13:52:16 RRSAgent has joined #hcg 13:52:16 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/10/08-hcg-irc 13:52:18 RRSAgent, make logs member 13:52:18 Zakim has joined #hcg 13:52:20 Zakim, this will be HTML_CG 13:52:20 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_CG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 8 minutes 13:52:21 Meeting: Hypertext Coordination Group Teleconference 13:52:21 Date: 08 October 2010 13:58:07 Zakim, code ? 13:58:07 the conference code is 4824 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), glazou 13:58:25 HTML_CG()10:00AM has now started 13:58:26 darobin has joined #hcg 13:58:33 + + 13:58:41 Zakim, aaaa is me 13:58:41 +glazou; got it 13:58:56 +Gregory_Rosmaita 13:59:02 ddahl has joined #hcg 13:59:04 ChrisL has joined #hcg 13:59:33 +Debbie_Dahl 13:59:37 trackbot, start telcon 13:59:39 RRSAgent, make logs member 13:59:41 Zakim, this will be HTML_CG 13:59:41 ok, trackbot, I see HTML_CG()10:00AM already started 13:59:42 Meeting: Hypertext Coordination Group Teleconference 13:59:42 Date: 08 October 2010 13:59:53 rrsagent, make logs public 14:00:34 MichaelC has joined #hcg 14:00:44 +ChrisL 14:00:50 +??P12 14:01:05 Zakim, ??P12 is me 14:01:05 +darobin; got it 14:01:19 +Shepazu 14:01:20 zakim, dial steven-mobile 14:01:20 ok, Steven-mobile; the call is being made 14:01:22 +Steven 14:01:25 volunteer for scribe? 14:01:40 zakim, call kazuyuki-617 14:01:40 ok, kaz; the call is being made 14:01:41 Zakim, mute me 14:01:41 +Kazuyuki 14:01:43 sorry, Steven-mobile, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 14:02:00 zakim, who is noisy? 14:02:12 kaz, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds 14:02:36 zakim, code? 14:02:36 the conference code is 4824 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.203.318.0479), MichaelC 14:02:55 +Michael_Cooper 14:03:01 salut darobin 14:03:19 +Janina 14:03:29 hi glazou! 14:03:38 zakim, who is here? 14:03:38 On the phone I see glazou, Gregory_Rosmaita, Debbie_Dahl, ChrisL, darobin, Shepazu, Steven (muted), Kazuyuki, Michael_Cooper, Janina 14:03:40 On IRC I see MichaelC, ChrisL, ddahl, darobin, Zakim, RRSAgent, kaz, Steven-mobile, glazou, oedipus, plinss, shepazu, trackbot, ed_work 14:03:47 Zakim, pick scrive 14:03:47 I don't understand 'pick scrive', darobin 14:03:51 Zakim, pick scribe 14:03:51 I don't understand 'pick scribe', darobin 14:03:56 Zakim, pick victim 14:03:56 I don't understand 'pick victim', darobin 14:03:58 zakim, choose victim 14:03:58 I don't understand 'choose victim', oedipus 14:03:59 bah 14:04:04 zakim, pick a victim 14:04:04 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Kazuyuki 14:04:05 oedipus: go ahead we'll say our names 14:04:13 scribe: Gregory_Rosmaita 14:04:19 ScribeNick oedipus 14:04:21 scribenick: oedipus 14:04:22 thanks Gregory 14:04:44 TOPIC: Quick Action Item Review 14:04:49 jcraig has joined #hcg 14:04:50 CL: 2 open 14:05:24 action-54? 14:05:24 ACTION-54 -- Michael Cooper to install an HTML4+ARIA DTD -- due 2010-09-10 -- OPEN 14:05:24 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/54 14:05:34 + +1.512.567.aabb 14:05:38 MC: recall that had to do with ARIA in w3c validator - more of political thing than technical thing - have action items in this and PF group but can't promise timeline noe 14:05:45 action-56? 14:05:45 ACTION-56 -- Michael Cooper to find ways to introduce the W3C editor community to use of ARIA - whitepaper, lightning talk, BOF at TPAC, etc. -- due 2010-09-10 -- OPEN 14:05:45 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/56 14:05:46 Zakim, aabb is jcraig 14:05:46 +jcraig; got it 14:05:55 CL: is there a lightning talk about this for TPAC? 14:06:03 MC: hadn't made specific plans, but is opportunity 14:06:16 Topic: User Interface Independence for Accessible Rich Internet Applications 14:06:43 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2010JulSep/att-0106/UserInterfaceIndependence.html 14:06:52 CL: [roll call] 14:07:12 +Rich 14:08:18 plh has joined #hcg 14:08:19 +Bert 14:08:33 +Plh 14:08:39 Bert has joined #hcg 14:08:51 agenda? 