See also: IRC log
<scribe> ScribeNick: ArtB
<scribe> Scribe: Art
AB: October 26 is the deadline
for comments re October 5 LCWD of Widget Packaging and
Configuration (
... WAI's P&F WG would like to meet with the widgets group
@ TPAC on November 1; I will send details of the meeting
include voice bridge (when I have them)
AB: I created a comment tracking
doc for the LC (
... we have comments from viji <> (
MC: Viji is from Borqs
... they are a development arm for China Mobile
<Marcos> MC: AFIK
AB: Issue-150 "Email and param
name and value as 'Keyword attributes' is causing confusion in
Widgets P&C Spec" (
... Issue-151 "If feature-name is not a valid IRI, and
required-feature is true, then the user agent must treat this
widget as an invalid widget package. but doesnt say anything
about the case when it is not required." (
... Issue-152 "test suite needs a few more XML entity cases to
check for well-formed XML" (
... 152 seems more like an action
MC: oh yes, that's true
... can change it to an Action
... I am reluctant to add more tests
... they test XML entity types
AB: what about issue-151?
MC: we just need to add a clarification
<trackbot> ISSUE-151 -- [widgets] P&C Spec.... If feature-name is not a valid IRI, and required-feature is true, then the user agent must treat this widget as an invalid widget package. but doesnt say anything about the case when it is not required. -- raised
AB: yes, I agree with it is just
a clarification
... and what about issue-150?
<trackbot> ISSUE-150 -- [widgets] Email and param name and value as 'Keyword attributes' is causing confusion in Widgets P&C Spec -- raised
MC: this is just an editorial
... need to define a new data type like "unlocalizable
<scribe> ACTION: barstow update LC comment doc to show Issues 150 and 151 are clarifications and editorial, respectively [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-590 - Update LC comment doc to show Issues 150 and 151 are clarifications and editorial, respectively [on Arthur Barstow - due 2010-10-28].
<scribe> ACTION: caceres to checkin updates for issues 150 and 151 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-591 - Checkin updates for issues 150 and 151 [on Marcos Caceres - due 2010-10-28].
AB: anything else on P&C for today?
MC: can we talk about embedding?
AB: let's talk about that during AoB
MC: ok
AB: Addison's October 14 e-mail (
... he wants a locale attribute off the widget object
MC: yes, that's right
... think he should just use navigator.language
AB: let me find the relevant
email in the archive
... here is your response to Addison:
MC: I have another response that
I drafted but haven't yet set
... think he misunderstood what me
... my answer to the locale is to use navigator.language
AB: Addison also is asking "how
does the API expose a string's direction?"
... the problem is that the "span-able" elements may have any
number of directions
... so there is no single direction
... I know you responded to Addison; I think you are talking
past each other
MC: correct; a string can have N
... can use unicode markers
... e.g.
... can have a leading direction but then substrings may change
AB: is there a precedence we can build upon?
<Marcos> e.g. U+202E A B C U+202C
<Marcos> OR: start {LRE} foo {RLE} bar {PDF} baz {PDF} end
<Marcos> MC: in P&C, the i18n string is represented as (start {LRE} foo {RLE} bar {PDF} baz {PDF} end)
MC: in the API we can note what the string can look like (pointing to P&C spec)
<Marcos> == "u/202E foo u/1231 bar u/123 baz /3112 end u/1231
<Marcos> "
<Marcos> document.write(
<Marcos> putInPlace(string,
<Marcos> putInPlace(element,
MC: this isn't something that can
be done at the widget API level
... it could be something done at the DOM level
... don't think this is something that needs to be
AB: can you respond to Addison with your proposal?
MC: yes, I will do that
... for locale use,
... and for directionality, I will reiterate what I've
previously said
... we are going to return strings with Unicode markers
AB: ok; sounds good; I would welcome his feedback on what other WGs have done here
AB: any objections to publishing this WD?
MC: no
SP: good plan
RESOLUTION: agree to publish the new WD of the Widget Requirements doc
<scribe> ACTION: barstow submit a publication request to publish new WD of Widget Requirements [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-592 - Submit a publication request to publish new WD of Widget Requirements [on Arthur Barstow - due 2010-10-28].
AB: there has been some
discussion about packaging web apps for browsers
... Mozilla's Mike Hanson elaborated on how their approach
relates to P&C:
... Doug mentioned this could be in scope via WebApps' "Widget
Embedding" deliverable
... Someone else mentioned, this appears to be similar to
Chrome extensions framework, at least from the manifest
... they also use JSON
MC: yes
AB: we can certainly do some work in this area
MC: yes, we should discuss
... don't want fragmentation
AB: I think it would be good to
talk about the UCs and Reqs
... I do think our priority here should be to complete work we
already started
... but most of the work is already done
MC: I'm willing to put in hooks
to accomdate future devlopment
... but I do not want to break any normative parts of the
P&C spec
AB: agree
... it may be too late to schedule related discussions for
... but we can certainly start discussions on the mail
... and have informal discussions in Lyon
MC: yes, I agree
AB: not sure how to proceed
... assume people will respond to the thread already
... the action is for anyone interested in "Widget Embedding"
to use public-webapps for discussions
... regarding next call, I think after TPAC makes sense
MC: yes, we should continue to use the list, especially for P&C and Interface specs
AB: tentatively, the next call
would be November 4
... anything else for today?
... meeting adjourned
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Found ScribeNick: ArtB Found Scribe: Art Present: Art_Barstow Marcos_Caceres Steven_Pemberton WARNING: Replacing previous Regrets list. (Old list: Steven_Pemberton, Frederick_Hirsch) Use 'Regrets+ ... ' if you meant to add people without replacing the list, such as: <dbooth> Regrets+ Frederick_Hirsch Regrets: Frederick_Hirsch Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 21 Oct 2010 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: barstow caceres comment doc lc update[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]