IRC log of wam on 2009-08-27

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:01:57 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #wam
13:01:57 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:02:11 [Zakim]
+ +45.29.aacc
13:02:15 [ArtB]
ScribeNick: ArtB
13:02:17 [Benoit]
Benoit has joined #wam
13:02:19 [ArtB]
Scribe: Art
13:02:22 [ArtB]
Chair: Art
13:02:26 [Zakim]
+ +49.208.4.aadd
13:02:28 [ArtB]
Date: 27 August 2009
13:02:35 [ArtB]
Meeting: Widgets Voice Conference
13:02:51 [ArtB]
13:03:03 [ArtB]
RRSAgent, make log Public
13:03:10 [ArtB]
Regrets: Frederick
13:03:11 [Zakim]
+ +1.919.536.aaee
13:03:16 [ArtB]
zakim, who's here?
13:03:16 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Marcos/Arve, JereK, Art_Barstow, +45.29.aacc, +49.208.4.aadd, +1.919.536.aaee
13:03:18 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Benoit, RRSAgent, arve, Zakim, Marcos, JereK, ArtB, timeless_mbp, tlr, shepazu, annevk, MoZ, marcin, anne, trackbot
13:03:28 [abraun]
abraun has joined #wam
13:04:02 [ArtB]
Present: Art, Arve, Marcos, Jere, Marcin, AndyB
13:04:12 [ArtB]
Present+ Benoit
13:04:20 [Zakim]
13:04:26 [ArtB]
Present+ Josh
13:04:33 [marcin2]
marcin2 has joined #wam
13:04:39 [ArtB]
Topic: Review and tweak agenda
13:04:49 [ArtB]
AB: draft agenda distributed on August 26 ( ). Any change requests?
13:05:01 [darobin]
darobin has joined #wam
13:05:07 [ArtB]
[ None ]
13:05:12 [ArtB]
Topic: Announcements
13:05:19 [ArtB]
AB: Reminders on upcoming deadlines: 1) Sep 14 is deadline to register for Widgets Testing event ( ); 2) Sep 15 comment deadline for APIs and Events LCWD; 3) Sep 20 comment deadline for WARP LCWD
13:05:25 [Zakim]
+ +
13:05:33 [ArtB]
Present+ Robin
13:06:08 [ArtB]
AB: Does anyone have any short announcements?
13:06:17 [ArtB]
[ None ]
13:06:28 [ArtB]
Topic: P&C spec: IRI/URI normalization
13:06:45 [ArtB]
AB: on August 14 Marcin asked I18N Core WG ( ) for feedback on IRI/URI normalization. Addison replied ( ) with his personal comments but indicated the WG would review our request. Marcin, what's the status?
13:07:22 [ArtB]
AB: found
13:07:37 [marcin2]
I have not seen the update yet.
13:07:53 [ArtB]
MH: no, I have no additional info on their discussions
13:08:10 [ArtB]
AB: OK, I'll ping Addison on this
13:08:20 [ArtB]
Topic: P&C spec: Test template
13:08:27 [ArtB]
AB: on August 20 Marcos asked the MWTS WG too review the test template ( ). Marcos, what is the status?
13:08:52 [ArtB]
MC: they have not yet responded
13:09:10 [ArtB]
AB: I did ping Dom privately and got a message he is out of the office this week
13:09:23 [ArtB]
... I'll ping him next week if he doesn't follow up
13:09:28 [ArtB]
13:09:38 [ArtB]
AB: is this blocking you Marcos?
13:09:40 [ArtB]
MC: no
13:09:55 [ArtB]
... we are progressing though as if we will get an OK from them
13:10:01 [ArtB]
AB: that seems reasonable
13:10:09 [ArtB]
AB: any other comments on this topic?
13:10:21 [ArtB]
AB: any thing else on P+C for today?
13:10:28 [ArtB]
[ No ]
13:10:40 [ArtB]
Topic: A&E spec: proposal to change name to Widgets 1.0: widget interface
13:10:48 [ArtB]
AB: on August 20 Marcos proposed ( ) to change the name of the A&E spec to "Widgets 1.0: widget Interface". Are there any objections to that proposal?
