IRC log of dap on 2010-05-12

Timestamps are in UTC.

12:39:57 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #dap
12:39:57 [RRSAgent]
logging to
12:39:59 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
12:39:59 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #dap
12:40:01 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be DAP
12:40:02 [Zakim]
I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot
12:40:02 [trackbot]
Meeting: Device APIs and Policy Working Group Teleconference
12:40:02 [trackbot]
Date: 12 May 2010
12:40:08 [fjh]
12:40:41 [fjh]
Regrets+ Claes_Nilsson, Jun_Liao, Marco_Marengo
12:40:45 [fjh]
Chair: Frederick_Hirsch
12:40:55 [fjh]
Present+ Frederick_Hirsch
13:34:51 [fjh]
Regrets+ Robin_Berjon, Dom
13:42:16 [fjh]
Topic: Administrative
13:57:16 [alissa]
alissa has joined #dap
13:58:18 [LauraA]
LauraA has joined #dap
13:58:31 [LauraA]
present+ LauraA
13:59:01 [fjh]
zakim, who is here?
13:59:01 [Zakim]
sorry, fjh, I don't know what conference this is
13:59:02 [Zakim]
On IRC I see LauraA, alissa, Zakim, RRSAgent, tlr, maxf, arve, Marcos, fjh, ingmar, ilkka, shepazu, dom, trackbot
13:59:09 [fjh]
zakim, this will be DAP
13:59:09 [Zakim]
ok, fjh, I see UW_DAP()10:00AM already started
13:59:15 [fjh]
zakim, who is here?
13:59:15 [Zakim]
On the phone I see ??P0
13:59:16 [Zakim]
On IRC I see LauraA, alissa, Zakim, RRSAgent, tlr, maxf, arve, Marcos, fjh, ingmar, ilkka, shepazu, dom, trackbot
13:59:21 [fjh]
zakim, ??P0 is me
13:59:21 [Zakim]
+fjh; got it
13:59:23 [tlr]
zakim, call thomas-781
13:59:23 [Zakim]
ok, tlr; the call is being made
13:59:24 [Zakim]
13:59:26 [fjh]
zakim, who is here?
13:59:26 [Zakim]
On the phone I see fjh, Thomas (muted)
13:59:27 [jmorris]
jmorris has joined #dap
13:59:32 [Zakim]
On IRC I see jmorris, LauraA, alissa, Zakim, RRSAgent, tlr, maxf, arve, Marcos, fjh, ingmar, ilkka, shepazu, dom, trackbot
13:59:34 [tlr]
Present+ Thomas_Roessler
13:59:37 [ericanewland]
ericanewland has joined #dap
13:59:41 [Zakim]
+ +1.202.436.aaaa
13:59:44 [tlr]
zakim, I am thomas
13:59:44 [Zakim]
ok, tlr, I now associate you with Thomas
13:59:46 [tlr]
zakim, mute me
13:59:46 [Zakim]
Thomas should now be muted
13:59:49 [Zakim]
+ +0777541aabb
13:59:52 [alissa]
Present+ Alissa_Cooper
14:00:06 [ilkka]
Present+ Ilkka_Oksanen
14:00:09 [Zakim]
+ +358.504.86aacc
14:00:14 [Zakim]
+ +1.301.581.aadd
14:00:18 [ericanewland]
present+ enewland
14:00:24 [jmorris]
Present+ John_Morris
14:00:28 [fjh]
zakim, who is here?
