IRC log of swxg on 2009-05-13
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 12:57:40 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #swxg
- 12:57:40 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 12:57:43 [Zakim]
- +??P5
- 12:57:47 [Zakim]
- -tinkster
- 12:58:21 [Zakim]
- +??P16
- 12:58:33 [tinkster]
- zakim, mute me
- 12:58:47 [Zakim]
- +tinkster
- 12:58:55 [Zakim]
- tinkster should now be muted
- 12:58:55 [tinkster]
- zakim, mute me
- 12:58:57 [AlexPassant]
- Zakim, ??P16 is me
- 12:59:02 [karl]
- zakim, what is the code?
- 12:59:14 [tinkster]
- 7994
- 12:59:15 [Zakim]
- tinkster was already muted, tinkster
- 12:59:19 [Zakim]
- +AlexPassant; got it
- 12:59:31 [Zakim]
- the conference code is 7994 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), karl
- 12:59:33 [Zakim]
- +??P27
- 12:59:57 [mischat]
- zakin, +??P27 is me
- 13:00:04 [mischat]
- zakim, +??P27 is me
- 13:00:06 [Zakim]
- +FabGandon
- 13:00:07 [Zakim]
- +wonsuk
- 13:00:14 [Zakim]
- sorry, mischat, I do not recognize a party named '+??P27'
- 13:00:15 [Zakim]
- +??P32
- 13:00:19 [DKA]
- DKA has joined #swxg
- 13:00:21 [jsalvachua]
- jsalvachua has joined #swxg
- 13:00:30 [cperey]
- cperey has joined #swxg
- 13:00:32 [jsalvachua]
- Hello, to all
- 13:00:39 [karl]
- zakim, +??P32 is me
- 13:00:39 [Zakim]
- sorry, karl, I do not recognize a party named '+??P32'
- 13:00:53 [mischat]
- mmm
- 13:00:54 [tinkster]
- harry not here yet
- 13:00:54 [karl]
- zakim, +??P32 is karl
- 13:00:54 [Zakim]
- sorry, karl, I do not recognize a party named '+??P32'
- 13:01:17 [Zakim]
- +mit531
- 13:01:26 [karl]
- zakim, ??P32 is karl
- 13:01:28 [Zakim]
- +karl; got it
- 13:01:28 [Zakim]
- +dom
- 13:01:33 [dom]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:01:33 [Zakim]
- dom should now be muted
- 13:01:42 [petef]
- petef has joined #swxg
- 13:01:45 [oshani]
- Zakim, mit531 is me
- 13:01:45 [Zakim]
- +oshani; got it
- 13:01:45 [mischat]
- zakim, +??P27 is mischat
- 13:01:46 [Zakim]
- sorry, mischat, I do not recognize a party named '+??P27'
- 13:01:49 [DKA]
- RRSAgent, start meeting
- 13:01:49 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'start meeting', DKA. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 13:01:54 [DKA]
- RRSAgent, start it up
- 13:01:54 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'start it up', DKA. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 13:01:59 [Zakim]
- -??P27
- 13:02:04 [Zakim]
- +jsalvachua
- 13:02:09 [DKA]
- RRSAgent, this is SWXG
- 13:02:09 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'this is SWXG', DKA. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 13:02:13 [jsalvachua]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:02:16 [Zakim]
- jsalvachua should now be muted
- 13:02:18 [oshani]
- Zakim, mute me
- 13:02:22 [Zakim]
- +??P27
- 13:02:26 [Zakim]
- oshani should now be muted
- 13:02:43 [yuk]
- yuk has joined #swxg
- 13:02:52 [pchampin]
- pchampin has joined #swxg
- 13:02:53 [DKA]
- zakim, who's here?
- 13:02:58 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see AdamB, ??P5, AlexPassant, tinkster (muted), FabGandon, wonsuk, karl, oshani (muted), dom (muted), jsalvachua (muted), ??P27
- 13:03:05 [Zakim]
- +??P34
- 13:03:13 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see pchampin, yuk, petef, cperey, jsalvachua, DKA, RRSAgent, wonsuk, Zakim, mischat, oshani, renato, melvster, claudio, AdamB, tinkster, FabGandon, karl, dom, AlexPassant,
- 13:03:18 [Zakim]
- ... mattl
- 13:03:24 [petef]
- zakim, ??P34 is me
- 13:03:28 [Zakim]
- +cperey
- 13:03:34 [Zakim]
- +??P36
- 13:03:37 [mischat]
- zakim, ??P27 is me
- 13:03:38 [Zakim]
- + +0797094aaaa - is perhaps mischat_
- 13:03:52 [Zakim]
- +petef; got it
- 13:04:01 [cperey]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:04:05 [petef]
- zakim, +0797094aaaa is really me
- 13:04:10 [Zakim]
- + +03539149aabb
- 13:04:14 [Zakim]
- +mischat; got it
- 13:04:16 [renato]
- zakim, who's here?
