14:44:13 RRSAgent has joined #dap 14:44:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2010/01/06-dap-irc 14:44:15 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:44:15 Zakim has joined #dap 14:44:17 Zakim, this will be DAP 14:44:17 ok, trackbot; I see UW_DAP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 16 minutes 14:44:18 Meeting: Device APIs and Policy Working Group Teleconference 14:44:18 Date: 06 January 2010 14:44:36 Chair: Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch 14:44:44 Present: Robin_Berjon, Frederick_Hirsch 14:45:26 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2009Dec/0298.html 14:47:48 cardona507 has joined #dap 14:48:46 Present+ ThomasRoessler 14:48:58 Dzung_Tran has joined #dap 14:49:08 Present+ Dzung_Tran 14:49:47 Present+ Wonsuk_Lee 14:51:43 Present+ Robin_Berjon 14:52:17 Regrets: Anssi Kostiainen, Marco Marengo 14:53:35 Present+ Paddy_Byers 14:54:10 fjh, sorry but my internet connection is going up and down all the time 14:54:22 I will do it next time if it's ok 14:54:48 snowbound, unable to reach office and working from home :) 14:55:41 action: fjh fix Seoul time in agenda to be 24:00 14:55:41 Created ACTION-78 - Fix Seoul time in agenda to be 24:00 [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2010-01-13]. 14:56:22 similarly, agenda says 1400 UTC, I think it is 1500 UTC 14:57:38 UW_DAP()10:00AM has now started 14:57:45 +[IPcaller] 14:57:55 zakim, [IPcaller] is fjh 14:57:55 +fjh; got it 14:57:58 + +0148375aaaa 14:58:35 +??P16 14:58:47 fhirsch has joined #dap 14:58:58 I am a member of the HTMLwg - but for some reason I am having trouble submitting the form to join this group - It looks like the form expired on new years - any ideas? 14:58:58 +maxf 14:59:07 zakim, +0148375aaaa is paddy 14:59:07 +paddy; got it 14:59:23 tlr can you pls help cardona507? 14:59:51 I am a student and "invited expert" - I don't represent a company per se 15:00:01 I can scribe until my connection disappears 15:00:26 paddy, perhaps you can scribe next week and we can choose someone else for today 15:00:40 dom - should I send an email to the chairs? and if so where? 15:00:43 ok, thanks 15:00:49 yeah, we don't want a scribe that drops off 15:01:00 or gets caught in an avalanche 15:01:05 LauraArribas has joined #dap 15:01:06 schittur2 has joined #dap 15:01:14 +wonsuk 15:01:28 thank dom - have a good meeting everyone 15:01:29 Present+ Suresh_Chitturi 15:01:29 Present+ Laura_Arribas 15:01:31 zakim, code? 15:01:32 zakim, call thomas-781 15:01:36 the conference code is 3279 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), dom 15:01:40 zakim, I am thomas 15:01:40 ok, tlr; the call is being made 15:01:45 zakim, mute me 15:01:46 +Thomas 15:01:52 ok, tlr, I now associate you with Thomas 15:01:56 Thomas should now be muted 15:02:10 +Suresh 15:02:42 +Laura_Arribas 15:02:42 cardona507 has left #dap 15:02:58 +Dom 15:03:05 Present+ Dominique_Hazael-Massieux 15:03:07 jmorris has joined #dap 15:03:17 zakim, mute m 15:03:17 maxf should now be muted 15:03:28 cardona507 has joined #dap 15:03:41 present+ John_Morris 15:03:51 yes 15:03:54 zakim, who is here? 15:03:54 On the phone I see fjh, paddy, darobin (muted), maxf (muted), wonsuk, Thomas (muted), Suresh, Laura_Arribas, Dom 15:03:57 On IRC I see cardona507, jmorris, schittur2, LauraArribas, fhirsch, Dzung_Tran, Zakim, RRSAgent, fjh, wonsuk, paddy, arve, maxf, darobin, tlr, ilkka, blassey, shepazu, arg, dom, 15:03:59 ... trackbot 15:04:26 +jmorris 15:05:03 Scribe: John Morris 15:05:08 ScribeNick: jmorris 15:06:10 Paddy will scribe next week 15:06:37 marcin has joined #dap 15:06:46 minutes from dec. 16 15:06:51 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2009Dec/att-0231/minutes-2009-12-16.html 15:06:53 topic: minutes approval 15:07:07 resolution: minutes from 16-dec approved 15:07:13 topic: policy 15:07:25 ReSpec, added refNote and additionalCopyrightHolders 15:07:43 who? 15:07:45 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2009Dec/0293.html 15:08:02 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2009Dec/0295.html 15:08:04 Present+ Marcin_Hanclik 15:08:06 some discussion of document on list 15:08:13 action-63? 