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<scribe> agenda: ''
<scribe> scribe: Jatinder
<scribe> ACTION: "Jatinder to update Resource and User Timing specs to include Section 5.3 Monotonic Clock" [recorded in]
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - "Jatinder
We agree to change Navigation Timing such that navigationStart is not zero'd out for cross-domain redirect cases.
<scribe> ACTION: Zhiheng to update Navigation Timing spec to ensure navigationStart is not zero'd out for x-domain redirect case. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-23 - Update Navigation Timing spec to ensure navigationStart is not zero'd out for x-domain redirect case. [on Zhiheng Wang - due 2011-04-27].
Jatinder: I have spent some time
looking at the new proposal and I am opposed to making this
change. Common practice is to design APIs for a specific task
and not try to over-generalize them. Trying to unify these
different APIs for Resource, User and Navigation Timing into a
single API will make the unified API overly complicated. It
will add restrictions to our ability to innovate these APIs in
the future, as a change specific to one area will impact
... Aside from combining the multiple APIs into a single API,
this proposal doesn’t provide any substantial features or
benefits when compared to the existing proposal. We have spent
quite a few months on the existing spec and are near
completion. Microsoft’s preference is to focus our attention in
improving and stabilizing the existing spec and bringing it to
Candidate Recommendation.
Tony: Unified Timing as proposed
isn't going to fly. We will need to update the current spec
with the features we want.
... We want to deal with Resource Timing. We are arbitrarily
recreating the DOM and making the elements appears as if they
are associated with a particular DOM element, by ID. But this
feels thin. Developer might want to act on this in any number
of ways.
... Feels a bit arbitrarily. Based on the snapshot of the DOM
based on history, rather than what it looks like now. Our
thinking process is that there are a stream of events in the
browser, and we want to time anything.
... E.g., in the Chrome inspector, there are many timing data
that aren't associated with an element.
... My question would really be, how strong is the use case for
looking things up by id or type at the time things were
... only looking things by URL.
Nic: We can't always assume there is a 1:1 mapping there. URLs, IDs can change over time.
Tony: Agree. Keeping static IDs is a shaky thing to do.
Nic: Maybe we don't keep the getbyID or getbyType.
Tony: A lookup by URL would be useful.
Zhiheng: Don't always know the URL of the iframe by javascript?
Tony: You can use existing DOM calls to traverse the DOM tree and get the URLs.
Karen: The concept was to have an
unique identifier, so you can get the timing data for a
particular resource. Imagine the same resource in the header or
the footer, and you want to get the data on a particular
... Any suggestions of how to get data on a particular resource
that is displayed multiple times?
Tony: I thought we discussed this before. If the same resource is used multiple times, we show it once.
Nic: Yes, for images and such. But XHRs, for example, can be pulled down mutiple times.
Tony: I see. Can't cache XHRs?
Nic: The idea behind these were convenience APIs. We can pull these out if we don't want the convenience.
Jatinder: If these are really convenience APIs, what is the downside? Are we afraid that users might be confused?
Tony: It's odd to have a static ID, where it can change later on. Can create confusion.
Jatinder: Is the proposal to get getResourceTimingsByID and getResourcesTimingsByType and just keep getResourceTimingsByLocation?
Tony: Yes.
Nic: What about the attributes?
Tony: Another thought, we should allow web developers to turn on the logging, so we don't have to keep this in memory by default.
Jatinder: The downside is that there needs to be script in the <head>.
Zhiheng: I don't prefer script in the <head>. It's not as reliable.
Jatinder: Didn't we, on the mailing list, already run tests on browsers and agree that the overhead was acceptable?
We agreed on the call to move ahead with providing feedback to the current Resource and User Timing specs, and not pursue the Unified Timing model. Tony will send out mail with concerns he has with the current API and we will discuss them next week on the call and in the mailing thread.
<scribe> ACTION: Jatinder to update Resource and User Timing specs to include Section 5.3 Monotonic Clock. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-24 - Update Resource and User Timing specs to include Section 5.3 Monotonic Clock. [on Jatinder Mann - due 2011-04-27].
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found Scribe: Jatinder Inferring ScribeNick: Jatinder Default Present: [Microsoft], +1.760.705.aaaa, Plh, +1.650.214.aabb, +1.650.691.aacc, tomayac, +1.650.253.aadd WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: Jatinder) Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Present+ Nic WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: Nic) Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Present+ Cameron WARNING: Replacing previous Present list. (Old list: Cameron) Use 'Present+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Present+ Christian Present: Christian Jatinder Nic Cameron Philippe JamesS JamesR KarenA Zhiheng WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Got date from IRC log name: 20 Apr 2011 Guessing minutes URL: WARNING: No person found for ACTION item: "jatinder to update resource and user timing specs to include section 5.3 monotonic clock" [recorded in] People with action items: jatinder zhiheng[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]