IRC log of dap on 2009-09-23

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:53:20 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #dap
13:53:20 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:53:22 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
13:53:22 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #dap
13:53:24 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be DAPW
13:53:24 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see UW_DAP()10:00AM scheduled to start in 7 minutes
13:53:25 [trackbot]
Meeting: Device APIs and Policy Working Group Teleconference
13:53:25 [trackbot]
Date: 23 September 2009
13:54:03 [fhirsch]
Chair: Robin Berjon, Frederick Hirsch
13:54:11 [brianleroux]
brianleroux has joined #dap
13:54:52 [fhirsch]
13:56:07 [fhirsch]
Regrets: Dominique_Hazael-Massieux, Anssi_Kostiainen
13:56:10 [AnssiK]
AnssiK has joined #dap
13:56:40 [fhirsch]
Present: Robin Berjon, Frederick Hirsch
13:56:45 [marengo]
marengo has joined #dap
13:56:51 [Hui_Miao]
Hui_Miao has joined #dap
13:57:22 [hui_miao]
hui_miao has joined #dap
13:57:58 [dtran]
dtran has joined #dap
13:58:59 [arve]
present+ arve
13:59:14 [arve]
zakim, who is here?
13:59:14 [Zakim]
UW_DAP()10:00AM has not yet started, arve
13:59:16 [Zakim]
On IRC I see dtran, hui_miao, marengo, brianleroux, Zakim, RRSAgent, fhirsch, arve, ilkka, arg, blassey, maxf, trackbot, dom
13:59:27 [JonathanJ]
JonathanJ has joined #DAP
13:59:27 [brianleroux]
hello =)
13:59:37 [brianleroux]
I'm on the call as well.
13:59:48 [dtran]
dtran is Dzung Tran
13:59:51 [dtran]
14:00:00 [maxf]
regrets+ maxf
14:00:00 [marengo]
marengo is Marco Marengo
14:00:02 [hui_miao]
Present+ hui_miao
14:01:37 [hui_miao]
zakim, who is muted?
14:01:37 [Zakim]
sorry, hui_miao, I don't know what conference this is
14:01:49 [arve]
zakim not picking up on people calling in?
14:02:54 [darobin]
darobin has joined #dap
14:03:03 [Claes]
Claes has joined #dap
14:03:07 [Kangchan]
Kangchan has joined #dap
14:03:21 [arve]
zakim, who is here?
14:03:21 [Zakim]
UW_DAP()10:00AM has not yet started, arve
14:03:22 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Kangchan, Claes, darobin, JonathanJ, dtran, hui_miao, marengo, brianleroux, Zakim, RRSAgent, fhirsch, arve, ilkka, arg, blassey, maxf, trackbot, dom
14:03:57 [LauraArribas]
LauraArribas has joined #dap
14:05:10 [darobin]
Zakim, who's making noise?
14:05:10 [Zakim]
sorry, darobin, I don't know what conference this is
14:05:15 [darobin]
this is DAP
14:05:18 [brianleroux]
the bridge is recursive echoing
14:05:18 [darobin]
zakim, this is DAP
14:05:18 [Zakim]
ok, darobin; that matches UW_DAP()10:00AM
14:05:25 [darobin]
Zakim, who's making noise?
14:05:25 [marcin3]
marcin3 has joined #dap
14:05:36 [Zakim]
darobin, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P0 (59%), [Vodaphone] (52%), Frederick_Hirsch (8%)
14:05:36 [arve]
zakim, who is here
14:05:38 [Zakim]
arve, you need to end that query with '?'
14:05:39 [darobin]
Zakim, who's here?
