13:59:05 RRSAgent has joined #hcg 13:59:05 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/06/04-hcg-irc 13:59:07 RRSAgent, make logs member 13:59:07 Zakim has joined #hcg 13:59:09 Zakim, this will be HTML_CG 13:59:09 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_CG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 13:59:10 Meeting: Hypertext Coordination Group Teleconference 13:59:10 Date: 04 June 2010 13:59:10 ddahl has joined #hcg 13:59:21 Chair: Chris 13:59:24 zakim, call janina 13:59:24 ok, janina; the call is being made 13:59:25 HTML_CG()10:00AM has now started 13:59:27 +Janina 13:59:52 +Debbie_Dahl 14:00:10 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-html-cg/2010AprJun/0082.html 14:00:33 zakim, who is here? 14:00:33 On the phone I see Janina, Debbie_Dahl 14:00:35 On IRC I see ddahl, Zakim, RRSAgent, janina, ChrisL, kaz, Steven, plinss_, shepazu, trackbot 14:00:55 darobin has joined #hcg 14:01:05 +ChrisL 14:01:36 +Doug_Schepers 14:01:43 http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/34315/HCG2010telcon/results 14:02:50 zakim, dial steven-617 14:02:50 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:02:52 +Steven 14:04:28 lofton has joined #hcg 14:05:16 +Lofton_Henderson 14:05:19 zakim, who is here? 14:05:19 On the phone I see Janina, Debbie_Dahl, ChrisL, Doug_Schepers, Steven, Lofton_Henderson 14:05:21 On IRC I see lofton, darobin, ddahl, Zakim, RRSAgent, janina, ChrisL, kaz, Steven, plinss_, shepazu, trackbot 14:05:45 +darobin 14:05:54 Scribe: Steven 14:07:21 Topic: Actions items 14:07:24 action-32? 14:07:24 ACTION-32 -- Deborah Dahl to find someone to follow up on scxml implementations from KDE -- due 2010-05-14 -- OPEN 14:07:24 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/32 14:07:45 Debbie: The Voice browser WG keeps a list 14:07:58 ... and that summarises all implementations 14:08:04 ... action closed 14:08:18 http://www.w3.org/Voice/#imp-scxml 14:08:19 ... Also, it came up that they might like to present @@ to the HCG 14:08:28 s/@@/scxml 14:08:29 s/@@/SCXML/ 14:08:33 Bert has joined #hcg 14:08:47 Debbie: Interested? July 16th or Aug 13 14:09:18 Shepazu: There is a joint TF with SVG 14:09:34 Debbie: I was talking about HCG not SVG 14:09:38 Shepazu: Sorry! 14:09:56 Chris: Yes, why not? 14:10:54 Shepazu: SVG is interested in SCXML in the context of annimation 14:11:00 Debbie: Email them 14:11:06 s/ann/an/ 14:11:34 Debbie: Let's use July 16th for the presentation 14:11:38 Topic: Media Accessibility Requirements 14:11:52 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Media_Accessibility_Requirements 14:11:52 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/HTML/wiki/Media_Accessibility_Requirements 14:12:02 Jim Barnett is the editor, Jim Larson is the chair and Kazuyuki is the Activity Lead 14:12:07 Janina: this is in process, mostly complete 14:12:15 ... running a survey on it 14:12:20 http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/44061/20080526_media-requirements/results 14:12:46 Janina: Trying t ocollect user requirements for accessibility for audio and video 14:13:02 ... how much do we axpect from HTML5 is the question 14:13:09 s/ax/ex/ 14:14:24 Janina: If HTML5 becomes the next media platform then accessibility requirements are large 14:14:58 ... we need to provide for the chance that it gets significant use 14:15:05 plh has joined #hcg 14:15:16 +Plh 14:15:22 Chris: Are these public minutes? 