- 13:04:22 [CaptSolo]
- CaptSolo has joined #swxg
- 13:04:32 [mischat]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:04:40 [cperey]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:04:45 [tinkster]
- No danbri either?
- 13:04:52 [Zakim]
- cperey should now be muted
- 13:04:54 [Zakim]
- sorry, petef, I do not recognize a party named '+0797094aaaa'
- 13:05:08 [yuk]
- maybe it is me?
- 13:05:10 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see AdamB, ??P5, AlexPassant, tinkster (muted), FabGandon, wonsuk, karl, oshani (muted), dom (muted), jsalvachua (muted), mischat, petef, cperey (muted), ??P36,
- 13:05:17 [Zakim]
- ... mischat_, +03539149aabb
- 13:05:25 [Zakim]
- + +39.011.228.aacc
- 13:05:27 [Zakim]
- mischat should now be muted
- 13:05:29 [Zakim]
- cperey was already muted, cperey
- 13:05:39 [karl]
- -> Last Week in Social Web Incubator Group
- 13:05:40 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see uldis, pchampin, yuk, petef, cperey, jsalvachua, DKA, RRSAgent, wonsuk, Zakim, mischat, oshani, renato, melvster, claudio, AdamB, tinkster, FabGandon, karl, dom,
- 13:05:45 [Zakim]
- ... AlexPassant, mattl
- 13:05:55 [tinkster]
- Does it just involve typing what's spoken to IRC?
- 13:06:01 [Zakim]
- +pchampin
- 13:06:24 [tinkster]
- If so, I can do that - I can type pretty quickly.
- 13:06:24 [cperey]
- zakim, unmute me
- 13:06:29 [Zakim]
- cperey should no longer be muted
- 13:06:40 [raphael]
- raphael has joined #swxg
- 13:06:52 [dom]
- ScribeNick: tinkster
- 13:06:56 [dom]
- Scribe: Toby
- 13:07:10 [cperey]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:07:11 [Zakim]
- cperey should now be muted
- 13:07:15 [karl]
- cheers for tinkster
- 13:07:16 [tinkster]
- danbri and hhalpin details, so I'm scribing.
- 13:07:40 [tinkster]
- Harry's agenda had a typo for IRC channel. This is the correct one.
- 13:07:52 [dom]
- Agenda:
- 13:07:54 [tinkster]
- No roll call. Anyone new?
- 13:07:55 [Zakim]
- - +03539149aabb
- 13:07:56 [dom]
- Chair: DKA
- 13:08:04 [dom]
- Meeting: Social Web Incubator Group
- 13:08:10 [AlexPassant]
- I was there only on IRC last week
- 13:08:29 [tinkster]
- Alex Passant -
- 13:08:34 [DKA]
- zakim, whio's making noise?
- 13:08:34 [Zakim]
- I don't understand your question, DKA.
- 13:08:35 [tinkster]
- DERI Galway.
- 13:08:51 [petef]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:08:51 [Zakim]
- petef should now be muted
- 13:08:52 [tinkster]
- Interested in social/semantic stuff.
- 13:08:58 [mischat]
- zakim, who is making noise ?
- 13:09:02 [Zakim]
- + +03539149aadd
- 13:09:09 [Zakim]
- mischat, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: mischat_ (26%)
- 13:09:11 [tinkster]
- Do we approve minutes from last meeting?
- 13:09:15 [tinkster]
- Any objections?
- 13:09:19 [mischat]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:09:19 [Zakim]
- mischat was already muted, mischat
- 13:09:27 [uldis]
- Zakim, +03539149aadd is me
- 13:09:27 [Zakim]
- +uldis; got it
- 13:09:39 [tinkster]
- We'll generally assume minutes approved unless we hear otherwise.
- 13:09:48 [cperey]
- zakim, unmute me
- 13:09:48 [Zakim]
- cperey should no longer be muted
- 13:09:58 [tinkster]
- First, we'll hear about Christine's taskforce proposal.
- 13:10:06 [dom]
- -> Christine's TF proposal
- 13:10:06 [Zakim]
- - +39.011.228.aacc
- 13:10:31 [dom]
- -> Last week meeting minutes
- 13:10:39 [mischat]
- zakim, ??P36 is me
- 13:10:39 [Zakim]
- +mischat; got it
- 13:10:43 [tinkster]
- Christine: task forces concept not just my idea. Helped to write it and adopted formula from workshops.