14:00:28 [Zakim]
On the phone I see fjh, Thomas (muted), +1.202.436.aaaa, +0777541aabb, +358.504.86aacc, +1.301.581.aadd
14:00:29 [AnssiK]
AnssiK has joined #dap
14:00:30 [Zakim]
On IRC I see ericanewland, jmorris, LauraA, alissa, Zakim, RRSAgent, tlr, maxf, arve, Marcos, fjh, ingmar, ilkka, shepazu, dom, trackbot
14:00:30 [LauraA]
zakim, +0777541aabb is LauraA
14:00:30 [Zakim]
+LauraA; got it
14:00:35 [Zakim]
+ +1.202.637.aaee
14:00:38 [jmorris]
zakim, aadd is jmorris
14:00:38 [Zakim]
+jmorris; got it
14:00:43 [ilkka]
Zakim, aacc is ilkka
14:00:43 [Zakim]
+ilkka; got it
14:00:45 [fjh]
zakim, who is here?
14:00:45 [Zakim]
On the phone I see fjh, Thomas (muted), +1.202.436.aaaa, LauraA, ilkka, jmorris, +1.202.637.aaee
14:00:48 [Zakim]
On IRC I see AnssiK, ericanewland, jmorris, LauraA, alissa, Zakim, RRSAgent, tlr, maxf, arve, Marcos, fjh, ingmar, ilkka, shepazu, dom, trackbot
14:00:55 [ericanewland]
zakim, .aaee is enewland
14:00:55 [Zakim]
sorry, ericanewland, I do not recognize a party named '.aaee'
14:01:15 [Zakim]
+ +035850486aaff
14:01:16 [AnssiK]
Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen
14:01:18 [jmorris]
zakim, aaee is enewland
14:01:18 [Zakim]
+enewland; got it
14:01:19 [alissa]
zakim, is alissa
14:01:19 [Zakim]
+alissa; got it
14:01:23 [AnssiK]
zakim, aaff is AnssiK
14:01:23 [Zakim]
+AnssiK; got it
14:01:27 [fjh]
zakim, who is here?
14:01:27 [Zakim]
On the phone I see fjh, Thomas (muted), alissa, LauraA, ilkka, jmorris, enewland, AnssiK
14:01:29 [Zakim]
On IRC I see AnssiK, ericanewland, jmorris, LauraA, alissa, Zakim, RRSAgent, tlr, maxf, arve, Marcos, fjh, ingmar, ilkka, shepazu, dom, trackbot
14:01:36 [Dzung_Tran]
Dzung_Tran has joined #dap
14:01:41 [Dzung_Tran]
Present+ Dzung_Tran
14:02:06 [paddy]
paddy has joined #dap
14:02:08 [fjh]
zakim, who is here?
14:02:08 [Zakim]
On the phone I see fjh, Thomas (muted), alissa, LauraA, ilkka, jmorris, enewland, AnssiK
14:02:11 [Zakim]
On IRC I see paddy, Dzung_Tran, AnssiK, ericanewland, jmorris, LauraA, alissa, Zakim, RRSAgent, tlr, maxf, arve, Marcos, fjh, ingmar, ilkka, shepazu, dom, trackbot
14:02:40 [fjh]
zakim, who is here?