14:09:11 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2010JulSep/att-0106/UserInterfaceIndependence.html 14:09:28 JS (Janina Sajka): will ask JCraig to present, but wanted to thank HCG for opening discussion; document looks important to WAI/PF 14:09:36 [for those who aren't subscribed to the HCG list: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-cg/2010OctDec/0013.html] 14:10:10 ddahl has joined #hcg 14:10:12 JC (James Craig): ARIA does good job of declaring things from webapp that can get to AT; declarative markup works well getting info out to AT 14:10:12 [UI Independence for ARIA: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2010JulSep/att-0106/UserInterfaceIndependence.html] 14:10:27 JC: AT = Assistive Technology such as screen-reader, on-screen keyboard, etc. 14:10:36 JC: no good way to get events back into app 14:10:59 JC: ARIA has been specified in tandem with set of de facto keypresses developed by DHTML Style Guide 14:11:21 +Janina_Sajka 14:11:26 -Janina 14:11:32 JS: think is ok stopgap measure to define keyboard associations, but not ideal for i18n, a11y, localization, different hardware, etc 14:11:59 janina has joined #hcg 14:12:12 zakim, who's here? 14:12:12 On the phone I see glazou, Gregory_Rosmaita, Debbie_Dahl, ChrisL, darobin (muted), Shepazu, Steven (muted), Kazuyuki, Michael_Cooper, jcraig, Rich, Bert, Plh, Janina_Sajka 14:12:15 On IRC I see janina, ddahl, Bert, plh, jcraig, MichaelC, ChrisL, darobin, Zakim, RRSAgent, kaz, glazou, oedipus, plinss, shepazu, trackbot, ed_work 14:12:19 JC: came up with proposal to allow AT of whatever kind to send events into the rendering engine so can be passed along to webapp so that can be notified - controlled by remote (AT) rather tahn primary interface 14:13:03 JC: request events - instead of touch of PageUp etc. if gesture based interface, UA reqs a scroll event -- if capture scroll event browser and AT can communicate 14:13:15 s/JS: think is ok/JC: think is ok/ 14:13:45 DS: it is not a standalone proposal - requests other specs include things -- different from ARIA -- aimed at number of specifications 14:14:07 JC: good point; new DOM events - additions to client side javascript for set properties 14:14:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/08-hcg-minutes.html oedipus 14:14:36 CL: introduce specific features? 14:14:51 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/08-hcg-minutes.html kaz 14:15:06 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-dom/2010JulSep/att-0106/UserInterfaceIndependence.html 14:15:42 JC: part of proposal is premise why is needed; DHTML Style guide keypresses can be very complex 14:16:14 JC: example: control+shift+m opens popup during drag and drop - unlikely that authors going to adhere to keyboard presses defined by DHTML style group 14:16:18 Present: glazou, Gregory_Rosmaita, Debbie_Dahl, ChrisL, darobin (muted), Shepazu, Steven (muted), Kazuyuki, Michael_Cooper, jcraig, Rich, Bert, Plh, Janina_Sajka 14:16:26 JC: user would have to learn new key commands to use apps with AT 14:16:34 Chair: Chris 14:16:40 JC: localization problems address as is operating system agnosticism 14:16:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/08-hcg-minutes.html kaz 14:16:50 JC: new devices fully touch screen 14:17:31 JC: been telling authors to use simple non-character keys and not to worry about more complex commands which don't make sense for a large part of target audience 14:17:40 DS: developed by DHTML Style Guide WG? 14:17:57 JC: ad hoc group that used wai-xtech for communication but not formal WAI group 14:18:24 q+ 14:19:02 JC: UIRequestEvents and types of events pertaining to request - if user presses DEL then first sent would be delete req unless UA recognized and cancelled; no notification from UA; if does not recognize, then UA can have fallback method for accessing delete key 14:19:33 JC: child of UIRequestEvent says want UA on my behalft to change this attribute with this attribute -- replacement for DOMAttrModified 14:19:47 CL: example of use outside of a11y, if menu item that fires events be useful? 14:20:00 JC: menu items not necessary for most of theses 14:20:18 CL: but menu could be used 14:20:28 CL: trying to think of use cases outside of a11y 14:20:36 JC: not specific at all to a11y (accessibility) 14:20:47 JC: [reads from proposal] 14:21:03 ack ChrisL 14:21:56 JC: if web app doesn't recognize undo request event, UA can use fallback event, such as sending KeyPress event 14:22:00 ack st 14:22:02 q+ 14:22:39 SP (Steven Pemberton): this is about DI, but goes hand-in-hand with a11y, both apply, right? 