IRC log of lld on 2011-02-03

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:53:47 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #lld
14:53:47 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:53:54 [antoine]
rrsagent, bookmark
14:53:54 [RRSAgent]
14:54:06 [antoine]
Meeting: LLD XG
14:54:13 [antoine]
Chair: Antoine
14:54:27 [antoine]
14:55:00 [antoine]
Previous: 2011-01-27
14:55:12 [TomB]
TomB has joined #lld
14:55:55 [antoine]
Regrets: Lars, Uldis, Mark, Guenther, Michel, Monica, Ed
14:56:04 [antoine]
rrsagent, please make record public
14:57:26 [antoine]
zakim, pleas mute me
14:57:26 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'pleas mute me', antoine
14:57:30 [antoine]
zakim, please mute me
14:57:33 [Zakim]
sorry, antoine, I don't know what conference this is
14:57:33 [GordonD]
GordonD has joined #lld
14:57:51 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate TomB
14:57:51 [emma]
emma has joined #lld
14:58:05 [kcoyle]
kcoyle has joined #lld
14:59:22 [pmurray]
pmurray has joined #lld
14:59:26 [antoine]
zakim, unmute me
14:59:26 [Zakim]
sorry, antoine, I don't know what conference this is
14:59:26 [kefo]
kefo has joined #lld
14:59:31 [kefo]
zakim, LC is me
14:59:31 [Zakim]
sorry, kefo, I do not recognize a party named 'LC'
14:59:37 [jodi]
jodi has joined #LLD
14:59:43 [marcia]
marcia has joined #lld
14:59:45 [kefo]
zakim, LC is me
14:59:46 [Zakim]
sorry, kefo, I do not recognize a party named 'LC'
14:59:52 [AlexanderH]
AlexanderH has joined #lld
14:59:55 [jneubert]
jneubert has joined #lld
15:00:05 [kai]
kai has joined #lld
15:00:08 [jodi]
zakim, who is here?
15:00:09 [ww]
strange... calling the boston number forwards me directly to W3C admin assistance...
15:00:15 [jodi]
ww: worked ok for me
15:00:17 [Zakim]
sorry, jodi, I don't know what conference this is
15:00:38 [kefo]
first time I called it forwarded me to admin assistance. second time I got through
15:00:50 [fsasaki]
fsasaki has joined #lld
15:01:04 [emma]
zakim, this is lld
15:01:04 [Zakim]
ok, emma; that matches INC_LLDXG()10:00AM
15:01:13 [rsinger]
rsinger has joined #lld
15:01:16 [emma]
zakim, who's here ?
15:01:18 [ww]
jodi: worked the second time
15:01:19 [Zakim]
On the phone I see ??P4, Jodi, michaelp, [LC], ??P13, ??P9, ??P10, emma, rsinger, [IPcaller], +1.678.235.aaaa, ??P18, ??P19, +44.131.516.aabb, marcia
15:01:25 [kefo]
zakim, LC is me
15:01:26 [digikim]
15:01:28 [digikim]
who am I? :)
15:01:29 [rayd]
rayd has joined #lld
15:01:31 [Zakim]
+kefo; got it
15:01:31 [ww]
Zakim, aabb is me
15:01:38 [marcia]
zakim, mute me
15:01:41 [Zakim]
+ww; got it
15:01:42 [TomB]
zakim, this will be lld
15:01:45 [Zakim]
marcia should now be muted
15:01:47 [Zakim]
ok, TomB, I see INC_LLDXG()10:00AM already started
15:01:47 [TomB]
rrsagent, bookmark
15:01:47 [RRSAgent]
15:01:53 [TomB]
Meeting: LLD XG
15:01:54 [jodi]
zakim, who's here?