- 13:10:45 [mischat]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:10:45 [Zakim]
- mischat was already muted, mischat
- 13:11:00 [mischat]
- zakim, who is making noise ?
- 13:11:01 [tinkster]
- People at workshops and after expressed interest in specific topics.
- 13:11:11 [Zakim]
- mischat, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: uldis (50%)
- 13:11:25 [dom]
- zakim, mute uldis
- 13:11:25 [Zakim]
- uldis should now be muted
- 13:11:28 [tinkster]
- Task forces illustrate depth and bredth of topics.
- 13:11:52 [tinkster]
- Christine doesn't percieve "mobile" as separate topic. Is relevant to all task forces.
- 13:12:02 [tinkster]
- This is why she doesn't propose such a task force.
- 13:12:05 [DKA]
- +1 to not splitting mobile off.
- 13:12:11 [Zakim]
- + +49.899.5.aaee
- 13:12:27 [tinkster]
- Christine's task force proposal is not the only way this could be split up.
- 13:12:29 [Zakim]
- +raphael
- 13:12:42 [dom]
- zakim, aaee is Julian
- 13:12:42 [Zakim]
- +Julian; got it
- 13:12:42 [tinkster]
- Distributed and privacy/trust seem to have a lot of people interested.
- 13:12:50 [jsalvachua]
- +1 not splitting mobile
- 13:12:58 [tinkster]
- Julian from Vodaphone has joined us and will be introducing himself.
- 13:13:13 [claudio]
- claudio has joined #swxg
- 13:13:16 [tinkster]
- Vodaphone R&D, research initiatives group.
- 13:13:25 [tinkster]
- Interested in context and standardising that here.
- 13:13:53 [cperey]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:13:53 [Zakim]
- cperey should now be muted
- 13:14:11 [Zakim]
- + +39.011.228.aaff
- 13:14:14 [tinkster]
- DKA notes task forces have been successful in Mobile Web Best Practices.
- 13:14:17 [hhalpin]
- hhalpin has joined #swxg
- 13:14:29 [tinkster]
- MWBP task forces have sometimes had own calls, own face to faces.
- 13:15:04 [tinkster]
- DKA speaks about definition of task forces.
- 13:15:10 [tinkster]
- Key feature is that they have a lead.
- 13:15:15 [dom]
- ack me
- 13:15:17 [cperey]
- task force has leader and people/participants!
- 13:15:37 [raphael]
- +1 to not split mobile too
- 13:15:39 [danbri]
- danbri has joined #swxg
- 13:15:41 [cperey]
- we need to have a critical number of experts
- 13:15:51 [tinkster]
- Dom: leader + charter. People can decide whether to join.
- 13:15:59 [cperey]
- make sure task force scope is well defined
- 13:16:02 [danbri]
- hi
- 13:16:02 [dom]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:16:02 [Zakim]
- dom should now be muted
- 13:16:05 [danbri]
- sorry late, trying join
- 13:16:06 [tinkster]
- Needs more than 1 participant.
- 13:16:37 [tinkster]
- For every task force we want to launch, there is an overhead - identify leader, etc.
- 13:17:13 [Zakim]
- +??P48
- 13:17:14 [tinkster]
- e.g. a mobile web task force was set up for an open source implementation. Made sense to split it off, have own calls, have face to faces to work on code.
- 13:17:20 [danbri]
- zakim, ??P48 is danbri
- 13:17:20 [Zakim]
- +danbri; got it
- 13:17:22 [tinkster]
- Different deliverables from main working group.
- 13:17:43 [tinkster]
- Any software development would certainly make sense as a task force.
- 13:18:00 [tinkster]
- Let's identify one or two task forces to split off and then phase in others if/when needed.
- 13:18:00 [danbri]
- ..ooOO( 7 task forces, vs 7 email threads...? )
- 13:18:24 [tinkster]
- What are people's priorities for task forces?
- 13:18:31 [cperey]
- zakim, unmjute me
- 13:18:31 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'unmjute me', cperey
- 13:18:40 [cperey]
- zakim, unmute me
- 13:18:40 [Zakim]
- cperey should no longer be muted
- 13:18:49 [cperey]
- It is not required that all task forces begin at the start of the incubator's activity. There may be delays either due to lack of appropriate leader or contributors, dependencies or lack of time on behalf of the incubator group's members.
- 13:19:10 [AdamB]
- how should the task forces map back to the XG charter?