14:02:40 [Zakim]
On the phone I see fjh, Thomas (muted), alissa, LauraA, ilkka, jmorris, enewland, AnssiK
14:02:42 [Zakim]
On IRC I see paddy, Dzung_Tran, AnssiK, ericanewland, jmorris, LauraA, alissa, Zakim, RRSAgent, tlr, maxf, arve, Marcos, fjh, ingmar, ilkka, shepazu, dom, trackbot
14:03:00 [jmorris]
scribenick jmorris
14:03:03 [fjh]
ScribeNick: jmorris
14:03:11 [ericanewland]
zakim, ericanewland is enewland
14:03:11 [Zakim]
sorry, ericanewland, I do not recognize a party named 'ericanewland'
14:03:11 [fjh]
s/scribenick jmorris//
14:03:17 [Zakim]
14:03:31 [Zakim]
14:03:34 [Zakim]
14:03:36 [ingmar]
Present+ Ingmar_Kliche
14:04:08 [jmorris]
fjh: agenda review
14:04:09 [Zakim]
14:04:28 [paddy]
present+ Paddy_Byers
14:04:41 [fjh]
zakim, ??P16 is paddy
14:04:41 [Zakim]
+paddy; got it
14:05:27 [shlee]
shlee has joined #dap
14:05:35 [fjh]
Topic: Minutes Approval
14:05:39 [fjh]
5 May 2010
14:05:44 [shlee]
Present+ Soonho_Lee
14:05:50 [fjh]
14:06:21 [jmorris]
RESOLUTION: 5 May 2010 Minutes approved
14:06:31 [jmorris]
TOPIC: Policy framework
14:06:39 [fjh]
14:06:46 [bryan_sullivan]
bryan_sullivan has joined #dap
14:07:03 [jmorris]
fjh: we have general agreement on trust domains being done explicitly
14:07:33 [jmorris]
... asking paddy on agreement with this
14:07:55 [jmorris]
paddy: yes
14:08:01 [bryan_sullivan]
Present+ Bryan_Sullivan
14:08:15 [jmorris]
... target in nokia model is the trust domain
14:08:28 [jmorris]
... we separate out trust domain from rest of document
14:08:52 [jmorris]
... some cases we have to work through
14:09:07 [Zakim]
14:09:20 [LauraA]
14:09:30 [jmorris]
fjh: lots of benefit about being explicit about trust domains
14:09:55 [jmorris]
... being explicit will enable simplification
14:10:08 [jmorris]
... like to suggest formal resolution
14:10:16 [tlr]
14:10:30 [fjh]
ack laura
14:10:35 [fjh]
ack LauraA
14:10:40 [bryan_sullivan]
14:11:04 [richt]
richt has joined #dap
14:11:32 [Zakim]
+ +0797352aagg
14:11:34 [jmorris]
fjh: proposing resolution: We will use explicit trust domains in the policy framework
14:12:06 [jmorris]
paddy: responding to question from Laura
14:12:43 [richt]
Present+ Richard_Tibbett
14:12:44 [jmorris]
... for useful cases, one can mechanically convert one expression from another
14:12:50 [fjh]
s/responding to question from Laura/notes that XACML policy epxressions can be refactored
14:12:58 [fjh]
14:13:10 [jmorris]
LauraA: we would name a policy set for a trust domain and within domain
14:13:20 [jmorris]
... we can have individual policies?
14:13:42 [jmorris]
paddy: to be able to express the same things ...
14:13:55 [jmorris]
... in BONDI you can have multiple targets
14:14:13 [jmorris]
... you must be able to define the same thing in different trust domains
14:14:31 [jmorris]
... all of the things you can do with a BONDI policy, you must also be able to do for a trust domain
14:14:51 [jmorris]
... principle of separating def. of target and def. of rules is possible
14:15:15 [jmorris]
... when you write trust domains, you have to have the same functionality as with BONDI
14:15:30 [jmorris]
fjh: this may be an 80/20 situation, where you do not meet this
14:15:40 [jmorris]
... good to identify the 20 percent
14:15:55 [jmorris]
paddy: Agree we should look at use cases
14:16:10 [fjh]
ack bryan
14:16:23 [jmorris]
bryan: clarification on wording
14:16:39 [jmorris]
... don't you mean the ability to define explicit trust domains
14:16:53 [jmorris]
fjh: there must be a trust domain
14:17:21 [jmorris]
bryan: might the absence of an explicit domain imply an implicit trust default domain
14:17:28 [jmorris]
fjh: we might be able to accommodate this
14:17:41 [jmorris]
... we might be able to pre-define some trust domains
14:17:57 [jmorris]
... if you don't know what trust domain, then "untrusted"
14:18:33 [jmorris]
bryan: we are not defining trust domains themselves
14:18:45 [jmorris]
... we are defining ability to define t.d.s
14:19:06 [jmorris]
... not talking about "home" "work"
14:19:17 [jmorris]
... we are not just trying to define a set
14:19:23 [bryan_sullivan]
14:20:05 [jmorris]
paddy: goal is to separate target from rules
