IRC log of swd on 2009-08-25
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 14:52:56 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #swd
- 14:52:56 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 14:52:59 [TomB]
- rrsagent, bookmark
- 14:52:59 [RRSAgent]
- See
- 14:53:07 [TomB]
- zakim, this will be swd
- 14:53:08 [Zakim]
- ok, TomB; I see SW_SWD()11:00AM scheduled to start in 7 minutes
- 14:53:12 [TomB]
- Meeting: SWD WG
- 14:53:14 [TomB]
- Chair: Tom
- 14:53:28 [TomB]
- Agenda:
- 14:54:09 [berrueta]
- berrueta has joined #swd
- 14:54:11 [TomB]
- Previous:
- 14:54:35 [TomB]
- rrsagent, please make record public
- 14:55:59 [Zakim]
- SW_SWD()11:00AM has now started
- 14:56:06 [Zakim]
- +??P2
- 14:56:10 [TomB]
- zakim, ??p2 is me
- 14:56:10 [Zakim]
- +TomB; got it
- 14:56:51 [seanb]
- seanb has joined #swd
- 14:57:36 [Ralph]
- Ralph has joined #swd
- 14:59:05 [Zakim]
- +??P8
- 14:59:17 [berrueta]
- Zakim, ??P8 is me
- 14:59:17 [Zakim]
- +berrueta; got it
- 14:59:30 [Zakim]
- + +1.607.785.aaaa
- 14:59:49 [Zakim]
- +??P9
- 14:59:55 [seanb]
- zakim, ??P9 is me
- 14:59:55 [Zakim]
- +seanb; got it
- 14:59:56 [TomB]
- zakim, aaaa is jphipps
- 14:59:57 [Zakim]
- +jphipps; got it
- 15:01:36 [edsu]
- edsu has joined #swd
- 15:02:08 [Zakim]
- + +30889aabb
- 15:02:46 [Zakim]
- +Ralph
- 15:03:37 [aliman]
- aliman has joined #swd
- 15:03:52 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose TomB
- 15:03:56 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose +30889aabb
- 15:04:43 [Zakim]
- + +8686528aacc
- 15:04:45 [seanb]
- scribenick: seanb
- 15:04:56 [Zakim]
- +Ben_Adida
- 15:05:04 [Ralph]
- zakim, aacc is Alistair
- 15:05:04 [Zakim]
- +Alistair; got it
- 15:05:20 [benadida]
- benadida has joined #swd
- 15:05:44 [Ralph]
- zakim, aabb is Guus
- 15:05:44 [Zakim]
- +Guus; got it
- 15:05:46 [Antoine]
- Antoine has joined #swd
- 15:05:53 [Zakim]
- +[LC]
- 15:05:59 [edsu]
- Zakim, LC is edsu
- 15:05:59 [Zakim]
- +edsu; got it
- 15:06:01 [Guus]
- Guus has joined #swd
- 15:06:20 [seanb]
- Topic: ADMIN
- 15:06:26 [Zakim]
- + +49.440.aadd
- 15:06:34 [seanb]
- PROPOSE to accept the minutes of the last telecon
- 15:06:37 [Ralph]
- zakim, aadd is Antoine
- 15:06:37 [Zakim]
- +Antoine; got it
- 15:06:44 [seanb]
- PROPOSE to accept the minutes of the last telecon
- 15:06:44 [seanb]
- 15:06:51 [Ralph]
- Antoine: I'm on holiday :)
- 15:06:54 [seanb]
- RESOLVED: accept the minutes
- 15:07:17 [seanb]
- tom: 110th teleconference (!)
- 15:07:31 [seanb]
- ...should be last, but some discussion about continuing WG to
- 15:07:40 [seanb]
- ...finish up some RDFa things.
- 15:07:59 [seanb]
- Topic: RDFa
- 15:08:20 [seanb]
- Ben: Been mired in discussions re HTML5.
- 15:08:32 [Guus]
- i suggest to drop this action on UC for RDFa doc
- 15:08:38 [seanb]
- ...main reason to continute RDFa. As we figure out relationship with HTML WG,
- 15:08:49 [seanb]
- ...there are issues to address. Some extra time would be useful
- 15:09:03 [seanb]
- ...if we continue WG, then keep this action?
- 15:09:18 [seanb]
- Guus: drop it.
