IRC log of dap on 2010-10-20
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 13:43:02 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #dap
- 13:43:02 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 13:43:04 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs world
- 13:43:04 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #dap
- 13:43:06 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be DAP
- 13:43:06 [Zakim]
- ok, trackbot; I see UW_DAP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 17 minutes
- 13:43:07 [trackbot]
- Meeting: Device APIs and Policy Working Group Teleconference
- 13:43:07 [trackbot]
- Date: 20 October 2010
- 13:43:40 [fjh]
- Agenda:
- 13:44:25 [fjh]
- Regrets+ Suresh_Chitturi
- 13:44:39 [fjh]
- Chair: Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch
- 13:44:42 [cmarc]
- Present Cecile_Marc
- 13:44:55 [fjh]
- Present+ Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch
- 13:45:32 [cmarc]
- Present+ Cecile_Marc
- 13:45:49 [fjh]
- Regrets+ Marco _Marengo
- 13:45:57 [fjh]
- s/Present Cecile_Marc//
- 13:49:21 [fjh]
- Regrets+ Wonsuk_Lee
- 13:49:27 [Zakim]
- UW_DAP()10:00AM has now started
- 13:49:35 [Zakim]
- + +
- 13:50:14 [cmarc]
- Regrets+ Mohammed_Dadas
- 13:54:43 [Zakim]
- - +
- 13:54:44 [Zakim]
- UW_DAP()10:00AM has ended
- 13:54:44 [Zakim]
- Attendees were +
- 13:55:12 [fjh]
- zakim, who is here?
- 13:55:12 [Zakim]
- apparently UW_DAP()10:00AM has ended, fjh
- 13:55:14 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see RRSAgent, Marcos, cmarc, richt, tlr, fjh, arve, wmaslowski, shepazu, ilkka, ingmar, trackbot, dom
- 13:55:23 [arve]
- arve has left #dap
- 13:55:28 [fjh]
- this is a test
- 13:55:35 [tlr]
- fjh, we all didn't see it
- 13:55:43 [fjh]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 13:55:43 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate fjh
- 13:56:31 [fjh]
- s/this is a test//
- 13:56:50 [fjh]
- s/fjh, we all didn't see it//
- 13:57:28 [Zakim]
- UW_DAP()10:00AM has now started
- 13:57:35 [Zakim]
- +??P8
- 13:57:39 [fjh]
- zakim, ??P8 is me
- 13:57:39 [Zakim]
- +fjh; got it
- 13:57:44 [fjh]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 13:57:44 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate fjh
- 13:57:58 [richt]
- richt has joined #dap
- 13:59:29 [Zakim]
- + +
- 13:59:57 [darobin]
- darobin has joined #dap
- 14:00:26 [jmorris]
- jmorris has joined #dap
- 14:00:26 [Zakim]
- +??P15
- 14:00:26 [fjh]
- zakim, aaaa is cmarc
- 14:00:27 [Zakim]
- +cmarc; got it
- 14:00:35 [fjh]
- zakim, who is here?
- 14:00:40 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see fjh, cmarc, ??P15
- 14:00:50 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see jmorris, darobin, richt, Zakim, RRSAgent, Marcos, cmarc, tlr, fjh, wmaslowski, shepazu, ilkka, ingmar, trackbot, dom
- 14:00:56 [darobin]
- zakim, ??P15 is me
- 14:01:01 [Claes]
- Claes has joined #dap
- 14:01:01 [Zakim]
- +darobin; got it
- 14:01:15 [Zakim]
- +Dom
- 14:01:23 [dom]
- Present+ Dominique_Hazael-Massieux
- 14:01:34 [nwidell]
- nwidell has joined #dap
- 14:01:39 [Zakim]
- +jmorris
- 14:01:41 [dom]
- Zakim, who's noisy?