14:05:39 [Zakim]
On the phone I see +1.604.685.aaaa, marengo, ??P0, arve, DzungTran, [ETRI], +035850486aabb, Ingmar_Kliche, richt, [Vodaphone], +03468697aacc, Frederick_Hirsch
14:05:42 [Zakim]
On IRC I see marcin3, LauraArribas, Kangchan, Claes, darobin, JonathanJ, dtran, hui_miao, marengo, brianleroux, Zakim, RRSAgent, fhirsch, arve, ilkka, arg, blassey, maxf, trackbot,
14:05:44 [Zakim]
... dom
14:05:46 [Zakim]
+ +1.801.756.aadd
14:05:48 [Zakim]
+ +1.425.214.aaee
14:05:50 [Zakim]
+ +0777541aaff
14:05:52 [marengo]
zakim, mute me
14:05:54 [Zakim]
marengo should now be muted
14:05:55 [darobin]
Zakim, [Vodafone] holds me
14:05:58 [Zakim]
sorry, darobin, I do not recognize a party named '[Vodafone]'
14:05:58 [Kangchan]
zakim, [ETRI] is Kangchan
14:06:00 [Zakim]
+Kangchan; got it
14:06:09 [darobin]
Zakim, [Vodaphone] holds me
14:06:09 [Zakim]
+darobin; got it
14:06:12 [darobin]
Zakim, [Vodaphone] holds marcin3
14:06:12 [Zakim]
+marcin3; got it
14:06:21 [LauraArribas]
Preset+ LauraArribas
14:06:30 [brianleroux]
Present+ Brian LeRoux
14:06:33 [Bryan]
Bryan has joined #dap
14:06:35 [hui_miao]
zakim, who is muted?
14:06:35 [Zakim]
I see marengo, ??P0 muted
14:06:40 [LauraArribas]
Present+ LauraArribas
14:06:41 [ingmar]
ingmar has joined #dap
14:06:43 [Kangchan]
14:06:43 [darobin]
Present+ RobinBerjon
14:06:45 [hui_miao]
zakim, ??P0 is hui_miao
14:06:45 [Zakim]
+hui_miao; got it
14:06:50 [darobin]
Present+ MarcinHanclik
14:07:02 [arve]
14:07:14 [ilkka]
Present+ IlkkaOksanen
14:07:17 [dtran]
present+ DzungTran
14:07:20 [Zakim]
+ +04610801aagg
14:07:20 [marengo]
Present+ MarcoMarengo
14:08:11 [darobin]
14:08:26 [darobin]
Scribe: marcin3
14:08:27 [LauraArribas]
zakim, +0777541aaff is LauraArribas
14:08:27 [Zakim]
+LauraArribas; got it
14:08:33 [darobin]
Scribe: Marcin
14:08:40 [darobin]
ScribeNick: marcin3
14:08:46 [ingmar]
Present+ IngmarKliche
14:08:48 [darobin]
Chair: Frederick, Robin
14:09:17 [fhirsch]
14:09:20 [richt]
richt has joined #dap
14:09:24 [darobin]
14:09:35 [darobin]
Topic: Welcome, agenda review, scribe selection
14:09:44 [marcin3]
no changes to the agenda
14:09:46 [darobin]
Topic: Announcements, meeting planning, logistics
14:09:47 [Bryan]
+1425.214.aaee is Bryan
14:09:51 [fhirsch]
14:10:00 [fhirsch]
14:10:19 [marcin3]
reminder to register to TPAC meeting and book the hotel
14:10:36 [darobin]
Topic: Minutes approval
14:10:40 [fhirsch]
14:10:52 [Bryan]
zakim, +1.425.214.aaee is Bryan
14:10:52 [Zakim]
+Bryan; got it
14:11:17 [ilkka]
zakim, +035850486aabb is ilkka
14:11:17 [Zakim]
+ilkka; got it
14:11:19 [marcin3]
resolution: minutes approved
14:11:37 [darobin]
action: robin to link minutes from the group page
14:11:37 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-14 - Link minutes from the group page [on Robin Berjon - due 2009-09-30].
14:11:44 [darobin]
Topic: Editorial Team report
14:12:03 [marcin3]
The list of editors was sent
14:12:30 [marcin3]
14:12:52 [marcin3]
Robin's reSpec.js to get more attention, reviewed. Robin welcomes feedback.
