19:57:58 RRSAgent has joined #webfonts 19:57:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2011/03/16-webfonts-irc 19:58:00 RRSAgent, make logs world 19:58:00 Zakim has joined #webfonts 19:58:02 Zakim, this will be 3668 19:58:02 ok, trackbot; I see IA_Fonts()4:00PM scheduled to start in 2 minutes 19:58:03 Meeting: WebFonts Working Group Teleconference 19:58:03 Date: 16 March 2011 19:58:13 erik has joined #webfonts 19:58:35 tal has joined #webfonts 19:59:51 IA_Fonts()4:00PM has now started 19:59:57 + +1.443.895.aaaa 20:00:33 +[Microsoft] 20:00:43 sergeym has joined #webfonts 20:00:48 +ChrisL 20:02:10 + +1.250.247.aabb 20:02:17 Vlad has joined #webfonts 20:02:25 zakim, aaaa is tal 20:02:25 +tal; got it 20:02:38 + +1.781.970.aacc 20:02:48 aacc is Vlad 20:03:11 zakim, aacc is Vlad 20:03:11 +Vlad; got it 20:03:14 John has joined #webfonts 20:04:34 zakim, who is here? 20:04:34 On the phone I see tal, [Microsoft], ChrisL, +1.250.247.aabb, Vlad 20:04:35 On IRC I see John, Vlad, sergeym, tal, erik, Zakim, RRSAgent, ChrisL, trackbot 20:04:36 + +1.408.536.aadd 20:04:58 cslye has joined #webfonts 20:05:24 Neither Paris nor London Zakim numbers accept my code. I'll just read IRC. 20:05:26 zakim, aadd is cslye 20:05:26 +cslye; got it 20:07:27 I will attempt to take minutes 20:07:33 I think a presence at TypeCon would be good. 20:07:43 scribenick: cslye 20:07:53 +[Microsoft.a] 20:08:14 Vlad: Should we have F2F at TypeCon? 20:08:46 TypeCon is early July in New Orleans. 20:09:12 ChrisL: Lots of things to discuss; seems like a good fit to do it there. 20:09:47 Could discuss the test results and implementations, we could exit the meeting with an implementation report 20:09:56 Vlad: Will two implementations be ready by then? 20:10:21 Opera11.10 has WOFF now 20:10:44 Vlad: If we go to CR, then we'll have two months to collect implementation info, etc. 20:10:56 Vlad: Timing-wise it would work. 20:11:27 http://www.typecon.com/ 20:11:31 Vlad: If timing and travel is convenient for people... conference space might be smaller, but it should be fine. 20:11:45 Royal Sonesta Hotel, New Orleans 20:11:49 -cslye 20:11:51 +1 for a meeting,for me 20:12:10 Just lost my phone connection.... back in a minute. (someone cover?) 20:12:20 sylvaing has joined #webfonts 20:12:41 +cslye 20:13:30 Vlad: Straw poll says the group is in favor of it. 20:14:11 Topic: SVG and CSS recap 20:14:50 ChrisL: SVG2 will mandate WOFF. 20:15:27 ChrisL: My proposal was to mandate WOFF, all else optional. 20:15:55 Other proposal was a subset of SVG fonts. 20:16:30 ChrisL: Describes lack of enthusiasm for SVG font mandate. 20:19:01 Oh! I realise I have a conflict for TypeCon. I have a conflicting meeting in Japan ... 20:20:00 cslye: Recaps CSS3 Fonts F2F in Mountain View. 20:20:02 s/Oh! I realise I have a conflict for TypeCon. I have a conflicting meeting in Japan ...// 20:20:28 Very minimal discuss of WOFF SOR at the F2F. 20:21:33 Vlad: Keep SOR info as-is for now. 20:21:51 Topic: Last Callcomments 20:22:02 http://dev.w3.org/webfonts/WOFF/DoC/issues-lc-2010.html 20:22:48 Vlad: Lets look at comment with no action assigned. 20:23:20 Vlad: Issue #11 - Use of attributes for human readable text 20:23:24 http://dev.w3.org/webfonts/WOFF/DoC/issues-lc-2010.html#issue-11 20:25:06 Vlad: Working group believes we don't need changes. 20:25:51 action: chris to respond on issue-11 20:25:51 Created ACTION-78 - Respond on issue-11 [on Chris Lilley - due 2011-03-23]. 20:26:26 Vlad: Issue #18 20:26:34 http://dev.w3.org/webfonts/WOFF/DoC/issues-lc-2010.html#issue-18 20:26:43 license element text subelements 20:27:24 tal: Was Vlad going to contemplate legal implications? 20:29:58 tal: Most previous discussion was on a call. 20:31:04 Vlad: Would be in Dec 8 minutes. 20:31:53 This one needs more discussion, skipping for now. 20:31:57 http://dev.w3.org/webfonts/WOFF/DoC/issues-lc-2010.html#issue-19 20:32:17 Waiting for more input from Bert. 20:32:28 I willsend a reminder we are waiting for is input 20:32:33 ChrisL: I will check right now. 20:33:02 #21 should be marked as closed/accept. 