperf 21:07:18 + +1.650.253.aabb - is perhaps Arvind? 21:07:32 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=123273 21:09:04 Jason: We are excited about setImmediate, we want to have an API to that helps with power efficiency, including on intel and arm chips. 21:09:15 James: Do you think this will let us remove the clamp? 21:09:24 Jason: Yes, absolutely. 21:10:45 Jason: We would love to get to a pattern where the clamp is removed for sites that use these apis, allowing for better efficiency. 21:11:50 ...this may also help Chrome in Speedstep, as the 4ms clamp is probably impacting your implementation. You should be able to see this in the Power Consumption blog post we wrote a few months ago.I can respond on the mail. 21:12:04 James: If you can send specific examples that'll be great. 21:12:37 plh has changed the topic to: WebPerf, committed to reduce the temperature of your CPU since 2010 21:13:06 Jason: Any other questions on setImmediate or can we move on to requestAnimationFrame? 21:13:16 Topic: Discuss feedback on the requestAnimationFrame specification. 21:14:04 http://www.w3.org/2010/webperf/track/issues/raised 21:14:38 Jatinder: Per discussion in last week’s call, the requestAnimationFrame has 7 open issues in it that are blocking the spec from going to last call. Most of these issues, as discussed, do have relative consensus in the group and just need to be specified in the spec. Cameron, James, if you are overbooked and need any help with updating the spec, I am more than willing to help you. Please let me know. 21:16:20 James: Issues 6 and 7 can be closed, as there are no spec changes required. 21:16:53 issue-6? 21:16:53 ISSUE-6 -- (duplicate callbacks): Spec needs to clarify expected behavior for duplicate calls of the same callback [Request Animation Frame] -- raised 21:16:53 http://www.w3.org/2010/webperf/track/issues/6 21:16:58 issue-7? 21:16:58 ISSUE-7 -- FrameRequestCallback interface should be designated as Callback=FunctionOnly -- raised 21:16:58 http://www.w3.org/2010/webperf/track/issues/7 21:17:00 ...Issues 2 and 4 may need more time to write the text here. 21:18:21 Jason: Issue one (scheduling callbacks) could become a compat issue if it isn't well defined in the spec. 21:21:10 Jatinder: We discussed in the past that we can either do no callbacks, an expontial backoff or a throttled callback. We discussed whether to make this optional or normative. I recommend we make this a normative requirement to ensure implementations are interoperable. 21:21:12 James: Agreed. 21:21:31 James: I prefer no callbacks, as that is most efficient. 21:21:43 Jason: Agree that we shouldn't do callbacks. 21:22:03 James: Cameron, can you see if there are any concerns on your end with not issuing any callbacks? 21:22:50 Jatinder: If I recall, some concerns with no callbacks was that the animation wouldn't be drawn. However, if you do time based animation and you use the timestamp parameter, the callback shouldn't matter, as the animation would be drawn at the proper place when visible. 21:22:53 James: Agreed. 21:25:57 Cameron: I will respond to the mailing list with this option and see if Boris or others have any concerns. 21:27:29 James: I plan on closing most of the editorial issues soon. 21:30:56 Jatinder: Once we have resolution on the issues, we can move towards taking this spec to last call. 21:31:03 Cameron: What does the charter suggest? 21:31:34 Jatinder: Charter suggests August 2011 to enter Last Call. 21:31:40 Cameron: This seem reasonable. 21:31:48 Topic: Discuss feedback on the Page Visibility specification. 21:32:09 -Arvind? 21:32:10 -Philippe 21:32:11 -[Microsoft] 21:32:12 -Ian 21:32:13 - +1.503.264.aaaa 21:32:13 RWC_web-per(WPWG)4:00PM has ended 21:32:15 Attendees were [Microsoft], Philippe, heycam, jamesr, +1.503.264.aaaa, +1.650.253.aabb 21:33:59 Jatinder: Per action items from last week, the Page Visibility spec has been updated to include a section on Vendor Prefixes and to remove the PAGE_PRERENDER state. Per WG decision, we plan on taking this spec to last call on 7/13. 21:36:06 Arvind: Has there been any feedback on the spec? 21:36:14 Jatinder: None on the mailing list. 21:36:49 Arvind: Great. 21:37:05 Topic: TPAC 2011 21:37:12 Jatinder: TPAC 2011 will be a great opportunity for the Web Performance WG to touch base on the current status of the specs, and to network with other groups in the area. Philippe, per your request last week, can we arrange something? 21:37:22 Philippe: What does works best? One day or two? 21:37:32 Arvind: 1 day. Indifferent which day. 21:37:36 Jason: Agreed, one day. 21:37:50 Philippe: Let's look at the Thursday. 21:38:05 Jatinder: Thanks. If no other issues, let's see everyone next week. Thanks! 21:38:15 rrsagent, generate minutes 21:38:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/07/06-webperf-minutes.html JatinderMann 22:28:21 rrsagent, please part 22:28:21 I see no action items