IRC log of html-wg on 2011-06-09

Timestamps are in UTC.

16:01:55 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #html-wg
16:01:55 [RRSAgent]
logging to
16:01:57 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
16:01:57 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #html-wg
16:01:59 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be html_wg
16:01:59 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot, I see HTML_WG()12:00PM already started
16:02:00 [trackbot]
Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference
16:02:00 [trackbot]
Date: 09 June 2011
16:02:43 [Zakim]
16:02:50 [Julian]
Zakim, who's on the phone?
16:02:50 [Zakim]
On the phone I see +1.251.280.aaaa, [Microsoft], [Microsoft.a], Cynthia_Shelly, Sam
16:02:51 [MarkF]
MarkF has joined #html-wg
16:03:02 [Julian]
Zakim, +1.251.280.aaaa is me
16:03:02 [Zakim]
+Julian; got it
16:03:45 [paulc]
paulc has joined #html-wg
16:03:46 [Zakim]
16:03:48 [Zakim]
16:03:55 [mfoladar]
mfoladar has joined #html-wg
16:03:59 [rubys]
16:04:01 [pimpbot]
Title: {agenda} HTML WG telecon 2011-06-09 Action Items, New Calls, TF Reports, Revert Request from Sam Ruby on 2011-06-07 ( from April to June 2011) (at
16:04:06 [plh]
scribe: plh
16:04:11 [krisk]
zakim, Microsoft.a is me
16:04:11 [Zakim]
+krisk; got it
16:04:20 [Zakim]
16:04:44 [paulc]
Zakim, who is on the call?
16:04:44 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Julian, [Microsoft], krisk, Cynthia_Shelly, Sam, Radhika_Roy, Plh, [Microsoft.a]
16:04:55 [eliot]
eliot has joined #html-wg
16:05:12 [paulc]
Not sure which [Microsoft] is paulc
16:05:37 [plh]
Topic: Action items
16:05:39 [paulc]
zakim, [Microsoft.a] is paulc
16:05:39 [Zakim]
+paulc; got it
16:05:42 [plh]
16:05:42 [trackbot]
ACTION-203 -- Steve Faulkner to develop a usable LC comment form -- due 2011-06-09 -- OPEN
16:05:42 [trackbot]
16:05:43 [pimpbot]
Title: ACTION-203: Develop a usable LC comment form - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
16:06:01 [plh]
Sam: there are people working on this, with Mike and Steve
16:06:11 [plh]
... recommendation is to close the item since we don't have a firm date
16:06:15 [plh]
... any objection?
16:06:19 [eliot]
zakim, who is on the phone?
16:06:19 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Julian, [Microsoft], krisk, Cynthia_Shelly, Sam, Radhika_Roy, Plh, paulc
16:06:23 [plh]
close action-203
16:06:23 [trackbot]
ACTION-203 Develop a usable LC comment form closed
16:06:32 [plh]
Topic: New issues
16:06:34 [eliot]
zakim, microsoft has me
16:06:34 [Zakim]
+eliot; got it
16:06:36 [janina]
janina has joined #html-wg
16:06:38 [plh]
Sam: none
16:06:45 [plh]
Topic: Items closed last week
16:06:48 [plh]
Sam: none
16:06:54 [plh]
Topic: Items closing this week
16:06:57 [plh]
Sam: none
16:07:03 [plh]
Topic: Items closing next week
16:07:19 [plh]
Sam: we have a call for Consensus: publish HTML5 Edition for Web Authors as a FPWD
16:07:21 [Zakim]
16:07:28 [plh]
... we have some objections that we need to work through
16:07:40 [plh]
Topic: New call this week
16:07:52 [plh]
Sam: issue-151
16:07:55 [plh]
16:07:55 [trackbot]
ISSUE-151 -- Remove WhatWG and references in status section of document -- open
16:07:55 [trackbot]
16:07:57 [pimpbot]
Title: ISSUE-151: Remove WhatWG and references in status section of document - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
16:08:06 [plh]
sam: this closes by July 8
16:08:13 [plh]
... we already received one additional proposal
16:08:23 [plh]
Sam: issue -165
16:08:26 [plh]
16:08:26 [trackbot]
ISSUE-165 -- Drop rel=pingback -- raised
16:08:26 [trackbot]
16:08:28 [pimpbot]
Title: ISSUE-165: Drop rel=pingback - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
16:08:30 [plh]
sam: this closes by July 8 as well
16:08:53 [plh]
sam: and finally the call for consensus previously discussed
16:09:00 [plh]
sam: questions? comments?
16:09:06 [plh]
[none heard]
16:09:11 [plh]
Topic: new survey this week
16:09:14 [plh]
Sam: none
16:09:20 [plh]
Topic: Decisions this week
16:09:22 [plh]
Sam: none
16:09:36 [plh]
Topic: Testing Task Force report
16:09:48 [plh]
Kris: met last week as planned.
16:09:50 [krisk]
Notes ->
16:09:51 [pimpbot]
Title: RE: HTML Testing Task Force Conf Call Agenda 5/31/2011 from Kris Krueger on 2011-06-09 ( from June 2011) (at
16:10:03 [plh]
Kris: don't have new bugs on tests
16:10:24 [plh]
... also discussion on release of test suite. using a branch or tag. we'll use tags
16:10:31 [plh]
... we also approved the reflection tests
16:10:36 [plh]
... from Aryeh
16:10:36 [krisk]
16:10:38 [pimpbot]
Title: HTML5 reflection tests: metadata elements (at
16:10:58 [plh]
... also some discussion on infrastructure stuff but not related to the html wg specifically
16:11:07 [plh]
sam: questions?
