13:45:31 RRSAgent has joined #dap 13:45:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/06/02-dap-irc 13:45:33 RRSAgent, make logs world 13:45:33 Zakim has joined #dap 13:45:35 Zakim, this will be DAP 13:45:35 ok, trackbot; I see UW_DAP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 15 minutes 13:45:36 Meeting: Device APIs and Policy Working Group Teleconference 13:45:36 Date: 02 June 2010 13:45:54 Chair: Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch 13:46:19 Regrets: Dom, Marco_Marengo, John_Morris, Claes_Nilsson, Richard_Tibbett 13:46:32 s/Dom/Dominique_Hazael-Massieux/ 13:46:42 Regrets+ Alissa_Cooper 13:46:51 Present+ Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch 13:47:17 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Jun/0012.html 13:54:03 Dzung_Tran has joined #dap 13:54:11 Present+ Dzung_Tran 13:55:01 Topic: Agenda review, Announcements 13:55:26 Additional announcement: upcoming Last Call for the Media Resource API 13:55:34 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-media-annotation/2010Jun/0023.html 13:56:01 The Media Annotations WG plans a 4 weeks Last Call review, ending on 13:56:01 July 11, 2010. 13:56:13 Present+ Robin_Berjon 13:56:43 UW_DAP()10:00AM has now started 13:57:00 +[IPcaller] 13:57:02 if possible I'd like to get several people reviewing the MAWG drafts 13:57:09 zakim, [IPcaller] is me 13:57:09 +fjh; got it 13:57:14 last time there were a number of issues 13:57:31 tlr, but you'll join right? otherwise we have no team contact :) 13:58:22 enewland has joined #dap 13:58:34 add to agenda, action notification item 13:58:44 +darobin 13:59:06 + +1.202.637.aaaa 13:59:15 present+ 13:59:20 Suresh has joined #dap 13:59:30 Present+ Suresh_Chitturi 13:59:33 Present+ Erica_Newland 13:59:34 + +04871719aabb 13:59:34 present+ enewland 13:59:53 present- enewland 13:59:57 Present+ Wojciech_Maslowski 14:00:00 zakim, .aaaa is enewland 14:00:01 sorry, enewland, I do not recognize a party named '.aaaa' 14:00:01 Zakim, aaaa is enewland 14:00:03 wonsuk has joined #dap 14:00:05 +enewland; got it 14:00:17 me probably 14:00:25 + +1.972.373.aacc 14:00:26 Zakim, aabb is wmaslowski 14:00:29 +wmaslowski; got it 14:00:40 zakim, who is here? 14:00:41 On the phone I see fjh, darobin, enewland, wmaslowski, +1.972.373.aacc 14:00:42 zakim, aacc is Suresh 14:00:43 Zakim, aacc is Suresh 14:00:47 On IRC I see wonsuk, Suresh, enewland, Dzung_Tran, Zakim, RRSAgent, darobin, fjh, arve, wmaslowski, tlr, ingmar, ilkka, Marcos, dom, trackbot 14:00:52 +Suresh; got it 14:00:56 sorry, darobin, I do not recognize a party named 'aacc' 14:01:12 + +358.504.86aadd 14:01:13 Present+ Ilkka_Oksanen 14:01:20 + +0777183aaee 14:01:20 zakim, aadd is ilkka 14:01:28 +ilkka; got it 14:01:41 zakim, who is here? 14:01:49 +??P39 14:01:51 On the phone I see fjh, darobin, enewland, wmaslowski, Suresh, ilkka, +0777183aaee, ??P39 14:01:52 Zakim, aaee is drogersuk 14:01:58 paddy has joined #dap 14:02:01 +drogersuk; got it 14:02:05 On IRC I see wonsuk, Suresh, enewland, Dzung_Tran, Zakim, RRSAgent, darobin, fjh, arve, wmaslowski, tlr, ingmar, ilkka, Marcos, dom, trackbot 14:02:10 present+ Paddy_Byers 14:02:11 Zakim, ??P39 is paddy 14:02:12 +wonsuk 14:02:18 ScribeNick: Suresh 14:02:22 LauraA has joined #dap 14:02:26 +paddy; got it 14:02:29 present+ Wonsuk_Lee 14:02:33 Present+ LauraA 14:02:38 + +47.23.69.aaff 14:02:48 Zakim, aaff is me 14:02:57 AnssiK has joined #dap 14:03:01 +arve; got it 14:03:56 + +035850486aagg 14:04:07 zakim, aagg is AnssiK 14:04:08 +AnssiK; got it 14:04:14 Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen 14:04:21 Additional announcement: upcoming Last Call for the Media Resource API 14:04:37 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-media-annotation/2010Jun/0023.html 14:04:55 The Media Annotations WG plans a 4 weeks Last Call review, ending on July 11 2010 14:05:20 robin: reviewed previous versions..it is important for us (e.g. Gallery API) 14:05:37 more people to review the better 14:05:49 maoteo has joined #dap 14:05:55 Ontology for Media Resource 1.0 14:06:03 API for Media Resource 1.0 14:06:08 fjh; any volunteers? 