- 14:01:43 [LauraA]
- LauraA has joined #dap
- 14:01:58 [LauraA]
- Present+ LauraA
- 14:02:14 [Zakim]
- dom, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: darobin (33%), jmorris (34%)
- 14:02:16 [Dzung_Tran]
- Dzung_Tran has joined #dap
- 14:02:21 [Dzung_Tran]
- Present+ Dzung_Tran
- 14:02:22 [Zakim]
- +Claes
- 14:02:30 [jmorris]
- Present+ John_Morris
- 14:02:35 [Zakim]
- +nwidell
- 14:02:43 [nwidell]
- Present+ Niklas_Widell
- 14:02:46 [Zakim]
- +ilkka
- 14:02:57 [ilkka]
- Present+ Ilkka_oksanen
- 14:03:01 [Claes]
- Present+ Claes_Nilsson
- 14:04:14 [tlr]
- zakim, call thomas-781
- 14:04:14 [Zakim]
- ok, tlr; the call is being made
- 14:04:16 [Zakim]
- +Thomas
- 14:04:20 [tlr]
- zakim, I am thomas
- 14:04:20 [Zakim]
- ok, tlr, I now associate you with Thomas
- 14:04:22 [tlr]
- zakim, mute me
- 14:04:22 [Zakim]
- Thomas should now be muted
- 14:04:29 [fjh]
- zakim, who is here?
- 14:04:29 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see fjh, cmarc, darobin, Dom, jmorris, Claes, nwidell, ilkka, Thomas (muted)
- 14:04:31 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see Dzung_Tran, LauraA, nwidell, Claes, jmorris, darobin, richt, Zakim, RRSAgent, Marcos, cmarc, tlr, fjh, wmaslowski, shepazu, ilkka, ingmar, trackbot, dom
- 14:04:45 [Zakim]
- +richt
- 14:05:18 [fjh]
- ScribeNick: jmorris
- 14:05:27 [fjh]
- Topic: Administrative
- 14:05:33 [Zakim]
- +LauraA
- 14:05:47 [jmorris]
- fjh: talk about f2f
- 14:05:55 [fjh]
- zakim, who is here?
- 14:05:55 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see fjh, cmarc, darobin, Dom, jmorris, Claes, nwidell, ilkka, Thomas (muted), richt, LauraA
- 14:05:57 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see Dzung_Tran, LauraA, nwidell, Claes, jmorris, darobin, richt, Zakim, RRSAgent, Marcos, cmarc, tlr, fjh, wmaslowski, shepazu, ilkka, ingmar, trackbot, dom
- 14:06:03 [AnssiK]
- AnssiK has joined #dap
- 14:06:10 [jmorris]
- ... will send f2f agenda soon
- 14:06:16 [AnssiK]
- Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen
- 14:06:24 [enewland]
- enewland has joined #dap
- 14:06:47 [jmorris]
- ... any suggestions for agenda would be welcome
- 14:06:48 [Marcos_]
- Marcos_ has joined #dap
- 14:06:59 [enewland]
- present+ erica+newland
- 14:06:59 [richt]
- Present+ Richard_Tibbett
- 14:07:04 [enewland]
- present+ erica_newland
- 14:07:10 [Zakim]
- +AnssiK
- 14:07:30 [maoteo]
- maoteo has joined #dap
- 14:07:36 [jmorris]
- ... possibly we should talk with Web Notifications about permissions stuff
- 14:07:41 [dom]
- (it doesn't look like they will meet there)
- 14:07:54 [maoteo]
- Present+ Maria_Oteo
- 14:08:01 [dom]
- 14:08:08 [lgombos]
- lgombos has joined #dap
- 14:08:09 [darobin]
- (yeah, I'd be surprised if they ever met, given the group)
- 14:08:20 [darobin]
- Zakim, jmorris holds enewland
- 14:08:20 [Zakim]
- +enewland; got it
- 14:09:37 [Zakim]
- + +34.97.421.aabb
- 14:09:54 [jmorris]
- ... what is going on with Geolocation
- 14:10:00 [maoteo]
- Zakim, aabb is maoteo
- 14:10:00 [Zakim]
- +maoteo; got it
- 14:10:14 [jmorris]
- Claes: I am working with Geolocation
- 14:10:34 [jmorris]
- ... they are not working specifically on security/privacy right now
- 14:10:54 [dom]
- Zakim, mute me
- 14:10:56 [Zakim]
- Dom should now be muted
- 14:11:18 [jmorris]
- ... perhaps discussion on geoloc privacy, but not directly related to DAP
- 14:11:43 [jmorris]
- fjh: we are overlapping with HTML WG, perhaps we should talk with them
- 14:11:44 [dom]
- ack me
- 14:11:47 [danielcoloma]
- danielcoloma has joined #dap
- 14:12:05 [dom]
- Zakim, mute me
- 14:12:05 [Zakim]
- Dom should now be muted
- 14:12:26 [danielcoloma]
- Present+ Daniel_Coloma
- 14:12:30 [jmorris]
- darobin: I can contact Web Notification, and we should also talk to html
- 14:12:45 [maoteo]
- Zakim, maoteo holds danielcoloma
- 14:12:45 [Zakim]
- +danielcoloma; got it
- 14:12:46 [darobin]
- ACTION: Robin to ping HTML chairs, Notifications chair to see about potential joint meetings
- 14:12:46 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-284 - Ping HTML chairs, Notifications chair to see about potential joint meetings [on Robin Berjon - due 2010-10-27].
