14:59:29 RRSAgent has joined #hcg 14:59:29 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/03/12-hcg-irc 14:59:31 RRSAgent, make logs member 14:59:31 Zakim has joined #hcg 14:59:33 Zakim, this will be HTML_CG 14:59:33 ok, trackbot; I see HTML_CG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 14:59:34 Meeting: Hypertext Coordination Group Teleconference 14:59:34 Date: 12 March 2010 14:59:39 HTML_CG()10:00AM has now started 14:59:40 +Plh 14:59:46 zakim, call kazuyuki-617 14:59:46 ok, kaz; the call is being made 14:59:48 +Kazuyuki 14:59:48 ChrisL has joined #hcg 14:59:59 +Debbie_Dahl 15:00:02 rrsagent, here 15:00:02 See http://www.w3.org/2010/03/12-hcg-irc#T15-00-02 15:00:08 zakim, who is here? 15:00:08 On the phone I see Plh, Kazuyuki, Debbie_Dahl 15:00:09 On IRC I see ChrisL, Zakim, RRSAgent, plh, ddahl, kaz, shepazu, trackbot 15:00:22 Steven has joined #hcg 15:00:31 rrsagent, make logs public 15:00:41 paulc has joined #hcg 15:00:56 +Doug_Schepers 15:01:02 Chair: Chris 15:01:35 zakim, dial steven-617 15:01:35 ok, Steven; the call is being made 15:01:36 +Steven 15:01:38 zakim, who is here? 15:01:38 On the phone I see Plh, Kazuyuki, Debbie_Dahl, Doug_Schepers, Steven (muted) 15:01:40 On IRC I see paulc, Steven, ChrisL, Zakim, RRSAgent, plh, ddahl, kaz, shepazu, trackbot 15:01:46 +ChrisL 15:01:59 zakim, who is here? 15:01:59 On the phone I see Plh, Kazuyuki, Debbie_Dahl, Doug_Schepers, Steven, ChrisL 15:02:01 On IRC I see paulc, Steven, ChrisL, Zakim, RRSAgent, plh, ddahl, kaz, shepazu, trackbot 15:03:05 +[Microsoft] 15:03:14 zakim, [Microsoft] has paulc 15:03:14 +paulc; got it 15:04:49 scribe: ddahl 15:05:11 topic: action item 15:05:23 close action 47 15:05:52 close action-47 15:05:52 ACTION-47 Ask richard to send message about referencing BCP47 to chairs@w3.org closed 15:05:55 action-32? 15:05:55 ACTION-32 -- Deborah Dahl to follow up on scxml implementations from KDE -- due 2009-09-30 -- OPEN 15:05:55 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/32 15:06:09 action-42? 15:06:09 ACTION-42 -- Chris Lilley to create telcon time WBS survey -- due 2010-01-22 -- OPEN 15:06:09 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/42 15:06:18 debbie: action 32 should be continued 15:07:36 chris: did check on script for picking times, but seemed complicated 15:07:46 ...action 42 15:09:10 action-44? 15:09:10 ACTION-44 -- Philippe Le Hégaret to look into funding for browser testing from Web Foundation and NIST -- due 2010-03-31 -- OPEN 15:09:10 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/track/actions/44 15:09:23 ...changing to summer time in North America next week, so Europe times will be different for the next two weeks, this will affect our next call 15:09:40 ...action 44, not due yet 15:09:52 topic: deprecating DOMACtivate event 15:10:10 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-hypertext-cg/2010JanMar/0031.html 15:10:23 janina has joined #hcg 15:10:34 zakim, call janina 15:10:34 ok, janina; the call is being made 15:10:35 +Janina 15:10:47 hi janina we are about todiscuss deprecating domactivate 15:10:58 regrets: Robin Berjon 15:11:10 zakim, drop janina 15:11:10 Janina is being disconnected 15:11:12 -Janina 15:11:20 zakim, call janina 15:11:20 ok, janina; the call is being made 15:11:21 +Janina 15:11:57 zakim, drop janina 15:11:57 Janina is being disconnected 15:11:58 -Janina 15:12:01 chris: seem to have the correct people here 15:12:07 zakim, call janina 15:12:07 ok, janina; the call is being made 15:12:09 +Janina 15:13:12 -Janina 15:13:13 zakim, drop janina 15:13:13 sorry, janina, I do not see a party named 'janina' 15:13:18 zakim, call janina 15:13:18 ok, janina; the call is being made 15:13:20 +Janina 15:13:24 chris: HTML, WAI, XForms, SVG mention it 15:13:36 debbie: not in VoiceXML or MMI 15:14:31 chris: may not be directly referenced in WAI specs, but "click" is very mouse-specific 15:14:40 http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/adaptable/StatesAndProperties-20051106.html 15:15:08 ..."click" is easier to generate than "activate", so could rely on it 15:15:33 janina: some take the position that "click" is the generic "activate" 15:15:44 ...others want the semantic distinction 15:16:42 chris: if DOMActivate is deprecated, could modify the documentation for "click" to describe its semantics as equivalent to "activate" 15:17:54 doug: using a keyboard, tab to a link or button, if you hit spacebar or enter, would generate a DOMActivate event but not a "click" event, but now in current browsers you do generate a "click" event 15:18:26 ...if UA supports both DOMActivate and click, you could distinguish between them 15:18:43 janina: no one has come up with different behavior for the two cases 15:19:42 doug: touchscreen and pen