13:11:18 [ArtB]
RB: I'm ok with this
13:11:28 [ArtB]
Arve: I'm OK with this change
13:11:30 [marcin2]
13:11:33 [ArtB]
AB: I'm OK with it
13:11:36 [JereK]
13:11:38 [ArtB]
13:11:42 [ArtB]
RESOLUTION: A&E spec will be renamed to "Widgets 1.0: widget Interface"
13:12:37 [ArtB]
BS: what about short name?
13:12:42 [ArtB]
RB: I think we can keep it
13:12:45 [ArtB]
MC: agree
13:12:53 [Benoit]
13:13:07 [ArtB]
Topic: widget Interface spec: Storage Object
13:13:20 [ArtB]
AB: on August 21 Scott Wilson ( ) asked some questions about the Storage interface. I don't believe anyone has responded to him. Marcos, what are the key issues here? The latest ED for WebStorage is
13:14:02 [ArtB]
MC: some things are underspecified
13:14:07 [ArtB]
... re the Storage interface
13:14:13 [ArtB]
... this is section 5.1
13:14:28 [ArtB]
... I need to catch up on this thread
13:14:45 [ArtB]
AB: anyone else have any comments?
13:14:48 [ArtB]
[ No ]
13:15:05 [ArtB]
AB: Marcos, how about you respond on the mail list?
13:15:13 [ArtB]
MC: yes; I've started a draft response
13:15:21 [ArtB]
... I agree we nee to tighten the spec
13:15:27 [ArtB]
... we made to do another LC
13:15:41 [ArtB]
... but maybe it will just be a clarification
13:15:55 [ArtB]
... I think this can be implemented in JS
13:16:05 [ArtB]
... His concern is about hiding data
13:16:16 [ArtB]
... and making some parts private
13:16:26 [ArtB]
... thus a concern about querying
13:16:47 [ArtB]
... There are some JS structures to protect data
13:17:02 [ArtB]
... but it is easy for one object in JS to delete other objects
13:17:26 [ArtB]
... I still think it is implementable in JS
13:17:35 [ArtB]
s/we nee/we need/
13:18:18 [ArtB]
... Perhaps Robin has some comments here.
13:18:27 [ArtB]
RB: I also need to catch up on this thread
13:19:15 [ArtB]
AB: what is the level of "done-ness" of the Web Storage spec?
13:19:40 [ArtB]
MC: Hixie and the WHAT-WG made a change recently to allow storing any data type
13:20:02 [ArtB]
AB: so there are no longer any existing implemenations of the Web Storage spec?
13:20:08 [ArtB]
MC: yes, that's correct
13:20:36 [ArtB]
AB: what can we do to help push that spec along?
13:21:07 [ArtB]
MC: not much except to actively participate in the discussions ongoing in other forums e.g. WHAT-WG, HTML WG, etc.
13:21:22 [ArtB]
... there are several tracking mechanims we would have to follow
13:21:44 [ArtB]
... the WHAT-WG list is probably the most important list
13:22:22 [ArtB]
ACTION: barstow talk to Hixie about the publication status and plans for Web Storage
13:22:22 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-396 - Talk to Hixie about the publication status and plans for Web Storage [on Arthur Barstow - due 2009-09-03].
13:22:52 [ArtB]
Topic: Moving the "alert methods" to DAP?
13:23:00 [ArtB]
AB: During the August 13 call we talked how to deal with the two alert methods that were removed from the A&E spec ( ). Marcos agreed ( ) to talk to Hixie about HTML WG taking those two functions.
13:23:22 [ArtB]
AB: On August 25 Robin indicated ( ) these functions are in scope for the DAP WG.
13:23:39 [ArtB]
AB: Marcos, have you discussed this with Hixie?
13:23:51 [ArtB]
MC: no, I haven't talked to him about this
13:24:01 [ArtB]
AB: Robin, do you have an Editor commitment within DAP?
13:24:19 [ArtB]
RB: it's too early to tell
13:24:32 [ArtB]
... but in theory we have an Editor for the UI spec of DAP
13:24:38 [ArtB]
... not can't say for certain
13:25:05 [ArtB]
AB: Arve, you expressed some concerns about DAP taking on these functions
13:25:19 [ArtB]
Arve: I think Robin's response covered my concerns
13:25:29 [ArtB]
... I'm not too concerned about where they are defined
13:25:58 [ArtB]
AB: do we have agreement that DAP will define these functions?