- 15:09:23 [seanb]
- ACTION: Ben review RDFa Use Cases and propose transition to Group Note [recorded in]
- 15:09:25 [seanb]
- --dropped
- 15:09:26 [AntoineI]
- AntoineI has joined #swd
- 15:10:05 [seanb]
- Tom: What do we need to do to clean this up>
- 15:10:18 [Ralph]
- -> Working Drafts no longer in development
- 15:10:22 [seanb]
- Ralph: don't need to explicilty do anything. Category on TR page
- 15:10:50 [seanb]
- ...eventually web master does garbage collection and will move things in here.
- 15:11:02 [seanb]
- ...No explicit action needed. Once charter expires, the draft will wind up there.
- 15:11:16 [seanb]
- Tom: Any comments on other RDFa issues? Or role of SWD?
- 15:11:51 [seanb]
- Ben: Main issue is that there is a conflict in HTML5 (only HTML WG that can produce Recs).
- 15:12:10 [seanb]
- ...despite best efforts, RDFa isn't in working draft (even in draft form). What are the issues?
- 15:12:32 [seanb]
- ...some claims for technical incompatabilities, which they (e.g. Ben et al) don't necessarily believe
- 15:12:50 [Zakim]
- +??P24
- 15:12:56 [seanb]
- ...initial idea to have a new WG for RDFa. This might be premature. Should work together for
- 15:13:04 [seanb]
- ...a bit longer to see where we can get.
- 15:13:24 [Ralph]
- zakim, ??p24 is DanBri
- 15:13:24 [Zakim]
- +DanBri; got it
- 15:13:43 [danbri]
- danbri has joined #swd
- 15:14:29 [ajm65]
- ajm65 has joined #swd
- 15:14:35 [seanb]
- Ralph: Ben suggested that this group ask to continue past Sept. Should we consider that now>
- 15:14:52 [seanb]
- Ben: happy to chair remaining work as SKOS is done
- 15:15:21 [seanb]
- Tom: proposal is that this group ask that the group continue past december in order to continue work on RDFa.
- 15:15:32 [edsu]
- danbri: glad you could make it :)
- 15:15:42 [seanb]
- ...WG would continue not necessarily with the current chairs or set of people.
- 15:15:50 [seanb]
- ...any comments about that? For or against?
- 15:15:59 [TomB]
- ack Ralph
- 15:15:59 [Zakim]
- Ralph, you wanted to ask about a continued role for SKOS ?
- 15:16:22 [seanb]
- Ralph: Could we combine with ongoing SKOS discussions
- 15:16:40 [seanb]
- ...thesaurus/SKOS community questions
- 15:17:08 [seanb]
- Tom: extending charter opens possibilities of SKOS discussions past this telecon.
- 15:17:18 [seanb]
- ...Expect technical issues for SKOS finished today.
- 15:17:46 [seanb]
- Ralph: If we ask for a charter extension, we need to say what we're going to do.
- 15:19:30 [edsu]
- Ralph: does this not count "Finally, the SWDWG is chartered to complete the collaboration with the W3C HTML Activity to specify a W3C Recommendation on incorporating RDF semantics directly into HTML documents." in ?
- 15:19:31 [seanb]
- PROPOSED that the WG charter be extended through to December 2009 in order to perform outreach with the SKOS, RDFa and HTML communities.
- 15:19:38 [danbri]
- +1 on simple short extension
- 15:20:52 [seanb]
- Ralph: in my experience as team contact, this shouldn;t be controversial.
- 15:21:08 [seanb]
- PROPOSED that the WG charter be extended through to end December 2009 in order to perform outreach with the SKOS, RDFa and HTML communities.
- 15:21:26 [Ralph]
- +1
- 15:21:27 [seanb]
- Tom: propose that we resolve this text
- 15:21:38 [seanb]
- RESOLVED that the WG charter be extended through to December 2009 in order to perform outreach with the SKOS, RDFa and HTML communities.
- 15:22:11 [seanb]
- Tom: Take the administrative aspects offline.
- 15:22:23 [seanb]
- Topic: Best Practice Recipes for Publishing RDF Vocabularies
- 15:22:37 [seanb]
- ACTION: Ralph to publish as a WG Note [recorded in]
- 15:22:40 [seanb]
- --continues
- 15:23:18 [seanb]
- Tom: Thanks to Diego and Jon for the excellent work. And Ralph for publishing
- 15:23:30 [seanb]
- Topic: Adding Metadata to W3C Technical Reports, Editor's Draft 02 October 2008
- 15:23:35 [seanb]
- Tom: Nothing to report
- 15:23:40 [seanb]
- Topic: SKOS
- 15:23:45 [seanb]
- Tom: SKOS now Rec.
- 15:23:45 [Ralph]
- 3 cheers for SKOS!