14:22:42 JC: yes 14:22:49 ack she 14:23:10 JC: DI part of it; called UIInterface because wanted it across the board not just for a11y 14:23:54 RS: would save devs a lot of time if didn't have to worry about gestures as well as keyboard input -- want to know there is request to open menu, and menu will open -- works cross-browser and app 14:24:20 JC: DOMActivate in as placeholder for Rich 14:24:29 JC: for most cases, open would be default action of a button 14:24:42 RS: tree item have to hit right arrow key to open easier to say "open" 14:25:06 JC: expand/collapse to expose lower level tree on windows and mac - different keypresses on each 14:25:19 DS: [reads from proposal] 14:25:46 JC: might want to use DOMAttrChangeRequest request for styling from DOM 14:25:59 richardschwerdtfe has joined #hcg 14:26:26 DS: like proposal's UI request thing -- seems would be useful in context of DOM3 events to redo/undo these things often tied closely to keypresses 14:26:55 DS: in DOM3 events, there is a list of keys - each key value can be character value (a,1,@ - any printing char) unicode value kbd can produce 14:27:05 JC: second class of keys: ENTER, TAB, CONTROL 14:27:40 s/JC:/DS:/ 14:27:56 DS: instead of char and key codes on event to pass along either char value as anchor string (not numeric code) or pass along a string such as ENTER or TAB or CONTROL and that string tells you what the key is that has been pressed 14:28:36 DS: one of those is undo - for keycode and charcode in past, if press control+Z don't get undo, but got control key then event for z key 14:29:11 -> http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#key-values DOM3 Events "6.2.7 Key Values Set" 14:29:14 DS: if press shift+a you don't get A you get shift + a to create value A (the character to which kbd is mapped plus all modifiers) 14:29:41 DS: big win for authors - don't have to guess due to series of keypresses x might be the outcome 14:30:21 DS: undo is key balue, but should be mapped to what OS uses as default undo (command+Z or control-Z) -- at end should throw undo command 14:31:03 DS: question of support -- if shake iphone to undo won't be picked up by key event, so i like the idea of abstraction and adding this particular interface to DOM3 Events 14:31:27 DS: can then say "in addition to throwing kbd event with undo keyvalue, this should have default action of throwing an undo or redo event 14:31:35 q? 14:31:46 DS: for devices without kbds very useful for users, authors, devs 14:32:11 DS: if can get UAs -- specifically IE9 -- to say "yes" we will implement this -- willing to put that part in DOM3 Events 14:32:31 doug - which part specifically do you propose to put in DOM3 events? 14:32:43 DS: change event issue different -- simply another iteration on mutation events - problem is when have event mechansism there is a lot of overhead - feedback from all UA vendors 14:33:09 q+ to ask about how this would work with speech recognition-based AT 14:33:47 JC: put note in proposal noting that there are certain events such as TouchStart and TouchEnd could be ShakeStart and ShakeEnd -- UAs need give precedence to continuous input events (such as touch or shake) 14:34:26 JC: if had web app that looked for shake event -- need to know when shake starts and ends - UA should ShakeStart first 14:34:50 JC: diff order than discrete keypress events -- undo sent first if not canceled keypress sent without delay on UI side 14:35:14 ack dd 14:35:14 ddahl, you wanted to ask about how this would work with speech recognition-based AT 14:35:15 JC: noticed that particular area is lacking, but continuous input events will take precedence over UI events 14:36:43 DD: how work with speech recognition? think that if user wants to undo, AT responsible for turning spoken request into undo event which would then be fed to UA -- if that is correct, this will be great for speech recog AT - undo would mean undo or "i din't meanthat" for undo; can't code for UA, so would help 14:37:14 JC: intention on UA side -- OS side up to interpretation - may be that when UA understands listening for undo, broadcast through platform's a11y API 14:37:20 a11y = accessibility 14:37:45 JC: if speech recog engine tied in closely enough with UA, UA should be able to request an undo 14:37:53 q? 14:38:34 DS: you expect undo event to fire before the event propagation or keypress event 14:38:47 JC: gives web app ability to receive and cancel before UA goes to fallback 14:38:53 DS: is that stated in proposal? 