14:06:09 drogersuk has joined #dap 14:06:11 zakim, who is here? 14:06:11 On the phone I see fjh, darobin, enewland, wmaslowski, Suresh, ilkka, drogersuk, paddy, wonsuk, arve, AnssiK 14:06:14 On IRC I see drogersuk, maoteo, AnssiK, LauraA, paddy, wonsuk, Suresh, enewland, Dzung_Tran, Zakim, RRSAgent, darobin, fjh, arve, wmaslowski, tlr, ingmar, ilkka, Marcos, dom, 14:06:16 ... trackbot 14:06:19 present+Maria_Oteo 14:07:06 + +0777541aahh 14:07:09 present+ Mario_Oteo 14:07:32 -drogersuk 14:07:32 Zakim, aahh is LauraA 14:07:33 +LauraA; got it 14:07:58 ACTION-143? 14:07:58 ACTION-143 -- Anssi Kostiainen to provide feedback on the list on Gallery API -- due 2010-03-25 -- OPEN 14:07:58 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/actions/143 14:08:09 +??P12 14:08:13 + +1.425.214.aaii 14:08:16 Anssi: I have an action for Gallery API, and can also take this one together 14:08:17 bryan_sullivan has joined #dap 14:08:32 present+ David_Rogers 14:08:33 present+bryan_sullivan 14:08:34 + +03491337aajj 14:08:35 Present+ Laura_Arribas 14:08:43 present+ bryan_sullivan 14:08:56 Zakim, aajj is maoteo 14:08:56 +maoteo; got it 14:09:26 Action: Bryan (AT&T) to review API and Ontology for Media Resource API 14:09:26 Created ACTION-181 - (AT&T) to review API and Ontology for Media Resource API [on Bryan Sullivan - due 2010-06-09]. 14:09:41 Action: Robin to review API and Ontology for Media Resource API 14:09:43 Created ACTION-182 - Review API and Ontology for Media Resource API [on Robin Berjon - due 2010-06-09]. 14:09:53 - +1.425.214.aaii 14:10:01 zakim, mute aaii 14:10:01 sorry, fjh, I do not know which phone connection belongs to aaii 14:10:08 Zakim, mute maoteo 14:10:08 maoteo should now be muted 14:10:14 that was me - reconnecting 14:10:36 + +1.425.214.aakk 14:10:44 +1 14:11:09 Zakim, unmute me 14:11:09 maoteo should no longer be muted 14:11:10 Deadline Extended to 7 June for Privacy Workshop Position Papers 14:11:12 The group to enable notifications of action items follow-up 14:11:12 zakim, +1.425.214.aakk is bryan 14:11:12 +bryan; got it 14:11:27 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Jun/0002.html 14:11:36 DAP registration form 14:11:44 http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/43696/london2010/ 14:12:40 Resolution: The group to enable action notifications 14:13:02 Topic: Minutes approval 14:13:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010May/att-0131/26-dap-minutes.html 14:13:06 Suresh has joined #dap 14:13:09 26 May 2010 14:13:15 Present+ Suresh_Chitturi 14:13:41 RESOLUTION: 26 May 2010 minutes approved 14:13:56 Topic: Policy Framework 14:14:01 TOPIC: Policy framework 14:14:13 http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/policy/Framework.html 14:14:21 http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/policy/Profile.html 14:14:29 http://dev.w3.org/2009/dap/policy/Examples.html 14:15:27 Laura: Examples document may need more examples 14:16:04 zakim, call thomas-781 14:16:05 ok, tlr; the call is being made 14:16:08 +Thomas 14:16:12 zakim, I am thomas 14:16:13 zakim, mute me 14:16:14 ok, tlr, I now associate you with Thomas 14:16:16 Thomas should now be muted 14:16:24 Laura: focusing on framework document, and any help with other documents would be good 14:16:59 Topic: Powerbox 14:17:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010May/0133.html 14:17:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Jun/0009.html 14:17:38 fjh: a concern expressed on the list re what we are doing 14:17:51 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Jun/0020.html 14:18:04 q+ 14:18:10 ack Suresh 14:18:11 q+ 14:19:08 Suresh: Is there a relation between the two? 14:19:48 fjh: the group agreed to work on the current JS API approach 14:19:54 q? 14:20:08 q+ 14:20:27 ack drogersuk 14:20:38 ACTION-109? 