- 15:24:24 [seanb]
- Tom: Quite an impressive piece of work. Honoured to have participated over the 110 telecons!
- 15:24:39 [seanb]
- ...few details.
- 15:25:01 [seanb]
- ACTION: Antoine to send an answer to Elliott's mail [recorded in]
- 15:25:01 [seanb]
- -- done ->see
- 15:25:09 [seanb]
- --done
- 15:25:16 [seanb]
- ACTION: Antoine to respond to Daniel Barclay's mail by the mail in [recorded in]
- 15:25:27 [seanb]
- --done
- 15:25:33 [seanb]
- see ->
- 15:25:40 [seanb]
- ACTION: Ed and Antoine to provide before 17 August a pointer to the latest version [recorded in]
- 15:25:42 [seanb]
- --done
- 15:25:51 [seanb]
- see ->
- 15:25:58 [seanb]
- ACTION: Ralph to publish the UC document as a group note at the time of recommendation [recorded in]
- 15:26:02 [seanb]
- --done
- 15:26:09 [seanb]
- ACTION: Sean to update the implementation report [recorded in]
- 15:26:11 [seanb]
- --done
- 15:26:16 [seanb]
- ACTION: Alistair to respond to Felix and implement the changes resulting from our resolution to ISSUE-224 [recorded in]
- 15:26:18 [seanb]
- --done
- 15:26:28 [seanb]
- see ->
- 15:26:40 [seanb]
- Tom: Namespace dereferencing problem
- 15:26:51 [seanb]
- ->
- 15:27:14 [seanb]
- ...Namespace URI resolves to CR version of splash page
- 15:27:29 [seanb]
- sean: this is what there is, so it needs tidying
- 15:27:56 [seanb]
- sean: how best should I do this?
- 15:28:14 [Ralph]
- 15:28:49 [seanb]
- ralph: edit the document in place and we'll move it into TR.
- 15:29:11 [seanb]
- ACTION: sean to fix doc at ->
- 15:29:14 [Ralph]
- [may require me to buy the Webmaster a beverage]
- 15:29:37 [seanb]
- ACTION: Ralph to move into TR space ->
- 15:29:48 [Ralph]
- 15:31:35 [seanb]
- Tom: Latest version URI of SKOS reference doesn't have a closing slash.
- 15:32:16 [seanb]
- Ralph: preference is not to have trailing slash
- 15:33:11 [seanb]
- Tom: Any other issues?
- 15:33:26 [seanb]
- ...Question that Dan raised about acknowledgements to credit projects
- 15:33:49 [seanb]
- ...Ralph suggested revising the acknowledgements with an errata note.
- 15:34:02 [seanb]
- ...Or could do it in context of SKOS community page.
- 15:34:47 [seanb]
- one shouting for fixing
- 15:35:01 [danbri]
- I don't think editing the formal acks is needed... but we can ack funding sources and projects more visibly, to encourage EU et al to do more such funding
- 15:35:09 [seanb]
- ...Community after the SWD.
- 15:35:18 [seanb]
- ...Home page, wiki, mailing list.
- 15:35:19 [danbri]
- (looming POWDER REC might be another opportunity , that was also EU-incubated)
- 15:35:39 [seanb]
- ...Team contact after WG ends charter is Ivan, but he's responsible for so much, it's
- 15:35:50 [seanb]
- ...unrealistic to expect much from him other than basic maintenance
- 15:36:16 [seanb]
- ...would like to propose that we think of having a designated SKOS community contact
- 15:36:38 [seanb]
- ... (or contacts) with names up there and write access to the pages/wiki etc.
- 15:36:48 [seanb]
- ...maintain mailing list and report to Ivan
- 15:37:03 [seanb]
- ...informal feedback that this would be a reasonable thing to do
- 15:37:38 [seanb]
- ...any other proposals or approaches?
- 15:38:04 [seanb]
- Ralph: Antoine's been updating the SKOS homepage. Thanks!
- 15:38:13 [seanb]
- Antoine: Not up to date with latest rec :-)
- 15:38:29 [seanb]
- ...would be happy to keep on with keeping the site up to date.
- 15:38:31 [danbri]
- q+ to mention incubator option (eg. for extensions for subject classification languages like UDC) - is "going back to an incubator" a regress?
- 15:38:39 [seanb]
- Ralph: Alistair?
- 15:38:52 [seanb]
- Alistair: unlikely to have any time
- 15:38:58 [edsu]
- +q
- 15:39:37 [seanb]
- Tom: Would be good if whoever it is (e.g. Antoine) is acknowledged on the web page as a
- 15:40:18 [seanb]
- person. Ideally that contact would also take requests from community and discuss with Ivan.