14:20:17 [fjh]
proposed RESOLUTION: make trust domain model an explicit and separate part of policy framework
14:20:25 [jmorris]
... we also may identify some well known trust domains
14:21:08 [jmorris]
RESOLUTION: WG will make trust domain model an explicit and separate part of policy framework
14:21:43 [jmorris]
fjh: referring to earlier comment by LauraA
14:21:59 [jmorris]
... suggest we take schema material in separate document
14:22:02 [LauraA]
14:22:10 [fjh]
ack LauraA
14:22:17 [bryan_sullivan]
14:22:49 [jmorris]
LauraA: some of sections suggested to go under framework already have features of profiling
14:22:52 [fjh]
suggest separation, see
14:23:05 [jmorris]
... not 100% clean separation between those two schemes
14:23:28 [jmorris]
... 3.3 to 3.5 for example are already part of naming of GML? language
14:24:04 [jmorris]
fjh: there is some overlap but want to take a pass on separating model
14:24:26 [jmorris]
paddy: the source of the bondi document had the model in two separate parts
14:24:48 [jmorris]
... there is a dictionary that is shared
14:25:03 [jmorris]
fjh: can you do more editorial work?
14:25:26 [jmorris]
LauraA: okay but good if someone can help
14:26:07 [jmorris]
possible ACTION: LauraA to work on framework document to inject more separation
14:26:34 [jmorris]
LauraA: your e-mail to simplify flows
14:26:58 [jmorris]
... is fjh's suggestion to take nokia's flows and simplify
14:27:15 [jmorris]
fjh: where can we simply if possible
14:27:29 [jmorris]
... we have a model with lots of features, but can we simplify
14:27:47 [jmorris]
... we will get more adoption if simpler
14:28:08 [jmorris]
... if you nokia one
14:28:24 [jmorris]
send message to list for seek on help on particular sections
14:29:08 [bryan_sullivan]
if Laura needs help on a specific section or subject I can take the request by email and will provide some text
14:29:09 [jmorris]
... may have existing action
14:29:25 [fjh]
14:29:25 [trackbot]
ACTION-152 -- Laura Arribas to edit policy framework, reviewing BONDI material and editorial update -- due 2010-05-05 -- OPEN
14:29:25 [trackbot]
14:29:29 [jmorris]
LauraA: I can keep working on ACTION-152
14:29:48 [jmorris]
fjh: we can work on the list on this
14:29:57 [fjh]
14:30:04 [jmorris]
... claus also had a message
14:30:11 [fjh]
zakim, who is here?
14:30:11 [Zakim]
On the phone I see fjh, Thomas (muted), alissa, LauraA, ilkka, jmorris, enewland, AnssiK, Ingmar_Kliche, paddy, Bryan_Sullivan, richt
14:30:13 [Zakim]
On IRC I see richt, bryan_sullivan, shlee, paddy, Dzung_Tran, AnssiK, ericanewland, jmorris, LauraA, alissa, Zakim, RRSAgent, tlr, maxf, arve, Marcos, fjh, ingmar, ilkka, shepazu,
14:30:15 [Zakim]
... dom, trackbot
14:30:16 [jmorris]
... he is saying that there is work to be done
14:30:43 [jmorris]
paddy: my take on that is that we need to be sure to have the right set of attributes to define the widget or whateve
14:30:46 [fjh]
14:30:46 [trackbot]
ACTION-45 -- David Rogers to provide use case with threat model scenarios -- due 2010-03-16 -- OPEN
14:30:46 [trackbot]
14:30:48 [jmorris]
14:30:55 [fjh]
14:30:55 [trackbot]
ACTION-104 -- David Rogers to add use case related to ISSUE-37 -- due 2010-03-17 -- OPEN
14:30:55 [trackbot]
14:31:00 [fjh]
14:31:00 [trackbot]
ACTION-145 -- Bryan Sullivan to provide an architectural flow for Policy Reqs -- due 2010-03-25 -- OPEN
14:31:00 [trackbot]
14:31:07 [jmorris]
fjh: looking at actions
14:31:44 [jmorris]
TOPIC: Policy requirements
14:31:49 [fjh]
14:31:49 [trackbot]
ACTION-166 -- Frederick Hirsch to review policy requirements and propose changes -- due 2010-05-05 -- OPEN
14:31:49 [trackbot]
14:31:53 [jmorris]
fjh: I will look at them this week
14:31:57 [fjh]
14:31:57 [trackbot]
ACTION-167 -- Dominique Hazaƫl-Massieux to make a concrete proposal for policy framework based on his comments -- due 2010-05-19 -- OPEN
14:31:57 [trackbot]
14:32:19 [jmorris]
TOPIC: Privacy
14:32:38 [jmorris]
fjh: I noticed paper re P3P trying to come up with labels
14:32:57 [jmorris]
alissa: it is cited in ruleset document
14:33:07 [tlr]
14:33:11 [jmorris]
fjh: nothing more on privacy right now?