14:13:40 [marcin3]
actions discussed, just a few actions are left
14:14:17 [darobin]
Topic: Policy Segment
14:14:21 [fhirsch]
14:14:21 [trackbot]
ISSUE-18 -- Determine security policy starting points for review and comparison -- RAISED
14:14:21 [trackbot]
14:15:08 [marcin3]
not many changes introduced within 1.01 as compared to 1.0
14:15:51 [fhirsch]
Dom did earlier comparison
14:15:52 [fhirsch]
14:16:25 [marcin3]
FH: questions to the policy
14:17:01 [marcin3]
FH: do we want features and capabilities?
14:17:11 [marcin3]
FH: BONDI has both
14:17:33 [marcin3]
FH: hierarchies of the features
14:17:37 [dtran]
Still unclear the differences
14:17:49 [darobin]
q+ marcin3
14:17:56 [marcin3]
FH: discussion needed about features and capabilities
14:18:06 [Bryan]
Bryan will help out there
14:18:08 [brianleroux]
capability; something the device can do (has a camera). features: camera api
14:18:10 [darobin]
14:18:15 [darobin]
ack marcin3
14:18:45 [marcin3]
FH: any volunteers to compare capabilities and features?
14:19:05 [dtran]
So for a certain client, that camera api might not be implemented because the client does not have the capability
14:19:08 [marcin3]
ACTION: Marcin to review/compare device capabilities and features
14:19:08 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-15 - Review/compare device capabilities and features [on Marcin Hanclik - due 2009-09-30].
14:19:20 [brianleroux]
dtran: I think so yes
14:19:27 [darobin]
ACTION: Bryan to help review/compare device capabilities and features
14:19:27 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-16 - Help review/compare device capabilities and features [on Bryan Sullivan - due 2009-09-30].
14:19:30 [Bryan]
14:19:44 [fhirsch]
ack Bryan
14:20:17 [marcin3]
BS: Marcin and me may contributes
14:20:31 [marcin3]
FH: requirements to be prepared for features/caps
14:21:08 [fhirsch]
comparison should probably include Lewontin workshop paper as well Bondi 1.01 and Nokia submissions
14:21:30 [marcin3]
FH: Marcos did some stuff about reputation, other suggestions are welcome
14:21:42 [marcin3]
FH: the group is open to new suggestions
14:22:00 [marcin3]
FH: please send anything what could help to the list
14:22:23 [marcin3]
FH: Robin to continue with the APIs
14:22:25 [darobin]
Topic: API Segment
14:23:01 [marcin3]
RB: The initial requirements were provided on the list. Discussion points to be identified.
14:23:18 [marcin3]
RB: Richard's input
14:23:28 [fhirsch]
14:23:28 [trackbot]
ISSUE-13 -- Gathering requirements -- OPEN
14:23:28 [trackbot]
14:23:33 [fhirsch]
14:23:33 [trackbot]
ISSUE-7 -- Gathering requirements -- OPEN
14:23:33 [trackbot]
14:23:37 [darobin]
14:24:01 [marcin3]
RB: it is about messaging, coverage. Is it clearer, Richard?
14:24:15 [marcin3]
RT: what is the concept of the ubiquitos Web?
14:24:31 [Bryan]
14:24:44 [marcin3]
RT: should telephony/SMS be included?