15:01:56 [Zakim]
15:01:56 [TomB]
Chair: Antoine
15:01:58 [Zakim]
On the phone I see ??P4, Jodi, michaelp, kefo, ??P13, ??P9, ??P10, emma, rsinger, [IPcaller], +1.678.235.aaaa, ??P18, ??P19, ww, marcia (muted), ??P32
15:02:06 [ww]
Zakim, mute me
15:02:06 [Zakim]
ww should now be muted
15:02:07 [pmurray]
zakim aaaa is me
15:02:20 [pmurray]
zakim, aaaa is me
15:02:20 [Zakim]
+pmurray; got it
15:02:27 [digikim]
I'm either P4, P13, P9, P10, P18 or P19 :)
15:02:27 [Zakim]
+ +49.173.609.aacc
15:02:36 [jodi]
hang up and call back?
15:02:48 [jneubert]
zakim, aacc is jneubert
15:02:49 [Zakim]
+jneubert; got it
15:03:08 [TomB]
zakim, ??P4 is TomB
15:03:08 [Zakim]
+TomB; got it
15:03:11 [jeff_]
present+ jeff_
15:03:12 [Zakim]
15:03:19 [kai]
zakim, who is online?
15:03:19 [Zakim]
I don't understand your question, kai.
15:03:19 [AlexanderH]
present+ AlexanderH
15:03:19 [kcoyle]
present+ kcoyle
15:03:26 [kai]
zakim, who is on the phone?
15:03:26 [Zakim]
On the phone I see TomB, Jodi, michaelp, kefo, ??P13, ??P9, ??P10, emma, rsinger, [IPcaller], pmurray (muted), ??P19 (muted), ww (muted), marcia (muted), felix (muted), jneubert
15:03:34 [Zakim]
15:03:34 [kai]
zakim, ??P19 is me.
15:03:35 [Zakim]
+kai; got it
15:03:35 [Zakim]
15:03:43 [digikim]
Zakim, P1 is digikim
15:03:45 [Zakim]
sorry, digikim, I do not recognize a party named 'P1'
15:03:50 [digikim]
Zakim, ??P1 is digikim
15:03:53 [kai]
zakim, who is on the phone?
15:03:54 [Zakim]
I already had ??P1 as ??P1, digikim
15:03:59 [Zakim]
On the phone I see TomB, Jodi, michaelp, kefo, ??P13, ??P10, emma, rsinger, [IPcaller], pmurray (muted), kai, ww (muted), marcia (muted), felix (muted), jneubert (muted), ??P1
15:04:03 [digikim]
argh :)
15:04:18 [kcoyle]
kcoyle present+ kcoyle
15:04:19 [digikim]
Zakim, ??P1 is digikim.
15:04:23 [Zakim]
15:04:25 [Zakim]
I already had ??P1 as ??P1, digikim
15:04:30 [jeff_]
zakim, ??P13 is me
15:04:34 [TomB]
zakim, jeff_ is ??P13
15:04:35 [Zakim]
+jeff_; got it
15:04:36 [antoine]
zakim, ??P9 is GordonD
15:04:39 [Zakim]
+??P13; got it
15:04:41 [Zakim]
+GordonD; got it
15:05:03 [antoine]
zakim, who is here?
15:05:03 [Zakim]
On the phone I see TomB, Jodi, michaelp, kefo, ??P13, ??P10, emma, rsinger, [IPcaller], pmurray (muted), kai, ww (muted), marcia (muted), felix (muted), jneubert (muted), ??P1,
15:05:07 [Zakim]
... GordonD
15:05:16 [jeff_]
zakim, ??P13 is me
15:05:16 [Zakim]
+jeff_; got it
15:05:38 [emma]
zakim, ??P10 may be kcoyle
15:05:38 [Zakim]
+kcoyle?; got it
15:06:08 [Zakim]
15:06:14 [kefo]
zakim, LC is rayd
15:06:14 [Zakim]
+rayd; got it
15:06:32 [digikim]
??P1 is me, but Zakim doesn't accept it...
15:06:42 [digikim]
(can somebody solve it?)