14:33:35 [jmorris]
alissa: still waiting for ruleset attributes are mutually exclusive
14:33:44 [jmorris]
... robin has this question
14:33:58 [alissa]
14:34:03 [jmorris]
... conversation on list re mutual exclusivity
14:34:09 [jmorris]
... waiting for response
14:34:18 [jmorris]
TOPIC: Sysinfo
14:34:31 [fjh]
14:34:43 [jmorris]
fjh: next week we will decide on call whether to go to last call
14:34:51 [fjh]
zakim, who is here?
14:34:51 [Zakim]
On the phone I see fjh, Thomas (muted), alissa, LauraA, ilkka, jmorris, enewland, AnssiK, Ingmar_Kliche, paddy, Bryan_Sullivan, richt
14:34:53 [Zakim]
On IRC I see richt, bryan_sullivan, shlee, paddy, Dzung_Tran, AnssiK, ericanewland, jmorris, LauraA, alissa, Zakim, RRSAgent, tlr, maxf, arve, Marcos, fjh, ingmar, ilkka, shepazu,
14:34:55 [Zakim]
... dom, trackbot
14:35:06 [jmorris]
... bunch of issues
14:35:15 [jmorris]
... mohammed had comments, max dealt with them
14:35:21 [jmorris]
... jonas had comment
14:35:45 [fjh]
14:35:46 [jmorris]
... naming issue got resolved
14:36:03 [jmorris]
... we need to be sure we are ready for last call
14:36:06 [fjh]
14:36:21 [jmorris]
... maxf resolved timeless issues
14:36:28 [fjh]
14:36:41 [jmorris]
... one issue to discuss: jonas how data is to be used
14:36:54 [jmorris]
... we need to respond ... this is open
14:36:58 [fjh]
14:37:11 [jmorris]
... second open issue is what is motivation to having some much data
14:37:33 [jmorris]
... this is a minimization things, we are trying to deal with this
14:37:46 [jmorris]
... we might want to fix the privacy stuff up some
14:37:49 [fjh]
14:37:49 [trackbot]
ACTION-58 -- Bryan Sullivan to make a concrete proposal with a vocabulary-based approach to system & events, with a few examples (e.g. battery level) -- due 2009-11-11 -- OPEN
14:37:49 [trackbot]
14:38:10 [fjh]
14:38:10 [trackbot]
ACTION-116 -- Bryan Sullivan to provide input on DCO mapping for SysInfo -- due 2010-03-24 -- OPEN
14:38:10 [trackbot]
14:38:10 [jmorris]
... we need to really get it ready
14:38:40 [fjh]
action-58: bryan notes sysinfo api facilitates this now
14:38:40 [trackbot]
ACTION-58 Make a concrete proposal with a vocabulary-based approach to system & events, with a few examples (e.g. battery level) notes added
14:38:47 [jmorris]
bryan: this has been addressed
14:38:48 [fjh]
action-58 closed
14:38:48 [trackbot]
ACTION-58 Make a concrete proposal with a vocabulary-based approach to system & events, with a few examples (e.g. battery level) closed
14:39:10 [jmorris]
fjh: looking at ACTION-116
14:39:17 [jmorris]
bryan: this is done
14:39:18 [alissa]
14:39:20 [fjh]
action-116 closed
14:39:20 [trackbot]
ACTION-116 Provide input on DCO mapping for SysInfo closed
