15:39:44 RRSAgent has joined #CSS 15:39:44 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/09/08-CSS-irc 15:39:49 Zakim, this will be Style 15:39:49 ok, glazou; I see Style_CSS FP()12:00PM scheduled to start in 21 minutes 15:39:55 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:42:50 dbaron has joined #css 15:48:25 dbaron: do you have plans to extend -moz-*-gradient() to the CSS 3 values of ? 15:48:37 (as in CSS 3 Images spec...) 15:50:02 you mean the new background-position syntax? 15:50:04 glazou, ^ 15:50:25 I think we'd do that at the same point we implemented that new background-position syntax 15:50:27 which we should probably do 15:50:38 but don't have immediate plans for 15:50:42 (I'm not even sure if there's a bug on it.) 15:52:50 ok thx 15:53:17 dsinger_ has joined #css 15:53:52 oyvind has joined #css 15:54:00 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has now started 15:54:05 +dsinger 15:55:47 bradk has joined #css 15:56:16 european zakim bridge is down... 15:56:51 + +1.858.216.aaaa 15:57:05 zakim, aaaa is me 15:57:05 +plinss; got it 15:57:36 plinss: do you think you can conference me in again ? zakim european bridge is down 15:58:03 sure, give me a minute 15:58:56 + +1.415.920.aabb 15:59:12 + +1.650.253.aacc 15:59:23 TabAtkins_ has joined #css 15:59:30 Zakim, aaaa has glazou 15:59:31 sorry, glazou, I do not recognize a party named 'aaaa' 15:59:33 zakim, plinss is [plinss] 15:59:33 +[plinss]; got it 15:59:42 zakim, [plinss] has glazou 15:59:42 +glazou; got it 15:59:53 zakim, who is here? 15:59:53 On the phone I see dsinger (muted), [plinss], +1.415.920.aabb, +1.650.253.aacc 15:59:55 [plinss] has glazou 15:59:59 On IRC I see TabAtkins_, bradk, oyvind, dsinger_, dbaron, RRSAgent, Zakim, glazou, kennyluck, szilles, Martijn, jdaggett, boblet, arronei, krijnh, lhnz, karl, tabatkins, Bert, 16:00:04 dsinger_: zakim's health is really poor... 16:00:06 ... fantasai, plinss, gsnedders, jgraham, Hixie, trackbot 16:00:16 zakim, aacc is me 16:00:26 +[Microsoft] 16:00:28 +TabAtkins_; got it 16:00:32 zakim, microsoft is me 16:00:58 +arronei; got it 16:01:24 smfr has joined #css 16:01:29 Zakim, who is on the phone? 16:01:35 On the phone I see dsinger (muted), [plinss], +1.415.920.aabb, TabAtkins_, arronei 16:01:37 [plinss] has glazou 16:01:47 + +1.408.636.aadd 16:01:52 Zakim, aadd is me 16:02:00 +smfr; got it 16:02:15 + +1.206.324.aaee 16:02:25 sylvaing has joined #css 16:02:43 + +47.21.65.aaff 16:02:54 howcome has joined #CSS 16:03:17 + +1.650.275.aagg 16:03:32 Zakim, aagg is me 16:03:32 +bradk; got it 16:03:33 I'm just getting "this passcode is not valid" 16:03:40 dsinger_: the UK one ? 16:03:50 Too many incogniti! 16:05:02 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:05:02 On the phone I see dsinger (muted), [plinss], +1.415.920.aabb, TabAtkins_, arronei, smfr, +1.206.324.aaee, +47.21.65.aaff, bradk 16:05:02 ok, now Zakim isn't even prompting me for a passcode 16:05:04 [plinss] has glazou 16:05:20 it's just hanging up 16:05:36 Zakim just hates you, dbaron. 16:05:37 dbaron: happens to me all the time when zakim does not hang after 1st ring 16:05:48 and now it says the passcode is not valid again 16:06:09 zakim, aaff is howcome 16:06:09 +howcome; got it 16:06:12 maybe we should bring Zakim's health as a TPAC topic 16:06:43 oh hey fantasai I just pinged you on Twitter 16:06:48 I didn't bring my headset for my cellphone to work, so there's not much point in my calling in with it 16:07:00 So I'm just going to give up. 16:07:07 +Bert 16:07:09 I guess I'll try calling in from home next week. 16:07:13 zakim, aaee is sylvaing 16:07:13 +sylvaing; got it 16:07:59 Zakim, aabb is fantasai 16:07:59 +fantasai; got it 16:08:31 Bert: no luck for me :( 16:09:10 lol 16:09:15 ScribeNick: TabAtkins_ 16:09:22 nn all 16:09:27 plinss: Anything to add to the agenda? 16:09:38 +[Mozilla] 16:09:47 Bert: I sent an email a few minutes ago about a workshop in Japan that I'd like to have on the agenda. 