IRC log of swd on 2009-06-02

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:58:22 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #swd
14:58:22 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:58:27 [TomB]
rrsagent, bookmark
14:58:27 [RRSAgent]
14:58:35 [TomB]
zakim, this will be swd
14:58:35 [Zakim]
ok, TomB, I see SW_SWD()11:00AM already started
14:59:30 [TomB]
15:00:06 [TomB]
scribenick: berrueta
15:00:11 [TomB]
scribe: Diego
15:00:16 [berrueta]
-> previous minutes
15:00:21 [seanb]
seanb has joined #swd
15:00:25 [Ralph]
Ralph has joined #swd
15:00:30 [TomB]
Meeting: SWD WG
15:00:33 [TomB]
Chair: Tom
15:00:43 [TomB]
rrsagent, please make record public
15:01:16 [Ralph]
15:01:40 [Ralph]
15:01:47 [Ralph]
15:03:03 [Ralph]
15:03:31 [Ralph]
-> ssome history of Zakim
15:03:38 [edsu]
edsu has joined #swd
15:04:25 [Ralph]
15:05:14 [Clay]
Clay has joined #swd
15:05:33 [Clay]
Hello Tom!
15:06:33 [Ralph]
15:07:16 [Ralph]
15:07:40 [berrueta]
topic: Admin
15:07:46 [berrueta]
PROPOSED to accept minutes of the last telecon
15:07:58 [berrueta]
RESOLVED to accept minutes of the May 19 telecon:
15:08:07 [berrueta]
topic: SKOS
15:08:17 [berrueta]
ACTION: Sean send notice to the list when Appendix C is ready for review [recorded in]
15:08:20 [berrueta]
15:08:28 [berrueta]
-> Sean's message
15:08:37 [berrueta]
ACTION: Ralph to raise issue-214 with RDFa TF [recorded in]
15:08:39 [berrueta]
15:08:44 [berrueta]
ACTION: Guus to prepare the request for PR [recorded in]
15:08:49 [berrueta]
15:09:01 [berrueta]
-> PR request
15:09:28 [berrueta]
** SKOS Primer
15:09:33 [berrueta]
TomB: status?
15:09:41 [berrueta]
Antoine: content is ready, nothing to change
15:09:56 [berrueta]
... only thing to change is the status section and the links
15:10:36 [berrueta]
Ralph: this version is intended to be a WD or a Note?
15:11:07 [berrueta]
TomB: last week we proposed to publish SKOS Primer as a Note at the time the final SKOS REC is published
15:11:15 [berrueta]
... we still have a couple of meetings before that
15:11:21 [berrueta]
** SKOS use cases
15:11:39 [berrueta]
TomB: there is a similar resolution for the SKOS UC
15:11:50 [berrueta]
... which is the status?
15:11:54 [Antoine]
15:12:03 [berrueta]
Antoine: exactly the same as the Primer from the process perspective
15:12:26 [berrueta]
** SKOS Implementation report
15:12:40 [edsu]
15:12:49 [Clay]
15:13:00 [Ralph]
Three cheers for Clay and Ed
15:13:07 [berrueta]
TomB: congrats to edsu and Clay for the lcsh
15:13:19 [Antoine]
:me +1 :-)
15:13:30 [Clay]
15:13:35 [berrueta]
TomB: any comments on how it was received? any discussion relevant to the WG?