15:06:49 [kefo]
zakim, mute m
15:06:49 [Zakim]
'm' is ambiguous, kefo
15:06:51 [kefo]
zakim, mute me
15:06:51 [Zakim]
kefo should now be muted
15:07:08 [fsasaki]
scribe: felix
15:07:13 [jeff_]
zakim, mute me
15:07:13 [Zakim]
jeff_ should now be muted
15:07:16 [antoine]
Scribenick: fsasiki
15:07:24 [antoine]
15:08:05 [fsasaki]
topic: admin
15:08:07 [emma]
rrsagent, please draft minutes
15:08:07 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate emma
15:08:12 [antoine]
PROPOSED: To accept
15:08:35 [fsasaki]
RESOLUTION: previous minutes accepted
15:08:51 [fsasaki]
topic: final report draft
15:09:00 [antoine]
15:09:08 [fsasaki]
see also
15:09:34 [fsasaki]
action on Antoine to include executive summary placeholder in report - has been done
15:09:54 [antoine]
15:10:23 [TomB]
ACTION: Antoine to include executive summary placeholder in report [recorded in]
15:10:25 [TomB]
15:11:02 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate TomB
15:11:37 [TomB]
rrsagent please make record public
15:11:45 [fsasaki]
ACTION: emma to put the Goals page content at the beginning of the use case section [recorded in]
15:11:57 [fsasaki]
15:12:05 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate TomB
15:12:19 [fsasaki]
emma: it is only a draft, would be great if everybody could review that piece of text
15:12:22 [emma]
15:12:49 [fsasaki]
emma: not sure if it captures the essence of the use case
15:13:01 [fsasaki]
antoine: we can check it later, the action is clearly done, thanks a lot
15:13:10 [jodi]
jodi has joined #LLD
15:13:17 [Zakim]
15:13:20 [antoine]
ACTION: emma to put the Goals page content at the beginning of the use case section [recorded in]
15:13:22 [antoine]
15:13:53 [antoine]
zakim, ??P48 is Asaf
15:13:53 [Zakim]
+Asaf; got it
15:14:05 [fsasaki]
ACTION: emma to add a 1.4 section (before recommendations) on problems and limitations [recorded in]
15:14:15 [fsasaki]
15:14:20 [emma]
15:14:27 [Asaf]
Asaf has joined #lld
15:14:34 [fsasaki]
emma: only edited the section with a few links, we have to discuss what we want to put in here
15:14:45 [fsasaki]
antoine: thanks, we will discuss that later
15:15:12 [fsasaki]
antoine: now about "Fate of library standards and issues pages"
15:15:50 [fsasaki]
ACTION: GordonD to split and make recommendations on where to integrate into the final report [recorded in]
15:16:19 [fsasaki]
15:16:57 [kcoyle]
link to page?
15:17:08 [antoine]
15:17:15 [antoine]
15:17:24 [antoine]
15:17:57 [TomB]
Gordon, do you mean ?
15:18:04 [kcoyle]
15:18:38 [GordonD]
Library Data Resources - needs a placeholder in Final report, in Available data section.
15:19:09 [jodi]
q+ Does it need a recommendations section, not just an available data section?
15:19:17 [GordonD]
Library standards and linked data, following discussion at future telecon, probably fits the Problems and limitations section of the Final report.
15:19:21 [fsasaki]
(above and below are gordon's suggestions for reorganising the material)
15:19:36 [TomB]
+1 sounds good Gordon
15:19:52 [antoine]
zakim, ack kcoyle
15:19:52 [Zakim]
I see no one on the speaker queue
15:19:59 [jodi]
15:20:03 [TomB]
ack kcoyle
15:20:12 [kcoyle]
you cna't hear me?
15:20:22 [kcoyle]
i'm not muted
15:20:40 [kcoyle]
ok, i'll type it in
15:20:51 [kcoyle]
yes, i hear you
15:21:05 [kcoyle]
15:21:38 [fsasaki]
karen: we gathered a lot of data
15:21:39 [GordonD]
Final note for the record: the Granularities page is now incorporated in the Library standards and linked data page.