- 14:12:54 [jmorris]
- fjh: darobin to contact HTML, fjh to contact Web Notification
- 14:13:19 [jmorris]
- ACTION: fjh to ping web notification group
- 14:13:19 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-285 - Ping web notification group [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2010-10-27].
- 14:14:34 [AnssiK]
- q+
- 14:14:36 [richt]
- q+
- 14:14:44 [fjh]
- ack anssiK
- 14:15:00 [jmorris]
- darobin: possibly talk at f2f about test suites
- 14:15:09 [darobin]
- q?
- 14:15:21 [dom]
- +1 on reusing PhoneGap's stuff if possible
- 14:15:25 [darobin]
- +1 too
- 14:15:27 [jmorris]
- AnssiK: can re reuse test suite phonecap
- 14:15:38 [fjh]
- anssi: asks about reusing phone gap test suite
- 14:15:48 [darobin]
- s/phonecap/phonegap/
- 14:15:54 [darobin]
- s/phone gap/phonegap/
- 14:15:54 [fjh]
- 14:15:58 [dom]
- q+ to talk on licenses
- 14:16:09 [dom]
- ack me
- 14:16:10 [Zakim]
- dom, you wanted to talk on licenses
- 14:16:27 [dom]
- 14:16:34 [jmorris]
- dom: w3c has special license for document and PST? license
- 14:16:55 [jmorris]
- ... so we can probably reuse the PhoneGap test suite either because
- 14:17:05 [jmorris]
- ... license covers it or we can ask if needed
- 14:17:11 [dom]
- 14:17:42 [jmorris]
- jmorris: should we put an action on dom to check on license
- 14:17:55 [darobin]
- ack richt
- 14:17:57 [richt]
- Proposed test suite methodology for e.g. Contacts:
- 14:18:02 [fjh]
- action: dom to check licensing issues on phonegap test suite
- 14:18:02 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-286 - Check licensing issues on phonegap test suite [on Dominique Hazaël-Massieux - due 2010-10-27].
- 14:18:21 [dom]
- (I wonder if Anssi would be interested in presenting/demoing the phonegap tests)
- 14:18:26 [jmorris]
- richt: discussing contacts test suite
- 14:18:28 [fjh]
- ok, it looks like we need some time at F2F to work through test suite topics
- 14:18:43 [darobin]
- +1 to AnssiK demoing the PG tests
- 14:19:02 [dom]
- (I could probably make a quick intro to testing @w3c, and the test methodology)
- 14:19:09 [darobin]
- +1 to that
- 14:19:16 [jmorris]
- fjh: could Anssi demo PhoneGap test suite
- 14:19:31 [fjh]
- +1 to dom introducing testing at w3 and ansii sharing understanding of PhoneGap test suite
- 14:19:40 [jmorris]
- AnssiK: I am not a PhoneGap guy, but I will look at it
- 14:19:40 [dom]
- ACTION: Anssi to introduce phonegap tests during F2F
- 14:19:40 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-287 - Introduce phonegap tests during F2F [on Anssi Kostiainen - due 2010-10-27].
- 14:19:55 [dom]
- ACTION: Dom to introduce testing@w3c during F2F
- 14:19:55 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-288 - Introduce testing@w3c during F2F [on Dominique Hazaël-Massieux - due 2010-10-27].
- 14:20:01 [richt]
- agree with fjh, Dom to introduce testing at W3C and demo of PG tests.