16:10:25 No idea why it worked the 30th time and not the first 29. 16:10:50 plinss: Open issues. First up, 101. 16:10:50 +SteveZ 16:11:09 plinss: Says we were waiting for a testcase from Arron? 16:11:14 arronei: Test case was created. 16:11:24 plinss: Anyone had a chance to review the testcase yet? 16:11:47 TabAtkins_: I didn't know about it had been done yet. 16:12:17 arronei: I just created them in the last two days. I just sent an email about them to the list. 16:13:20 dbaron: There were testcases in the original email. Is this testcase for the rule 3, 5, or 7 case? 16:14:48 dbaron: There were already testcases, so I'm not sure why this issue had testcase creation assigned to it. I think what was needed was proposed text to adjust the spec. 16:15:13 plinss: From the minutes, all that was discussed was testcases. 16:15:32 dbaron: I had an action item to write text, but I said I couldn't get to it for a little while. Arron volunteered to write some test cases instead. 16:15:45 plinss: Will you or someone else be able to step in and write some text for this? 16:16:04 dbaron: Probably not in the next few weeks, so if someone else can do it that would be good. 16:16:10 TabAtkins_: I can try and write text for it. 16:16:39 plinss: Next issue, 121. Bert sent in a proposal on this one. 16:17:05 dbaron: I responded to this a few minutes ago. I'm fine with the changes, though I'm not sure the "Generally..." bit is true. 16:18:09 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2010Aug/0411.html 16:18:14 is the proposal 16:19:41 dsinger has joined #css 16:19:48 +[Apple] 16:19:52 dbaron: I'm not really objecting to the change, I just think some of the wording adjustments in the proposal I don't think are quite right. 16:19:54 zakim, [apple] has dsinger 16:19:54 +dsinger; got it 16:19:55 dethbakin has joined #css 16:20:02 -dsinger 16:20:07 dbaron: I think it would help if it clarified that the paragraph in question had only one font; then I think it'd be true. 16:20:17 Bert, that should be s/block-level box/block container/ 16:20:23 Bert: That's what the "etc" was meant to cover, but I can make it explicit. 16:20:35 dbaron: That might be worth mentioning. 16:21:05 (Fantasai, isn't that already in the issues list?) 16:21:48 RESOLVED: Accept Bert's changes for issue 129, with the slight edit suggested by dbaron. 16:21:59 s/issue 129/issue 121/ 16:22:10 plinss: Next up is issue 129. 16:22:54 Bert: I need to merge 129 with 139. It's straightforward; there's an email from Yves. 16:23:27 plinss: issue 142. 16:24:16 fantasai: Could we talk about issues that need WG discussion, rather than overseeing Bert's edits? 16:24:36 plinss: I'm trying to just go over the ones that looked like they needed work. 16:24:45 fantasai: But we only have half an hour, and have a bunch of issues to look at. 16:24:55 plinss: let's skip ahead then. 158? 16:25:47 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2010Aug/0458.html 16:25:50 I'm fine with the edits 16:26:15 TabAtkins_: I'm fine with this edit, though there's a seperate note about something later in this thread in issue 203. 16:26:18 Bert: I think it's fine. 16:26:26 RESOLVED: Accept fantasai's edits for issue 158. 16:26:41 plinss: Issue 159. 16:27:22 alexmog has joined #css 16:27:31 fantasai: This should be completely editorial. I've discussed it with Arron and Michael. 16:27:49 dbaron: What says that margins are non-adjoining due to min-height? 16:28:27 fantasai: "The top and bottom margins of a box with used height other than 0". 16:29:01 dbaron: This is a change to say that max-height has an effect. If max-height is 0 and height is non-0, the margins would collapse here, while that wasn't true before. 