13:26:14 [ArtB]
MC: I agree
13:26:18 [ArtB]
RB: I agree
13:26:31 [ArtB]
AB: are there any objections to that proposal?
13:26:42 [ArtB]
Arve: not me; I agree
13:26:58 [ArtB]
MC: I don't think it matters much but they do need to be define
13:27:07 [ArtB]
RB: you could join DAP
13:27:17 [arve]
13:27:18 [ArtB]
MC: I'm subscribed to DAP's list but not a member of the WG
13:27:29 [ArtB]
RESOLUTION: the alert methods removed from the A&E spec will be specified by DAP WG with cooperation from WebApps WG
13:27:56 [ArtB]
AB: OK Robin?
13:27:59 [ArtB]
RB: yes
13:28:18 [ArtB]
AB: anything else about the widget Interface spec?
13:28:20 [ArtB]
[ None ]
13:28:49 [arve]
zakim, who is making noise?
13:29:00 [Zakim]
arve, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Marcos/Arve (50%), +1.919.536.aaee (19%)
13:29:22 [timeless_mbp]
Zakim, who is making noise?
13:29:33 [Zakim]
timeless_mbp, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Art_Barstow (100%), darobin (9%)
13:29:41 [ArtB]
Topic: View Modes spec: Issue-97 -> How is ViewModes DOM related to CSSOM?
13:30:00 [ArtB]
AB: Anne noted ( ) there is some overlap between the CSSOM View Module and the latest ED of the VM spec ( ). Marcin raised this as Issue-97 ( )
13:30:50 [annevk]
Zakim, passcode?
13:30:50 [Zakim]
the conference code is 9231 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), annevk
13:31:19 [Marcos]
Marcos has joined #wam
13:31:21 [Zakim]
13:31:25 [annevk]
Zakim, ??P19 is me
13:31:25 [Zakim]
+annevk; got it
13:31:34 [ArtB]
Present+ AnneVK
13:32:12 [arve]
we can hear you
13:33:05 [ArtB]
AB: Anne and Marcin, want to find a way forward on this spec
13:33:45 [annevk]
13:33:57 [annevk]
if I sit closer to the Mac I can't see the screen
13:34:34 [marcin2]
you could type what you say
13:34:42 [annevk]
I'll just type
13:34:43 [Zakim]
13:34:53 [annevk]
the main problem I noted was that there was overlap between the interfaces
13:35:04 [annevk]
and I was wondering whether that overlap had been studied
13:35:32 [annevk]
I haven't reviewed View Modes in full
13:35:40 [marcin2]
it was not studied thoroughly yet
13:36:10 [ArtB]
MH: yes, I noticed this overlap
13:36:21 [ArtB]
... we will need to review each others specs
13:36:30 [ArtB]
... and determine a way forward
13:36:53 [ArtB]
... I think splitting View Modes spec will help us
13:37:03 [ArtB]
... one part is Media feature; other is the interfaces
13:37:15 [ArtB]
... think we can get quick agreement on Media feature
13:37:25 [ArtB]
... and it does not overlap at all with CSSOM spec
13:37:41 [ArtB]
... think priority should be the Media spec
13:37:47 [ArtB]
... then we can take on the interfaces
13:37:51 [Zakim]
13:38:02 [annevk]
Zakim, ??P19 is me
13:38:02 [Zakim]
+annevk; got it
13:38:34 [ArtB]
AB: I get the sense that discussing the interfaces now prolly isn't the #1 priority
13:39:30 [ArtB]
... until we do more analysis, we should postpone discussion on the interfaces
13:39:46 [ArtB]
AvK: it may make more sense for the CSS WG to define the APIs
13:39:47 [Zakim]
13:40:12 [ArtB]
AB: thanks Anne for joining us; we will get back to you after we do more work on the interfaces
13:40:42 [ArtB]
MC: if need be, perhaps someone from WebApps can join CSS WG and help form a bridge between the two WGs
13:41:00 [ArtB]
MH: think first we should split the spec
13:41:11 [ArtB]
... then we could propose APIs are spec'ed by CSS WG
13:41:24 [ArtB]
... I think we can define the Media feature
13:41:38 [ArtB]
MC: I don't care so much where the specs are done
13:41:48 [ArtB]
... more important that the specs Get Done
13:42:02 [ArtB]
... but we can't rely on CSS WG to do our work
13:42:17 [ArtB]
MH: think we should define Media feature here in WebApps
13:42:27 [ArtB]
... and them give them the interfaces
13:42:47 [ArtB]
MC: but we'll need to give them resource to define the interfaces
13:43:05 [ArtB]
MH: a concern I have is their scope is broader than our requirements
13:43:37 [ArtB]
... I agree though we should do more about our interfaces
13:43:49 [ArtB]
... but need to work closely with CSS WG
13:44:11 [ArtB]
... want to avoid us creating something for which CSS WG finds problematic
13:44:39 [ArtB]
AB: we can certainly ask them to review anything we want
13:44:49 [ArtB]
... we can't guarantee a response
13:45:10 [ArtB]
RB: we need to be careful about tracking whether or not they respond
13:45:50 [ArtB]
AB: agree; that means I'll need to follow-up with the CSS WG Chairs and/or their Team Contact
13:46:02 [annevk]
(nitpicking on the sideline here: you're required to reply actually)
13:46:18 [ArtB]
Topic: View Modes spec: Issue-96 -> Should we split the ViewModes specification?