- 14:20:09 [richt]
- the F2F
- 14:20:20 [dom]
- q+ on agenda
- 14:20:40 [jmorris]
- darobin: should we do a wiki page for the agenda?
- 14:20:49 [darobin]
- ACTION: Robin to create Wiki page for f2f agenda
- 14:20:49 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-289 - Create Wiki page for f2f agenda [on Robin Berjon - due 2010-10-27].
- 14:21:24 [dom]
- q?
- 14:21:36 [fjh]
- ack dom
- 14:21:36 [Zakim]
- dom, you wanted to comment on agenda
- 14:21:42 [jmorris]
- dom: at f2f, we should spend time on roadmap
- 14:21:50 [fjh]
- dom suggests review of RoadMap
- 14:21:54 [jmorris]
- ... we should have a written roadmap by end of year
- 14:22:44 [fjh]
- TPAC registration (for in-person attendees)
- 14:22:48 [jmorris]
- fjh: our home page is our roadmap, do we need another docuemnt?
- 14:22:52 [fjh]
- TPAC registration fee increases on 22 October
- 14:23:04 [jmorris]
- s/cuem/cume/
- 14:23:11 [fjh]
- DST difference to consider if dialing in to TPAC -
- 14:23:15 [dom]
- (we have 32 registered participants for the F2F, not too bad)
- 14:23:23 [darobin]
- -> TPAC 10 agenda scratchpad
- 14:23:26 [jmorris]
- fjh: registration for TPAC closes soon
- 14:23:36 [fjh]
- File API updates
- 14:23:45 [fjh]
- 14:23:48 [jmorris]
- ... if you are dialing in you must be careful about timezones, daylight savings, etc.
- 14:23:59 [jmorris]
- ... update of file permissions spec
- 14:24:24 [jmorris]
- topic: Minutes approval
- 14:24:35 [fjh]
- Approve 6 October minutes
- 14:24:35 [fjh]
- 14:24:38 [jmorris]
- 14:24:43 [fjh]
- proposed RESOLUTION: Minutes from 6 October 2010 approved
- 14:25:00 [jmorris]
- RESOLUTION: Minutes from 6 October 2010 approved
- 14:25:08 [jmorris]
- topic: Permissions spec
- 14:25:17 [nwidell]
- I'm here
- 14:25:17 [fjh]
- parameterization,
- 14:25:25 [nwidell]
- q+
- 14:25:33 [jmorris]
- fjh: nicholas sent a message re granuality
- 14:26:05 [dom]
- (the permissions may need to be parametrized per recipient/sender)
- 14:26:24 [jmorris]
- who?: problem is not what you mentioned
- 14:26:40 [darobin]
- s/who?/niklas/
- 14:26:42 [jmorris]
- ... problem is that widget will be notified for every message on system
- 14:26:52 [darobin]
- ack nwidell
- 14:26:57 [jmorris]
- s/nicholas/niklas/
- 14:27:16 [dom]
- q+
- 14:27:32 [jmorris]
- ... need to be clear on what kinds of messages the widget can see
- 14:27:40 [fjh]
- ack dom
- 14:28:14 [jmorris]
- dom: one way would be to paramaterize the permissions, or have the API be minimized so you can only use it for a well defined set or recipients
- 14:28:40 [fjh]
- issue is limiting permission on api to only allow messages to/from given address etc. also separate different types of messaging
- 14:28:49 [jmorris]
- ... messaging API should give access only to well defined set of recipients
- 14:29:00 [nwidell]
- q+
- 14:29:03 [fjh]
- q+ to ask about use case
- 14:29:05 [AnssiK]
- q+
- 14:29:12 [fjh]
- ack nwidell
- 14:29:22 [dom]
- ACTION-132?
- 14:29:22 [trackbot]
- ACTION-132 -- Max Froumentin to look at messaging subscribe with filtering and events -- due 2010-03-25 -- OPEN
- 14:29:22 [trackbot]
- 14:29:34 [dom]
- see also
- 14:30:00 [jmorris]
- nwidell: want to have permission up front
- 14:30:06 [jmorris]
- ... when get it otherwise?