14:39:02 JC: believe it does - is in prose, not in interface methods 14:40:00 JC: reason is depending on interface hitting keypress might be a fallback itself -- if web app looking for certain keypress, and UIRequestEvent captured, and author calls for default on event UA doesn't have to use fallback evetns 14:40:50 DS: exclusively within web app -- if i was doing something in text editor in web app, undo may act differently when used in textarea but not synced to web app if undo in location bar 14:41:35 q+ to ask how best to move forward--don't want to get to the end of the hour without discussing that 14:41:36 JC: undo event will be registered if haven't typed anything yet, if hit undo control in location bar, UA would send to web app, if sees on toolbar, knows to send undo request to go back to UA, which then does a chrome undo event 14:42:13 DS: if you want to edit text and said undo, natively, would go back last char because i'm typing, but if i said undo last word, could cancel undo so browser doesn't get it and i as user go it 14:42:23 DS: think browsers going to let you do that? 14:42:29 CL: depends on who grabs event first 14:43:09 JC: would be browser passing event to rendering engine, rendering engine replies to browser which finishes it off -- browser always has first right of refusal 14:43:20 JC: on OS side, browser app going to get key event from OS 14:43:44 JC: if knows that user interacting with web content at that time, and UA has implemented these events, should offer undo thorugh the UIRequestEvent 14:43:57 DS: apologize for going into such detail 14:44:10 JC: don't think would override UA behavior when inappropriate 14:44:30 q+ 14:44:31 DS: think you should join dom3 events telecon or have a joint telecon to sort out this level of detail 14:44:42 DS: DOM3 events is only 1 target of proposal 14:44:46 ack jan 14:44:46 janina, you wanted to ask how best to move forward--don't want to get to the end of the hour without discussing that 14:45:44 JS: getting near 15 minutes left - want to discuss where and how to move forward in W3C outside of WAI -- eager for DOM3 to move forward, but don't want proposal to take many years either because benefit will be immediate 14:45:50 JS: where and how to continue work on this? 14:45:59 q+ 14:46:13 CL: review spec and then have specific conversations on sections 14:46:33 ack gla 14:46:33 JC: HTML A11y TF would be perfect place for section 4 of proposal 14:47:08 Glazou: events model just discussed: 3 layers: 1 at OS level catching key; second at chrome level; third level is web app itself 14:47:26 JC: after event would bubble up same change 14:47:41 Glazou: could capture before hist web app - is doable 14:48:29 JC: sections of spec - scroll request, way to indicate div role="slider" could pre-set to max or minimum 14:49:11 JC: 1 proposal considering is in mainstream safari, can tap title bar on iPhone which sends scrollevent even though don't want to override touch event 14:49:33 JC: screen reader intercepts all such events; need iPhone to pass to web app so can be understood 14:49:52 DS: high level overview of interfaces and where applicable 14:50:19 DS: DOMAttrChangeRequest - DOM3 events is "natural" place, but need call to discuss more 14:50:49 JC: mutation events have had performance events think this proposal will take care of that 14:50:59 JC: section 2 for mainstream UA and AT 14:51:35 JC: third section more specific to AT -- focus and blur events that fire via screen reader cursors (screen readers use virtual cursors) 14:51:51 JC: final section: AT technology notification - separate from DOM 3 14:53:13 JC: Window.Navigator Window.Navigator.Accessibility.SpecificAT = window.Navigator.Accessibility.Speech , dot version, identify engine being used; 14:53:48 JC: magnifier focus could tell mag here are coordinates so would allow use of Bespin type apps (canvas-only web app) 14:54:09 JC: all UA sees is 1 canvas tag, this would allow for OS level screen mag to follow along 14:54:27 DS: which parts would you like to see in DOM3 Events 14:54:34 JC: section 2 and section 3 14:55:19 CL: 2 candidates for DOM3 Events - hadn't expected to add anything to it - would it have a substantial impact on schedule? 14:55:37 DS: currently in LC -- anticipated first LC because of lenghth of development 14:56:07 DS: first last call to finish - will be second last call; chief concern: don't want to create spec that is out of step with what authors can expect to find in browsers 14:56:13 plh: bwahaha 14:56:34 DS: IE9 implemented lion's share of spec - real value having spec reflecting what is happening in IE9 and other UA releases 14:56:45 DS: don't want to throw in stuff that won't make it into IE9 14:57:03 DS: will need to telecon with MS IE devs to find out how much can implement in short time they have 14:57:10 q+ 14:57:20 ack she 14:57:33 DS: alternative: if can't get into DOM3 Events, which is an extendable framework, so can add events using