See also: IRC log
<ChrisW> Scribe: StellaMitchell
<ChrisW> last meeting minutes:
<ChrisW> PROPOSED: accept last meeting minutes
<ChrisW> RESOLVED: accept last meeting minutes
<LeoraMorgenstern> I just sent out the minutes of the november 10 meeting.
cw: Sandro is the SPARQL team contact
sandro: SPARQL is specifying how to use inference with SPARQL, but they are considering OWL-type inference
<josb> Sandro, could you paste a link to the draft?
<josb> yes!
cw: if people in this WG want RIF-style inference in SPARQL, they will need to get involved
mk: I'll take a look at SPARQL
cw: We requested to extend the
working group
... extending WG to March to reach recommendation status
... goal is to get out of CR by middle of January
... after out of CR and vote to go to PR, the group won't have
much work to do
<ChrisW> PROPOSED: Request WG extension as specified at
<csma> q
<Harold> "... the CR Exit Criteria do not appear to be met" might sound a bit too weak.
<Leora> It's also ungrammatical
<csma> +1
<Gary> +1
<hak> +1
<Leora> +1
<mdean> +1
<sandro> +1
<MichaelKifer> +1
<ChrisW> +1
<Harold> +1
<josb> +1
<Leora> (I find it amusing that Chris sounds kind of like God in films)
<ChrisW> RESOLVED: Request WG extension as specified at
<csma> God with the flu, actually
<csma> continued, I think
<ChrisW> close action-947
<trackbot> ACTION-947 Send email to implementors asking for test results. closed
close action-946
<trackbot> ACTION-946 Put syntax of imports on next agenda closed
close action-944
<trackbot> ACTION-944 Summarize issue of imports argument and propose a solution closed
close action-942
<trackbot> ACTION-942 Draft reponse to TK3 (Thomas Krekeler) closed
<csma> @stella, you are right, I forgot about it (I had champagne just before the meeting, hips!)
<csma> close action-948
<trackbot> ACTION-948 Modify retract case. closed
close action-941
<trackbot> ACTION-941 Draft reply to EM3 (David Mott: question on FLD) closed
close action-943
<trackbot> ACTION-943 Send email to Jos regarding Ian Horrock's public comments on discussion of OWL closed
<csma> will do
<ChrisW> ACTION: csma to send response DM3 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-949 - Send response DM3 [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2009-12-01].
<csma> continued
close action-937
<trackbot> ACTION-937 Draft reply to public comment CD2 closed
<ChrisW> ACTION: csma to send response cd2 [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-950 - Send response cd2 [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2009-12-01].
<csma> 935, 932 are continued
close action-930
<trackbot> ACTION-930 Look at closed
jos: working on proofs for action 831
<hak> continued ... eventually I'll get enough time to get back into it and catch up with all the changes
<hak> :-)
<sandro> action-152?
<trackbot> ACTION-152 -- Paul Vincent to propose test cases for UC1 -- due 2008-01-15 -- OPEN
dave: I responded to some public comments directly, and just want to make sure this is recorded properly
<csma> Ok, I did not see it
cw: anything else on public comments?
cw: harold sent the email above
discussing the xml syntax for imports
... any discussion about this?
csma: I don't prefer one syntax over the other, but I am concerned about undoing a resolution that we made at a F2F
cw: we already agreed to revisit
the syntax, and we did agree to have a striped xml syntax in
... Gary, Sandro, what are your thoughts on this syntax?
Gary: the proposal is ok with me
Sandro: Harold, can we discuss for a minute?
csma: the point here is whether we overturn a resolution
harold: I think the resolution was misunderstood by me and others at the time it was made
<csma> <Import>
<csma> <location>
<csma> uri
<csma> </location
<csma> </Import>
<csma> <Import>
<csma> <location>
csma: current syntax is above
<csma> <Const type="xs:anyURI">
<csma> uri
<csma> </Const>
<csma> </location>
<csma> </Import>
csma: syntax according to resolution is not striped, harold's proposal is striped
sandro: I understood the
resolution at the time we made it, because we thought it was
too verbose to maintain striping in this case
... I could go either way
... but if we go to the striped form, I have 2 concerns 1) link
instead of const 2) anyURI instead of rif:iri
harold: location and profiles cannot be domain elements that's why they are not rif:ifi. they were originally rif:iri and that's why we changed them
cw: link is a new tag proposed to contain profile and location
cw: did owl2 make a change from how owl1 handled imports?
sandro: above is the owl2 import text
<MichaelKifer> I like the LINK proposal
cw: so it's metadata on the ontology, not part of the domain
sandro: since it's a directive, I think it's ok to use const and it won't be part of the domain
cw: we didn't contextualize const
sandro: link instead of const means implementers need to write more code, also worried about distinguishing the iris from rif:ifis
<Harold> Currently the BLD XSD says:
<Harold> <xs:element name="location">
<Harold> <xs:complexType>
<Harold> <xs:sequence>
<Harold> <xs:element name="Const" type="ANYURICONST.type"/> <!-- type="&xs;anyURI" -->
<Harold> </xs:sequence>
<Harold> </xs:complexType>
<Harold> </xs:element>
sandro: my 1st choice: pre-resolution, 2nd: resolution, 3rd current proposal
cw: so Sandro will consider this more and we'll try to resolve in the next telecon
<sandro> er, no, my 1st choice is Portland (resolution), 2nd choice (Const/rif:iri), 3rd choice (Link/anyURI)
<ChrisW> ACTION: mdean to get implementation report for SIL [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-951 - Get implementation report for SIL [on Mike Dean - due 2009-12-01].