14:20:38 ACTION-109 -- Robin Berjon to write up Prague Doctrine (define in WebIDL, have mappings to JS and REST as needed, leave which is implemented up to implementers just like they could decide to map WebIDL to Java, have orthogonal installation/exposing aspects like PB defined, well, orthogonally) -- due 2010-03-23 -- OPEN 14:20:38 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/actions/109 14:21:24 Remember the WG agreed with Resolution on javascript API priority, so we continue with that approach. However it is good to have this additional material to review 14:21:37 David: to make this succesful, we need to engagement, 14:21:58 the proponents should attend the F2F, it is critical 14:22:39 I note that this powerbox revision is an improvement and offers more clarity on that approach 14:22:48 q- 14:22:50 we need to understand how the powerbox model fits into mobile (e.g. Android) 14:22:59 was hoping the guys would be on the call today 14:23:39 fjh: wondering about the acronym UMP used in the draft, IPR issues, etc. 14:23:42 we have bryan here - he has to do the same 14:24:08 APIs - SysInfo 14:24:16 Topic: APIs -SysInfo 14:24:26 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010May/0144.html 14:24:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010May/0145.html 14:24:45 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Jun/0001.html 14:25:31 robin: we have a few issues to discuss before we proceed towards Call for Consensus (Last call) 14:25:53 -> http://www.w3.org/mid/6BEB465A-A2E8-457B-9842-0EB71F43E305@cdt.org 14:26:34 q+ to ask about timing of extension api 14:28:27 q+ 14:28:42 Bryan: the use cases are more driven from mobile, 14:29:27 robin: disagree that it is mobile spec, yes mobile is important but the API needs to work on other devices as well 14:30:00 concerns about privacy were also raised 14:30:08 ack me 14:30:23 q+ 14:30:41 Bryan: knowing the operator and roaming are good indicators 14:31:03 a distinction between national and international can be sufficient 14:31:27 home-> home domain 14:31:50 zakim, unmute me 14:31:50 Thomas should no longer be muted 14:32:45 ...it allows to optimize network interaction 14:33:18 high cost when roaming is the use case robin 14:33:26 protecting the consumer 14:33:29 use cases - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010May/0145.html 14:34:20 "The System Information API: Mobile Extensions" 14:34:27 -> http://www.w3.org/mid/21CEE6D6-BF5E-4ACC-A8FE-954E9B37838B@berjon.com Roaming discussion 14:34:33 +1 to tlr's proposal 14:34:38 tlr: moving it into a separate specification may help 14:34:43 -LauraA 14:35:03 ack fjh 14:35:03 fjh, you wanted to ask about timing of extension api 14:35:17 +LauraA 14:35:48 I agree - this is a very important use case for users and operators 14:35:56 most devices have UICCs in these days 14:36:18 Bryan: we don't need a separate specification, we just need to support an API to access supported properties 14:36:48 q+ 14:36:51 ack thomas 14:36:57 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: split operatorName, apn, mcc, mnc to a separate, extended specification 14:37:17 let me take this back into OMTP 14:37:29 I can get some more feedback 14:37:29 Suresh has joined #dap 14:37:37 Present+ Suresh Chitturi 14:37:54 sorry i got disconnected again:-( 14:37:55 move it into CR independently 14:38:32 q+ 14:39:10 ack fjh 14:39:20 RB: we can move both to LC (even if the extension is FPWD) at the same time 14:40:08 David: where are the objections coming from (e.g. roaming, network operator)? 14:40:19 operatorName, mcc, mnc ? 14:40:26 -> http://www.w3.org/mid/6BEB465A-A2E8-457B-9842-0EB71F43E305@cdt.org origin of discussion 14:40:30 and apn 14:40:37 q+ 14:41:26 robin: the idea is to put them in a separate spec 14:42:07 droger: we are not being consistent.... 14:42:17 ....we have policy to control access 14:43:05 robin; the API design is to work independent of policy 14:43:59 s/;/:/ 14:44:50 s/sorry i got disconnected again:-(// 14:45:20 q+ 14:45:27 droger: we should not pick on individual fields 14:45:27 ack drogersuk 14:45:50 robin: we have looked at other fields such as SSID, etc 14:45:57 q- fjh 14:46:08 q+ 14:46:28 q+ 14:47:19 q- 14:47:23 fjh: is the concern that if it is a separate spec it will be dropped? 