16:11:12 [plh]
[none heard]
16:11:21 [plh]
Topic: Accessibility Task Force report
16:11:36 [plh]
Janina: lots of efforts to organize a very thorough read of HTML5 LC
16:11:48 [plh]
... reaching beyond our immediate circle of individuals
16:11:59 [plh]
... putting a bit of effort into organizing that
16:12:06 [plh]
... we have a wiki page on it
16:12:12 [plh]
... we'll collect comments
16:12:25 [plh]
... the canvas group is on hold while Rich is on vacation. back next week
16:12:30 [plh]
... media group very active
16:12:38 [plh]
... making progress on a few last issues
16:12:49 [plh]
... how to handle any kind of text based video descriptions
16:12:58 [plh]
... involved text-to-speech interfaces
16:13:24 [plh]
... video descriptions go in the section of the video with no dialog, along may need to pause/resume the video
16:13:33 [plh]
... not sure about the impact on the spec
16:13:44 [plh]
... looks it will affect the API
16:13:51 [plh]
... other areas
16:14:09 [plh]
... hierarchical navigation
16:14:19 [plh]
... discussed the 3GPP request
16:14:24 [plh]
... they're requesting URN
16:14:41 [plh]
... we'd like a consistent way of referring to those things
16:14:47 [plh]
... seems like w3c doesn't do urns
16:14:55 [plh]
... some action items from yesterday on that front
16:15:05 [plh]
sam: questions? comments?
16:15:14 [plh]
[none heard]
16:15:23 [plh]
Topic: other business
16:15:38 [plh]
Sam: we had a revert request, which has been applied
16:15:51 [rubys]
16:15:52 [plh]
... for r6145
16:15:53 [pimpbot]
Title: HTML5 Tracker (at
16:16:13 [plh]
Topic: scribe for next meeting
16:16:21 [plh]
Paul: who's chairing?
16:16:41 [plh]
Sam: I believe it will be Maciej's turn to chair
16:16:46 [plh]
Paul: I'll volunteer to scribe
16:17:04 [plh]
16:17:05 [Zakim]
16:17:14 [Zakim]
16:17:15 [Zakim]
16:17:15 [Zakim]
16:17:16 [Zakim]
16:17:16 [Zakim]
16:17:17 [janina]
janina has left #html-wg
16:17:18 [Zakim]
16:17:28 [plh]
zakim, list attendees
16:17:28 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been Cynthia_Shelly, Sam, Julian, Radhika_Roy, Plh, krisk, paulc, eliot
16:17:31 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate plh
16:17:51 [krisk]
16:18:09 [plh]
Chair: Sam
16:18:10 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate plh
16:18:11 [pimpbot]
Title: HTML Weekly Teleconference -- 09 Jun 2011 (at
17:01:54 [Zakim]
17:09:14 [mjs]
mjs has joined #html-wg
17:15:16 [CIA-1]
html-spec: 03ianh@340c8d12-0b0e-0410-8428-c7bf67bfef74 * 0c39b2a11ba7 r6204 10/ (source complete.html): [e] (0) provide a hook for other specs
17:34:03 [Zakim]
17:34:04 [Zakim]
HTML_WG()12:00PM has ended
17:34:05 [Zakim]
Attendees were Cynthia_Shelly, Sam, Julian, Radhika_Roy, Plh, krisk, paulc, eliot
17:41:53 [pimpbot]
bugmail: [Bug 12885] Add a new input type=numeric <11> 4** [Bug 12212] Wrong spam filter <11> 4** "[Bug 12885] Add a new input type=numeric" (2 messages in thread) <11> 4** [Bug 12924] xml:base interaction with img element <1
17:58:07 [J_Voracek]
J_Voracek has joined #html-wg
17:59:05 [rubys]
rubys has left #html-wg
18:12:00 [pimpbot]
bugmail: [Bug 12790] Polyglot markup: WWW usecases + "alternative solutions that have been identified" <11> 4** [Bug 12725] Document should be on the Note-track <11> 4** "[Bug 12885] Add a new input type=numeric" (2 messages in thread) <11
18:28:39 [mjs]
mjs has joined #html-wg
18:30:20 [CIA-1]
html-spec: 03ianh@340c8d12-0b0e-0410-8428-c7bf67bfef74 * 4a08e5c88db4 r6205 10/ (index complete.html source):
18:30:20 [CIA-1]
html-spec: [giow] (2) Add requirements for how to express file names in formdata
18:30:20 [CIA-1]
html-spec: Fixing
18:30:21 [pimpbot]
1111452: contributor, P3, RESOLVED FIXED, should describe how to send the filename when the field is a file field. It should send the filename as "filename" parameter and its character encoding must be _charset_.
18:32:16 [J_Voracek]
J_Voracek has joined #html-wg
18:40:56 [J_Voracek]
J_Voracek has joined #html-wg
18:42:06 [pimpbot]
bugmail: [Bug 12927] New: Define what "content attribute's document" means <11> 4** [Bug 12926] The phrase "in a Document" is not consistently used in the specification <11> 4** "[Bug 11452] should describe how to send the filename when the field is a file field. It should send the filename
19:00:20 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #html-wg
19:00:23 [CIA-1]
html-spec: 03ianh@340c8d12-0b0e-0410-8428-c7bf67bfef74 * 48799b094b88 r6206 10/ (index complete.html source): [e] (0) mention that this is an example
19:08:48 [pdr]
pdr has joined #html-wg
19:15:51 [mjs]
mjs has joined #html-wg
20:12:28 [pimpbot]
bugmail: [Bug 12885] Add a new input type=numeric <11>
20:39:49 [Norm]
Norm has joined #html-wg
20:46:58 [mjs]
mjs has joined #html-wg
20:59:56 [mjs]
mjs has joined #html-wg
21:30:30 [J_Voracek]
J_Voracek has joined #html-wg