<MichaelKifer> I also sent a message about an implementation of FLD.
csma: I asked Ontoprise for more information about their implementation, but I didn't get a reply yet
cw: also we got a message about fuxi, but it wasn't a complete implemenation report
<ChrisW> ACTION: sandro to follow up with chime on fuxi implementation report [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-952 - Follow up with chime on fuxi implementation report [on Sandro Hawke - due 2009-12-01].
<ChrisW> ACTION: harold to contact josderoo about implementation report and test case submission for eye [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-953 - Contact josderoo about implementation report and test case submission for eye [on Harold Boley - due 2009-12-01].
cw: bld and core are ok for exit
... and we have a detailed implementation report from RIFle
that says it's PRD
... csma, do you implement all of DTB?
csma: no, need to list them
... Gary pointed out a bug with conflict resolution
... it's a bug, so shoudn't require another last call, but I
need to discuss more with Gary
<ChrisW> ACTION: gary to submit implementation report [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-954 - Submit implementation report [on Gary Hallmark - due 2009-12-01].
<csma> I _think_ it is a bug, but other may disagree, and think that the modification is a change of design :-(
cw: we're on track for FLD
implementations also
... so we're at risk for 1) DTB (2 implemenations for every
data type) and 2) SWC
<josb> sure, OWL 2 RL is OWL
cw: fuxi says it supports
owl2-rl, Sando can you get some clarification about that?
... does he also support RDF
sandro: about the 2 risks above (DTB, SWC), I would like to see people's test case results
cw: csma, will you ask ontroprise about RDF/OWL?
csma: yes
mike: and SILK has some support for OWL
cw: ok, so SWC is looking ok
<josb> Ontoprise's KAON2 in principle already supports OWL with DL-safe rules, but I don't know whether they plan to build a RIF interface for it
<csma> \me, do you mean "before JRules will support OWL"?
cw: so we should contact each
implementation to catalog what DTB datatypes they support -
best to ask what they don't support
... we don't actually require test results. So, ask
implementions if they have test results and if they don't what
datatypes they do not support
<ChrisW> ACTION: josb to contact Adrian Marte at STI2 about test cases and DTB support [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-955 - Contact Adrian Marte at STI2 about test cases and DTB support [on Jos de Bruijn - due 2009-12-01].
cw: I think we're at risk for DTB
<ChrisW> hmmm
<Gary> I have done the numeric builtins and the list builtins, expect to complete dates and strings soon...
<ChrisW> ACTION: stella to move hexbinary TC with base64binary [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-956 - Move hexbinary TC with base64binary [on Stella Mitchell - due 2009-12-01].
<Gary> +1 for builtins numeric minus the hexBinary
<ChrisW> PROPOSED: accept with hexbinary removed
<josb> +1
<ChrisW> +1
<AdrianP> +1
<mdean> +1
<Harold> +1
<csma> +1
<hak> +1
<MichaelKifer> +1
<ChrisW> RESOLVED: accept with hexbinary removed
<Gary> +1 for bultins list
<hak> +1
<josb> +1
<sandro> +1
<ChrisW> PROPOSED: accept
<DaveReynolds> +1
<ChrisW> +1
<Harold> +1
<josb> +1
<ChrisW> RESOLVED: accept
<MichaelKifer> +1
<AdrianP> +1
<josb> +1
<sandro> +1
<hak> +1
<ChrisW> +1
<Harold> +1
<MichaelKifer> +1
<DaveReynolds> +1
<ChrisW> RESOLVED: accept
<Gary> +1
<AdrianP> +1
<hak> +1 to adjourn
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.135 of Date: 2009/03/02 03:52:20 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/other/either/ Found Scribe: StellaMitchell Inferring ScribeNick: StellaMitchell Default Present: Mike_Dean, Sandro, ChrisW, +39.047.101.aaaa, Harold, josb, +1.606.784.aabb, StellaMitchell, Leora_Morgenstern, hak, csma, +1.631.833.aacc, MichaelKifer, +1.503.533.aadd, Gary, DaveReynolds, AdrianP Present: Mike_Dean Sandro ChrisW +39.047.101.aaaa Harold josb +1.606.784.aabb StellaMitchell Leora_Morgenstern hak csma +1.631.833.aacc MichaelKifer +1.503.533.aadd Gary DaveReynolds AdrianP Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 24 Nov 2009 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: csma gary harold josb mdean sandro stella[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]