16:14:39 RRSAgent has joined #CSS 16:14:39 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/12/02-CSS-irc 16:14:48 Zakim, this will be Style 16:14:48 ok, glazou; I see Style_CSS FP()12:00PM scheduled to start in 46 minutes 16:44:30 rrsagent, make logs public 16:46:44 hi peter 16:48:54 hello 16:50:16 oyvind has joined #css 16:51:53 smfr has joined #css 16:52:36 Well, I must leave now for the exam I had told you, so I won't be able to attend the teleconference today, sorry. Bye! 16:53:28 bye CesarAcebal 16:53:50 argggggl just broke my headset :( 16:53:51 sigh 16:54:17 Zakim, code ? 16:54:17 the conference code is 78953 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), glazou 16:54:27 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has now started 16:54:34 + +95089aaaa 16:55:40 + +1.858.216.aabb 16:55:53 + +1.408.398.aacc 16:56:00 zakim, +1.858.216 is me 16:56:00 +plinss; got it 16:56:27 zakim, +95089 is glazou 16:56:27 +glazou; got it 16:58:08 dsinger_ has joined #css 16:58:35 Zakim, who is here? 16:58:35 On the phone I see glazou, plinss, +1.408.398.aacc 16:58:36 On IRC I see dsinger_, smfr, oyvind, RRSAgent, Zakim, glazou, Lachy, szilles, myakura, jdaggett, shepazu, dsinger, krijnh, anne, TabAtkins, karl, fantasai, plinss, trackbot, Bert, 16:58:38 ... Hixie, plinss_ 16:59:01 Zakim, aacc is dsinger 16:59:01 +dsinger; got it 16:59:07 + +1.408.636.aadd 16:59:18 Zakim: aadd is smfr 16:59:30 Zakim, aadd is smfr 16:59:30 +smfr; got it 16:59:31 zakim, mute me 16:59:32 sorry, dsinger_, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 16:59:41 Zakim: you should learn about colons 16:59:46 Zakim, mute dsinger 16:59:46 dsinger should now be muted 17:01:20 man, it keeps telling me the code is invalid 17:01:21 +Bert 17:01:49 TabAtkins: dbaron had that issue last week 17:01:53 yup 17:01:58 happens often 17:02:04 file a bug! 17:02:13 TabAtkins: try composing the code rather fast 17:02:23 +[Microsoft] 17:02:45 +[Mozilla] 17:02:49 sylvaing has joined #css 17:03:37 zakim, [Mozilla] has fantasai 17:03:37 +fantasai; got it 17:04:00 zakim, [Microsoft] has sylvaing 17:04:03 +sylvaing; got it 17:04:53 + +1.281.712.aaee 17:05:02 Zakim, aaee is TabAtkins 17:05:02 +TabAtkins; got it 17:05:13 bradk has joined #css 17:05:17 zakim, who is here? 17:05:17 On the phone I see glazou, plinss, dsinger (muted), smfr, Bert, [Microsoft], [Mozilla], TabAtkins 17:05:19 [Mozilla] has fantasai 17:05:22 On IRC I see bradk, sylvaing, dsinger_, smfr, oyvind, RRSAgent, Zakim, glazou, Lachy, szilles, myakura, jdaggett, shepazu, dsinger, krijnh, anne, TabAtkins, karl, fantasai, plinss, 17:05:24 ScribeNick: fantasai 17:05:24 [Microsoft] has sylvaing 17:05:26 ... trackbot, Bert, Hixie, plinss_ 17:05:33 glazou: Mozilla has implemented pointer-events property 17:05:38 glazou: And extended it to HTML 17:05:46 smfr: WebKit does that two 17:05:49 + +1.650.766.aaff 17:05:51 s/two/too/ 17:05:55 only 2 values are implemented 17:06:10 Zakim, 1.650.766.aaff is me 17:06:10 sorry, bradk, I do not recognize a party named '1.650.766.aaff' 17:06:24 zakim, aaff is bradk 17:06:24 +bradk; got it 17:06:33 glazou: The two values are auto and none 17:06:35 thanks 17:06:45 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Nov/0286.html 17:06:47 glazou: First item is percentage height calculations 17:06:52 Topic: Percentage Height calculations 17:07:03 glazou: dbaron is not on the call, so we may want to defer 17:07:16 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-archive/2009Nov/0027.html 17:07:20 Topic: Feedback on Spec Conventions 17:07:30 glazou: Discussed that last week, feedback from group is welcome 17:07:39 Tab: I went through thread and agree with everything fantasai said 17:08:01 Tab: Also, Schepers is using in some cases for no other reason except to get italics 17:08:10 Tab: He's using it for italics, not for emphasis 17:08:14 Tab: He should be using 17:08:23 Tab: That's the only comment I have; the rest seems acceptable 17:08:49 glazou: Do you want to send that yourself? 