15:02:33 RRSAgent has joined #htmlt 15:02:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/05/03-htmlt-irc 15:02:47 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:03:08 zakim, this is htmlt 15:03:08 sorry, krisk, I do not see a conference named 'htmlt' in progress or scheduled at this time 15:03:20 zakim, list conferences 15:03:20 I see SW_(SPARQL)10:00AM, XML_ET-TF()11:00AM, Team_(community)15:00Z, Team_(webtv)14:00Z, WAI_UAWG(CHAIRS)10:30AM active 15:03:24 also scheduled at this time are VB_VBWG()10:00AM, DIG_weekly()11:00AM, SW_RIF()11:00AM, WAI_PFWG(HTML_TF)11:00AM, Team_(Sandisk)11:00AM, SW_HCLS(COI)11:00AM, W3C_(COMM)9:30AM, 15:03:27 Conf call has expired 15:03:28 ... RWC_WebEven()11:00AM, T&S_XMLSEC()10:00AM, I18N_ITS IG()11:00AM 15:03:35 oops 15:03:49 ACTION: plh to renew HTMLT Call 15:04:03 MikeSmith has joined #htmlt 15:04:06 let's do this all on IRC 15:04:23 Next time we can have a call setup 15:04:40 fine by me 15:05:08 Agenda http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-testsuite/2011May/0000.html 15:05:14 by the way, I believe the html chairs asked for a report on the latest version on the test suites 15:05:27 That is correct 15:05:27 how many tests are approved, submitted, etc. 15:05:50 I told Paul Cotton and Sam Ruby that I would do this report... 15:06:20 ...so that they can present this to the AC as part of Last Call 15:06:43 I believe the AC meets next week? 15:06:46 is that correct? 15:06:54 nope, week after 15:07:02 the report will probably be on May 16 15:07:49 Agenda Item#1 Bugs on approved tests 15:08:04 No new bugs 15:08:21 Basically the report is that we are far from done. Hopefully it is clear to people that raw numbers don't mean much 15:09:13 The dataset of intrest is for tests approved and submitted 15:09:25 well, raw numbers do help showing progress 15:09:28 s/submitted/submitted tests/ 15:09:49 I don't really understnad why that is interesting. Without context - like how much of the spec we are covering - it doesn't seem to mean much 15:09:53 Recall that it has only been a little of a year since we approved the first test 15:10:08 ...and now we have almost 1000 approved tests 15:10:12 Sure, I'm not saying that we should panic or anything 15:10:23 ..and alot more participants submitting tests 15:10:52 how many submitted tests do we have in the pipeline? 15:11:25 it might also be good to start enumerating section where we don't have tests 15:11:26 Well the meta reflection tests are like 10,000 tests iirc 15:11:30 This is good data to show that the TF has made alot of progress in the last ~17 months 15:11:46 Of course they are auto-generated 15:11:54 please, focus on the progress in the last 6 months 15:12:00 The html5 parser tests are ~8000 15:12:11 so alot of tests... 15:12:30 But really these numbers don't mean much without knowing what they cover (and so what is not covered) 15:12:39 alright, then we need to talk about how we're approving those 18,000 tests then 15:13:04 that is correct - numbers are good but not a realistic view of spec coverage 15:13:18 yes, having a view of spec coverage would be good indeed 15:13:30 Sure it's good to have a large amount of attribute reflection tests 15:13:52 The meta reflection tests are the easy case (although no one has stepped up to do the review yet). The html parser tests are about 50% autogenerated and about 50% handwritten 15:14:16 btw, by test, you mean test assertions, right? 15:14:36 Note that though the Audio/Video tests are much smaller in total numbers they have more value 15:15:21 plh: I'm not quite sure how you are defining the terms 15:15:42 I mean "result as recieved by the test harness" 15:15:52 ok 15:15:59 i.e. a test is something that gives a single pass/fail result 15:17:09 Agenda item #2 Expectations moving forward for the testing task force as the spec moves to last call and beyond 15:19:15 Expectations? 15:19:39 The HTML5 spec has specific progress dates 15:20:32 my own expectation would be that we target a first release of the html test suite next year, and work backward from there to setup deadlines for test submission, bug reports, etc. 15:20:46 I think that is highly unrealistic FWIW 15:20:51 The currently we don't have an expectation on getting the test suite into a specific state that map to these dates 15:20:57 I know this won't make me popular :) 15:21:07 what is unrealistic? 15:21:20 you don't like delivery dates? :) 15:21:22 A first release next year 15:21:26 why not? 15:21:35 For a start I don't think the concept of release makes sense 15:21:41 I'm not saying the test suite will be complete 15:21:56 of course it does, otherwise people are too lazy 15:21:57 We have two basic options... 15:22:02 And second I think that by next year we won't even nearly have full spec coverage 15:22:19 which is ok 15:22:35 So I don't understand what "release" would mean 15:22:52 well, we publish working drafts for html5 15:23:01 I think we should do the same for the test suite 15:23:14 With my Opera hat on, the rate at which we write tests is likely to be a function of the rate at which we implement features and very little else 15:23:14 call it a beta release or something 15:23:31 I also think we should start to think about do the same type of release for the test suite 15:23:35 in that case, why don't we have more tests for html5 forms? 