15:21:42 [emma]
zakim, kcoyle? is probably jeff
15:21:42 [Zakim]
+jeff?; got it
15:21:48 [fsasaki]
.. I would like to see our report to be an analysis of what we gathered
15:21:50 [Zakim]
15:21:56 [fsasaki]
.. we seem to be ending up with a list of information
15:22:14 [fsasaki]
.. we should discuss how we end of with the analysis from that list
15:22:29 [fsasaki]
.. we don't know how all of those standards, librarry data structure
15:22:34 [fsasaki]
.. fits in into linked data
15:22:38 [TomB]
+1 lists will get stale quickly - emphasizing analysis is good
15:22:41 [fsasaki]
.. we have no answer, but a question
15:22:53 [fsasaki]
.. we gathered some data for beginning
15:23:06 [fsasaki]
.. we need to say: here is a beginning of a task that needs to happen
15:23:16 [fsasaki]
.. i.e. how to go from library data to linked data
15:23:19 [emma]
+1, karen !
15:23:20 [fsasaki]
antoine: sounds good
15:23:41 [fsasaki]
karen: somebody has to write that analysis part
15:23:54 [fsasaki]
antoine: couldn't that be for many of these sections?
15:24:01 [fsasaki]
karen: that is true for every section
15:24:15 [TomB]
q+ to suggest that we have writers -- and _reviewers_
15:24:17 [fsasaki]
antoine: agree, people should volunteer for curating these sections
15:24:24 [jodi]
+1 to writers and reviewers
15:24:34 [jodi]
+1 to appendices also
15:24:42 [fsasaki]
karen: some things which are in the report will end up to be appendicies with long lists of things
15:24:43 [TomB]
+1 to pushing things into appendices
15:24:54 [GordonD]
+1 for all these suggestions
15:24:55 [fsasaki]
15:24:58 [antoine]
zakim, ack TomB
15:24:58 [Zakim]
TomB, you wanted to suggest that we have writers -- and _reviewers_
15:24:59 [Zakim]
I see no one on the speaker queue
15:25:03 [fsasaki]
tom: completely agree with karen
15:25:19 [fsasaki]
.. in addition to writers we need reviewers
15:26:15 [jodi]
also the better (more complete, more readable, ...) each section will get, from review
15:26:15 [fsasaki]
.. the more we read the entire report the more we will understand the coherence of the report
15:26:23 [jodi]
15:26:43 [fsasaki]
tom: we are going to need to iterate through all of these sections for a few times
15:27:11 [fsasaki]
.. we need to get the authors themselves involved in thinking about what a section is trying to do, how well it is communicated, what is needed to be done
15:27:16 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate fsasaki
15:27:36 [fsasaki]
antoine: above comments in the minutes makes a lot of sense for everyone
15:27:45 [fsasaki]
.. should we record an action or resolution?
15:27:49 [fsasaki]
tom: no need for a resolution
15:28:12 [fsasaki]
.. creating the agenda (of calls) we should look for reviewers
15:28:23 [fsasaki]
antoine: ok, let's discuss that in upcoming calls
15:29:10 [fsasaki]
action: gordon to update the draft report structure with suggestions he made concerning the wiki pages
15:29:40 [fsasaki]
antoine: wiki page about granularity of library data is now obsolete
15:29:44 [fsasaki]
gordon: correct
15:30:01 [fsasaki]
.. will delete content to granularity page, you may want to remove that from the archives
15:30:13 [fsasaki]
15:30:44 [antoine]
15:31:39 [fsasaki]
antoine: there was a discussion on a storyboard, for the "youtube" page
15:31:58 [fsasaki]
tom: I would lead towards dropping that as an action for the incubator group
15:32:10 [fsasaki]
.. we are getting short on time, doing the report has a higher priority
15:32:23 [fsasaki]
.. I suggest that we continue it, but not as a critical deliverble
15:33:00 [fsasaki]
.. it is fun to think about these ideas, so I would be in favor of continuing it, but not regard it as a deliverable of the group
15:33:11 [fsasaki]
15:33:21 [fsasaki]
tom: shouldn't be a high priority
15:33:25 [GordonD]
+1 Tom's suggestion
15:33:42 [fsasaki]
antoine: would keep it as trailing part of our agenda
15:33:57 [antoine]
15:34:21 [fsasaki]
emma: was an illustration for library standards resoruce page
15:34:40 [fsasaki]
.. tried to explain how library standards relate to each other, to dublin core, linked data standards
15:35:18 [fsasaki]
.. was an important step to draw it
15:35:21 [kcoyle]
15:35:30 [fsasaki]
antoine: should we start a discussion on the list?