- 15:40:42 [seanb]
- ...slightly bigger scope than just maintaining a web page. Antoine?
- 15:41:15 [seanb]
- Antoine: Ok. Think we can go far with existing infrastructure. Already a good starting point
- 15:41:26 [danbri]
- q?
- 15:42:00 [seanb]
- Tom: how much activity on the ESW wiki?
- 15:42:01 [Ralph]
- -> SkosDev on ESW Wiki
- 15:42:16 [seanb]
- Antoine: Not much, but many of the issues and developments were taken care of.
- 15:42:22 [seanb]
- ...No need to do much with the wiki
- 15:42:22 [Ralph]
- "SkosDev (last edited 2006-09-21 12:37:34 by JakobVoss)"
- 15:42:40 [seanb]
- Tom: Is wiki linked to SKOS home page?
- 15:42:50 [seanb]
- ...if we have an existing wiki and it's functioning, then ok,
- 15:43:29 [aliman]
- q+
- 15:44:15 [danbri]
- TomB? I'm afraid I have to leave (unexpectedly) v soon too
- 15:45:13 [seanb]
- Tom: Proposal on the table for SKOS community is to have Antoine function as a community contact listed on the SKOS homepage. Community contact will maintain wiki (SkosDev on esw) and mailing list (esw) and function as a point of contact for those wishing to do any further.
- 15:45:25 [Zakim]
- danbri, you wanted to mention incubator option (eg. for extensions for subject classification languages like UDC) - is "going back to an incubator" a regress?
- 15:45:32 [TomB]
- ack danbri
- 15:45:53 [seanb]
- danbri: Wanted to draw attention to W3C Incubator. May seem retrograde to go back to incubator
- 15:46:09 [Ralph]
- +1 to XG for SKOS Extensions
- 15:46:09 [seanb]
- ...but there are things bubbling under. Incubators come with infrastructure, wiki etc.
- 15:46:15 [TomB]
- ack edsu
- 15:46:41 [seanb]
- ed: Curious about proposal for dublin core community to assume some kind of role.
- 15:46:55 [danbri]
- (people's bosses also understand the idea of a named w3c group, and they don't much notice difference IG XG WG .... so having incubators might help people get permission to work on skos extensions)
- 15:46:59 [danbri]
- gotta run, sorry guys
- 15:47:10 [seanb]
- Tom: proposal with DCMI hat on.
- 15:47:10 [danbri]
- great work and congrats again! i will read logs and sync with Tom/Guus
- 15:47:18 [aliman]
- cheers danbri
- 15:47:31 [Zakim]
- -DanBri
- 15:48:21 [seanb]
- Tom: want to encourage community activities about SKOS, but need minimal mechanism to ensure communication and discussion
- 15:48:32 [TomB]
- ack Ralph
- 15:49:09 [seanb]
- Ralph: thanks to Antoine for volunteering. Suggest reowrding that the WG nominate Antoine.
- 15:49:27 [seanb]
- ...ultimately Ivan's decision, but would be good to nominate
- 15:49:36 [TomB]
- ack aliman
- 15:50:16 [seanb]
- Alistair: Thanks Antoine. Links into pages on wiki. SKOS data zone and SKOS tool shed.
- 15:50:22 [seanb]
- ...places to register data and tools.
- 15:50:30 [Ralph]
- Ralph: alternative wording "The SWD WG nominates Antoine to be the maintainer of the SKOS Home page and the public-esw-thes mailing list"
- 15:50:38 [seanb]
- ...being able to find data and tools to process it are crucial
- 15:50:54 [seanb]
- ...haven't been able to keep these up to date. If someone had some time to keep thse
- 15:50:59 [seanb]
- up to date would be great
- 15:51:32 [seanb]
- ...some forum for support for definition of extensions. Getting together to develop an share extensions. XG for that
- 15:51:37 [seanb]
- ...sounds a reasonable idea.
- 15:51:43 [TomB]
- q?
- 15:53:58 [seanb]
- PROPOSED The WG would like to nominate Antoine as a "SKOS Community Contact" to maintain the SKOS homepage, moderate the public-esw-thes mailing list, oversee the ESW wiki and discuss further issues within the community with Ivan (as head of SW Activity).
- 15:54:48 [Ralph]
- [the SKOS parts of the ESW wiki, specifically]
- 15:54:56 [seanb]
- Antoine: homepage yes, mailing list yes, wiki may take a little more time
- 15:55:00 [seanb]
- ...discuss with Ivan is fine.