interfaces raise issues for possible other kinds of events, so there might be a number of different ways to activate something 15:20:23 ...WebApps WG will be talking about other kinds of interfaces, but thinks that we'll have to solve the issue of activation in another way 15:21:03 q+ 15:21:05 ...we could resurrect DOMActivate if we need to 15:21:33 ...even in deprecating it, we're actually defining it better than before 15:22:15 ..."alternate input device" spec needs to consider these issues 15:22:15 ack ste 15:22:59 steven: the concern is that in 10 years time we will start hearing the opposite 15:23:01 q+ 15:23:39 ...it's good that browser vendors have made click interoperable, but what's the problem with keeping DOMActivate around as well 15:24:00 ...some specs have existing content, why take DOMActivate away? 15:24:04 ack chr 15:24:34 chris: deprecating means that it should be supported but new content shouldn't use it 15:25:11 ...now click is widely implemented, activate is sporadically implemented 15:26:06 ... most content seems to be looking for a click event 15:26:28 ...not really deprecating, but changing focus and best practices 15:26:38 doug: deprecation is a warning to authors 15:27:11 q+ 15:27:12 ...that a feature will be removed in the next version 15:27:22 ...doesn't tell implementations what to do 15:27:31 deprecation usually means the feature MIGHT be removed in the future 15:27:56 in my experience the actualy removal decision is usually left to a later decision 15:28:09 s/actualy/actual/ 15:29:05 (discussion about whether XForms defines or references DOMActivate) 15:30:23 doug: DOMActivate is a general event across languages 15:31:19 ...we should adapt to where implementations are at a certain time 15:32:05 ...DOMActivate is harming accesibility because we're telling authors to do something that doesn't work, authors who use DOMActivate are making their content less accessible 15:32:19 q? 15:32:29 ack paul 15:32:48 -Doug_Schepers 15:33:15 paul: why does "deprecate" mean "will be removed" not "might be removed" in next version? 15:33:32 +Shepazu 15:33:53 ... is a warning about a possible future action, not a certain one 15:33:56 zakim, who is talking? 15:34:09 ChrisL, listening for 13 seconds I heard sound from the following: Janina (11%) 15:34:31 ...the decision is left to the future version 15:34:54 ack paulc 15:34:54 doug: I agree with deprecate meaning "might be removed" 15:35:45 ...this decision was made in consultation with accessibility 15:36:10 janina: in general approves, but not all key people were in on discussion 15:36:26 ...in accessibility we're interested in the functionality, not so much what it's called 15:36:54 chris: it could be clarified that name is historical and clarify what the exact semantics is 15:36:59 janina: that would help 15:37:15 doug: I think I covered those concerns in the documentation 15:37:34 chris: if people are hung up on the name that can be explained 15:37:40 ...in documentation 15:38:10 janina: WAI-PF took an action to offer an opinion but need more discussion 15:38:51 action: janina to schedule a WAI-PF call on deprecating DOMActivate and report back to HCG 15:38:51 Created ACTION-50 - Schedule a WAI-PF call on deprecating DOMActivate and report back to HCG [on Janina Sajka - due 2010-03-19]. 15:39:55 doug: trying to clarify difference between DOMActivate and activation behavior. 15:40:14 ...activation behavior is made even more explicit in DOM3 events, one 15:40:32 ...is to throw a click event 15:41:11 doug: we aren't removing DOMActivate from DOM 2 events or even DOM 3 events 15:41:47 ...did not remove it, but just deprecated 15:42:07 q+ 15:42:18 ...if XForms needs DOMActivate, you could keep referring to DOM 2 or define it yourself 15:42:21 ack ste 15:42:46 steven: then it becomes a different event with the same name 15:43:35 doug: DOMActivate is different XForms is different from HTML because it's not bound to a UI in XForms 15:44:56 doug: DOMActivate wasn't specified well in DOM 2, properties not defined 15:44:59 ...well 15:45:27 steven: we list the ones we're expecting but don't define them 15:45:41 http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Events/events.html#Events-eventgroupings 15:45:54 DOMActivate 15:45:54 The activate event occurs when an element is activated, for instance, thru a mouse click or a keypress. A numerical argument is provided to give an indication of the type of activation that occurs: 1 for a simple activation (e.g. a simple click or Enter), 2 for hyperactivation (for instance a double click or Shift Enter). 