15:35:37 [fsasaki]
emma: yes, but I have to update it first
15:35:52 [fsasaki]
.. some things we defined that should be integrated in the last part of the diagram
15:35:54 [GordonD]
I think it's important to include the broad relationships between components - I'd like to see the diagram in the final report
15:36:34 [kcoyle]
15:36:35 [fsasaki]
action: emma to update "layered model" diagram model and lead a discussion on it in the coming weeks
15:36:46 [antoine]
zakim, ack kcoyle
15:36:46 [Zakim]
I see no one on the speaker queue
15:36:57 [fsasaki]
karen: we have the page with a lot of presentations
15:36:59 [jodi]
that list is VERY messy
15:37:13 [fsasaki]
.. tom's idea was that we would extract some good illustrations that could be re-used
15:37:16 [jodi]
15:37:28 [TomB]
15:37:31 [fsasaki]
.. diagrams would be an example, to be used to explain ideas
15:38:03 [fsasaki]
.. but we need to discuss this - I would take an action to go through presentations and see what we can use
15:38:10 [antoine]
zakim, ack TomB
15:38:10 [Zakim]
I see no one on the speaker queue
15:39:02 [fsasaki]
tom: an idea was that we have powerpoint presentation as part of our deliverables
15:39:17 [jodi]
it could also help in writing the executive summary
15:39:27 [jodi]
i.e. what to say to "decision makers"
15:39:31 [fsasaki]
.. I think we need to concentrate our discussion on what our main results our
15:39:48 [fsasaki]
.. not sure if we can have a PP presentation as an output of the group
15:40:13 [fsasaki]
.. but having some sort of a presentation format can become a focus for discussing our message in a really condensed way
15:40:49 [fsasaki]
.. a lot of us will have an opportunity to give presentations, would be good to have slides to draw upon
15:41:19 [GordonD]
+1 for a standard presentation
15:41:58 [ww]
+1 for materials and building blocks
15:41:59 [kcoyle]
+1 for good set of graphics
15:42:06 [fsasaki]
antoine: good ideas - if somebody will take an action, I would be fine
15:42:07 [jodi]
+1 for all of the above!
15:42:19 [jodi]
15:42:28 [fsasaki]
karen: I could look through the presentations and begin to extract some things, to help to start the discussion
15:42:35 [TomB]
15:42:36 [emma]
q+ to be careful about property rights
15:43:18 [fsasaki]
action: karen to look through the presentations and begin to extract some things, to help to start the discussion
15:43:45 [fsasaki]
ack em
15:43:45 [Zakim]
emma, you wanted to be careful about property rights
15:43:46 [antoine]
zakim, ack emma
15:43:47 [Zakim]
I see no one on the speaker queue
15:43:56 [TomB]
q+ to suggest that we give credit
15:44:09 [antoine]
zakim, please ack TomB
15:44:09 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'please ack TomB', antoine
15:44:09 [fsasaki]
emma: make sure that you have the right for the owners and that it does not conflict with W3C rules
15:44:12 [fsasaki]
karen: sure
15:44:21 [emma]
ack tom
15:44:21 [Zakim]
TomB, you wanted to suggest that we give credit
15:44:39 [fsasaki]
tom: we will give people give credit on the bottom of the slides, with regards to the source
15:45:01 [jeff_]
zakim, unmute me
15:45:01 [Zakim]
sorry, jeff_, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
15:45:44 [antoine]
15:45:48 [ww]
Zakim, unmute me
15:45:48 [Zakim]
ww should no longer be muted
15:46:04 [fsasaki]
antoine: wiki page you created "library data and semantic web formats"
15:46:16 [fsasaki]
.. can we declare that page as superseded by the CKAN efforts?