14:47:45 droger: i'm happy to take a look at this again with an action 14:48:35 same here, I don't know why we want another spec. It will get drop. 14:49:24 droger: we would like more time to review before going to LC 14:50:09 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: we give one week, and not a day more, to receive an objection to splitting off operatorName, apn, mcc, mnc into a separate specification that is reasonably grounded 14:50:16 robin; one week is reasonable but not more 14:50:42 q+ 14:50:49 s/;/: 14:51:09 q- 14:51:42 q- 14:51:52 ack bryan 14:52:20 Bryan: i don't see the value in moving few properties into seprate spec 14:52:56 s/sepate/separate/ 14:53:12 ...passing string to access property value is the correct approach 14:54:16 RESOLUTION: The SysInfo mobile network attribute gets one week extra discussion, decision for LC will be made next Thursday 14:55:12 my understanding is that if there is an extension spec, it would go into LC at the same time 14:55:19 Sorry guys I have to go to another call 14:55:27 -??P12 14:56:02 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: drop connections[] and activeConnection, move to activeConnections[] 14:56:15 robin; re active connections, we agreed to keep only active connections 14:56:39 Bryan: do we mean available or transfering data? 14:56:40 BS: we need to define clearly what "active" means 14:58:21 RESOLUTION: drop connections[] and activeConnection, move to activeConnections[] 14:58:31 s/BS/Bryan/ 14:58:38 ACTION: Dzung to drop connections[] and activeConnection, move to activeConnections[] and define clearly what "active" means 14:58:38 Created ACTION-183 - Drop connections[] and activeConnection, move to activeConnections[] and define clearly what "active" means [on Dzung Tran - due 2010-06-09]. 14:58:50 q- 14:59:14 -LauraA 14:59:55 Topic: Contacts API 15:00:05 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Jun/0007.html 15:00:31 +1 to deferring 15:00:36 robin: we received feedback from Mozilla, with specific details 15:00:38 +1 to defer 15:00:46 ack thomas 15:01:12 Contacts API discussion deferred... 15:02:05 tlr: Announcement: Privacy workshop deadline pushed back 15:03:18 Suresh> would Opera continue with editorship with Messaging API? 15:03:28 i think he handed it to someone - should be in the minutes 15:05:35 -enewland 15:05:36 -Thomas 15:05:36 -darobin 15:05:37 -AnssiK 15:05:38 -paddy 15:05:39 -fjh 15:05:40 -arve 15:05:41 -Suresh 15:05:43 -bryan 15:05:46 -maoteo 15:05:48 -wonsuk 15:05:50 -wmaslowski 15:05:50 AnssiK has left #dap 15:05:52 -ilkka 15:05:54 UW_DAP()10:00AM has ended 15:05:55 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:05:55 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/02-dap-minutes.html fjh 15:05:55 wonsuk has left #dap 15:05:56 Attendees were fjh, darobin, +1.202.637.aaaa, +04871719aabb, enewland, +1.972.373.aacc, wmaslowski, Suresh, +358.504.86aadd, +0777183aaee, ilkka, drogersuk, wonsuk, paddy, 15:05:59 ... +47.23.69.aaff, arve, +035850486aagg, AnssiK, +0777541aahh, LauraA, +1.425.214.aaii, +03491337aajj, maoteo, bryan, Thomas 15:08:07 present- Suresh Chitturi 15:08:15 present+ Suresh_Chitturi 15:08:45 present- LauraA 15:09:54 present- Mario_Oteo 15:10:52 s/tlr, but you'll join right? otherwise we have no team contact :)// 15:11:04 s/me probably// 15:11:37 s/ RESOLUTION:/ RESOLUTION:/g 15:11:52 s/robin; /robin: /gg 15:12:17 s/APIs - SysInfo// 15:12:32 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:12:32 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/06/02-dap-minutes.html fjh 15:14:48 arve has left #dap 15:33:06 darobin, fjh, was there any plan discussed for migrating MaxF's editorships? esp. for messaging? 15:33:14 I'm trying to figure out what to do with his open action items 15:41:28 it was discussed, Suresh might be interested, and arve is asking inside opera 15:41:33 that's all we got 15:42:33 ok, thx 16:06:16 wmaslowski has joined #dap 17:03:17 Zakim has left #dap