15:45:54 * Bubbles: Yes 15:45:54 * Cancelable: Yes 15:45:55 * Context Info: detail (the numerical value) 15:46:13 ...we want the same event, we don't want different languages to have the event "DOMActivate" with different meanings 15:46:58 click 15:46:58 The click event occurs when the pointing device button is clicked over an element. A click is defined as a mousedown and mouseup over the same screen location. The sequence of these events is: 15:46:58 mousedown 15:46:58 mouseup 15:46:58 click 15:47:00 15:47:09 If multiple clicks occur at the same screen location, the sequence repeats with the detail attribute incrementing with each repetition. This event is valid for most elements. 15:47:09 * Bubbles: Yes 15:47:09 * Cancelable: Yes 15:47:09 * Context Info: screenX, screenY, clientX, clientY, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, metaKey, button, detail 15:47:45 steven: these examples are monolithic languages, but XForms is directed at multiple languages 15:47:56 q+ 15:48:17 doug: but there would be only one DOMActivate, the one in XForms, because other languages don't use it 15:48:39 chris: does HTML5 refer to DOMActivate or click? 15:49:09 doug: it does refer to "click" not sure about DOMActivate, it's probably not 15:49:38 chris: in DOM 2 events, DOMActivate has some content that click doesn't 15:50:08 doug: tried to spell out all properties in DOM 3 15:51:07 http://www.w3.org/mid/4B888B0A.6080104@w3.org 15:51:18 http://dev.w3.org//2006/webapi/DOM-Level-3-Events/html/DOM3-Events.html#event-flow-activation 15:52:23 ...also talks about "event order", a sequence for when events are fired on activation 15:53:04 ...the context info actually spells out the default values, every property will be listed with its default value 15:53:30 ..."context info" will probably be changed to "default values" 15:55:22 ack chr 15:55:41 chris: if someone is looking to see if someone is using a pointer, and they might not be able to use "click" to get to pointer-specific stuff, like a screen location 15:56:23 doug: there is nothing here that would tell you that it came from a key event vs. mouse event 15:56:47 ...you could come up with a use case about why someone would want to know how something was activated 15:57:32 I have to leave for another meeting. 15:57:39 ...could make it so that the value is null rather than zero 15:57:47 -[Microsoft] 15:58:22 action: doug to raise issue with accessibility of null vs zero 15:58:22 Created ACTION-51 - Raise issue with accessibility of null vs zero [on Doug Schepers - due 2010-03-19]. 15:59:06 if voice activation, you definitely need to know if the activation was by voice or by mouse/keyboard, because voice is less certain 15:59:38 so you might not be as sure with voice that you've gotten exactly what they said 16:00:07 doug: not sure you get that with DOMActivate, either 16:00:07 http://dev.w3.org//2006/webapi/DOM-Level-3-Events/html/DOM3-Events.html#events-DOM_INPUT_METHOD_VOICE 16:00:32 ...text input distinguishes between multiple input methods 16:01:04 "Implementations must dispatch the synthesized click event as described above even if they do not normally dispatch such an event (e.g. when activation is requested by a voice command, since this specification does not address event types for voice input)." 16:01:34 ...I could see an actual activation by voice -- eg you say "here's my address" and the address field becomes activated 16:02:36 it would be selected, not activated 16:02:51 ok, I'll think of some more voice use cases 16:03:53 doug: please read the specification and emails for future discussions 16:04:39 ...suggest that concerns be discussed by email 16:08:09 I really expected that we would have a resolution here 16:08:29 doug: before we schedule another telecon have some email discussion 16:08:59 adjourned 16:09:24 -Debbie_Dahl 16:10:04 rrsagent, make minutes 16:10:04 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/03/12-hcg-minutes.html ChrisL 16:10:04 -Plh 16:10:23 -ChrisL 16:10:24 -Steven 16:10:29 -Kazuyuki 16:10:31 -Janina 16:10:34 -Shepazu 16:10:34 janina has left #hcg 16:10:36 HTML_CG()10:00AM has ended 16:10:37 Attendees were Plh, Kazuyuki, Debbie_Dahl, Doug_Schepers, Steven, ChrisL, paulc, Janina, Shepazu 16:11:16 zakim, list attendees 16:11:16 sorry, ChrisL, I don't know what conference this is 16:11:20 rrsagent, make minutes 16:11:20 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/03/12-hcg-minutes.html ChrisL 18:04:51 plh has left #hcg 18:25:11 Zakim has left #hcg 20:22:48 kaz has joined #hcg 22:40:01 s/doug: I could see an/debbie: I could see an 22:40:16 rrsagent, make minutes 22:40:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/03/12-hcg-minutes.html ddahl 22:42:04 s/...I could see an actual/debbie: I could see an actual 22:42:19 rrsagent, make minutes 22:42:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/03/12-hcg-minutes.html ddahl 22:49:56 ddahl has left #hcg