15:23:41 you guys did some implementation 15:23:57 Because when we did that implementation a few years ago we sucked more at releasing tests 15:24:07 We are getting better at that now :) 15:24:15 ah, that's good to hear 15:24:35 but having target dates will help everyone understand when to submit tests 15:24:56 MikeSmith has joined #htmlt 15:25:00 I really don't think that is true for the tests themselves 15:25:07 and we need a target for the test suite since we'll want to move out of CR 15:25:18 What *might* be helpful is a target date for the infrastructure 15:25:21 I don't believe that we'll get anymore at all without having target dates 15:25:44 ah, the infrastructure comes before that 15:26:05 I expect that the co-chairs will ask for a few targeted dates for the test suite 15:26:17 and my hope is that we can have a first version of the infrastructure sooner rather than later 15:26:18 Even if it's not complete 15:26:35 So it would be nice to have a target date to, say, be able to work out what fraction of the spec has test coverage 15:26:42 I'll ask for target dates for sure. I'm not going to trust the html wg to get their act together without target dates 15:27:16 Until we have some clue about that it seems crazy to talk about target dates for finishing the tests themselves; we won't even know how far done we are! 15:27:21 My experience is that if we don't pick some dates then we'll never complete the work so that it maps to the overall HTML5 schedule 15:28:18 the goal of the first release isn't to be complete. it's to tell people that they need to submit for it by a certain date. of course, it won't be complete 15:28:55 I would think that even if we did something as simple as.... 15:28:56 if people care about the results of that first release, they'll have a date to know when to submit tests 15:29:19 I'd expect the group will do 3 or 4 releases over 2 years 15:29:26 I don't think that's the right model for contribution 15:29:55 Take test submissions for 3 months... 15:30:08 James, alright, then how do you propose that we get folks to send more tests? 15:30:22 Then ask for a request for review for 1 month.... 15:30:25 Most people who are contributing aren't doing it for the goodness of the testsuite itself. They are doing it because they are making the tests anyway and realise that they can have move value as a shared resource 15:30:50 actually, most people don't even know they can submit tests 15:31:10 I don't think that is the case anymore... 15:31:15 plh: Make it clear exactly where we are missing tests. Make the process for writing and submitting tests clear 15:31:58 If people say they are implementing specific features ask if they intend to contribute their tests to the testsuite 15:32:00 Looking at other WG HTML5 seems to have a very large number of tests and the spec is not even at last call 15:32:37 I believe that if we propose a schedule and dates for approving tests it will only improve the situation 15:32:59 Kris, yes, you're right, but I'm still disappointed by the level of contributions. no offense to you guys, but I wish we would get a lot more tests from the community 15:33:35 Me too, but I don't know how to make people want to spend their free time writing tests 15:33:45 It's not sexy like writing performance tests 15:33:59 and it's not really easy either 15:34:22 giving them deadlines increases tests on their TODO list 15:34:52 We don't have to decide today 15:34:59 without clear steps, they won't feel as motivated 15:35:06 Kris, correct 15:35:09 Are there even people with "write HTML5 onformance tests" on their TODO list who are not already contributing? 15:35:43 I imagine most people who could be doing it haven't even considered it. Or have good reasons not to. 15:35:52 they are plenty of people with "I wish HTML5 would work better" on their TODO list 15:36:24 Yeah. Evangelising those people is a noble goal. 15:37:01 I'm not sure I know how to do it though. I don't think setting deadlines for not-very-meaningful releases helps much though 15:37:26 First they have to see that writing tests is the number one way to help browsers suck less 15:37:31 Well we can switch and see what happens.... 15:38:09 Then they have to learn to read the spec closely. Then they have to learn the process. Then they have to find time to do it. 15:38:39 I do understand it doesn take a good amount of time to participate and add value 15:39:15 Though I believe that a set schedule could help get tests reviewed on a more consistent schedule 15:40:13 Though I wanted to bring this up to understand each of your views 15:40:14 I'm not sure that lack of a deadline is the main reason that the meta-reflection tests haven't been reviewed yet, for example 15:40:57 I think in that case the main reason is that it's a lot of tedious work and no one gets paid to do it 15:41:34 When it's not a lot of work or is interesting, reviews often happen faster 15:42:12 Then maybe it's best to not write a bunch of super complex tests that take a ton of time to review... 15:42:36 I'd rather approve by default all the meta-reflection tests after a specific date, rather than waiting indefinitively 15:42:37 Personally I would much rather have the tests 15:42:38 Looking at some of the parser tests they look like they could be reviewed in smaller batches 15:42:54 Yeah, the parser tests batch up very easilly 15:43:33 At TPAC Firefox and Apple seemed to favor having a schedule 15:43:51 ...seems like this could work 15:44:01 after all, that's what css 2.1 did for their 9000 tests. those tests got auto-approved after a certain, the browser vendors started to pay attention because of the timeline. 