20:33:09 http://dev.w3.org/webfonts/WOFF/DoC/issues-lc-2010.html#issue-24 20:33:24 s/check/remind him/ 20:33:30 Awaiting clarification from Bert. 20:33:47 Vlad: Same for #25 20:33:48 http://dev.w3.org/webfonts/WOFF/DoC/issues-lc-2010.html#issue-25 20:34:40 vlad: alignment makes implementation easier and faster 20:35:13 action: ChrisL to respond on issue-25 20:35:13 Created ACTION-79 - Respond on issue-25 [on Chris Lilley - due 2011-03-23]. 20:35:55 http://dev.w3.org/webfonts/WOFF/DoC/issues-lc-2010.html#issue-26 20:36:12 ChrisL: Thinks Bert has it the wrong way 'round. 20:36:36 ChrisL: Response is: Just use existing DSIG. 20:36:50 OpenType has a DSIG table already and it round trips just fine 20:37:07 action: ChrisL to respond on issue-26 20:37:07 Created ACTION-80 - Respond on issue-26 [on Chris Lilley - due 2011-03-23]. 20:37:24 http://dev.w3.org/webfonts/WOFF/DoC/issues-lc-2010.html#issue-34 20:37:36 Some fields in OT header are not mentioned in WOFF spec 20:37:48 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-font/2011JanMar/0005.html 20:38:00 searchRange, entrySelector, and rangeShift 20:38:27 sergeym: They are calculated from number of tables in the font, so WOFF unpacking code can restore them unambiguously. However, I think WOFF spec should mentioned them in two places. First, it has to reference OpenType spec for calculation algorithm. And second, conformance requirements have to mention that these fields should be correct in original font to ensure complete roundtrip. 20:40:22 Vlad: I don't see how this is handled in the WOFF spec. 20:40:29 tal: Yes, we just have to mention it. 20:41:13 If they are regenerated, WOFF should mention this. 20:41:33 Vlad: And provide a reference to the OT spec. 20:43:23 trackbot, status 20:43:30 action: Jonathan to provide link for issue-34 20:43:30 Created ACTION-81 - Provide link for issue-34 [on Jonathan Kew - due 2011-03-23]. 20:45:45 cslye will get response on Action-57. 20:46:08 Vlad: Keeping Action-62 open. 20:46:29 http://www.w3.org/Fonts/WG/track/actions/open 20:46:51 Vlad: Keep 74 open. 20:47:04 Vlad: Keep 76 open. 20:47:19 Vlad: I will check with Apple on this one. 20:48:01 Topic: Promoting to CR 20:48:50 ChrisL: As soon as all Last Call comments have been resolved or can be explained. 20:49:04 Vlad: Can make decision in April. 20:49:50 Topic: Test Suite Tools 20:50:55 -ChrisL 20:53:08 tal: We can provide a font AND a script that will ensure everything runs and passes as expected. 20:53:21 Vlad: Will the script be generic? 20:53:40 tal: No, will be specialized for each test. 20:54:12 tal: Will know what to check for and can report pass/fail. 20:54:40 Vlad: Would be useful to include a reference decoder. 20:55:00 Vlad: Make it easier for encoder developers. 20:55:34 Vlad: Put it on a server so the decoder can run there. 20:56:03 tal: Decoder lives on a server? Foundries wouldn't like that. 20:56:11 Vlad: Not what I'm proposing... 20:56:47 Vlad: Decoder doesn't give you the font back, just reports on result. 20:57:17 tal: I will think about that. 20:58:10 tal: That's it. Will add what Sergey mentioned. 20:58:41 Vlad: We are lucky to have Tal! 20:59:06 John: The FAQ is almost ready to go. Will check in with Chris. 20:59:36 Vlad: I will be traveling in Europe next week. Probably can't be on call. 21:00:03 Vlad: I will decide early next week and send an email. 21:00:38 -[Microsoft] 21:00:42 rrsagent, generate minutes 21:00:42 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/03/16-webfonts-minutes.html Vlad 21:00:47 -tal 21:00:51 -cslye 21:00:56 -[Microsoft.a] 21:00:58 - +1.250.247.aabb 21:01:10 cslye has left #webfonts 21:01:18 zakim, list attendees 21:01:18 As of this point the attendees have been +1.443.895.aaaa, [Microsoft], ChrisL, +1.250.247.aabb, tal, +1.781.970.aacc, Vlad, +1.408.536.aadd, cslye 21:01:27 rrsagent, make minutes 21:01:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2011/03/16-webfonts-minutes.html ChrisL 21:02:19 Christopher, http://www.w3.org/2011/03/16-webfonts-minutes.html,text will give you plaoin text version of the minutes for email 21:05:59 disconnecting the lone participant, Vlad, in IA_Fonts()4:00PM 21:06:01 IA_Fonts()4:00PM has ended 21:06:05 Attendees were +1.443.895.aaaa, [Microsoft], ChrisL, +1.250.247.aabb, tal, +1.781.970.aacc, Vlad, +1.408.536.aadd, cslye 23:16:33 Zakim has left #webfonts