15:13:47 [berrueta]
Clay: getting a lot of feedback on the UI
15:13:59 [berrueta]
... also on concept coordination
15:15:01 [berrueta]
edsu: I talked to ralph about the details of moving to new domain
15:15:19 [berrueta]
... right now URLs are redirecting permanently to the new ones
15:15:56 [edsu]
15:15:58 [berrueta]
Clay: thank you also to Antoine
15:16:29 [Ralph]
[I'm not seeing cited yet from ]
15:16:43 [Ralph]
s/talked to/would like to talk with
15:17:37 [berrueta]
ACTION: Sean to complete implementation report by 19th [recorded in]
15:17:39 [berrueta]
15:17:44 [berrueta]
SKOS Implementation report ->
15:17:57 [berrueta]
topic: SKOS collaterals
15:18:07 [berrueta]
TomB: redirection pages
15:18:36 [berrueta]
Ralph: I asked Ian Jacobs about the preferred term: superseeded version
15:19:40 [berrueta]
TomB: redirections for the SKOS Mapping vocab spec and Quick guide
15:20:07 [berrueta]
Antoine: the only issue to deal with is branding, see agenda
15:21:20 [berrueta]
PROPOSED change references to "SKOS 2008" to read "SKOS 2009" in the redirection pages in legacy SKOS core specifications
15:21:38 [berrueta]
TomB: any discussion? (no objections)
15:21:50 [berrueta]
RESOLVED: change references to "SKOS 2008" to read "SKOS 2009" in the redirection pages in legacy SKOS core specifications
15:22:13 [berrueta]
Ralph: I'm already changing the references
15:23:09 [berrueta]
TomB: wikipedia page on SKOS is outdated
15:23:20 [berrueta]
... i don't think we can assign actions to do anything about that
15:23:44 [berrueta]
... this is one of the last telecons of the group, no time to track an action on this
15:24:28 [berrueta]
** SKOS community after SWD
15:25:02 [berrueta]
Ralph: allow access for Alistair
15:25:17 [berrueta]
... Antoine also has access
15:25:44 [berrueta]
TomB: what happens if they cannot update it?
15:25:53 [berrueta]
Ralph: we don't have any special process for this
15:26:23 [berrueta]
... if there is someone else in the community that volunteers to help, how we proceed?
15:26:37 [berrueta]
... usually decision by the team and the editors
15:27:10 [berrueta]
Antoine: maybe we should add a note at the bottom
15:28:02 [berrueta]
Ralph: I don't like adding a note at the bottom at the page, candidates must ping us instead
15:28:31 [berrueta]
... anyway if the current maintainers cannot update it anymore, a note can be added then asking for help
15:29:43 [berrueta]
TomB: scope of that page mainly on activities under w3c umbrella, with external links to the community
15:30:59 [Ralph]
15:31:05 [berrueta]
Ralph: will fix the typo with the mailing list in the status section
15:31:16 [berrueta]
berrueta: maybe someone sent messages to the wrong mailing list?
15:31:29 [berrueta]
Ralph: will double check the archives
15:31:46 [berrueta]
topic: RDFa
15:31:48 [berrueta]
ACTION: Ben review RDFa Use Cases and propose transition to Group Note [recorded in]
15:31:50 [berrueta]
15:32:01 [Zakim]
irc bot will restart shortly; reinvite a minute or two after departure
15:32:23 [berrueta]
Ralph: reports on last week telecons, see minutes ->
15:33:27 [berrueta]
... TF discussing whether lauching a XG or IG to carry on the technical discussion and being a forum to answer questions from the community on RDFa deployment
15:33:34 [Guus]
Guus has joined #swd
15:34:12 [berrueta]
... discussing priorities for technical work
15:34:35 [berrueta]
topic: Recipes
15:34:46 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #swd
15:34:56 [Ralph]
zakim, who's on the phone?
15:34:56 [Zakim]
sorry, Ralph, I don't know what conference this is
15:34:57 [Zakim]
On IRC I see Guus, Clay, edsu, Ralph, seanb, RRSAgent, TomB, berrueta, Antoine
15:35:00 [Ralph]
zakim, this is swd
15:35:00 [Zakim]
ok, Ralph; that matches SW_SWD()11:00AM
15:35:01 [Ralph]
zakim, who's on the phone?
15:35:01 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Tom, Diego, Ralph, Antoine, Sean, Clay, Ed
15:35:09 [berrueta]
TomB: we should have this published as a Note
15:35:28 [Zakim]
15:35:29 [Zakim]
15:35:29 [Zakim]
15:36:14 [berrueta]
... we need to move to W3C space
15:37:54 [berrueta]
TomB: which are the changes?