17:08:56 Tab: I can send it myself 17:09:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-css-wg/2009OctDec/0148.html 17:09:05 glazou: Please also say that the group has no other comments 17:09:06 Topic: Snapshot 17:09:41 propose the 2007 Snapshot as a topic for this week's telecon 17:09:41 http://www.w3.org/TR/css-beijing/ 17:09:41 Originally, I was going to request publication of the snapshot 17:09:41 as CR when Selectors went to CR or PR, but we're talking about 17:09:41 adding new features to css3-color that will not qualify for 17:09:43 the snapshot until css3-color hits PR. (CR will be insufficient 17:09:46 because the snapshot assumes implementation experience even if 17:09:48 the spec itself is not totally stable.) 17:09:51 The question is, what should we do here? 17:09:53 - Delay the snapshot until color-correction is adequately 17:09:56 specced, implemented, and tested? 17:09:58 - Push color-correction into a css4-color spec or a 17:10:01 css3-color-profiles spec and take css3-color to the 17:10:03 nearest of CR or PR? 17:10:06 - Drop css3-color from the snapshot? 17:10:08 - Something else? 17:10:11 It's clear to me from the number of questions that the snapshot 17:10:13 answers that it's important for us to take it to CR and thereby 17:10:16 post it as a replacement for the outdated /TR/css3-roadmap and 17:10:18 as a target for /TR/CSS3. I was expecting that with Selectors 17:10:21 finally out of Last Call, this would be possible by the end of 17:10:23 the year. Since that is no longer the situation, I would like 17:10:26 us to come up with Plan B. 17:11:48 fantasai summarizes the options here 17:12:25 Tab: Were there other features we could include in the module with color-correction? 17:12:40 fantasai: There were some color profile related features that were dropped earlier in the cycle for css3-color 17:12:48 Tab: Then I'm mildly in favor of doing that 17:13:15 sylvaing: From the options you presented, I would be more inclined to leave color-correction for later 17:13:33 sylvaing: and just complete css3-color as-is 17:13:42 sylvaing: I don't think it's that interesting of a feature to hold up the snapshot 17:13:52 glazou: I agree 17:14:03 brad: You're talking about dropping color-correction, not css3-color? 17:14:08 sylvaing: Right. 17:14:18 brad: Then I agree with that. Seems like the best option to me too 17:14:39 Bert: Sounds good to me too. I'm in the mood for finishing specs, so let's finish some specs 17:14:54 ChrisL has joined #css 17:15:00 fantasai: you're breaking up pretty badly 17:15:03 fantasai: do we have implementation reports for the rest of css3-color? 17:15:18 sorry to be late - got a storming headache today :( 17:16:03 Bert: We have tests, but test reports.. 17:16:04 ChrisL: np 17:16:08 +ChrisL 17:16:17 are we saying that css color would be silent on correction, or require none, or...? 17:16:36 + +1.408.996.aagg 17:16:51 fantasai: If we don't have implementations, then I propose we publish css-color as CR 17:16:52 zakim, aagg is [Apple] 17:16:52 +[Apple]; got it 17:16:57 fantasai: and the snapshot as CR along with it 17:16:58 zakim, [Apple] has dsinger 17:16:58 +dsinger; got it 17:17:12 -dsinger 17:17:33 http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS3/Color/current/reports/ 17:18:34 dsinger: What would the css3-color spec say about color correction then? Nothing? 