15:44:15 s/certain/certain date/ 15:44:28 With CSS2.1 what I actually saw was all the problems coming out at the end 15:44:39 Note that we are trying to not have all the tests show up and get approved at the very end 15:44:44 so there was huge churn in the TS just before they went to PR 15:44:59 james, yes, but they did come because they had a schedule. 15:45:12 without the schedule, we would still be wondering about those tests 15:45:26 Note that the schedule came in the last year of so.... 15:45:48 That happened because they decided they needed two completely interoperable implementaions to get to PR. 15:46:02 yep, that was part of the schedule 15:47:05 Let's not make a decision right now in this meeting... 15:47:33 If you are suggesting that we make implemetation reports early then that isn't such a bad idea, although it has to be presented in a careful way to avoif giving a misleading picture 15:47:50 In particular it should be presented per-test rather than per-UA 15:48:06 I wasn't suggesting that, but I'm open to the idea. 15:48:46 I would add that alot of customers (not specifically browser vendors) see alot of value on have a set of known good HTML5 tests 15:49:14 I think we all agree that having good tests is good for many people 15:49:21 James, did you see the results for css 2.1? How do they look for you? 15:49:34 I don't remember seeing the final results 15:49:34 I don't like the CSS2.1 resutls 15:49:42 http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS2.1/20110323/reports/results.html 15:49:53 kris, what's wrong with them? 15:50:33 I like the fact that the tests are presented by sections 15:50:49 Well that layout won't scale to the number of tests we expect anyway 15:51:17 I would present by number of failing implementations. 15:51:28 James, eh, you guys have to beef up your implementations to handle the number of tests :) 15:51:42 The tests that fail in the most implementations are most likely to need attention 15:51:47 So put them first 15:52:00 It's odd that they results are for RC6? 15:52:02 The ones that everyone passes are boring so put them last 15:52:09 Why not for the final test suite? 15:52:18 Don't display which implementations pass/fail by default 15:52:52 re having fail tests first, that sounds ok to me. 15:53:08 not what you mean by not display which implementations by default 15:53:22 Kris, dunno about this RC6. 15:53:47 s/not/not sure/ 15:53:50 At this stage presenting who fails what is not the most important thing. It's only interesting to implementors 15:53:58 So they can fix their bugs 15:54:12 Finding out which tests need work is more important 15:54:17 Well it's also intresting to customers that want to choose a UA 15:54:29 Not really 15:54:41 we can certainly have different views in any case 15:55:54 Anyhow I think we should still think about moving to a schedule and publishing the test suite on a regular basis 15:56:11 +1 to publishing on a regular schedule 15:56:29 agree, but I wouldn't necessarily push for it before later in this year 15:57:00 Let's adjourn - it's almost 9am (pacific time) 15:57:03 Since I seem to be in the minority, I will check I understand what you all mean 15:57:13 What would publishing actually entail? 15:57:45 I'll send it out to the list... 15:57:57 OK 15:58:02 basically take test submissions for a set amount of time... 15:58:21 Then stop taking submissions for a set amount of time... 15:58:27 oh 15:58:51 I am not sure about the value of the "stop taking submissions for a set amount of time" part 15:59:19 I am now more opposed than I was before. Why would we want to stop anything? 15:59:24 I guess I also need to understand what we mean by "publishing" 15:59:26 the reason to stop taking submissions is to get consensus on the submitted tests 16:00:00 Even if we want to do that, stopping taking submissions is unnecessary 16:00:04 if you submit tests during review period (when we stop taking tests) the would be part of the next release 16:00:10 ah, we don't stop taking submissions, we just set a timeline on a specific set of submitted tests to be reviewed 16:00:14 One would just specific a given rev. in hg 16:00:33 or move to using a branch 16:00:42 like the html spec, we don't stop taking comments 16:00:55 we just set a timeline on when those comments will be addressed 16:01:12 During the review period - people can raise objects and have tests removed/fixed due to feedback 16:03:03 This feels like it is going to end up in cat-herding territory 16:03:21 I don't see what the mechanism is for forcing people to do the reviews 16:04:27 we don't force them, we simply tell them that, if they don't review, we'll simply approve the tests 16:04:35 and move on 16:05:21 We already do that without set publication dates on a submission-by-submission basis 16:05:32 and if we find bugs later we have to unapprove 16:05:43 So I haven't understood what changes 16:06:10 not sure if we're going to reach a conclusion today 16:06:17 and I need to go 16:06:23 IRC is not the best communication tool for process changes 16:06:29 Sorry for keeping you :) 16:06:35 I'll send something out to the list 16:06:48 let's adjourn 16:07:13 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:07:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/05/03-htmlt-minutes.html krisk 16:19:57 Ms2ger has joined #HTMLT 17:28:40 Zakim has left #htmlt 17:45:35 plh has left #htmlt