WebFonts Working Group Teleconference

11 Aug 2010


See also: IRC log


jfkthame, jdaggett, +1.510.816.aaaa, Vlad, ChrisL, cslye, tal, +1.250.247.aabb, +31.70.360.aacc, John, +1.425.882.aadd, erik, +1.415.796.aaee, Dave, sylvaing


<trackbot> Date: 11 August 2010

<jdaggett> sure

<scribe> scribe: ChrisL

Vlad: agenda ok?

Review and finalize the TypeCon WOFF presentation draft


Vlad: any comments?
... presntation good, hits all the major points needed and is nicely concise

Tal: seems to be 10-15 mins with rapid slide runthrough

Vlad: on a historical point, the initial proposal and the current work should be distinguished
... work of the WG should be noted

Tal: what would you change?

Vlad: should be careful to indicate who is currently working on it

ChrisL: speaker notes not typically for public consumption

tal: ok, point taken

Maybe on slide 7, change 'we' to 'the WG'

jdaggett: so its a transition from three people to the wg; presentation seems to say that

ChrisL: about the logos

tal: no objections to logos on the WG slide

sergeym: browser logos in there too

Vlad: do we need permission for browser logos

ChrisL: have the version numbers handy so people know where the support is shipping and where its in development

tal: add version numbers?

ChrisL: clutter. just be ready to answer questions

John: time for a quick demo?

tal: pulling up a terminal slows things down

John: UI on the tool?
... good to convey usability - typecon panel last year, many of the audience make fonts.
... useful to convey a workflow, how easy it is

ChrisL: screenshot of sfnt2woff foo.otf :)

John: coordinating the session, what is the best order for speakers

ChrisL: 10 mins fine for me, and tal should go before me
... on tools slide, add fontforge
... also good to encourage other font creation tools to support woff export

fontforge http://fontforge.sourceforge.net/

Tal: pdf export does not fully represent the slides

Vlad: other comments on the draft?

cslye: when introducing the acronym, good to have the full name written on a slide, rather than just speaking it

Vlad: on first slide, as it often stays up for a while

<jdaggett> http://static.typesupply.com/downloads/typecon/2010-08-10_WOFF_TypeCon.pdf

Dave: just sent a list of company logos, couple missing in high quality

F2F logistics

Vlad: quote for drinks and snacks was pretty high; there is a starbucks in the lobby
... also a mall across the street with a food court, so fine for lunch
... projector rental is also expensive. anyone can bring one?
... especially soneone local, or driving to LA

cslye: I will be
... maybe can get a projector, will ask around
... a portable one like sales folk use

John: what about a screen?

Vlad: can buy a screen, cheaper than to rent

sylvaing: white wall can be fine

<cslye> I will report back on projector status at the end of day (PDT).

jdaggett: paper?

Vlad: room is being used for several sessions, including css3 font on weds - bigger room, not sure if it has a screen

sylvaing: do we have a room name/number?

Vlad: not yet
... but rooms are allocated now

sylvaing: please mail out the room number once we know it

Vlad: we could all chip in for a screen maybe

John: cslye please let me know about a projector, impacts the av for the css session too

ChrisL: networking I assume?

John: yes, typecon network should be there ...

cslye: recall that the smaller room has no wireless but larger room does

<erik> otherwise we relocate to starbucks for the meetings as well as the breaks..

<cslye> :)

Vlad: right next to the lobby
... 10-18:30 ok?
... anyone arriving that morning?

<sylvaing> arriving the night before as well so this is fine

jdaggett: is there a phone in the room, so we can get jfkthame on the phone?

Vlad: not sure, didn't ask. can skype if there is wirelesss

<cslye> Just wondering if we anticipate actually filling the full timeslot. Anybody thought about that?

<sylvaing> (we can use my iPhone as long as we hold it properly)

cslye: will we use the whole time?

<jdaggett> wise guy...

ChrisL: depends on the agenda actually

Review and approval of the proposed F2F agenda

Chris: (wordy way of saying its fine)

jdaggett: one person should take lead on test suite

ChrisL: thats me
... what about review of CSS3 @fontface tests

jdaggett: test cases for things where conformance is on browser , an automated or reftest format .... good thing but we have a lot to cover already

Vlad: would fit under joint work with css/xsl/svg. includes joint tests as well as planning liaisons

resolved: agenda is approved

jdaggett: need to nail down a tie for discussion of cooments so jfkthame can know when to call in

Vlad: starts at 10
... 10:30 to 11:30

<John> Another option for projector (and screen?): http://compurentinc.net/default.aspx

Vlad: so 18:30-19:30 in the UK
... maybe assume 10:15 start

jfkthame: sounds fine, good to have the number to call

Vlad: we can call jfkthame
... observers are permitted, as observers

jdaggett: please send a message with the exact location

Vlad: will do

jfkthame: will make a round of edits so we have a fresher draft

meeting adjourned

Summary of Action Items

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.135 (CVS log)
$Date: 2010/08/11 14:51:28 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135  of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20  
Check for newer version at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/

Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Found Scribe: ChrisL
Inferring ScribeNick: ChrisL
Default Present: jfkthame, jdaggett, +1.510.816.aaaa, Vlad, ChrisL, cslye, tal, +1.250.247.aabb, +31.70.360.aacc, John, +1.425.882.aadd, erik, +1.415.796.aaee, Dave, sylvaing
Present: jfkthame jdaggett +1.510.816.aaaa Vlad ChrisL cslye tal +1.250.247.aabb +31.70.360.aacc John +1.425.882.aadd erik +1.415.796.aaee Dave sylvaing
Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webfonts-wg/2010Aug/0024.html
Found Date: 11 Aug 2010
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2010/08/11-webfonts-minutes.html
People with action items: 

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]