HTML Speech Incubator Group Teleconference

09 Jun 2011


See also: IRC log


Dan_Burnett, Raj_Tumuluri, Michael_Bodell, Paolo_Baggia, Patrick_Ehlen, Michael_Johnston, Marc_Schroeder, Milan_Young, Dan_Druta, Charles_Hemphill, Robert_Brown, Debbie_Dahl
Bjorn_Bringert, Olli_Pettay
Dan Burnett


<Robert> me. apparently you can't hear me. i'll try again...

<burn> right, never heard you

Dan: received regrets from Bjorn and Olli

<burn> Scribe: Raj_Tumuluri

<burn> ScribeNick: Raj

<burn> Date: 9 June 2011

<mbodell> people interested in API: Dan Druta, possibly Charles

F2F minutes, no comments from the participants

Updated Final Report Document

<burn> http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/htmlspeech/live/NOTE-htmlspeech-20110609.html

Dan: Sent updated the document sent few days back with Michael Bodell's comments on use-cases, proposed solutions as well as updates from the last week's call..Any comments?

No comments from the group

Sub-group reports...start with the protocol group, Robert to start

Robert: Lot of people want to contribute, posted comments to the distribution list..

<Robert> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/0002.html

Looking to finalize by August and give 2 weeks for comments

Robert: General design approach and gleaned requirements on protocols from the requirements docs..draft to be ready in June and refinements in July
... No comments from the group

<Robert> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/att-0008/speech-protocol-basic-approach-01.html

Robert: Overall design approach: use web-sockets transport, text msgs for signaling and binary for media, included the proposal link
... Control msgs will be based on MRCP
... In the coming weeks flesh this out..

<Robert> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/0020.html

Robert: Next steps to refine the design : Next week, Milan is going to compile a sub-set of MRCP for HTML+Speech, and then identify any other control msgs, we may need, in parallel look at media translation
... Will provide an update next week

Michael_: audio

Robert: Requirements list is another topic:

<Robert> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/att-0011/protocol-reqs.html

Robert: Marc has sifted through this and slotted those for easy reading..

<Robert> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/0019.html

<Robert> those are my comments

Robert: Some of these requirements may be invalid, given our recent discussions, encourage others to go through

Dan: We are missing 2 of our browser vendors today, afraid we may not be able to make any design decisions today...
... May be better to defer that for the next call when they are there...

Robet: OK with that..certainly comments I re-wrote were discussed at F2F and subsequently..since most of those are re-phrased, there may not be anything controversial

Michael_: DD35 may need to be reviewed

Dan: We will let people review and comment by next week..since it is only correction and not anything new..
... Some of the requirements are left in general section...need to review the grouping etc..based on the design-decisions we need to make on them

Robert: If anybody has any observations, and identify changes, that will help in the prep of next draft
... This is not the complete list, Marc has the protocol related list

Marc: It would not be right choice to move them all to protocol section...keep numbering intact...lot of legacy reqs..present..feel it needs to updated to reflect the latest position

Dan: Will schedule something in the comign weeks

Report from WebAPI group, Michael Bodell to present update

<burn> Michael's plan: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/0021.html

mbodell: posted the update last night...most participants are not on the call..want to make sure that the list of participants updated as well..

Dan: I am in both Protocol and WebAPI..

mbodell: Bjorn, dan, dahl, olli, mbodell, danD, Charles

Raj: I will be in protocol group

Robert: We have many people, they may not have enough work to write..but can review

mbodell: Produce something similar to what Marc produced for Protocol for WebAPI, on design decisions and appraches
... identify and obtain concensus on parameters, events and naming..
... markup bindings, associations, need to agree what we can agree and document what we cannot agree on that..
... we may also consider having a group call a la protocol group...for now can do this through email..

Dan: makes sense, I would object to adding another half hour to this call...should you really need we can accommodate that as part of the existing call itself..and allocated 30 minutes for that

mbodell: OK with that..
... design decisions: other than markup bindings, there were no major decisions..

Dan: IDL and boundaries decisions needed some review..any update on decisions

mbodell: we may say nBest number and create a prooperty describe that in text..
... functions to do the recog., results and text to describe

Dan: Agreeing on basic design approach need not be today..but, I see mbodell expects to agree on the approach today and flesh out details in subgroup..any objections?

Robert: Only concern is that key people ( browser vendors) are not on call.( Olli and Bjorn)

Dan: Olli's concerns were around security and he may not have objections to approach

mbodell: if group doesn't agree completely, then we will document the objections/disagreements

Dan: Noted that there is general consensus, noting Google and Mozilla may be orthogonal

mbodell: Javascript recognition result is the point of concern
... the objections Olli has may not affect the rest of the approach

Dan: if they affect the rest of the API, that can be resolved in sub-group

mbodell: yes, and if any new objections are found, they can be discussed in subgroup too

<burn> actually, point of concern is not JS reco result, but how you bind to HTML markup

Dan: Any other comments from anybody ? Since we are missing key browser vendors, am concerned about moving forward with design decisions

mbodell: reviewing the design requirements for APIs ( a la Marc's work on protocol)
... any volunteers

I volunteer for that

mbodell: another task that needs a volunteer is how to handle results from continuous reco, grammar conversation, IDL and text etc..we can do that in parallel

Dan_Druta: we discussed at F2F capabilities and that also needs to be fleshed ..and volunteer to do that..

dahl: put skeleton document on what needs to be fleshed and assign people to sections

mobdell & Dan_Druita: agree

ddahl: want to look at the list and pick that are most interesting ;-)

mbodell: to prepare the list and circulate

Dan: prepared to postpone remaining items to next week..anything else to discuss today?
... thanks group

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.136 (CVS log)
$Date: 2011/06/09 16:57:42 $

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Found Scribe: Raj_Tumuluri
Found ScribeNick: Raj
Present: Dan_Burnett Raj_Tumuluri Michael_Bodell Paolo_Baggia Patrick_Ehlen Michael_Johnston Marc_Schroeder Milan_Young Dan_Druta Charles_Hemphill Robert_Brown Debbie_Dahl
Regrets: Bjorn_Bringert Olli_Pettay
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-htmlspeech/2011Jun/0024.html
Found Date: 09 Jun 2011
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2011/06/09-htmlspeech-minutes.html
People with action items: 

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