13:46:25 [ArtB]
AB: on August 20 Marcin sent an email to CSS WG ( ) that asked for feedback about a propose spec split. On August 24 Robin sent a follow-up to CSS WG ( ). Marcin raised this as Issue-96 ( ).
13:47:29 [ArtB]
MH: I created this to track the question
13:47:48 [ArtB]
AB: what you did is OK
13:48:11 [ArtB]
AB: what do people think about this?
13:48:17 [ArtB]
MC: ok to split
13:48:21 [ArtB]
RB: OK with me
13:48:29 [ArtB]
AB: anyone object to splitting the spec?
13:48:32 [ArtB]
[ None]
13:49:00 [ArtB]
RESOLUTION: the VM spec will be split into two parts interfaces and View Mode Media feature
13:49:33 [ArtB]
MH: we can discuss spec titles with CSS WG
13:49:45 [ArtB]
... I will split the spec into two specs
13:49:59 [ArtB]
... I will get this FPWD ready ASAP
13:50:35 [ArtB]
AB: I think you should get the Media feature spec ready first
13:50:47 [ArtB]
MH: will do but I willl be on holiday most of next week
13:51:11 [ArtB]
ACTION: barstow close issue #96
13:51:11 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-397 - Close issue #96 [on Arthur Barstow - due 2009-09-03].
13:51:23 [ArtB]
Topic: View Modes spec: Issue-98 -> Cargo-culting (Relation DOM3 Events)
13:51:34 [ArtB]
AB: Marcin raised ( ) this issue on August 26 after a related discussion on www-dom and public-webapps but it appears there is consensus o( ) n how to address this issue. Marcin, what's the status of this Issue?
13:52:08 [ArtB]
MH: there are a few sub-issues
13:52:16 [ArtB]
... what is closed is the type argurment
13:52:38 [ArtB]
... the bubbling and canceling still needs some discussion
13:52:48 [ArtB]
... we need to talk with the DOM people
13:53:08 [ArtB]
... but these issues are part of the VM Interfaces spec so not the highest priority ATM
13:53:38 [ArtB]
... we can discussion started with DOM and CSS WG after we get a FPWD out
13:53:55 [ArtB]
... we could close this issue and create a new one re bubbling and canceling
13:54:14 [ArtB]
AB: that's OK with me
13:54:21 [ArtB]
AB: anyone object to that?
13:54:27 [ArtB]
RB: I'm fine with that
13:54:32 [ArtB]
[ No other objections ]
13:55:17 [ArtB]
RESOLUTION: Issue #98 will be closed and Marcin will create a new issue related to Bubbling and Canceling events vis-a-vis the VM Interraces spec
13:55:27 [ArtB]
13:55:43 [ArtB]
AB: anything else on View Modes for today?