15:08:13 ACTION-63 -- Laura Arribas to review http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2009Nov/0044.html -- due 2009-11-25 -- CLOSED 15:08:13 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/actions/63 15:08:40 TAG response 15:08:43 topic: TAG response 15:08:50 topic: tag response 15:09:04 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2009Dec/0297.htm 15:09:08 FH: any objection to sending to the TAG? 15:09:10 [none] 15:09:12 will send this today, given no comment 15:09:14 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2009Dec/0297.html 15:09:20 resolution: fhirsch to send tag response 15:09:29 ACTION-69? 15:09:29 ACTION-69 -- Paddy Byers to provide use cases for the policy requirements document -- due 2009-12-11 -- OPEN 15:09:29 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/actions/69 15:09:41 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2010Jan/0031.html Policy Use cases from Paddy 15:10:05 + +49.208.4.aabb 15:10:17 Zakim, aabb is marcin 15:10:17 +marcin; got it 15:10:43 paddy: working on use cases 15:11:02 how does this relate to policy requirements documents 15:11:48 fhirsch: these should go into requirements documents 15:12:09 +1 on integrating in requirements for now 15:12:25 +1 15:12:26 +1 too 15:12:41 fhirsch: tlr did work on security in apis 15:12:42 [I think it would be useful if the use cases distinguished or highlighted which apply to widget vs open web apps] 15:12:50 [+1 to dom] 15:12:55 [me too!] 15:14:45 paddy: need detail in use cases and derive requirements from them 15:14:57 need to determine implied requirements in API 15:15:34 apis should be capable of being used without presumption of trust 15:15:38 paddy suggests possible requirement - apis should be capabable of being mediated by policy but not required to be mediated by policy 15:15:43 q+ 15:15:46 ack me 15:15:48 ack dom 15:16:31 dom asks whether use cases apply to non-trusted environment 15:17:03 fhirsch: there will always be non-trusted cases 15:17:24 paddy: there is not always a presumption of trust with web site 15:17:24 +??P6 15:17:34 Zakim, P6 is me 15:17:34 sorry, arve, I do not recognize a party named 'P6' 15:17:36 [paddy captured well the questions I had in mind] 15:17:42 with widget, one goes through an install process with some suggestion of trust 15:17:57 cardona507 has joined #dap 15:18:14 paddy: there is a difference between two environments, but the apis should be capable of both environments 15:18:41 q+ 15:18:44 I think we should strive for both environment 15:18:45 dom: wg should be able to set ground rules for use of APIs in trusted environments 15:19:05 q- 15:20:09 fhirsch: dom put something on the list on this? 15:20:11 Robin - i dont think i saw one as well 15:20:21 zakim, mute me 15:20:21 Dom should now be muted 15:21:11 ACTION: Paddy to integrate his use cases in policy requirements 15:21:11 Created ACTION-79 - Integrate his use cases in policy requirements [on Paddy Byers - due 2010-01-13]. 15:21:12 fhirsch: paddy should work to integrate use cases in to requirements doc 15:21:40 ACTION-77? 15:21:40 ACTION-77 -- John Morris to provide a discussion of requirements for privacy -- due 2010-01-19 -- OPEN 15:21:40 http://www.w3.org/2009/dap/track/actions/77 15:22:34 topic: api issues 15:22:58 darobin: lots happening 15:23:28 paddybyers has joined #dap 15:23:56 [very hard time hearing you robin] 15:24:42 [I suggest sending the CfC now, with one week review] 15:24:49 [+1] 15:24:52 +1 to DOM 15:24:55 darobin: should we wait to discuss CfC today or next week? 15:24:57 s/DOM/Dom/ 15:24:57 s/DOM/Dom/ 15:24:57 +1 15:24:58 s/DOM/Dom 15:25:03 we will discuss nextr week 15:25:09 s/nextr/next/ 15:25:33 ack maxf 15:25:33 zakim, unmute maxf 15:25:37 gah! 15:25:37 maxf was not muted, dom 15:25:39 -maxf 15:25:45 brb 15:26:16 darobin: not much work on other issues in past couple of weeks 15:26:27 q+ 15:26:27 [waiting for maxf to return] 15:26:28 +maxf 15:26:37 maxf: 15:26:59 maxf: discussions about what to put into each individual property about which we have info 15:27:14 questions are unlined by general principles.... 