16:29:10 TabAtkins_: Any clue what impls actually *do* with that? 16:29:27 arronei: I don't have a testcase specifically for that. 16:30:27 http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22border%3A%20solid%3B%22%3E%0A%20%20%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22margin%3A%202em%3B%20max-height%3A%200%3B%20height%3A%205em%22%3E%0A%20%20%3C%2Fdiv%3E%0A%3C%2Fdiv%3E 16:30:36 dbaron: I thin kit would be good to write a testcase to see what impls actually do. 16:31:04 nimbupani has joined #css 16:31:51 fantasai: Opera, Konqueror, Chrome, and Firefox do not collapse margins if max-height is 0 and height is non-0. 16:32:06 arronei: I see consistency across the board here. 16:33:04 dbaron: There's a bullet point about "bottom margin of element and botto margin of last in-flow child" and the one after that - the problem with those two is that they change the latter changes the conditions of the former in the situation where all the margins collapse with each other. 16:33:11 fantasai: I don't understand. 16:33:25 dbaron: The question is, does the bottom margin of a last child collapse with the bottom margin of its parent? 16:33:35 dbaron: In particular, the case where the parent has non-zero min-height, but auto height. 16:34:04 fantasai: The last condition requires no children. 16:34:37 dbaron: Then there's a discontinuity if you have children or not, which is odd and I think might be a change from the spec. 16:34:59 fantasai: The fourth bullet has to be changed to say 0 min-height and auto height, but I don't know how that'll interact with stuff from the CSS3 box model. 16:36:02 fantasai: I'll update the proposal to explicitly fix that part. 16:36:07 plinss: Anything else with this one? 16:36:34 plinss: Next, issue 172. 16:38:42 -SteveZ 16:39:12 fantasai: I did make a normative change, about honoring explicit widths. 16:39:22 + + 16:39:41 Zakim, aahh is me 16:39:41 +glazou; got it 16:40:07 dbaron: Seems fine. 16:40:36 RESOLVED: Accept fantasai's edits for issue 172. 16:41:08 +SteveZ 16:41:15 plinss: Issue 173? 16:41:21 fantasai: I've worked on it, but it's a mess. 16:41:32 TabAtkins_: Also, Henri responded to it this morning, so there's still work to be done on it. 16:41:37 plinss: We'll come back to it. Issue 187? 16:42:21 I like the text now, though I have no clue about it matching reality or whatnot. 16:43:09 Reality seems kind of confused when last I tested it :) 16:44:17 Bert: I like it. Seems precise. 16:44:28 :) 16:44:53 RESOLVED: Accept fantasai's edits for issue 187. 16:45:16 plinss: Issue 191. 16:45:41 TabAtkins_: I agree with this. 16:45:55 arronei: Do we say anywhere that markers create a line box? 16:46:02 fantasai: We say they *may*. 16:47:03 plinss: Issue 192. 16:47:14 plinss: At the ftf we decided the 3rd issue was invalid, but there was some pushback on that? 16:48:38 dbaron: There's a *lot* of references in Anton's email, that you have to read in the right order to know what is being talked about. 16:48:54 TabAtkins_: I'll produce an "executive summary" of all the references, so we can know what's being referred to exactly. 16:48:59 plinss: Issue 197. 16:49:07 fantasai: Boris just replied to this and gave an example: 16:49:08 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2010Sep/0198.html 16:50:16 TabAtkins_: That's why we don't hoist inline clearing up to its containing block normally. Can't recall why we did it in this case. 16:50:26 fantasai: Because we thought that's what the prose was trying to say. 16:51:22 TabAtkins_: Since IE is the only browser that implements run-in, can we get a quick test-case to see what it does here? 16:52:10 http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%0A%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22float%3A%20left%3B%20border%3A%201em%20solid%20fuchsia%3B%22%3E%3C%2Fdiv%3E%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22float%3A%20right%3B%20border%3A%201em%20solid%20aqua%3B%22%3E%3C%2Fdiv%3E%0A%20%20%20%3Cspan%20style%3D%22display%3A%20run-in%3B%20clear%3A%20right%3B%22%3ERun-in%3C%2Fspan%3E%0A%20%20%20%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22clear%3A%20left%22%3EParagraph%3C%2Fdiv%3E%0A 16:52:12 we do too... 16:52:13 arronei: I think there's going to need to be a few testcases