14:15:30 +1 14:15:37 Chris: Yes they are 14:15:44 minutes will be public 14:15:52 rrsagent, make logs public 14:16:25 -Lofton_Henderson 14:17:22 +Bert 14:17:31 Janina: Since we weren't making progress in accessibility, then just looking at captioning and subtitling isn't sufficient (that is audio description and video description) 14:17:31 suggest the difference between captioning and subtitles be explained 14:17:43 +Lofton_Henderson 14:17:55 Janina: So we need a full user survey of what it would take 14:18:17 ... and be as thorough as possible 14:18:27 ... to get all user requirements 14:18:38 ... leading to technical requirements 14:18:54 ... which are MUSTs and which SHOULDs, conformance, authoring, etc 14:19:16 Janina: The document is a mess in terms of English Language at present 14:19:20 ... needs cleaning up 14:19:28 ... result of many (wiki) authors 14:19:40 ... we are nearly there with user requirements 14:19:54 ... about to start on technical requirements 14:21:07 ... most of what is here has been well vetted and implemented 14:22:15 Janina: THe first section is an overview 14:22:20 s/TH/Th/ 14:23:01 ... section 2 is typesd of technology 14:23:05 s/sd/s/ 14:24:23 ... there are rules in captioning about which information is useful 14:24:54 ... describing what you could see, and is essential to understanding 14:25:19 ... there are movie theatres equipped with this 14:25:32 ... and hear a track with audio description 14:25:54 ... WHen it was first introduced for TV, people stopped me on the street to tell me about it 14:25:59 s/WH/Wh/ 14:26:07 ... used on TV 14:26:46 ... then Texted audio descritpion 14:26:52 s/tp/pt/ 14:27:05 ... then extended descritpion 14:27:26 ... for instance for lectures; you would pause the video, and listen to the extended description 14:28:17 Janina: Next is clear audio, for people with hearing disabilities (not deafness) 14:29:44 [I would benefit from this, I think] 14:29:56 [Scribe not scribing things that are in the doc, other than titles] 14:30:34 JChris: This is a new way of presenting the audio? No requirement that all media is clear? 14:30:38 s/J// 14:30:42 Janina: Correct 14:31:07 ... next, Structured content navigation 14:32:12 ... books replaced scrolls, and therefore introduced new types of content structuring 14:32:26 ... probavly new media will have a similar effect 14:32:33 s/vly/bly/ 14:32:43 ... DAISY working in this field 14:33:12 ... there are examples of books where you don't start necessarily at the beginning 14:33:17 ... (eg cookbooks) 14:33:52 ... therefore forward and rewind/next and previous can be useful 14:35:09 ... and it is good to be able to control the granularity of forward and back 14:37:04 Janina: next, captioning for the deaf and very hard of hearing 14:37:14 ... mandated in the US since 1988 14:37:35 ... good spillover into mainstream use, such as in noisy bars 14:37:53 ... similar to subtitles 14:38:00 ... but subtitles are translations 14:38:22 ... captioning also captures sounds like gunshots 14:38:48 ... which might be annoying in subtitles 14:39:23 ... There may be more space needed for captioning than the timeline allows 14:39:35 ... therefore you need extended captions 14:40:15 Shepazu: You could use the same mechanism, with different levels, is that what you mean? 14:40:18 Janina: Yes 14:40:42 ... this is my idea, not subject to consensus yet 14:41:02 Janina: Next, Sign Translation 14:41:19 ... someone on screen waving their arms 14:41:35 ... problems with the difference between different regional signing 14:42:18 Janina: Next, transcripts 14:42:24 ... suggested by Microsoft 14:42:59 Janina: Next, System Requirements 14:43:08 ... keyboard access 14:43:16 ... don't require a pointer 14:44:13 ... next, Granularity Level Control for Structural Navigation, which I discussed earlier 14:44:39 ... next, Time Scale Modification, comes from DAISY 14:44:54 ... adjusting playback speed 14:45:30 ... I think slowing things down will be a mainstream hit 14:46:00 ... for instane for people living in language environments that are not their mother tongue. 14:46:14 s/stane/stance/ 14:46:52 Janina: Production practice 14:47:01 ... mainly authoring, no spec effects 14:47:44 ... Discovery and activation 14:47:58 ... for alternative content 14:49:18 Janina: use of the viewport 14:49:23 ... for swapping between media 14:49:44 ... parallel use of alternate content on potentially multiple devices in parallel 14:50:29 ... and that's about it 14:50:34 ... glad to hear of things we forgot 14:50:48 Shepazu: Seem to be good cases, I appreciate it 14:51:08 Janina: Next steps, MUSTs and SHOULDs and tech requirements 14:51:25 ... some parts may need SMIL2 14:51:38 ... other parts OK in current browsers 14:51:47 ... small devices are an interesting case 14:52:03 ... might be "if you support this, then you must do this" 14:52:22 ShepazU: Have you looked at things like GOogle TV? 14:52:33 Janina: I do refer to it 14:52:41 s/U/u/ 14:52:46 s/O/o 14:53:13 s/things like GOogle TV?