14:24:57 [marcin3]
RB: ubiquitos means "it runs everywhere"
14:25:24 [marcin3]
RB: screens in watches, urinals are also Web
14:25:30 [dtran]
yes, telephony/SMS should be
14:25:41 [marcin3]
RB: capabilities of the device are important
14:26:12 [marcin3]
RB: ubiquitos and not capable do not necessarily clash
14:26:54 [marcin3]
RB: the existing messaging proposals (Nokia, BONDI etc) may suggest want we need
14:27:19 [marcin3]
RB: messaging must be able to address different transports, capabilities and related details
14:27:47 [marcin3]
RB: emails need attachments, differences may suggest the design
14:28:59 [marcin3]
BS: the goal of ubiquitos Web is to address potential environment, awareness, context
14:29:25 [marcin3]
RB: Richard, will you be able to proceed for the next week
14:29:26 [Bryan]
14:29:39 [marcin3]
RB: Calendar API, issue-7
14:29:47 [marcin3]
14:29:47 [trackbot]
ISSUE-7 -- Gathering requirements - calendar -- OPEN
14:29:47 [trackbot]
14:30:04 [marcin3]
RT: some feedback provided
14:30:23 [marcin3]
RT: a lot to be done on the high level
14:30:25 [JonathanJ]
rrsagent, draft minutes
14:30:25 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate JonathanJ
14:30:43 [marcin3]
RT: should we support more than 1 calendars?
14:30:48 [marcin3]
RB: there are pros and cons
14:31:00 [marcin3]
RB: it should be clarified over email
14:31:04 [marcin3]
RB: Arve has comments
14:31:19 [marcin3]
RB: what does it mean to support iCalendar
14:31:31 [marcin3]
Resolution: let's continue over email
14:31:33 [dtran]
multiple calendars for family, work, play calendars
14:31:46 [crobiso1]
crobiso1 has joined #dap
14:31:58 [Zakim]
14:32:05 [marcin3]
ABe to send comments
14:32:23 [marcin3]
14:32:23 [trackbot]
ISSUE-14 -- Gathering requirements -- OPEN
14:32:23 [trackbot]
14:32:50 [marcin3]
RB: the long list of requirements about NavigatorPlatform
14:33:51 [marcin3]
TRAN: it stems from geolocation, I will send another email
14:33:52 [JonathanJ]
zakim, +??P12 is JonathanJ
14:33:52 [Zakim]
sorry, JonathanJ, I do not recognize a party named '+??P12'
14:34:21 [JonathanJ]
zakim, who is here ?
14:34:21 [Zakim]
On the phone I see +1.604.685.aaaa, marengo (muted), hui_miao, arve, DzungTran, Kangchan, ilkka, Ingmar_Kliche, richt, [Vodaphone], +03468697aacc, Frederick_Hirsch,
14:34:24 [Zakim]
On IRC I see crobiso1, richt, ingmar, Bryan, marcin3, LauraArribas, Kangchan, Claes, darobin, JonathanJ, dtran, hui_miao, marengo, brianleroux, Zakim, RRSAgent, fhirsch, arve,
14:34:25 [marcin3]
RB: a good requirement would be to have: the interface must provide the information about battery level
14:34:26 [arve]
Zakim, P12 is JonathanJ
14:34:28 [Zakim]
... +1.801.756.aadd, Bryan, LauraArribas, +04610801aagg, ??P12
14:34:30 [Zakim]
... ilkka, arg, blassey, maxf, trackbot, dom
14:34:31 [Zakim]
[Vodaphone] has marcin3
14:34:33 [Zakim]
sorry, arve, I do not recognize a party named 'P12'
14:35:06 [marcin3]
RB: functional requirements to be provided
14:35:11 [darobin]
14:35:22 [marcin3]
ACTION: TRAN to provided more functional requirements
14:35:22 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-17 - Provided more functional requirements [on Dzung Tran - due 2009-09-30].
14:35:26 [crobiso1]
crobiso1 is Clayne Robison
14:35:35 [darobin]
14:35:39 [darobin]
14:35:59 [marcin3]
RB: does anyone want to take care of contact, FS?
14:36:29 [darobin]
ACTION: Arve to review Contacts requirements
14:36:29 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-18 - Review Contacts requirements [on Arve Bersvendsen - due 2009-09-30].
14:36:29 [marcin3]
ACTION: Bryan Leroux to review contact, camera, file-system
14:36:29 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-19 - Leroux to review contact, camera, file-system [on Bryan Sullivan - due 2009-09-30].
