15:57:35 RRSAgent has joined #webid 15:57:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/04/25-webid-irc 15:57:37 RRSAgent, make logs world 15:57:39 Zakim, this will be WEBID 15:57:39 ok, trackbot; I see INC_WEBID(WEBID)12:00PM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 15:57:40 Meeting: WebID Incubator Group Teleconference 15:57:40 Date: 25 April 2011 15:58:09 INC_WEBID(WEBID)12:00PM has now started 15:58:16 +[IPcaller] 15:58:41 i am IPcaller 15:58:49 zakim, i am IPcaller 15:58:49 ok, domel, I now associate you with [IPcaller] 15:59:04 ok, we'll have a very light meeting today on procedure 15:59:23 I am on teleconf 16:00:36 mh, i'm getting an user not available error 16:00:38 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:00:38 On the phone I see [IPcaller] 16:00:43 +??P10 16:00:56 Zakim, ??P10 is bblfish 16:00:56 +bblfish; got it 16:01:35 zakim, who is here? 16:01:36 On the phone I see [IPcaller], bblfish 16:02:32 zakim, I am [IPcaller] 16:02:32 ok, domel, I now associate you with [IPcaller] 16:02:40 zakim, who is here? 16:02:40 On the phone I see [IPcaller], bblfish 16:03:06 jeffsayre has joined #webid 16:03:34 + +1.650.450.aaaa 16:03:44 agenda +accept last weeks minutes http://www.w3.org/2011/04/18-webid-minutes.html 16:03:54 what is on the agenda 16:04:03 Zakim, I am +1.650.450.aaaa 16:04:03 +jeffsayre; got it 16:04:27 zakim, agenda? 16:04:27 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda: 16:04:28 6. ACTION-23: Start a position paper for Identity in the browser workshop http://www.w3.org/2011/identity-ws/ [from bblfish] 16:04:30 7. accept last weeks minutes http://www.w3.org/2011/04/18-webid-minutes.html [from bblfish] 16:04:46 skip agendum 16:05:24 -[IPcaller] 16:06:04 drop adendum 16:06:09 +??P1 16:06:10 drop agendum 16:06:22 agenda- 16:06:30 Zakim, I am ??P1 16:06:30 +domel; got it 16:06:32 agenda -6 16:06:36 zakim, who is here? 16:06:36 On the phone I see bblfish, jeffsayre, domel 16:06:36 agenda -7 16:06:50 agenda +accept last weeks minutes http://www.w3.org/2011/04/18-webid-minutes.html 16:06:59 next agendum 16:07:05 +1 16:07:11 +1 16:07:30 RESOLVED: Minutes approved 16:07:48 +1 16:08:06 zakim, who is here? 16:08:06 On the phone I see bblfish, jeffsayre, domel 16:08:09 + +1.805.416.aabb 16:08:16 who else is present and not on the phone 16:08:34 here 16:09:26 are you on the phone 16:09:29 no 16:09:36 can you get on it? 16:09:45 to inroduce yourself? 16:09:59 i'm getting this user not available error 16:10:15 when you try to call in ? 16:10:21 yes 16:10:29 where are you calling from? 16:10:33 93243 16:10:38 ekig supports externa (non @ekiga.net) calls? 16:10:53 bergi, yes 16:10:59 Zakim code is 93243 16:11:05 peterw has joined #webid 16:11:26 you can call zakim@voip.w3.org 16:11:35 or in the us +1.617.761.6200 16:11:44 france: + 16:12:02 you have to type the code very slowly 16:12:11 the 93243 code 16:12:12 i'm in germany, at home so i would like to use sip 16:12:18 ah ok 16:12:30 I am using SIP 16:13:31 with 93243 i'm getting the same error as with zakim@voip.w3.org 16:13:35 agenda +talk about berlin 16:13:56 bergi type it VERY slowly 16:14:01 try it again 16:14:38 next agendum 16:15:01 bblfish: i'm using the client software. you have to type the number before you can call so it's not possible to type slowly 16:15:15 what OS are you on? 16:15:20 windwos 7 16:15:40 try http://icanblink.com/ 16:15:57 who can make it Berlin? 16:17:28 perhaps i will come. is there a deadline for the registration? 16:17:41 you should register soon 16:17:58 we want to meet on Friday morning to work out WebID details 16:18:26 agenda +Browser & WebID paper 16:19:05 looks good 16:20:07 anybody else who has a paper for Berlin? 16:20:10 or something to show? 16:20:17 It's meant to be a hacking session also 16:20:26 +??P15 16:21:00 Bergi joined ! 