19:57:31 RRSAgent has joined #fx 19:57:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/05/02-fx-irc 19:57:33 RRSAgent, make logs world 19:57:33 Zakim has joined #fx 19:57:35 Zakim, this will be 3983 19:57:35 ok, trackbot; I see GA_FXTF()4:00PM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 19:57:36 Meeting: CSS-SVG Task Force Teleconference 19:57:36 Date: 02 May 2011 19:57:54 regrets+ smfr, chris 19:58:46 GA_FXTF()4:00PM has now started 19:58:47 +Shepazu 19:59:54 +[Apple] 19:59:58 Zakim, Apple has me 19:59:58 +hober; got it 20:00:26 +??P9 20:00:34 Zakim, ??P9 is me 20:00:34 +ed; got it 20:00:36 + +1.206.675.aaaa 20:01:00 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-fx/2011AprJun/0059.html 20:01:19 +??P1 20:01:28 Zakim, ??P1 is me 20:01:28 +anthony; got it 20:03:53 Zakim, who is noisy? 20:04:04 ed, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +1.206.675.aaaa (19%) 20:04:48 Zakim, +1.2 is rik 20:04:48 +rik; got it 20:05:24 chair: ed 20:05:34 Zakim, pick a victim? 20:05:34 I don't understand your question, ed. 20:05:46 Zakim, pick a victim 20:05:46 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose hober 20:06:06 ScribeNick: hober 20:06:34 Topic: Filter Effects 1.0 20:08:16 shepazu: if someone defines a filter effect, but it doesn't exist or isn't supported, what should happen? 20:08:47 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/FXTF/raw-file/tip/filters/publish/Filters.html#FilterFunction 20:09:32 cabanier: if they don't exist they should be ignored 20:10:09 ed: we apply the null filter in this case 20:10:32 ed: which makes elements transparent 20:11:04 ed: firefox, opera, webkit all make the element invisible 20:11:38 shepazu: this is very unintuitive 20:11:52 shepazu: will follow up in email 20:12:14 ed: it would be nice if the element remained visible 20:12:21 shepazu: what if you have a set of filters 20:12:36 shepazu: you support a b and c, and don't support d 20:12:57 shepazu: in a filter chain a b d c, what is the input into filter c 20:13:15 shepazu: expects d to simply pass through the ouptput of b to c 20:13:58 ed: in the svg case, you can have sub-parts that aren't supported; what should happen in such cases is hard 20:14:06 ed: pass-through sounds fine to me 20:14:18 shepazu: also need to address this to clip paths 20:14:28 shepazu: if there's nothing to apply, nothing should happen 20:15:24 feImage in firefox might be an example, supports raster images but not referencing other svg elements IIRC 20:15:56 shepazu: does anyone have rationale to this behavior besides it's already how implementations behave? 20:16:31 shepazu: I tried to apply some filter effects to a video 20:16:47 shepazu: regardless of if it applies the effect I still want the video to be visible 20:17:09 shepazu: we should nip this in the bud now 20:17:22 shepazu: people won't use filters because of the very negative effect 20:18:02 +[Microsoft] 20:18:05 Topic: 'enable-background' deprecation 20:18:30 pdengler has joined #fx 20:18:53 Zakim, who's here? 20:18:53 On the phone I see Shepazu, [Apple], ed, rik, anthony, [Microsoft] 20:18:54 [Apple] has hober 20:18:56 On IRC I see pdengler, Zakim, RRSAgent, cabanier, anthony, dbaron, anthony_work, ed, shepazu, CSSWG_LogBot, plinss, TabAtkins, hober, trackbot, heycam 20:19:27 cabanier: having access to the background is more about blending, should go in possible future blending spec 20:19:41 ...dammit, I meant to be in the call. One sec. 20:20:01 cabanier: if we allow enable-background in filters, we then have more than one way of expressing the same thing 20:20:42 ed: describes example of wanting to blur a background while applying a fitler; background may be unusually large 20:21:32 shepazu: filter within a filter with enable-background gets complicated really quickly 20:21:44 shepazu: we need to keep the filter spec simple 20:22:17 ed: we still have to deal with backwards compat; there are some impls that do some of this 20:22:31 ed: but there isn't much content on the open web that contains this 20:22:55 ??: which implementations support this? 20:22:56 ed: batik, opera, both support some of it 20:23:04 ed: adobe plugin had support for it 20:23:15 shepazu: would you deprecate it in opera? 