15:27:25 are there use cases for properties we are going to include 15:27:30 q+ to attempt framing the higher-level decision 15:27:34 decisions need to be made on case by case basis 15:27:41 q- 15:27:51 q+ 15:28:02 questions about how much privacy/security sensitivity with each property 15:28:10 zakim, mute robin 15:28:10 sorry, dom, I do not know which phone connection belongs to robin 15:28:14 zakim, mute darobin 15:28:14 darobin should now be muted 15:29:09 maxf: need to hear from people who care 15:29:12 ack thomas 15:29:14 Thomas, you wanted to attempt framing the higher-level decision 15:29:24 tlr: agree with max's framing 15:29:45 at least for subset of comments, one approach to ask is this in scope for work we want to do 15:30:08 broad question: do we want to provide info for run time execution environment 15:30:16 e.g., cpu, etc. 15:30:42 other comments: network area - do we believe that network is taken as a given 15:30:57 or do we need more info on network connectivity 15:31:23 sub issue - detailed info on network can equal location info.... 15:31:27 zakjim, mute me 15:31:29 zakim, mute me 15:31:29 Thomas should now be muted 15:31:36 schittur: 15:32:04 tend agree that properties like cpu, etc., are attributes that vendors do not want to expose 15:32:20 in practice, unlikely that apps will adjust based on these properties 15:32:31 [I think the uses cases are for applications whose role is actually to deal with these low-level details] 15:32:34 we should focus on more import things like displays, IO 15:32:37 storage 15:32:59 q+ to propose a framing 15:33:00 dom, right -- the question is whether we assume CPU and network are managed by the runtime, or whether we think we're managing them. 15:33:01 prefer not to expose cpu, other details 15:33:08 ack dom 15:33:09 dom, you wanted to propose a framing 15:33:09 dom: 15:33:14 q- 15:33:19 dom: thanks maxf for work on this.... 15:33:28 indeed, thanks maxf! 15:33:38 +1 15:33:53 good way to frame this this for v1 of spec -- we only focus on general purpose application features 15:33:56 thanks maxf! 15:34:17 and we not focus on cpu and less general purpose properties 15:34:42 darobin: this could be a separate spec versus a different version 15:34:54 darobin: agree with dom's framing 15:35:01 q+ 15:35:13 :) 15:35:16 maxf: happy to focus on general purpose application features 15:35:25 for completeness don't we want to cover CPU, however I am fine with moving it to later version 15:35:59 maxf: temperature is hard 15:36:17 Regrets+ DavidRogers 15:36:17 does this principle mean, not include what is marked as "interna" 15:36:21 don't know how to simply draft with several thermometers 15:36:26 s/interna/internal 15:36:32 q? 15:36:44 I'd drop thermo, battery, cpu, fan. 15:36:51 +1 for moving general things to later version. 15:37:06 darobin: might make sense to have more complex thermal but simpler cpu 15:37:15 What is so hard about temperature? 15:37:15 [I think something should be kept when attached with a "generic" use case] 15:37:44 I'm fine with keeping external temperature, but would drop internal temperature sensors. 15:37:47 fhirsch: not sure what "general purpose application features" mean 15:37:49 Temperature is extremely important in mobile device 15:37:57 maxf: I could write proposal on list 15:37:59 q+ 15:38:05 ack fhirsch 15:38:10 Dzung, how about commenting on the phone? 