/IPTV, like Google TV?/ 14:53:16 Janina: I think this is a major opportunity to get good accessibility in the future 14:54:00 s/IPTV, like Google TV?/IPTV, and set-top boxes like Google TV?/ 14:54:01 ... there is a refresh going on to 508, about use in the government and public-facing websites 14:54:08 ... and another for telephones and TVs 14:54:13 ... not sure if it covers the internet 14:54:22 q+ 14:54:27 ... logins may be required, but maybe not content 14:54:44 ack she 14:55:34 Shepazu: Have you reached out to companies who do these things, to see if they want to participate, and have you looked at IP issues? 14:55:47 Janina: Royalty-free should be OK 14:55:58 ... not sure about clear audio 14:56:26 ... we have engaged companies, like DIASY 14:56:30 s/IA/AI 14:57:09 Shepazu: Getting the right people involved provides a strong argument 14:58:08 Janina: We may not have enough involvement on API issues 14:59:30 Shepazu: IPTV people, like Samsung; Philips; Google TV, settop boxes makers, video games consoles, they don't need to be Web people per se, but could benefit from the tech 14:59:35 Janina: Good siggestions 14:59:40 s/sigg/sugg/ 15:01:12 Janina: We complained about Web SRT, because it didn't have consensus 15:01:25 q+ 15:01:59 Shepazu: I think that GOogle TV will be a friend of yours 15:02:03 s/O/o/ 15:02:12 plh: Prioritization? 15:02:41 Janina: not the right course. Boil the user reqs to tech reqs, and then decide on MUST, SHOULD, conditional, etc 15:03:05 ... it must be in the spec first 15:03:33 Shepazu: We need IP commitments on MUSTs 15:03:42 Janina: Many we have already 15:03:53 ... the question is whether we need SMIL2 or can we do it with less. 15:03:53 q? 15:03:58 ack plh 15:03:58 ack plh 15:04:37 Janina: If something is a SHOULD, maybe we can rely on plugin technologies 15:05:07 ... few pieces of content will have all alternatives 15:05:26 s/We need IP commitments on MUSTs/You might consider developing the formats rather than simply providing a guideline spec, so we can get RF licenses on MUSTs, and so it is clearer to implementers what they should do/ 15:06:15 Chris: [scribe missed] 15:06:20 Janina: Good point 15:06:33 Chris: Great run through document, thanks! 15:06:59 Topic: AOB 15:07:00 Shepazu: The audio incubator group has laiunched 15:07:08 ... please contact me for details 15:07:10 s/[scribe missed]/Please tell the story about progressive use of acessibility stuff rather than all-or-nothing 15:07:38 Robin: Privacy workshop in London mid July, position papers are due Monday 15:07:44 ... please submit! 15:07:46 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/audio/wiki 15:07:47 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/audio/ 15:08:07 -Plh 15:08:09 -darobin 15:08:09 [ADJOURN] 15:08:11 -ChrisL 15:08:13 -Lofton_Henderson 15:08:13 -Doug_Schepers 15:08:15 -Janina 15:08:17 -Steven 15:08:19 -Debbie_Dahl 15:08:36 -Bert 15:08:38 HTML_CG()10:00AM has ended 15:08:40 Attendees were Janina, Debbie_Dahl, ChrisL, Doug_Schepers, Steven, Lofton_Henderson, darobin, Plh, Bert 15:08:59 rrsagent, make minutes 15:08:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/04-hcg-minutes.html Steven 15:09:05 janina has left #hcg 15:09:20 ack 15:10:12 Regrets: Daniel_Glazman 15:11:24 s/t ocollect/to collect/ 15:13:21 s/things like Google TV?/IPTV, and set-top boxes like Google TV?/ 15:13:59 s/acessibility/accessibility/ 15:14:16 s/laiunched/launched 15:14:29 rrsagent, make minutes 15:14:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/04-hcg-minutes.html Steven 15:20:51 ddahl has left #hcg 15:26:28 kaz has joined #hcg 15:41:49 lofton has joined #hcg 15:48:15 kaz has left #hcg