00:03:29 Lachy has joined #html-wg
00:05:07 Julian has joined #html-wg
00:05:28 Kai has joined #html-wg
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00:15:22 .t gsnedders
00:15:22 Thu, 05 Nov 2009 00:15:22 GMT
00:15:59 MikeSmith: That's no Europe/Stockholm
00:16:03 *not
00:17:08 gsnedders: ah, yeah, I forgot you had relocated
00:18:52 phenny has joined #html-wg
00:19:12 .t gsnedders
00:19:13 Thu, 05 Nov 2009 01:19:13 CET
00:19:20 There we go.
00:19:30 I really ought to try harder at this whole sleep thing ;P
00:20:21 gsnedders: sleep is for the weak
00:20:29 :)
00:28:34 phenny has joined #html-wg
00:29:17 .t Linköping
00:29:17 MikeSmith: Sorry, I don't know about the 'Linköping' timezone.
00:30:23 phenny has joined #html-wg
00:30:28 .t Linköping
00:30:28 MikeSmith: Sorry, I don't know about the 'Linköping' timezone.
00:31:26 phenny has joined #html-wg
00:31:29 .t Linköping
00:31:29 MikeSmith: Sorry, I don't know about the 'Linköping' timezone.
00:31:32 phoo
00:40:13 .t Linköping
00:40:13 Philip: Sorry, I don't know about the 'Linköping' timezone.
00:41:01 python
00:41:36 this is an a config file with magic encoding comment to give the encoding as UTF=8
00:41:52 UTF11-8
00:42:20 do I still have to do the u'' thing?
00:45:39 Probably
00:45:49 (assuming Python 2.x)
00:51:06 phenny has joined #html-wg
00:51:14 .t Linköping
00:51:14 MikeSmith: Sorry, I don't know about the 'Linköping' timezone.
00:51:48 phenny has joined #html-wg
00:51:52 .t Linköping
00:51:53 Thu, 05 Nov 2009 02:51:53 EET
01:14:20 phenny has joined #html-wg
01:15:36 mjs has joined #html-wg
01:26:24 jun has joined #html-wg
02:00:52 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21288
02:00:55 Title: Bug 21288 Implement HTML5's sandbox attribute for iframes (at bugs.webkit.org)
02:12:33 jun has joined #html-wg
02:17:50 Julian has joined #html-wg
02:27:30 cardona507 has joined #html-wg
02:38:48 planet: HTML 5 Doctype? <11http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1677974/html-5-doctype>
02:39:28 Lachy has joined #html-wg
02:44:28 Lachy has joined #html-wg
02:45:56 cardona507_ has joined #html-wg
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04:01:14 J_Voracek has joined #html-wg
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04:56:25 battletoads has joined #html-wg
04:57:26 hi
04:57:45 cardona507 has joined #html-wg
04:58:37 hello?
05:02:08 cardona507 has joined #html-wg
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06:06:41 cardona507 has joined #html-wg
06:41:09 gavin has joined #html-wg
07:14:02 Olivers has joined #html-wg
07:19:48 Hi all.
07:35:42 annevk has joined #html-wg
07:40:08 planet: ugly hack for some weird html5lib thing I can't fix right now <11http://hg.diveintohtml5.org/hgweb.cgi/rev/8be36ef7c1a47b97e0bc3cda872c7d3e11d91f11>
09:32:16 Any one here ?
09:42:28 dsinger has joined #html-wg
09:51:47 ROBOd has joined #html-wg
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10:40:58 planet: HTML 5 Doctype? [closed] <11http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1677974/html-5-doctype>
10:59:15 inimino has joined #html-wg
11:06:56 krijnh has joined #html-wg
11:18:03 04[localhost] MikeSmith: I can't reach bugzilla
11:22:40 it seems to me that Content MathML wants to be Lisp
11:23:57 All W3C technologies keep adding features until they are lisp with angle brackets?
11:25:25 Doesn't really have the same ring to it
11:27:16 that is, I don't remember if symbols are app-global or not
11:27:28 does Lisp have Namespaces?