17:18:36 glazou: correct 17:19:04 dsinger: If css3-color is specified in srgb, then it's implied you should color correct 17:19:22 dsinger: but doesn't say anything about how 17:19:37 dsinger: I'm fine with that 17:20:00 http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS3/Color/current/reports/implementation-report-Firefox.html 17:21:24 Opera passes system colors, but nobody else does 17:21:42 glazou: so we can aim for CR only at this time 17:21:58 RESOLVED: Publish css3-color as CR 17:22:10 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-css-wg/2009OctDec/0149.html 17:22:13 Topic: Namespaces 17:22:31 opera10 passes http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS3/Color/20080721/xhtml1/t0302-opacity-offscreen-with-alpha-c.xht 17:22:33 chrisl: I sent an email with a link to an implementation report 17:22:49 Elika, if you are removing color correction do you not have to do another last call? 17:22:51 chris: which has passes for every test except one 17:22:59 szilles we never published color correction 17:23:07 Ok 17:23:17 chris: I thought the test was wrong, but then bzbarsky pointed out the part of 2.1 that makes it correct 17:23:26 chris: this was news to Safari, which is why they failed it 17:23:37 chris: I believe the test is actually correct, just a bit underdocumented 17:23:44 chris: It still means we have one test where we only have one pass 17:24:00 chris: I just wanted to know what the situation was, wasn't proposing any action 17:24:12 Peter: I ran that test in FF3.5 and it didn't pass 17:24:24 chris: Oh. I might've been using 3.6 then. I'll check it 17:24:32 test in question - http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS3/Namespace/20090210/syntax-013.xml 17:24:41 glazou: That test is fully green in Firefox 3.7 17:25:54 chris: But the CSSWG doesn't accept nightly builds 17:25:59 fantasai: We do, under certain conditions 17:26:22 Peter: It has to be not an experimental implementation, and publicly available 17:26:29 Peter: basically not something someone wrote to pass a test 17:26:52 cool. is that criteria written down and documented anywhere ? 17:26:54 glazou: Did we need a clarification? 17:27:04 chris: I guess it's clear enough, just requires reading through it carefully 17:27:56 sylvaing, http://www.w3.org/blog/CSS/2008/04/04/resolutions_17 17:28:09 glazou: other topics were messages from dbaron, so deferring for now... 17:28:17 I think we can handle the comments, actually 17:28:18 glazou: Next one is about CSSOM, but anne sent regrets 17:28:27 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Nov/0336.html 17:28:29 glazou: Last item is about float values, some discussion on www-style 17:28:32 Topic: Float values 17:29:01 glazou: Peter noticed a subthread about the behavior of overflow regarding floats in ltr vs rtl 17:29:22 peter: I think dbaron was actually bringing that one up 17:31:16 fantasai: Do we want a resolution to publish the Snapshot as CR, or wait until css3-color is CR? 17:31:27 Bert: maybe we can decide to do them together, at the same time? 17:31:32 glazou: That would be cool 17:32:03 (Opera10 has a bunch of extra passes for color, i will send in a test report) 17:32:09 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Nov/0343.html 17:32:47 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2009Dec/0009.html 17:33:17 http://css-class.com/test/css/bidi/float-left-right-edge-rtl.htm 17:33:19 http://css-class.com/test/css/bidi/float-right-left-edge-rtl.htm 17:34:11 Tab: the original part, ignoring the overflow business, was just about float direction based on text direction 17:34:17 Tab: Instead of being absolute left or right 17:34:25 glazou: So 'start' and 'end'? 17:34:34 Tab: Yes. I think that's a fine idea 17:34:39 glazou: I think it's useful for bidi 17:34:45 fantasai: I agree. 17:34:49 glazou: I think we should add it 17:34:58 i agree also 17:35:03 glazou: Other opinions? 17:35:10 Bert: I have no problem with adding it, not so sure it's useful 17:35:21 glazou: If you want to build web apps using floats in the bidi world, then you need it 17:35:30 glazou: It's useful, because you have to reverse everything. 