14:36:42 [darobin]
14:36:42 [trackbot]
ACTION-6 -- Robin Berjon to send a reminder about TPAC -- due 2009-09-09 -- CLOSED
14:36:42 [trackbot]
14:36:53 [darobin]
14:36:53 [trackbot]
ACTION-19 -- Bryan Sullivan to leroux to review contact, camera, file-system -- due 2009-09-30 -- OPEN
14:36:53 [trackbot]
14:37:15 [marcin3]
BS: I will be providing general comments
14:37:24 [mib_jts3v7h1]
mib_jts3v7h1 has joined #dap
14:37:35 [marcin3]
14:37:35 [trackbot]
ISSUE-6 -- Gathering requirements -- OPEN
14:37:35 [trackbot]
14:37:36 [darobin]
14:37:53 [marcin3]
issue-6 is applauncher
14:38:13 [marcin3]
ABe: my proposal is controversial
14:39:03 [darobin]
ACTION: Marcin to send comments about Arve's requirements for ISSUE-6
14:39:03 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-20 - Send comments about Arve's requirements for ISSUE-6 [on Marcin Hanclik - due 2009-09-30].
14:39:23 [darobin]
ACTION: Bryan to send comments about Arve's requirements for ISSUE-6
14:39:23 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-21 - Send comments about Arve's requirements for ISSUE-6 [on Bryan Sullivan - due 2009-09-30].
14:39:43 [marcin3]
14:39:43 [trackbot]
ISSUE-5 -- Gathering requirements -- OPEN
14:39:43 [trackbot]
14:39:57 [marcin3]
issue-5 is Application Configuration
14:40:18 [marcin3]
Arve: we probably drop the AppConfig from the deliverables
14:40:28 [mib_jts3v7h1]
mib_jts3v7h1 has left #dap
14:40:33 [Bryan]
14:41:10 [darobin]
ack Bryan
14:41:18 [marcin3]
MH: BONDI considers dropping AppConfig once A&E and Storage specs are ready
14:42:27 [marcin3]
BS: we need some local storage. If it is HTML5 or widget context, it shall be enough. We should not leave it to the other groups.
14:42:45 [marcin3]
RB: DAP does not specify what HTML-X browser shall support
14:43:07 [marcin3]
RB: we just re-use other specification.
14:43:11 [mib_jts3v7h1]
mib_jts3v7h1 has joined #dap
14:43:24 [mib_jts3v7h1]
mib_jts3v7h1 has left #dap
14:43:57 [marcin3]
BS: it is important to address the related requirements
14:44:10 [darobin]
14:44:11 [marcin3]
RB: W3C already takes care
14:44:12 [arve]
14:44:59 [darobin]
ack arve
14:45:03 [marcin3]
BS: we should not confuse people, requirements document should specify that AppConfig is not in the scope of DAP, if it is the fact
14:45:30 [marcin3]
Arve: then we should specify the same for other specs, like e.g. Geolocation. We do not do this on purpose.
14:46:07 [marcin3]
BS: it should be documented what was NOT done
14:46:17 [marcin3]
RB: the APIs are independent
14:46:24 [marcin3]
RB: where should we document that?
14:46:35 [marcin3]
BS: in the Scope section of the documents
14:46:48 [marcin3]
BS: rationale should be documented
14:47:14 [marcin3]
RB: should we publish a note about why something was dropped?
14:47:20 [arve]
14:47:41 [darobin]
ack arve
14:47:41 [marcin3]
BS: my point is: we are silent upon some important aspects
14:48:00 [marcin3]
Arve: we are not silent, other specification resolve the problems
14:48:16 [Kangchan]
14:48:26 [darobin]
ack Kangchan
14:48:36 [darobin]
Zakim, who's making noise?