- 14:30:20 [jmorris]
- fjh: how would I assign permissions
- 14:30:39 [jmorris]
- ... I might want to receive from someone I did not anticipate
- 14:30:50 [jmorris]
- dom: it is about the application, not the user
- 14:31:08 [jmorris]
- ... I agree that we need to decide on defining up front or not
- 14:31:26 [jmorris]
- ... we need use cases for messaging where we can define a proper security model
- 14:31:34 [darobin]
- +1 to knowing what it is we want to do with messaging in the first place
- 14:31:45 [nwidell]
- q+
- 14:31:51 [fjh]
- ack fjh
- 14:31:51 [Zakim]
- fjh, you wanted to ask about use case
- 14:31:54 [fjh]
- ack AnssiK
- 14:32:15 [AnssiK]
- Mozilla released their Open Web Apps platform I think yesterday, they'reeyeing at "Permissions for Device API Access" spec and might have good feedback based on impl experiences:
- 14:32:34 [jmorris]
- AnssiK: openwebapps platform is attacking similar problems
- 14:32:50 [jmorris]
- ... they are stating that they are looking into permissions for device API
- 14:32:59 [jmorris]
- ... who would be a good mozilla contact
- 14:33:21 [jmorris]
- ... we should get feedback from people implementing stuff
- 14:33:41 [dom]
- (I hadn't seen the ref to the permissions draft in - cool!)
- 14:33:48 [jmorris]
- ... hans? from mozilla seems to be working on plug ins
- 14:33:59 [jmorris]
- ... those guys seem to be following what we are doing
- 14:34:08 [darobin]
- s/hans?/hanson/
- 14:34:15 [jmorris]
- ... I do not know the mozilla people personally
- 14:34:16 [tlr]
- Mark Hanson
- 14:34:32 [tlr]
- s/Mark/Mike/
- 14:34:37 [fjh]
- action: contact mozilla for thoughts on messaging and permission spec
- 14:34:37 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - contact
- 14:34:52 [fjh]
- action: fjh contact mozilla for thoughts on messaging and permission spec
- 14:34:52 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-290 - Contact mozilla for thoughts on messaging and permission spec [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2010-10-27].
- 14:35:01 [fjh]
- q?
- 14:35:05 [fjh]
- ack nwidell
- 14:35:39 [dom]
- (not sure we need to contacts Mozilla on messaging; permissions sounds enough)
- 14:35:53 [darobin]
- (agreed)
- 14:36:28 [jmorris]
- dom: asking re who is working on permission spec
- 14:36:38 [dom]
- ACTION: Maria to work on security model for messaging
- 14:36:38 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-291 - Work on security model for messaging [on Maria Angeles Oteo - due 2010-10-27].
- 14:36:43 [AnssiK]
- (the Moz Open Web Apps experiment at GitHub:
- 14:36:56 [jmorris]
- s/permission/messaging/
- 14:36:59 [jmorris]
- Topic: Privacy
- 14:37:00 [dom]
- zakim, mute me
- 14:37:00 [Zakim]
- Dom should now be muted
- 14:37:13 [fjh]
- ACTION-210?
- 14:37:13 [trackbot]
- ACTION-210 -- Alissa Cooper to summarize and add issues to ruleset doc -- due 2010-07-21 -- OPEN
- 14:37:13 [trackbot]
- 14:37:25 [jmorris]
- fjh: Alissa added issues to ruleset document
- 14:37:55 [dom]
- q+
- 14:38:02 [dom]
- ack me
- 14:38:14 [jmorris]
- darobin: do we discuss publishing at f2f
- 14:38:32 [jmorris]
- dom: we want to have idea of how to address issues raised at f2f
- 14:39:31 [jmorris]
- dom: some of the issues are fundamental
- 14:39:49 [jmorris]
- ... before issuing document we need to understand that some issues are not addressable
- 14:39:54 [jmorris]
- ... we need to
- 14:40:14 [jmorris]
- get an idea of what issues we would not be able to address
- 14:40:46 [jmorris]
- dom: starting a FPWD suggests we know what we are doing
- 14:40:47 [jmorris]
- ...
- 14:40:48 [jmorris]
- 14:40:49 [jmorris]
- 14:40:51 [jmorris]
- ...
- 14:41:28 [jmorris]
- fjh: look at issues on list
- 14:41:32 [jmorris]
- ... before the f2f
- 14:41:45 [fjh]
- action: fjh to review ruleset issues
- 14:41:45 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-292 - Review ruleset issues [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2010-10-27].