11:28:37 the word "namespace" doesn't appear in the index of SICP
13:17:33 bugmail: [Bug 8197] New: This design might work for JavaScript, but it won't work well in static-typed languages like Java or C#. Instead of overridding "namedItem", a better design would be to add a new method called "allNamedItems" which always returns an HTMLCollection. "nam <11http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-bugzilla/2009Nov/0050.html>
13:39:04 krijnh has joined #html-wg
tH has joined #html-wg
14:56:46 aroben has joined #html-wg
15:01:58 Julian has joined #html-wg
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16:15:03 Laura has joined #html-wg
16:25:52 BryanSullivan has joined #html-wg
16:26:37 annevk has joined #html-wg
16:28:35 anything happening so far? I overslept as well...
16:34:28 cardona507 has joined #html-wg
16:36:39 tlr has joined #html-wg
16:38:43 myakura has joined #html-wg
16:41:40 jun has joined #html-wg
16:42:34 Stevef has joined #html-wg
16:42:48 Lachy has joined #html-wg
16:43:08 paulc has joined #html-wg
16:44:34 Currently 8:43 PT and 20 WG present
16:44:42 Awaiting co-chairs and will start soon
16:44:42 Lachy has joined #html-wg
16:44:50 TabAtkins has joined #html-wg
16:45:03 cnilsson has joined #html-WG
16:46:03 Lachy has joined #html-wg
16:46:40 timely has joined #html-wg
16:47:13 MichaelC has joined #html-wg
16:47:21 Meeting outline is at http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2009Oct/1032.html
16:47:22 Title: HTML WG meeting at TPAC - unconference style from Maciej Stachowiak on 2009-10-28 (public-html@w3.org from October 2009) (at lists.w3.org)
16:56:27 sylvaing has joined #html-wg
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16:59:17 Julian has joined #html-wg
17:00:25 w3org has joined #html-wg
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17:01:42 Arron has joined #html-wg
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17:02:31 Manu, no we don't
17:02:36 MikeSmith has joined #html-wg
17:02:37 Thanks, Julian. :)
17:02:43 Manu, but we'll log things to the IRC channel
17:02:52 cardona507 has joined #html-wg
17:03:05 oh, so the TPAC meeting is being logged to IRC?
17:03:31 We are encouraged to self-scribe what we're saying
17:03:42 We can also relay back your feedback into the room
17:03:53 groovy... thanks to the TPAC scribes/relays :)
17:04:07 shepazu has joined #html-wg
17:04:33 ...Paul Cotton is explaining the logistics...
17:04:33 Eliot_Graff has joined #html-wg
17:04:35 w3org has joined #html-wg
17:05:18 glenng has joined #html-wg
17:05:30 ...joint meeting with TAG at 2pm...
17:05:55 ...2 more joint sessions tomorrow...
17:06:13 ...W3D consortium 9am...
17:06:20 w3org has joined #html-wg
17:06:29 sylvaing has left #html-wg
17:06:30 ....joint meeting with TC39 later on...
17:06:39 Laura has joined #html-wg
17:07:07 ...X3D at 10 pm...
17:07:10 am
17:07:22 ArtB has joined #html-wg
17:07:36 sylvaing has joined #html-wg
17:08:19 ...we'll start 9am tomorrow...
17:09:46 ...introductions...
17:10:44 Joe Williams
17:10:46 tross has joined #html-wg
17:12:19 veosotano has joined #html-wg
17:13:35 tantek has joined #html-wg
17:13:37 weinig has joined #html-wg
17:13:49 ...collection suggestions for breakout sessions...
17:13:51 frankolivier has joined #html-wg
17:13:51 TabAtkins has joined #html-wg
17:14:17 Cynthia: HTML semantics vs Aria
17:14:55 mth has joined #html-wg
17:15:04 jallan has joined #html-wg
17:15:39 Frank: Accessibility and Canvas
17:16:00 Sylvia: video accessibility
17:16:54 RRSAgent is here
17:17:21 Mike: testing
17:17:56 jun has joined #html-wg
17:17:57 RRSAgent, make minutes
17:17:57 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/11/05-html-wg-minutes.html MikeSmith
17:18:14 Tony: decentralized extensibility
17:18:34 Nikunj: client-controlled caching
17:19:03 @bug 8152
17:19:04 MikeSmith: 11http://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=8152 contributor@whatwg.org, P3, NEW, 13Consider removing the