15:38:09 [berrueta]
berrueta: slight change on the Apache directives
15:38:12 [Ralph]
-> diffs from editor's draft
15:38:25 [berrueta]
TomB: the change is small enough without a new review
15:38:35 [berrueta]
PROPOSED to publish update of Recipes WG Note:
15:38:35 [berrueta]
15:38:51 [berrueta]
RESOLVED to publish update of Recipes WG Note:
15:38:51 [berrueta]
15:38:59 [berrueta]
Guus: I agree
15:39:07 [berrueta]
ACTION: Ralph to review the revised Recipes draft [recorded in]
15:39:08 [berrueta]
15:39:25 [berrueta]
ACTION: Ralph to publish as a WG Note
15:40:30 [berrueta]
Ralph: (about action on Wordnet) we don't want to miss it, but it is not realistic to expect it done
15:40:31 [berrueta]
ACTION: Ralph/Diego to work on Wordnet implementation [of Recipes implementations] [recorded in
15:40:32 [berrueta]]
15:40:42 [berrueta]
15:41:02 [berrueta]
TomB: we have it in the minutes notes anyway
15:42:11 [berrueta]
TomB: there was some discussion on the list about content negotiation
15:42:28 [berrueta]
... any comments? (no)
15:42:33 [berrueta]
topic: RDFa metadata note
15:42:56 [berrueta]
TomB: we have an ED, it was our intention to publish a Note
15:43:38 [Zakim]
with apologies -- another irc bot restart needed to recover a bridge connection
15:43:50 [berrueta]
... there are some issues and notes in the text
15:44:06 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #swd
15:44:10 [Ralph]
zakim, this is swd
15:44:10 [Zakim]
ok, Ralph; that matches SW_SWD()11:00AM
15:46:02 [berrueta]
berrueta: i suggest to get it published as WD, even without fixing the open issues
15:46:48 [berrueta]
TomB: we should try to publish it in W3C space
15:47:20 [berrueta]
... can Ralph move it out of the wiki into WG space
15:47:29 [berrueta]
... ?
15:48:04 [berrueta]
Ralph: strange to publish an initial draft at the end of the WG
15:49:13 [Guus]
+1 for input to RDFa outreach
15:49:14 [berrueta]
... we can move it to WG space as a ED
15:49:22 [berrueta]
edsu: +1
15:49:39 [berrueta]
ACTION: Ralph post his comments on the editor's draft of the metadata note [recorded in]
15:49:43 [berrueta]
15:50:45 [berrueta]
Guus: how we make it officially?
15:50:57 [berrueta]
Ralph: no special process is required (WG space is not /TR space)
15:51:23 [berrueta]
... just removing it from the wiki attachment
15:51:42 [berrueta]
Guus: fine with that
15:52:33 [berrueta]
ACTION: Ralph to move current ED of the RDFa metadata note from wiki to WG space
15:53:29 [berrueta]
Guus: we need some telecons to get testimonials and feedback from AC reps
15:53:30 [Ralph]
regrets for 16 June
15:53:43 [berrueta]
... I'm at risk for next telecon
15:54:26 [berrueta]
TomB: proposed next telecon Jun 23
15:54:59 [berrueta]
Ralph: chapter extension for a couple of weeks
15:55:06 [edsu]
15:55:13 [Ralph]
Three cheers for Sean !
15:55:18 [Ralph]
15:55:29 [berrueta]
Guus: thanks to seanb for impl report
15:55:56 [Ralph]
zakim, ??p18 is Guus
15:55:56 [Zakim]
+Guus; got it
15:56:13 [Ralph]
15:56:57 [berrueta]
Ralph: thank you to Tom and guus for leading us forward
15:57:09 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Ralph
15:57:25 [TomB]
Meeting is adjourned.
15:57:26 [berrueta]
15:57:57 [Ralph]
zakim, list attendees
15:57:57 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been Tom, Ralph, Antoine, Sean, Clay, Ed, Guus
15:58:34 [Zakim]
15:58:35 [Zakim]
15:58:38 [Zakim]
15:58:39 [Zakim]
15:58:59 [Zakim]
15:59:08 [Zakim]
15:59:09 [Zakim]
15:59:09 [Zakim]
SW_SWD()11:00AM has ended
15:59:10 [Zakim]
Attendees were Tom, Ralph, Antoine, Sean, Clay, Ed, Guus
15:59:12 [edsu]
edsu has left #swd
15:59:16 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Ralph
15:59:43 [Ralph]
zakim, bye
15:59:43 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #swd