DOM3 events framework 14:58:03 ack ric 14:58:03 DS: could be stand-alone a11y spec with these events in here, but also think easy wins for DOM3 Events such as undo, redo 14:58:15 RS: 1 events not limited to a11y 14:58:23 DS: not what i said - i meant in a diff spec 14:58:38 JC: section 3 could go into aria spec that uses DOM3 model 14:58:43 RS: IE train has left 14:58:47 DS: not true 14:59:01 RS: that's what IE team tells me - don't think will implement in next 2 or 3 weeks 14:59:34 RS: real issue is mobile devices - whatever we do, don't want it to take another 3 or 4 years for it to become a spec - IE is 1 implementation, and need 2 for CR 14:59:48 DS: and i don't want to add another 10 years to DOM3 15:00:07 RS: much will be for mainstream mobile apps -- touch, shake, voice-recog -- all need to control apps 15:00:56 DS: possibility of getting some into DOM3 Events - proposal comes fairly late, so there is value in considering idea that some events may belong in another spec 15:02:10 JC: section 3 specific to a11y; UIRequest events is what we want in DOM3 now; undo/redo depends on it; DOMAttrChangeRequest another would like in DOM3 15:03:00 JC: browser doesn't have to pay attention to mutations, all it has to do is wait for an AT 15:03:19 DS: one suggestoin: another section 4 around navigator stuff -- is that aimed at HTML5? 15:03:37 JC: not sure where that should move, but HTML5 the best location for it or ARIA 2.0 15:03:47 DS: requested HTML WG look at this? 15:04:01 JC: extensively cross-posted proposal 15:04:16 DS: can we schedule a time when can all talk about this? 15:04:33 RS: have time scheduled during what is usual ARIA call on monday at 10am boston time 15:04:47 JC: when is DOM call? 15:04:54 DS: wednesdays at 1pm boston time 15:05:01 DS: may need followup meetings 15:05:15 RS: focus on DI Independent events that benefit more than a11y 15:05:43 CL: DougS appreciate flexibility; Janina, thank you for suggesting this joint meeting 15:05:47 -Debbie_Dahl 15:05:49 -Steven 15:05:52 -Michael_Cooper 15:05:54 -Plh 15:05:55 -darobin 15:05:57 -Kazuyuki 15:05:57 -glazou 15:06:35 -Gregory_Rosmaita 15:06:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/08-hcg-minutes.html oedipus 15:06:48 -jcraig 15:07:09 ddahl has left #hcg 15:07:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/08-hcg-minutes.html oedipus 15:07:37 zakim, list attendees 15:07:37 As of this point the attendees have been +, glazou, Gregory_Rosmaita, Debbie_Dahl, ChrisL, darobin, Shepazu, Steven, Kazuyuki, Michael_Cooper, Janina, 15:07:40 ... +1.512.567.aabb, jcraig, Rich, Bert, Plh, Janina_Sajka 15:07:43 chair: Chris 15:07:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/08-hcg-minutes.html oedipus 15:08:11 -ChrisL 15:08:16 -Janina_Sajka 15:08:16 -Rich 15:08:18 -Bert 15:08:20 -Shepazu 15:08:20 HTML_CG()10:00AM has ended 15:08:20 janina has left #hcg 15:08:21 Attendees were +, glazou, Gregory_Rosmaita, Debbie_Dahl, ChrisL, darobin, Shepazu, Steven, Kazuyuki, Michael_Cooper, Janina, +1.512.567.aabb, jcraig, Rich, Bert, 15:08:24 ... Plh, Janina_Sajka 15:08:30 Bert has left #hcg 15:08:30 Steven-mobile has joined #hcg 15:09:18 present- [+] 15:09:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/08-hcg-minutes.html oedipus 15:09:40 s/it across the board not just for a11y/it applying to OS- and browser-independence as well/ 15:12:39 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/08-hcg-minutes.html oedipus 15:12:41 s/DOMActivate in as placeholder for Rich/agreed to consider OpenRequest and CloseRequest at Rich's suggestion, DOMActivate, EscapeRequest, and DOMAttrChangeRequest may suffice there/ 15:13:22 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/08-hcg-minutes.html oedipus 15:14:03 regrets: Cameron McCormack, Erik Dahlström, Art Barstow, Charles McCathieNevile, Frederick Hirsch, Lofton Henderson (partial) 15:14:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/08-hcg-minutes.html oedipus 15:15:04 s/browser doesn't have to pay attention to mutations, all it has to do is wait for an AT/we believe DOMAttrChangeRequest will not have the same performance implications as DOMAttrModified/ 15:15:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/08-hcg-minutes.html oedipus 15:16:21 agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-cg/2010OctDec/0008.html 15:16:36 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/10/08-hcg-minutes.html oedipus 15:16:38 jcraig has left #hcg 15:18:49 zakim, please part 15:18:49 Zakim has left #hcg 15:24:47 I see no action items