- 13:19:13 [tinkster]
- Christine: sorry for echo on line. Agrees that some can be spun off later - sometimes deirable when there are dependencies.
- 13:19:25 [AdamB]
- or should i ask, do they need to?
- 13:19:39 [DKA]
- q?
- 13:19:44 [tinkster]
- Christine: important to have a higher level "Landscape" task force. How does everything look big picture?
- 13:20:05 [cperey]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:20:08 [tinkster]
- Christine: I want to be invoolved in that one.
- 13:20:14 [Zakim]
- +??P49
- 13:20:17 [Zakim]
- cperey should now be muted
- 13:20:18 [cperey]
- yes, I would like to lead that
- 13:20:21 [hhalpin]
- Zakim, P49 is hhalpin
- 13:20:26 [tinkster]
- DKA: agrees landscape tf makes sense.
- 13:20:34 [DKA]
- q?
- 13:20:37 [Zakim]
- sorry, hhalpin, I do not recognize a party named 'P49'
- 13:20:40 [hhalpin]
- Zakim, ??P49 is hhalpin
- 13:20:41 [cperey]
- looks like he is
- 13:20:42 [Zakim]
- +hhalpin; got it
- 13:20:42 [hhalpin]
- I am online.
- 13:20:49 [cperey]
- both are on line
- 13:20:59 [tinkster]
- Who's speaking?
- 13:21:09 [cperey]
- zakim, unmute me
- 13:21:09 [Zakim]
- cperey should no longer be muted
- 13:21:13 [mischat]
- tinkster: hhaplin is speaking
- 13:21:21 [tinkster]
- Thanks.
- 13:21:22 [danbri]
- i'm not getting audio here
- 13:21:30 [hhalpin]
- Zakim, mute me
- 13:21:30 [Zakim]
- hhalpin should now be muted
- 13:21:33 [tinkster]
- hhalpin: agrees on having task forces.
- 13:21:38 [mischat]
- zakim, who is making noise ?
- 13:21:49 [Zakim]
- mischat, listening for 11 seconds I could not identify any sounds
- 13:21:49 [danbri]
- may i make my point by irc please?: for now re "task forces", let's start by seeing them as email threads ...
- 13:21:57 [jsalvachua]
- +1 for task forces to start and focus the work
- 13:22:03 [hhalpin]
- I'd say 2 or 3.
- 13:22:03 [cperey]
- agree that they need to be clarified based on interests
- 13:22:09 [danbri]
- if we get > 10 messages in 1 of these threads, and more than 3 participants in that thread, then let's call it a Task Force ...
- 13:22:12 [tinkster]
- DKA: Scoping for task forces need more quantification. Don't want to split off 7 immediately. 2 is a good place to start.
- 13:22:14 [karl]
- q+ to ask about Landscape Task force future?
- 13:22:41 [tinkster]
- DKA: all Christines listed areas are good places, but don't necessarily need all of them to spin off separately.
- 13:22:42 [hhalpin]
- notes that we also had a poll on task for projected participation in past...
- 13:22:47 [hhalpin]
- let me find that URI
- 13:22:58 [tinkster]
- Landscape and Business areas - mergeable?
- 13:23:08 [DKA]
- q?
- 13:23:28 [tinkster]
- Christine: there is overlap, but Landscape intended to look at technical aspects, and look for gaps.
- 13:23:28 [AdamB]
- q+
- 13:23:41 [MacTed]
- MacTed has joined #swxg
- 13:23:52 [tinkster]
- Christine: metrics is muddy.
- 13:23:58 [DKA]
- ack karl
- 13:23:58 [Zakim]
- karl, you wanted to ask about Landscape Task force future?
- 13:24:03 [cperey]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:24:04 [Zakim]
- cperey should now be muted
- 13:24:36 [tinkster]
- Karl: Landscape seems to be about surveying. Incubator is 1 year (maybe two if we're lucky).
- 13:24:53 [hhalpin]
- Maybe one thing we can say, if we wanted to start 2 or 3 task forces in order to get some work done, which 2 or 3 would be best?
- 13:24:58 [cperey]
- zakim, unmute me
- 13:24:58 [Zakim]
- cperey should no longer be muted
- 13:25:13 [tinkster]
- Karl: Should we have a continuing forum for discussing developments after the XG is finished?
- 13:25:30 [tinkster]
- Christine: Landscape is a "living framework". On a wiki?
- 13:26:25 [karl]
- ? does it answer the needs or what is needed?
- 13:26:27 [cperey]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:26:27 [Zakim]
- cperey should now be muted
- 13:26:30 [tinkster]
- Christine: capture the state of the art and then "colour on top of it to make it more rich".