- 14:41:50 [Zakim]
- -AnssiK
- 14:42:10 [jmorris]
- Topic: Contacts
- 14:42:13 [AnssiK1]
- AnssiK1 has joined #dap
- 14:42:29 [jmorris]
- fjh: clickjacking
- 14:42:43 [Zakim]
- +AnssiK
- 14:42:48 [fjh]
- Clickjacking threat and countermeasures
- 14:42:48 [fjh]
- 14:42:55 [jmorris]
- darobin: it is not clear that clickjacking is something we need to solve at API level
- 14:43:01 [fjh]
- 14:43:25 [jmorris]
- ... or something that needs to be solved more generally
- 14:43:26 [darobin]
- -> CSP
- 14:43:43 [jmorris]
- ... this might provide a path toward solution
- 14:43:56 [jmorris]
- ... but I'm not a security expert
- 14:44:08 [richt]
- +1 agree with Robin but not too sure on the CSP connection :/
- 14:44:35 [jmorris]
- dom: CSP may help solve some of problem but cannot
- 14:44:44 [AnssiK1]
- q+
- 14:44:46 [fjh]
- dom: CSP is server side, so not enough for client-side API
- 14:44:55 [jmorris]
- ... use is as a security argument in API
- 14:45:06 [darobin]
- ack AnssiK1
- 14:45:12 [jmorris]
- darobin: soluitons will come from broader options
- 14:45:32 [darobin]
- +1 to not doing anything new
- 14:45:34 [jmorris]
- AnssiK: we should not do anything that has not been done before
- 14:45:52 [jmorris]
- ... let's not open can of worms
- 14:46:17 [jmorris]
- ... so let's use, for example, fileinput, rather than obscure way for user input
- 14:46:39 [jmorris]
- ... if we use general mechanisms that have been tested, we are safer
- 14:47:15 [jmorris]
- darobin: agree not to invent new input methods
- 14:47:53 [jmorris]
- richt: looked only briefly at it
- 14:48:05 [jmorris]
- ... idea is to go straight to trusted events
- 14:48:21 [jmorris]
- ... talks about synthesized events and how they can be mitigated
- 14:48:37 [dom]
- Zakim, mute me
- 14:48:37 [Zakim]
- Dom should now be muted
- 14:48:42 [jmorris]
- ... but I still need to put some language into the contact spec
- 14:50:11 [richt]
- 14:50:30 [darobin]
- 14:50:35 [jmorris]
- AnssiK: robin's e-mail raises issue - Anssi could not find it in spec
- 14:51:15 [jmorris]
- darobin: look at link
- 14:51:38 [jmorris]
- ... if they make this possible, it may suggest that the security issue has been solved
- 14:51:47 [richt]
- that's is an important point Robin. Thanks for the link.
- 14:52:17 [jmorris]
- richt?: this is helpful input
- 14:52:30 [darobin]
- s/richt?/richt/
- 14:52:34 [jmorris]
- ... this reenforces our approach to this
- 14:53:04 [jmorris]
- darobin: this helps decide the issue
- 14:53:25 [jmorris]
- richt: a synthesized event is possible
- 14:53:46 [jmorris]
- ... I will put some of this into document by TPAC
- 14:54:11 [jmorris]
- darobin: now to phonegap implemention
- 14:54:33 [jmorris]
- ... good that they have implemented, but not sure we need to discuss more now
- 14:54:48 [jmorris]
- richt: good we have phonegap reenforcing what we are doing
- 14:54:58 [AnssiK1]
- q+
- 14:55:04 [jmorris]
- ... good that UI is nonnormative
- 14:55:14 [darobin]
- ack AnssiK1
- 14:55:16 [jmorris]
- topics
- 14:55:24 [jmorris]
- s/topics//
- 14:56:00 [jmorris]
- AnssiK: android is having hard time including all elements ?
- 14:57:05 [jmorris]
- richt: we should clarify spec re whether all fields included
- 14:58:01 [Dong-Young_Lee]
- Dong-Young_Lee has joined #dap
- 14:58:10 [jmorris]
- darobin: phonegap is implemeting read and write?