17:35:45 Bert: That's the problem, you don't have to reverse everything, only some things 17:36:01 Tab: Right, so you use start and end when you need them to reverse, and left and right when you don't 17:36:07 Brad: This would be useful for drop-ca 17:36:12 p 17:36:23 ?: What spec are we editing here? 17:36:26 Bert: Box model, my spec 17:36:29 s/Tab/Chris/ 17:36:37 s/?/Bert/ 17:36:42 actually, it's Tab+Chris :) 17:36:50 RESOLVED: Add start and end values to float 17:37:03 ACTION Bert edit box model to add start and end to float 17:37:03 Created ACTION-198 - Edit box model to add start and end to float [on Bert Bos - due 2009-12-09]. 17:37:11 Topic: Miscellaneous 17:37:25 glazou: Got an email from several people about dropping anonrules 17:37:33 glazou: because they want to implement an html editor 17:37:39 glazou: same problem I mentioned a long long time ago 17:37:47 Chris: This is what happens when stuff doesn't display 17:38:06 Chris: We could have rules that display in the dom, but have an ignore property which says the property is currently ignored 17:38:12 glazou: It's not only that, chris 17:38:22 glazou: When the processor sees a style rule it cannot parse, it drops the rule 17:38:29 glazou: It doesn't appear in the dom at all 17:39:24 fantasai: You also have the case that in some implementations, if the same property appears more than once in a declaration block, the earlier ones get dropped at parse time (rather than stored and ignored during the cascade) 17:39:38 ... 17:39:44 chris: Get a property value as a string 17:39:56 Tab: Right now the way you do this you have to parse the style sheet yourself with JS 17:40:18 glazou: The WG discussed that question a very long time ago and the answer from the vendors was we don't want to preserve style rules that we are not using because it impacts the footprint 17:40:30 glazou: I hope the vendors are going to change their view on this point, otherwise its pointless to discuss it 17:40:36 glazou: I'm seeing more and more requests on this topic 17:40:49 glazou: If we really want to have cross-browser applications ... it's a point we need to solve 17:41:15 sylvaing: The reason this whole thing came up is the whole marking things obsolete at DOM2 17:41:39 sylvaing: ... defining it as obsolete, or hold off on that until we have a resolution 17:41:47 glazou: Given the way CSS parsing works, it is unusued 17:42:15 ... 17:42:45 sylvaing: Just want to know, is what we're implementing in the future going to be like anonrule, or something else is going to replace it? 17:42:51 glazou: It is not useful as defined. 17:42:58 glazou: It's only for at-rules and style-rules that are dropped 17:43:06 glazou: You can only use it in some cases, not in all 17:43:19 Tab: It's used for at-rules 17:43:27 glazou: yes, it's too limited 17:43:34 glazou: it doesn't help with declarations that are dropped 17:43:45 sylvaing: Ok, so it's good to drop 17:44:03 Topic: Snapshot 17:44:55 RESOLVED: Publish Snapshot as CR along with css3-color 17:45:26 Proposed: Use it to replace /TR/css3-roadmap, also have /TR/CSS3 and /TR/CSS point to it 17:45:38 Bert: /TR/CSS3 will require the director's approval, the rest should be easy 17:45:49 Chris: /TR/CSS currently points to 2.1, you intend to replace that? 17:45:51 fantasai: yes 17:46:08 fantasai: /TR/CSS2 points to 2.1 17:46:13 +1 for Snapshot CR and roadmap replacement 17:48:09 RESOLVED: Proposal accepted, pending director's approval 17:48:52 dbaron has joined #css 17:48:56 I note that /TR/CSS should probably be a redirect, not an alias... 17:49:10 ACTION fantasai make Disposition of Comments for Snapshot (even if it's empty) 17:49:10 Created ACTION-199 - Make Disposition of Comments for Snapshot (even if it's empty) [on Elika Etemad - due 2009-12-09]. 