13:55:59 [ArtB]
[ None ]
13:56:08 [ArtB]
Topic: URI Scheme spec: status and next steps
13:56:15 [ArtB]
AB: the URI Scheme spec's FPWD was 18 June ( )
13:56:32 [ArtB]
RB: we haven't had much feedback
13:56:50 [ArtB]
... was expecting more feedback from TAG despite me prodding them
13:56:55 [ArtB]
... Not sure what to do next
13:57:05 [ArtB]
... We could fix the technical issues and then publish a LCWD
13:57:17 [ArtB]
... That would prolly be the easiest way
13:57:22 [ArtB]
MC: I agree we should do that
13:57:37 [ArtB]
RB: I'm happy to make the related fixes
13:57:52 [ArtB]
AB: I tend to support that proposal
13:58:18 [ArtB]
... I don't think we'll get any more feedback until we publish a LCWD
13:58:43 [ArtB]
AB: any objections to preparing a LCWD of the URI Scheme spec?
13:58:46 [ArtB]
[ None ]
13:58:57 [ArtB]
ACTION: Berjon prepare URI Scheme spec for LCWD
13:58:57 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-398 - Prepare URI Scheme spec for LCWD [on Robin Berjon - due 2009-09-03].
13:59:32 [ArtB]
RB: I'll try to get it ready in one week
14:00:16 [ArtB]
AB: OK, so then let's try to be in a position where on Sep 3 we can make a Yes/No decision
14:00:29 [ArtB]
Topic: AOB
14:00:35 [ArtB]
AB: anything?
14:00:47 [ArtB]
14:01:02 [ArtB]
... we in ACCESS are thinking about objecting to this spec
14:01:21 [ArtB]
... I provided some info a while ago
14:01:38 [ArtB]
... the feature element and this spec is the basis for our concern
14:02:09 [ArtB]
... the subdomain attribute of access element is a problem area
14:02:18 [ArtB]
... think we need a more extensible design
14:02:34 [ArtB]
... may want to include other URI schemes e.g. sms:, tel:, etc.
14:02:41 [ArtB]
... also the name of the spec is an issue
14:02:58 [ArtB]
... need more work on security model
14:03:26 [ArtB]
... need more spec on what is done in the proc model and what is defined in the syntax of <access>
14:04:07 [ArtB]
RRSAgent, make minutes
14:04:07 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ArtB
14:04:27 [ArtB]
... need to have some related discussions in DAP
14:04:40 [ArtB]
RB: can you put your concerns in an email?
14:04:45 [ArtB]
MH: yes, I will do that
14:04:56 [ArtB]
RB: for each issue, please raise a LC issue
14:05:27 [ArtB]
... if you are not satisified with the WG's response, that will lead to a Formal Objection
14:05:49 [ArtB]
MH: my email will include proposals on how to address the issues I raise
14:06:03 [ArtB]
RB: please indicate the issues are against the LC doc
14:06:29 [ArtB]
AB: anything else on this subject?
14:07:13 [ArtB]
... one reason we had a long review period for WARP was to give DAP some time to ramp up and review it
14:07:25 [ArtB]
AB: any other topics for AOB?
14:07:28 [ArtB]
[ None ]
14:07:37 [ArtB]
AB: Meeting Adjourned
14:07:43 [Zakim]
- +49.208.4.aadd
14:07:45 [Zakim]
- +45.29.aacc
14:07:45 [ArtB]
RRSAgent, make minutes
14:07:45 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate ArtB
14:07:46 [Zakim]
- +1.919.536.aaee
14:07:47 [Zakim]
14:07:52 [Zakim]
14:07:56 [Zakim]
14:08:00 [Zakim]
14:08:17 [Zakim]
14:08:18 [Zakim]
IA_WebApps(Widgets)9:00AM has ended
14:08:19 [Zakim]
Attendees were +47.23.69.aaaa, +1.850.385.aabb, Marcos/Arve, JereK, Art_Barstow, +45.29.aacc, +49.208.4.aadd, +1.919.536.aaee, Josh_Soref, +, darobin, annevk
14:09:41 [JereK]
JereK has left #wam
14:15:02 [Marcos]
Marcos has joined #wam
14:15:18 [Marcos_]
Marcos_ has joined #wam
14:17:14 [ArtB]
RRSAgent, bye
14:17:14 [RRSAgent]
I see 3 open action items saved in :
14:17:14 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: barstow talk to Hixie about the publication status and plans for Web Storage [1]
14:17:14 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
14:17:14 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: barstow close issue #96 [2]
14:17:14 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
14:17:14 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Berjon prepare URI Scheme spec for LCWD [3]
14:17:14 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
14:17:21 [ArtB]
zakim, bye
14:17:21 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #wam