20:23:24 TabAtkins_ has joined #fx 20:23:32 ed: enable-background is still used in the compositing spec 20:23:49 s/shepazu/pdengler/ 20:24:08 s/??:/pdengler:/ 20:25:54 shepazu: are you doing filters in IE? what happens now in IE9? 20:26:20 pdengler: IE9 ignores it 20:26:26 + +1.650.253.aabb 20:26:33 Zakim, aabb is TabAtkins 20:26:33 +TabAtkins; got it 20:27:46 [questions about svg v. css compositing spec work] 20:28:02 TabAtkins: is identical to what's being specced in svg 20:29:17 ??: we're not changing svg filter spec 20:29:33 shepazu: svg filter spec is becoming *a* filter spec 20:30:11 ??: the importance is that we have a consistent model now, so that 2 or 5 years from now authors have consistent experience 20:30:37 ed: there are some tests, but not many 20:31:11 shepazu: if someone were to support enable-background when blending, would they break the future? 20:31:42 ed: blending in terms of compositing or svg filters? 20:32:15 s/shepazu/pdengler/ 20:32:22 s/??:/pdengler:/ 20:32:25 s/??:/pdengler:/ 20:33:36 ed: don't know if you can get the same behavior between enable-background in compositing v. svg filters 20:33:45 pdengler: there wouldn't be a collision 20:34:54 ??: in a css compositing spec, should enable-background even be there 20:35:21 ??: if you have an animation, it's hard to implement that performantly 20:35:42 s/??:/cabanier:/ 20:35:46 s/??:/cabanier:/ 20:36:20 ed: can we refer to the compositing spec for the definition of enable-background? 20:36:42 ed: background-image and background-alpha are the only things using enable-background property 20:37:46 ed: removing, we'd have to do something for existing content, not sure what 20:38:36 ACTION: ed to create test cases for background-image and background-alpha to see what current implementations do 20:38:36 Created ACTION-31 - Create test cases for background-image and background-alpha to see what current implementations do [on Erik Dahlström - due 2011-05-09]. 20:39:08 Topic: transform atribute vs. property 20:39:12 ed: cameron isn't here 20:39:33 Topic: CSS/SVG Animation, FX 2d Transforms updates 20:40:26 anthony: next week i plan to make the fx 2d transforms updates 20:41:57 pdengler: question about integrating transform attribute v. property 20:42:05 shepazu: we've gone back and forth on that 20:42:36 shepazu: from an authoring point of view, keeping them separate is desirable 20:43:23 ed: cameron was objecting to it 20:43:45 ed: haven't seen a proposal that addresses all of the issues with making it a property; the dom issues, etc. 20:44:28 ed: will make it harder to promote other attributes to properties for animating with css animations 20:44:40 s/will/might/ 20:45:20 ed: we should see if there are more detailed comments from cameron on that 20:45:33 ed: we would have to change the fx transforms spec to reflect that 20:46:35 ed: any updates on the animation work in the css group? 20:46:57 TabAtkins: nothing's changed 20:47:07 TabAtkins: dean's been working on a better js api for animations 20:47:27 ed: that's not been checked in anywhere 20:47:50 TabAtkins: dean will move that along once he's fleshed out his experimental impl 20:48:07 pdengler: will there be an fx meeting in kyoto? 20:48:50 [discussion of when the overlap day will be in kyoto] 20:48:57 ed: we should know svg meeting dates by thursday 20:49:58 ed: the intention is to cover fx material in overlap mtg; not sure how many people doing the fx work will be there 20:50:47 -[Microsoft] 20:50:49 -rik 20:50:50 -ed 20:50:51 -anthony 20:50:52 -Shepazu 20:50:57 -TabAtkins 20:51:14 -[Apple] 20:51:16 GA_FXTF()4:00PM has ended 20:51:18 Attendees were Shepazu, hober, ed, +1.206.675.aaaa, anthony, rik, [Microsoft], +1.650.253.aabb, TabAtkins 20:52:01 RRSAgent, make minutes 20:52:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/05/02-fx-minutes.html hober 21:59:01 shepazu has joined #fx