for this. I can put them together so we can see them next week. 16:53:12 http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%0A%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22float%3A%20left%3B%20border%3A%202em%20solid%20fuchsia%3B%22%3E%3C%2Fdiv%3E%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22float%3A%20right%3B%20border%3A%201em%20solid%20aqua%3B%22%3E%3C%2Fdiv%3E%0A%20%20%20%3Cspan%20style%3D%22display%3A%20run-in%3B%20clear%3A%20right%3B%22%3ERun-in%3C%2Fspan%3E%0A%20%20%20%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22clear%3A%20left%22%3EParagraph%3C%2Fdiv%3E%0A%0A%3Cdiv%20s 16:55:53 -SteveZ 16:55:55 (opera matches IE8 on those as far as I can see) 16:56:02 TabAtkins_: Can we do the rest of these tests off-call? 16:56:06 plinss: Issue 199. 16:56:43 arronei: http://software.hixie.ch/utilities/js/live-dom-viewer/?%3C!DOCTYPE%20html%3E%0A%0A%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22float%3A%20left%3B%20border%3A%202em%20solid%20fuchsia%3B%22%3E%3C%2Fdiv%3E%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22float%3A%20right%3B%20border%3A%201em%20solid%20aqua%3B%22%3E%3C%2Fdiv%3E%0A%20%20%20%3Cspan%20style%3D%22display%3A%20run-in%3B%20clear%3A%20right%3B%22%3ERun-in%3C%2Fspan%3E%0A%20%20%20%3Cdiv%20style%3D%22clear%3A%20left%3B%20border%3A%20solid%20silver%3 16:57:08 arronei: Question is, does clearance move the silver box in both cases? 16:57:12 TabAtkins_: I sent an email to the list yesterday to define that lineboxes are *not* created in the relevant situations, rather than the somewhat circular prose currently in the spec. 16:57:15 arronei: Or the silver box in one case and the text in the other? 16:58:07 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2010Sep/0190.html - Tab's proposal 16:58:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2010Sep/0194.html may also be helpful 17:00:22 groovy 17:00:25 uuuuuuh 17:01:04 oyvind, not out-of-flow :) 17:01:46 dbaron: If a linebox isn't created, what are the positions of the things that would have otherwise been there? 17:02:12 -smfr 17:02:22 sorry gtg 17:02:23 smfr has left #css 17:02:44 fantasai: You could instead say that such lineboxes are only used to calculate the position of boxes that would be in the linebox, but not for any other purpose. 17:02:52 fantasai, I'm not sure if you're joking or if that's actually defined somewhere :) 17:02:54 TabAtkins_: I will send an updated proposal that says something to that effect today. 17:03:59 fantasai: Last thing was issue 203, which is a testable change in margin collapsing. Arron and I talked with Michael in Oslo and it seemed that implementations actually agreed on it. 17:04:04 -dbaron 17:04:05 plinss: Okay, we'll talk about that next week. 17:04:06 -sylvaing 17:04:06 -arronei 17:04:08 -glazou 17:04:08 -fantasai 17:04:11 -bradk 17:04:14 -howcome 17:04:16 -[Apple] 17:04:16 -Bert 17:04:18 -[plinss] 17:04:37 oyvind: that's actually the definition 17:04:42 -TabAtkins_ 17:04:43 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has ended 17:04:45 Attendees were dsinger, +1.858.216.aaaa, +1.415.920.aabb, +1.650.253.aacc, glazou, TabAtkins_, arronei, +1.408.636.aadd, smfr, +1.206.324.aaee, +47.21.65.aaff, +1.650.275.aagg, 17:04:50 ... bradk, howcome, Bert, sylvaing, fantasai, dbaron, SteveZ, + 17:05:50 but is it assumed to be obvious what counts as "out-of-flow"? 17:09:31 http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visuren.html#img-floateg "non-positioned in-flow blocks" 17:22:56 oyvind: if you want to file an issue, you must send an email 17:32:54 yeah, I'll do that tomorrow or something 17:49:00 nimbupani has joined #css 17:58:04 howcome has left #CSS 19:10:39 Zakim has left #CSS 19:14:30 lhnz has joined #css 19:27:51 lhnz has joined #css 19:43:39 miketaylr has joined #css 20:26:24 kennyluck_ has joined #CSS 20:40:19 anne has joined #css 22:12:51 nimbupani has joined #css 23:50:48 miketaylr has joined #css 23:57:42 nimbupani has joined #css