- 14:58:21 [jmorris]
- richt: yes, both
- 14:58:42 [enewland]
- enewland has joined #dap
- 14:58:47 [enewland]
- enewland has left #dap
- 14:58:58 [jmorris]
- darobin: read only is one way to avoid quirks
- 14:59:08 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 14:59:14 [Zakim]
- -[IPcaller]
- 14:59:20 [darobin]
- -> quirks in Contacts
- 14:59:39 [Zakim]
- +??P24
- 15:00:12 [jmorris]
- darobin: worth looking at quirks in Android implementation
- 15:00:49 [jmorris]
- ... many of them are "not supported" and "will return null"
- 15:00:54 [darobin]
- "In order to save the Contact object on the device call the save method on the Contact object."
- 15:01:11 [Dong-Young_Lee]
- Present+ Dong-Young_Lee
- 15:01:32 [darobin]
- -> save support
- 15:02:02 [darobin]
- ACTION-251?
- 15:02:02 [trackbot]
- ACTION-251 -- John Morris to review privacy text related to ISSUE-78 for capture -- due 2010-10-20 -- OPEN
- 15:02:02 [trackbot]
- 15:02:15 [jmorris]
- Topic: Capture
- 15:02:44 [jmorris]
- Topic: Gallery
- 15:02:51 [darobin]
- ACTION-216?
- 15:02:51 [trackbot]
- ACTION-216 -- WonSuk Lee to reformulate gallery API to look like contacts API -- due 2010-07-21 -- OPEN
- 15:02:51 [trackbot]
- 15:03:09 [jmorris]
- jmorris: re Capture - I will turn to action 251
- 15:04:11 [dom]
- (I think starting with readonly for gallery makes plenty of sense)
- 15:04:22 [jmorris]
- ??: we can look to reuse contacts approach
- 15:04:36 [darobin]
- s/??/Anssi/
- 15:04:41 [jmorris]
- ... we can make major changes to gallery
- 15:04:54 [jmorris]
- ... let's proceed with contacts design model
- 15:05:35 [jmorris]
- darobin: do we need to wait another week?
- 15:06:06 [Zakim]
- -richt
- 15:06:07 [darobin]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: move forward with read-only gallery
- 15:06:13 [jmorris]
- AnssiK: could we just copy the contacts scheme, with media parts
- 15:06:39 [jmorris]
- ... we can move faster if we split into smaller parts
- 15:06:43 [dom]
- +1
- 15:06:46 [darobin]
- RESOLUTION: move forward with read-only gallery
- 15:06:46 [jmorris]
- RESOLUTION: move forward with read-only gallery
- 15:07:02 [jmorris]
- Topic: Calendar
- 15:07:23 [jmorris]
- Topic: Sysinfo status
- 15:07:35 [jmorris]
- darobin: reviewing Sysinfo
- 15:07:47 [jmorris]
- ... almost done, finding small nits
- 15:08:14 [jmorris]
- ... anything else for call?
- 15:08:16 [tlr]
- zakim, drop thomas
- 15:08:16 [Zakim]
- Thomas is being disconnected
- 15:08:18 [Zakim]
- -Thomas
- 15:08:21 [Zakim]
- -maoteo
- 15:08:23 [Zakim]
- -ilkka
- 15:08:27 [Zakim]
- -darobin
- 15:08:28 [Zakim]
- -Dom
- 15:08:29 [Zakim]
- -nwidell
- 15:08:32 [Zakim]
- -jmorris
- 15:08:34 [Zakim]
- -LauraA
- 15:08:37 [Zakim]
- -AnssiK
- 15:08:41 [Zakim]
- -fjh
- 15:08:42 [Zakim]
- -Claes
- 15:08:46 [fjh]
- rrsagent, generate minutes
- 15:08:46 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate fjh
- 15:08:51 [Zakim]
- -cmarc
- 15:09:04 [fjh_]
- fjh_ has joined #dap
- 15:09:08 [Zakim]
- -??P24
- 15:09:10 [Zakim]
- UW_DAP()10:00AM has ended
- 15:09:11 [Zakim]
- Attendees were fjh, +, cmarc, darobin, Dom, Claes, nwidell, ilkka, Thomas, richt, LauraA, AnssiK, enewland, +34.97.421.aabb, danielcoloma, [IPcaller]
- 15:09:18 [fjh]
- generate