15:46:25 [fsasaki]
ross: yes, I think we agreed on that
15:46:54 [fsasaki]
.. we can deprecate that wikipage in favor of CKAN efforts
15:47:21 [fsasaki]
action: ross to deprecate the "library data and semantic web formats" and create a link to the CKAN efforts
15:47:24 [jodi]
'deprecate' means that we'll be sure that any info on the wiki will get into CKAN, before deleting the page and redirecting it to CKAN?
15:47:31 [TomB]
+1 happy with CKAN approach
15:47:48 [fsasaki]
ross: there is hardly any information on the page anyway
15:47:50 [jodi]
Thanks, Ross! :)
15:48:16 [fsasaki]
.. the information will go into ckan, and there will be a note that any information you have will go into CKAN, and how to do that
15:48:24 [ww]
Zakim, mute me
15:48:24 [Zakim]
ww should now be muted
15:48:25 [fsasaki]
15:48:43 [AlexanderH]
15:48:44 [jeff_]
15:48:44 [fsasaki]
antoine: today talking about authority data cluster
15:48:55 [Asaf]
Asaf has joined #lld
15:49:13 [fsasaki]
jeff: still rough, still with stuff that needs to be sorted out
15:50:03 [fsasaki]
.. in UNIMARC a primary entity was defined, which authority data is about
15:50:16 [fsasaki]
.. it is about persons, organisations etc.
15:50:23 [fsasaki]
.. some things are difficult to model
15:50:32 [fsasaki]
.. if you think about the RDF ontology for example
15:50:44 [fsasaki]
.. XYZ was thinking about a group of mathematicians
15:50:51 [fsasaki]
.. not sure about how to model that in RDA
15:51:05 [fsasaki]
.. the entities are the things which we are famiiar with from FRBR
15:51:09 [AlexanderH]
undifferentiated persons
15:51:28 [fsasaki]
.. in the US we tend to think about personal things etc., modeling different types of heading
15:51:52 [fsasaki]
.. Antoine has modled parts of the METS ontology nicely in SKOS
15:51:57 [TomB]
@emma: suggest continuing with wiki page discussion next week starting with Topics, Semantic_Web_terminology...
15:52:03 [antoine]
15:52:18 [fsasaki]
.. modeling in FBRR and labeling stuff can be done in SKOS, as a basis
15:52:49 [fsasaki]
jeff: Alexander is a little bit uncomfortable with modeling in SKOS
15:52:51 [emma]
15:53:05 [fsasaki]
.. he would like to see some abstractions from SKOS
15:53:15 [fsasaki]
.. not really comfortable with "real world object" term
15:53:41 [fsasaki]
.. the concepts can be included in real world objects, so not comfortable with re-defining real world object
15:53:57 [fsasaki]
.. the metadata is not about the thing, but the properties of it
15:54:35 [fsasaki]
antoine: the cluster is about reflecting what is in the use cases
15:55:52 [fsasaki]
jeff: a lot of use cases don't think about conceptualisation
15:55:59 [fsasaki]
.. very little what they have in common
15:56:07 [fsasaki]
.. what is what makes them "authority"?
15:56:08 [marcia]
maybe list those questions in the 'Limitations and Questions"
15:56:23 [fsasaki]
.. the model, a particiular vocabulary being used, ....
15:56:33 [fsasaki]
.. the kind o entities being there?
15:56:53 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate fsasaki
15:56:54 [AlexanderH]
15:57:07 [fsasaki]
ack ale
15:57:09 [kcoyle]
+1 what antoine says - reflect differences as well as similarities
15:57:12 [antoine]
zakim, ack AlexanderH
15:57:12 [Zakim]
I see no one on the speaker queue
15:57:21 [fsasaki]
alexander: to answer the question "what is authority data"?
15:57:33 [fsasaki]
.. we try to make sure that we have a kind of indicator of authority
15:57:51 [fsasaki]
.. that is something what we should discuss on the list - what is in, what is out?