17:49:13 -ChrisL 17:49:14 -[Microsoft] 17:49:15 Meeting closed. 17:49:16 -smfr 17:49:16 -bradk 17:49:18 -Bert 17:49:18 -TabAtkins 17:49:19 -[Apple] 17:49:19 -glazou 17:49:20 byeeee 17:49:23 glazou has left #css 17:49:29 fantasai: question for you 17:49:30 -plinss 17:49:52 fantasai: how do the color tests work? 17:50:00 specifically, what makes http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS3/Color/20080721/xhtml1/t040501-system-colors-a.xht fail in webkit? 17:50:31 smfr: I have no idea, as dbaron. Maybe it passes now; those reports are not the latest latest 17:50:35 s/as/ask/ 17:50:49 the test says "there should be no red", and that's true in our result 17:50:50 css3-color is fine for pr if we don't worryr about color-correction 17:50:58 the system colors thing is just hard to test 17:51:00 smfr, could you mail a screenie of what webkit does on that test? 17:51:08 ChrisL: sure 17:51:12 sorry, couldn't dial in 17:51:28 can we un-resolve to publish css3-color as CR? 17:51:33 dbaron - yes, its hard to test. or rather, its hard to write a test that its possible to fail 17:52:05 ChrisL: sent 17:52:23 we kinda hate system colors anyway, since they are too closely tied to Windows 17:52:26 dbaron: I'm pretty sure we can 17:52:42 dbaron: if you say we're ready for PR and we have the implementation reports for it 17:52:54 except for the sRGB issue, yes, I think we are 17:53:01 it needs a little arguing about system colors 17:53:25 which are pretty broken to begin with, and the reason I judged the implementation reports as "failing" is because colors aren't good enough to represent the system appearance 17:53:30 which is why they're deprecated 17:53:35 glazou: Can we alter the resolution via email? 17:53:46 however, we also don't have a draft to publish 17:53:51 glazou: Or wait for next week? 17:53:53 there's a whole bunch of comments that I need to address before we publish 17:53:55 ah 17:53:56 ok 17:54:04 even without color-correction 17:54:50 (it just cuts the number of comments that need to be addressed from 26 to 25 17:54:50 when do you think you'll have that done by? 17:55:03 simon, i don't see anyting there that would indicate a fail 17:55:35 I probably won't have time this week or next. 17:57:25 smfr, what makes it fail is that it doesn't actually "look like a raised button... in the operating environment" 17:57:32 how about mon/tues the week after? 17:58:13 I can try... 17:58:30 david, in that case the test is badly phrased. it would fail on anything that uses non-rectangular buttons for example 17:58:46 Also, was the publication of css3-transitions, css3-2d-transforms, and css3-3d-transforms permanently cancelled or just delayed? 17:58:49 dbaron, that'd be great 17:58:58 dbaron, delayed, I believe 17:58:58 dbaron: ok 17:59:03 ChrisL, well, it's the *spec* that's badly phrased, really, since the features presume that... 17:59:36 I suppose maybe the test should say "look like the closest thing to a raised button in the operating environment that can be represented by ..." 18:00:24 2d-transforms and transitions were published yesterday. 18:00:28 dbaron: seems like the worse issue is that ActiveCaption and CaptionText are both black, resulting in unreadable text 18:00:53 myakura, ah, ok, good 18:01:10 not sure about 3d-transforms, though. 18:01:23 I don't think we had a resolution to publish 3d-transforms 18:01:24 I still have a bunch more transitions issues, but we can publish again in a few months... 18:01:29 :) 18:01:30 right, we have not 18:01:32 david - yes, that would be better wording 18:01:56 smfr, anyone on your side interested in writing a blog post to announce the drafts? 18:02:09 Also, when Zakim says "that is not a valid passcode", is it possible to find out what passcode it *thinks* I entered? 