16:21:11 zakim, ??P15 is bergi 16:21:11 +bergi; got it 16:21:22 agendum skip 16:21:40 yes 16:21:51 agendum + "introduce new members" 16:21:55 agendum 11 16:22:27 zakim, who is here? 16:22:27 On the phone I see bblfish, jeffsayre, domel, +1.805.416.aabb, bergi 16:22:54 805 is peterw 16:23:08 take up agendum 11 16:23:16 please introduce yourself 16:23:26 Bergi works in php 16:23:55 bergi is working on a triple store 16:24:41 https://www.axolotlfarm.org/~bergi/projects/rme/ 16:26:20 domel is working on triplestore / quardstore too 16:27:37 jeffsayre has joined #webid 16:28:05 agenda +Test suites 16:28:09 next agendum 16:28:24 skip agendum 16:28:26 test suite needs to addres bergi issue - his server cert is from CAcert - a CA not recognized by any browser and only very few server trust stores. 16:28:31 who's here? 16:28:34 - +1.805.416.aabb 16:28:44 next agendum 16:29:02 who's on the phone? 16:29:06 + +1.805.416.aacc 16:29:14 move to agendum 10 16:29:22 move to agendum 11 16:29:28 so we just did that 16:29:30 move to agendum 12 16:30:10 CA limitiations we cannot address like this, people have to buy the CAs 16:30:18 bblfish I suggest that first point was a conference in Berlin and a second the paper, because I will disconnect in a few minutes. 16:30:20 that will solved with adoption DANE 16:31:36 Electronic Frontier Foundation TLS radar 16:42:22 we just dont want the situation (surely) that there are 10 deployementrs of the test suite, and one client authn act to each of those endpoitns is qualifies as : good in 3 case, bad in 4 and warned in 2. i make it look like noone can decide when to allow access (or not) 16:44:05 ok. issue done (for me). 16:44:06 ok that cool 16:44:15 ok that cool 16:44:16  16:44:31 take up agendum 10 16:44:37 +q 16:44:44 please remove rapattoni 16:45:04 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YMY_UEIuZzZRvPem5cWg1DuC5FqN2DejOBYPX_51q7s/edit?hl=en&authkey=CI7q4cIC# 16:46:07 (-q 16:46:08 -q 16:53:38 i advise removing the claim about micropayments 16:54:36 mischat has joined #webid 16:55:23 summary if IA issue: makes sense to reach out to audit and evaluation community, to help them formulate criteria for the new world of self-signed cert (as mainstream ideas, once countersigned by DNSSec (server certs), or other foaf users (client certs)) 16:55:25 peterw: There is an important new open source project that will be integrating micropayments 16:56:47 peterw: correction that will be integrating WebID into the micropayment arch 16:57:42 (micropayments is fraught with politics - being a controlled activity. none of the 1998/9 era micro-payments scheme ever hit the big time. Just be careful not to hurt certs, by trying to a controlled activity (minting currencies) 16:58:34 unless reall critical to our argument (or major adoption community), just reconsider. 16:59:19 peterw: See http://payswarm.com/ It's not about minting any new currencies 16:59:57 ok. so its a claim of adoption (which is the point to make) 17:23:26 - +1.805.416.aacc 17:23:41 so we just rearanged the paper a bit 17:23:45 to make it more logical 17:23:57 the sections follow more logically 17:27:37 bblfish, what was changed? I was a bit away. I see one less section... 17:27:48 look at the diffs 17:29:42 http://www.h-online.com/security/news/item/IPv6-Smartphones-compromise-users-privacy-1169708.html 18:03:00 zakim, who is here? 18:03:00 On the phone I see bblfish, jeffsayre, domel, bergi 18:12:35 -domel 18:14:37 http://identity20.com/media/images/W3CWebAuth_Sxip.pdf 18:43:55 -bergi 18:43:57 -jeffsayre 18:44:08 -bblfish 18:44:09 INC_WEBID(WEBID)12:00PM has ended 18:44:11 Attendees were [IPcaller], bblfish, +1.650.450.aaaa, jeffsayre, domel, +1.805.416.aabb, bergi, +1.805.416.aacc 18:44:37 trackbot, end meeting 18:44:37 Zakim, list attendees 18:44:37 sorry, trackbot, I don't know what conference this is 18:44:38 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 18:44:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/04/25-webid-minutes.html trackbot 18:44:39 RRSAgent, bye 18:44:39 I see no action items