14:48:49 [Zakim]
darobin, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Kangchan (30%), Bryan (70%), +04610801aagg (9%), JonathanJ (44%)
14:48:58 [dom]
the resolution should document clearly why we drop the item, and be put on the issue's tracker
14:49:02 [DanielColoma]
DanielColoma has joined #dap
14:49:06 [darobin]
14:49:10 [marcin3]
BS: we should not stay silent
14:49:37 [marcin3]
Kangchan: I agree, I propose to make a primer document that would clarify the scope of DAP.
14:49:55 [marcin3]
RB: people are welcome non-normative docs/primers
14:50:13 [marcin3]
RB: we are heading for many specs, we need editors.
14:50:19 [fhirsch]
14:50:36 [marcin3]
RB: the docs should be put into CVS for further discussion
14:50:38 [darobin]
ack fhirsch
14:50:40 [arve]
14:50:48 [marcin3]
FH: what is wrong with the note in the document?
14:50:56 [marcin3]
RB: we never published a req document
14:51:32 [marcin3]
RB: if we reach consensus on concise req docs, we would result in better specs
14:52:18 [marcin3]
Arve: what about an umbrella requirements document?
14:52:25 [darobin]
ISSUE: Should we have an umbrella requirements document?
14:52:25 [trackbot]
Created ISSUE-22 - Should we have an umbrella requirements document? ; please complete additional details at .
14:52:30 [arve]
14:53:15 [darobin]
PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Drop the work item on AppConfig; discuss on list whether and where to document that as part of ISSUE-22
14:53:37 [wonsuk]
wonsuk has joined #dap
14:53:38 [darobin]
RESOLUTION: Drop the work item on AppConfig; discuss on list whether and where to document that as part of ISSUE-22
14:53:46 [marcin3]
no objection to the resolution
14:53:58 [marcin3]
RB: no further reqs
14:54:02 [ClaesN]
ClaesN has joined #dap
14:54:43 [marcin3]
RB: do we do action/issue review?
14:54:51 [marcin3]
FH: no need now
14:54:56 [marcin3]
14:54:59 [darobin]
Topic: AOB
14:55:07 [Kangchan]
14:55:09 [marcin3]
No AOBs.
14:55:46 [marcin3]
Kangchan: in Korea there will be a device API related workshop tomorrow
14:56:07 [marcin3]
Kangchan: we will have phonegap and similar inputs
14:56:20 [marcin3]
RB: feedback from the meeting will be welcome
14:56:25 [marcin3]
No AOBs.
14:56:29 [darobin]
14:56:29 [Zakim]
14:56:30 [marcin3]
We adjourn.
14:56:30 [JonathanJ]
14:56:32 [Zakim]
- +1.801.756.aadd
14:56:33 [Zakim]
- +03468697aacc
14:56:33 [marcin3]
14:56:33 [Zakim]
14:56:34 [Zakim]
14:56:34 [Zakim]
14:56:34 [Zakim]
14:56:35 [Zakim]
14:56:37 [Zakim]
14:56:39 [Zakim]
- +1.604.685.aaaa
14:56:41 [Zakim]
14:56:43 [Zakim]
14:56:45 [Zakim]
14:56:46 [richt]
richt has left #dap
14:56:47 [Zakim]
14:56:48 [darobin]
RRSAgent: make minutes
14:56:48 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate darobin
14:56:49 [Zakim]
14:56:51 [Zakim]
- +04610801aagg
14:56:53 [Zakim]
14:56:55 [Zakim]
UW_DAP()10:00AM has ended
14:56:57 [Zakim]
Attendees were +1.604.685.aaaa, marengo, arve, DzungTran, Ingmar_Kliche, richt, +03468697aacc, Frederick_Hirsch, +1.801.756.aadd, Kangchan, darobin, marcin3, hui_miao,
14:57:00 [Zakim]
... +04610801aagg, LauraArribas, Bryan, ilkka, JonathanJ
14:57:26 [darobin]
fhirsch: brilliant, thanks!
14:59:30 [darobin]
RRSAgent: stop