- 15:55:09 [Ralph]
- +1 to Antoine for SKOS King :)
- 15:55:32 [seanb]
- Tom: overseeing doesn't mean updating pages. Means managing access/spam etc.
- 15:55:48 [seanb]
- ..."keeping an eye on it" rather than updating it.
- 15:57:34 [edsu]
- +1 for Antoine :)
- 15:57:47 [seanb]
- Tom: this doesn't mean there's only *one* community contact....
- 15:58:40 [AntoineI]
- +1
- 15:58:59 [seanb]
- RESOLVED The WG would like to nominate Antoine as a "SKOS Community Contact" to maintain the SKOS homepage, moderate the public-esw-thes mailing list, oversee the ESW wiki and discuss further issues within the community with Ivan (as head of SW Activity).
- 15:59:04 [Ralph]
- 3 cheers for Antoine
- 15:59:07 [seanb]
- Tom: Thanks Antoine!
- 15:59:23 [aliman]
- +1 :)
- 15:59:36 [seanb]
- Tom: Reached the end of the call and reached next steps for continuity with SKOS development.
- 15:59:41 [Guus]
- q+
- 15:59:53 [seanb]
- ...Opportunity if charter is extended to follow up.
- 16:00:08 [seanb]
- ...although not everyone will necessarily want to participate
- 16:00:51 [seanb]
- Guus: Seven and a half years ago started as WG chair for OWL
- 16:01:01 [seanb]
- ...this has been a small and efficient group.
- 16:01:07 [seanb]
- ...It has been a real pleaure.
- 16:01:19 [seanb]
- ...hope to see you all in the future. Thanks!
- 16:01:22 [Ralph]
- 3 cheers for Guus and Tom!
- 16:01:28 [AntoineI]
- ++
- 16:01:35 [seanb]
- Tom: It's been gr8.
- 16:01:37 [jphipps]
- +1 :)
- 16:02:09 [Ralph]
- [all out for beers :) ]
- 16:02:12 [Zakim]
- -Ben_Adida
- 16:02:16 [seanb]
- meeting adjourned!
- 16:02:21 [Zakim]
- -edsu
- 16:02:28 [seanb]
- zakim, list attendees
- 16:02:28 [Zakim]
- As of this point the attendees have been TomB, berrueta, +1.607.785.aaaa, seanb, jphipps, +30889aabb, Ralph, +8686528aacc, Ben_Adida, Alistair, Guus, edsu, +49.440.aadd, Antoine,
- 16:02:31 [Zakim]
- ... DanBri
- 16:02:37 [edsu]
- edsu has left #swd
- 16:02:40 [seanb]
- rrsagent, please draft minutes
- 16:02:40 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate seanb
- 16:02:46 [Zakim]
- -Alistair
- 16:03:01 [Zakim]
- -berrueta
- 16:03:24 [aliman]
- thank you all, hope to see you soon
- 16:03:39 [Zakim]
- -seanb
- 16:05:25 [TomB]
- Ralph, I didn't think fast enough on the call to thank you again for the fantastic support over the years - I can't thank you enough...!
- 16:05:41 [Ralph]
- it's my job :)
- 16:05:49 [Ralph]
- or, at least, my old job ;/
- 16:06:04 [TomB]
- at any rate, one of your several jobs :-)
- 16:06:14 [Ralph]
- but, more seriously, it's always a pleasure to work with this community
- 16:09:48 [Zakim]
- -jphipps
- 16:10:14 [Zakim]
- -Antoine
- 16:11:50 [Guus]
- zakim, who is here?
- 16:11:50 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see TomB, Guus, Ralph
- 16:11:51 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see danbri, Guus, benadida, Ralph, seanb, berrueta, RRSAgent, Zakim, TomB, jphipps
- 16:22:57 [Zakim]
- -Ralph
- 16:25:10 [Zakim]
- -Guus
- 16:25:15 [seanb]
- Ralph -- are you still there?
- 16:25:49 [seanb]
- (on IRC rather than phone)
- 16:30:11 [Zakim]
- disconnecting the lone participant, TomB, in SW_SWD()11:00AM
- 16:30:13 [Zakim]
- SW_SWD()11:00AM has ended
- 16:30:15 [Zakim]
- Attendees were TomB, berrueta, +1.607.785.aaaa, seanb, jphipps, +30889aabb, Ralph, +8686528aacc, Ben_Adida, Alistair, Guus, edsu, +49.440.aadd, Antoine, DanBri
- 18:31:42 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #swd