18:02:37 smfr, or should I just say that we published new WDs and leave it at that? 18:02:45 i think that's fine 18:03:05 where does the master copy of the css3-color test suite live now? 18:03:06 Zakim tends to lock out the conference near the end, but I think that's usually just the last 5 minutes 18:03:27 fantasai, I couldn't dial in last week because Zakim wouldn't let me in 18:03:42 dbaron: I just called back like 5 times until it let me in. 18:03:51 last week I tried about 20 times 18:03:55 Wow. 18:03:59 and then gave up 18:04:17 dbaron: It's currently at http://test.csswg.org/svn/cvs-import/css3-color-test-suite/ 18:05:01 disconnecting the lone participant, [Mozilla], in Style_CSS FP()12:00PM 18:05:06 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has ended 18:05:08 Attendees were +95089aaaa, +1.858.216.aabb, +1.408.398.aacc, plinss, glazou, dsinger, +1.408.636.aadd, smfr, Bert, fantasai, sylvaing, +1.281.712.aaee, TabAtkins, +1.650.766.aaff, 18:05:10 ... bradk, ChrisL, +1.408.996.aagg 18:05:19 oh, heh. I guess I didn't click the right hang-up button 18:15:27 ok, I checked in new wording for the system colors test 18:15:38 ok 18:15:39 is there a way for me to point people to a file as-checked-in to SVN? 18:16:13 hmm, I guess there's a viewvc 18:16:15 you mean like http://test.csswg.org/source/cvs-import/css3-color-test-suite/src/t451-system-colors-a.xhtml ? 18:16:17 I wonder if it serves HTML 18:16:28 yes, like that 18:16:31 :) 18:16:47 so how does that revised test look? 18:16:51 The second paragraph is new 18:16:57 and I tweaked the third-from-last test as a result 18:17:06 and then I changed the wording of the two button tests 18:17:43 The third-from-last test looks blank to me... 18:18:36 fantasai: read the text above it 18:18:42 it is confusing though 18:19:01 ah 18:19:02 right 18:19:03 heh 18:19:16 dbaron: looks ok to me 18:19:18 the problem is there's no appropriate required foreground color for that background 18:19:24 right 18:19:30 I made it inset so that it might be less confusing 18:19:36 Would it make sense to number the tests? 18:19:39 dbaron: maybe put that one last? 18:20:13 dbaron: let me know when you want a new copy published on w3.org 18:20:15 I can make it width:10% 18:20:21 dbaron: I'll build it and check it in 18:20:30 or just 2emx2em 18:20:58 That plus s/block/square/ should be good 18:21:54 ok, tweaked 18:24:07 looks ok to me 18:24:16 but i wouldn't fail webkit on the button color ;) 18:27:34 was the implementatino report I wrote for webkit-mac or webkit-gtk ? 18:27:55 dbaron: btw, next time you're having trouble calling in, ask me to conference you in 18:28:12 dbaron: I don't know how to do it here, but I can do it from home for sure 18:28:18 hmm, looks like webkit-mac 18:28:19 dbaron: http://example.com/useragent/ SVN r36640 Mac OS X 10.4.11 WebKit 2008-09-19 18:28:34 er, not sure how that url got in there 18:28:40 http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Test/CSS3/Color/current/reports/ 18:28:43 Mac OS X, anyway (Tiger!) 18:29:01 the other two webkit failures are related to line height, not rgba colors 18:29:38 maybe you can patch the tests to not rely on that 18:33:40 sylvaing has joined #css 18:39:53 probably the easiest patch for that is to make them use the Ahem font 18:42:38 though, actually, I think the thing to do just mark WebKit as passing those tests, since it's passing the relevant parts of them 18:42:51 and it just doesn't do 'line-height: 0' correctly 18:44:07 I really don't know any other way in CSS 2.1 + css3-color to make two boxes of the same element overlap each other 18:44:14 which is what that needs to test 18:47:19 sylvaing has joined #css 19:16:10 dbaron: That seems reasonable to me. So WebKit and Firefox will get us to PR 19:22:10 Zakim has left #CSS 19:41:21 smfr has left #css 21:42:51 Lachy has joined #css