14:39:25 [fjh]
ack alissa
14:39:28 [jmorris]
... mapping on explicit options in API
14:39:53 [fjh]
14:39:53 [trackbot]
ACTION-162 -- Robin Berjon to make SysInfo ready for pub -- due 2010-04-21 -- OPEN
14:39:53 [trackbot]
14:39:54 [jmorris]
alissa: I proposed temporary language for all APIs re privacy framework
14:40:00 [fjh]
14:40:00 [trackbot]
ACTION-169 -- Frederick Hirsch to insert temporary privacy language into the APIs. -- due 2010-05-05 -- OPEN
14:40:00 [trackbot]
14:40:02 [jmorris]
... this might help jonas
14:40:30 [jmorris]
fjh: uncomfortable to blast away exisiting text
14:40:49 [jmorris]
... so it would good for individual editors to add this text
14:41:06 [jmorris]
14:41:22 [jmorris]
... richard, maybe can you work on this
14:41:35 [jmorris]
... alissa sent language to the list
14:42:08 [alissa]
14:42:51 [jmorris]
fjh: real issue is making sure that maxf's conclusion on these threads is complete
14:42:56 [jmorris]
... we are close on last call
14:43:07 [jmorris]
... that is all on Sysinfo
14:43:13 [fjh]
action: fjh to confirm status of sysinfo comment handling with max, and add privacy text
14:43:14 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-172 - Confirm status of sysinfo comment handling with max, and add privacy text [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2010-05-19].
14:43:43 [jmorris]
fjh: other topics?? messaging?
14:44:03 [fjh]
Topic: contacts, calendar
14:44:10 [fjh]
on the list
14:44:13 [jmorris]
richt: I am still catching up and will go to list
14:44:29 [jmorris]
fjh: anything we should discuss now?
14:45:00 [jmorris]
someone: parameter passing discussion?
14:45:12 [jmorris]
fjh: do not want to decide without robin
14:45:23 [jmorris]
... might be better on list
14:45:46 [jmorris]
... wrapping up
14:45:57 [richt]
14:46:07 [jmorris]
... all editors - please look at privacy text
14:46:15 [Zakim]
14:46:16 [Zakim]
14:46:18 [Zakim]
14:46:18 [Zakim]
14:46:20 [richt]
richt has left #dap
14:46:20 [Zakim]
14:46:22 [Zakim]
14:46:24 [Zakim]
14:46:27 [Zakim]
14:46:28 [Zakim]
14:46:29 [fjh]
rrsagent, generate minutes
14:46:29 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate fjh
14:46:37 [Zakim]
14:46:41 [Zakim]
14:46:48 [Zakim]
14:46:49 [Zakim]
UW_DAP()10:00AM has ended
14:46:50 [Zakim]
Attendees were fjh, Thomas, +1.202.436.aaaa, +358.504.86aacc, +1.301.581.aadd, LauraA, +1.202.637.aaee, jmorris, ilkka, +035850486aaff, enewland, alissa, AnssiK, Ingmar_Kliche,
14:46:53 [Zakim]
... paddy, Bryan_Sullivan, richt
16:54:22 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #dap
17:22:39 [shepazu]
shepazu has joined #dap
17:39:38 [shepazu]
shepazu has joined #dap