15:38:20 ack schittur2 15:38:26 ack schittur 15:38:30 action: maxf to write to list of properties to drop or simplify 15:38:31 Created ACTION-80 - Write to list of properties to drop or simplify [on Max Froumentin - due 2010-01-13]. 15:38:51 s/list of/list on/ 15:39:03 I can't join today, actually I need to drop right now, sorry 15:39:39 q? 15:39:46 ack thom 15:39:53 Input/Output, Codec support, Network coverage are fairly common and useful properties to have 15:40:11 tlr: device management applications are not a generic use case 15:40:12 zakim, am I muted? 15:40:12 I don't understand your question, dom. 15:40:14 not sure resolution is needed, but ok with me - still will have to make decisions of what it means 15:40:16 zakim, who's muted? 15:40:16 I see no one muted 15:40:22 zakim, mute me 15:40:22 Thomas should now be muted 15:40:39 Internal, and sensor related properties are very low-level and not general purpose properties 15:40:55 "apps not directly targeted at monitoring the said sensors" 15:41:08 PROPOSED RESOLUTION: use a "generic use case"/"apps not directly targeted at monitoring the said sensors" measurement to decide whether something is to be included in SysInfo or not 15:41:23 good enough 15:41:33 q+ 15:41:46 MF: sounds good 15:41:52 [maybe s/SysInfo/SysInfo v1/] 15:42:11 oh, yes, webapps globally reconfiguring the keyboard! That's fun. 15:42:14 fhirsch: what about keyboard, camera flash? is that general? 15:42:15 q- 15:42:38 q+ 15:42:42 ack thomas 15:42:44 darobin: there is a general use case for knowing keyboard type 15:43:03 tlr: some settings are set-able 15:43:08 not all are just read-only 15:43:20 some will lead to misunderstanding 15:43:59 paddy has joined #dap 15:44:01 tlr: if this value is useful for more than just itself, it may be "generic" 15:44:22 tlr: cpu fan value may monitor for itself 15:44:50 RESOLUTION: use a "generic use case"/"apps not directly targeted at monitoring the said sensors" measurement to decide whether something is to be included in SysInfo or not 15:44:55 in essence resolution says use case driven material can be included, platform specifics not included 15:45:14 q+ 15:45:28 q+ to ask whether to track the "encrypted" piece as issue 15:45:36 schittur: on calendar api, did sent out draft use cases and requirements 15:45:55 looking at intersection of different calendar apis 15:46:07 will send to whole group next week 15:46:11 or soon after 15:46:19 ack schittur 15:46:20 q- 15:46:28 ack tlr 15:46:29 tlr: 2 questions: 15:46:44 ack thom 15:46:44 Thomas, you wanted to ask whether to track the "encrypted" piece as issue 15:46:51 encrypted attribute on network interface 15:47:14 re net interfaces, some sensor data might permit to infer additional info 15:47:24 link to suresh message on calendar use cases - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2009Dec/0241.html 15:47:26 such as net interfaces or location 15:47:49 darobin: open issues on these points 15:47:55 tlr: will do so 15:47:55 +1 to opening issues 15:48:13 .... singing ... 15:48:25 thanks 15:48:27 -Dom 15:48:28 -Laura_Arribas 15:48:28 -Thomas 15:48:29 closing call... 15:48:29 -Suresh 15:48:29 -darobin 15:48:30 thanks 15:48:31 -maxf 15:48:31 -marcin 15:48:33 -fjh 15:48:34 wonsuk has left #dap 15:48:36 -paddy 15:48:38 -jmorris 15:48:39 -wonsuk 15:48:40 rrsagent, generate minutes 15:48:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2010/01/06-dap-minutes.html fhirsch 15:48:57 -arve 15:48:59 UW_DAP()10:00AM has ended 15:49:01 Attendees were fjh, darobin, maxf, paddy, wonsuk, Thomas, Suresh, Laura_Arribas, Dom, jmorris, +49.208.4.aabb, marcin, arve 15:51:43 Zakim, bye 15:51:43 Zakim has left #dap 16:06:37 arve has left #dap 16:15:16 mmmm, I just remembered that if we publish Contacts, we need to publish Core Device 16:16:17 tlr_ has joined #dap 18:30:25 Marcos has joined #dap 19:01:18 cardona507 has joined #dap 19:11:11 Marcos_ has joined #dap 20:05:55 drogers has joined #dap