15:58:08 [fsasaki]
.. people can add information to linked data, and they can mess it up
15:58:17 [GordonD]
The question is: what "things" are libraries interested in - as authorities?
15:58:32 [fsasaki]
.. so is the organisation publishing something important for judging authority, or what else?
15:58:55 [GordonD]
That is, of all the "things" that are the subjects of non-library triples.
15:58:57 [fsasaki]
antoine: if you feel you need the input from the group on these aspects, please feel free to ask about it
15:59:12 [fsasaki]
.. issues are all important, we have discussed some of them quite a lot
15:59:30 [fsasaki]
.. but we may just want to resolve that there are some open issues that we cann't finish now
15:59:41 [fsasaki]
.. please discuss with the way you think it is useful
16:00:01 [fsasaki]
.. I do feel that it is very important that we base our discussions on observable applications
16:00:07 [GordonD]
We can include the broader authority issues in the forthcoming telecon on the Library standards and linked data page
16:01:08 [fsasaki]
antoine: thanks a lot, Jeff, alexander, joachim
16:01:11 [fsasaki]
topic: AOB
16:01:30 [fsasaki]
antoine: thanks for today, adjourn
16:01:32 [kefo]
16:01:32 [jodi]
16:01:33 [Zakim]
16:01:35 [ww]
Zakim, unmute me
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ww should no longer be muted
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I have made the request to generate fsasaki
16:01:36 [rsinger]
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16:01:37 [AlexanderH]
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16:01:44 [antoine]
rrsagent, please draft minutes
16:01:44 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate antoine
16:01:45 [Zakim]
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16:01:49 [kai]
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16:03:34 [antoine]
zakim, please list attendees
16:03:39 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been Jodi, michaelp, emma, rsinger, [IPcaller], +1.678.235.aaaa, +44.131.516.aabb, marcia, kefo, ww, felix, pmurray, +49.173.609.aacc, jneubert,
16:03:44 [Zakim]
... TomB, kai, GordonD, jeff_, rayd, Asaf, kcoyle, jeff?
16:03:48 [Zakim]
16:04:11 [antoine]
rrsagent, please draft minutes
16:04:11 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate antoine
16:04:50 [Zakim]
16:05:58 [Zakim]
16:05:59 [Zakim]
INC_LLDXG()10:00AM has ended
16:06:01 [Zakim]
Attendees were Jodi, michaelp, emma, rsinger, [IPcaller], +1.678.235.aaaa, +44.131.516.aabb, marcia, kefo, ww, felix, pmurray, +49.173.609.aacc, jneubert, TomB, kai, GordonD,
16:06:04 [Zakim]
... jeff_, rayd, Asaf, kcoyle, jeff?
16:06:06 [antoine]
zakim, bye
16:06:06 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #lld
16:06:15 [antoine]
rrsagent, bye
16:06:15 [RRSAgent]
I see 9 open action items saved in :
16:06:15 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Antoine to include executive summary placeholder in report [recorded in] [1]
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recorded in
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ACTION: emma to put the Goals page content at the beginning of the use case section [recorded in] [2]
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recorded in
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ACTION: emma to put the Goals page content at the beginning of the use case section [recorded in] [3]
16:06:15 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
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ACTION: emma to add a 1.4 section (before recommendations) on problems and limitations [recorded in] [4]
16:06:15 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
16:06:15 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: GordonD to split and make recommendations on where to integrate into the final report [recorded in] [5]
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recorded in
16:06:15 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: gordon to update the draft report structure with suggestions he made concerning the wiki pages [6]
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recorded in
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ACTION: emma to update "layered model" diagram model and lead a discussion on it in the coming weeks [7]
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recorded in
16:06:15 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: karen to look through the presentations and begin to extract some things, to help to start the discussion [8]
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recorded in
16:06:15 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: ross to deprecate the "library data and semantic web formats" and create a link to the CKAN efforts [9]
16:06:15 [RRSAgent]
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