- 13:26:31 [hhalpin]
- I guess my question with Landscape is that it's more or less what the entire XG is supposed to be doing...
- 13:26:41 [DKA]
- ack adam
- 13:26:55 [tinkster]
- DKA? agrees with christine about living document.
- 13:26:59 [mischat]
- agreed hhalpin, the landscape sounds like what the final report will be
- 13:26:59 [Zakim]
- +MacTed
- 13:27:17 [tinkster]
- Adam: start with charter - this might reduce number of task forces.
- 13:27:24 [cperey]
- I think that the landscape task force will contribute to the final deliverable
- 13:27:38 [cperey]
- yes, section in the XG report
- 13:28:00 [tinkster]
- DKA: Landscape/Business/other? task forces will probably contribute chapters to end deliverables.
- 13:28:03 [cperey]
- It is central to the XG's "view" on the world and its own work
- 13:28:06 [karl]
- Is there a need for a task force for Landscape when there are already plenty of sites covering social web?
- 13:28:06 [hhalpin]
- 13:28:08 [karl]
- q+
- 13:28:15 [hhalpin]
- Results of Task Force Questionnaire from March.
- 13:28:19 [DKA]
- q?
- 13:28:24 [DKA]
- ack karl
- 13:29:18 [tinkster]
- Karl: plenty of websites out there about the social web. Some business info, some development. Do we need yet another website for delivering information?
- 13:29:29 [hhalpin]
- General results from questionnaire had "business" and "landscape" merge, and with "Distributed Architecture" and "Interoperability" merging as well, with context and user-experience kept separate.
- 13:29:38 [tinkster]
- What should be on the wiki? How do we select info to include?
- 13:30:00 [cperey]
- zakim, unmute me
- 13:30:00 [Zakim]
- cperey should no longer be muted
- 13:30:14 [mischat]
- hehe
- 13:30:49 [tinkster]
- Christine: for people in the group to decide what's included. She's not married to any particular structure. Should be technical and lead to us identifying areas that need more attention.
- 13:31:07 [hhalpin]
- On the results of questionnaire, we had most popular task forces being 1) interoperability/distributed architecture 2) privacy and 3) user experience and 4) contextual data
- 13:31:20 [tinkster]
- Landscape can help us figure out if new technologies are needed, or maybe that no new technologies needed.
- 13:32:06 [tinkster]
- As most people seem to be interested in privacy, interop, etc, then perhaps not enough people interested in Landscape to do that work?
- 13:32:09 [hhalpin]
- q+
- 13:32:11 [DKA]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: the group will create a task force focusing on "landscape and business." Christine Perey to lead task force and edit task force report.
- 13:32:13 [DKA]
- q?
- 13:32:28 [tinkster]
- Landscape would look at obstacles to growth of social web.
- 13:32:53 [DKA]
- ack hh
- 13:32:54 [hhalpin]
- The whole point of the XG is future W3C standardization.
- 13:32:57 [tinkster]
- What work is already being done which could be standardised?
- 13:32:57 [Zakim]
- + +1.510.931.aagg
- 13:33:05 [cperey]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:33:05 [Zakim]
- cperey should now be muted
- 13:33:21 [danbri]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 13:33:21 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see AdamB, ??P5, AlexPassant, tinkster (muted), FabGandon, wonsuk, karl, oshani (muted), dom (muted), jsalvachua (muted), mischat (muted), petef (muted), cperey
- 13:33:24 [Zakim]
- ... (muted), mischat.a, mischat_ (muted), pchampin (muted), uldis (muted), Julian, raphael (muted), +39.011.228.aaff, danbri, hhalpin, MacTed, +1.510.931.aagg
- 13:33:25 [tinkster]
- 40/50 people telecons are not going to be productive, so task forces are almost a requirement.
- 13:33:35 [tinkster]
- How should it be dividided is the real question?
- 13:33:40 [danbri]
- 24 ppl on phone?
- 13:33:49 [bblfish]
- bblfish has joined #swxg
- 13:34:03 [karl]
- the deliverables of Task Forces could drive the themes
- 13:34:07 [bblfish]
- oops sorry for coming in late
- 13:34:11 [tinkster]
- The landscape stuff should be what the *entire* XG is looking at. It's other topics that want task forces.
- 13:34:21 [tinkster]
- Who's speaking now? DKA?
- 13:34:25 [mischat]
- hhalpin:
- 13:34:28 [tinkster]
- Ta.
- 13:34:29 [petef]
- hhalpin speaking now
- 13:34:38 [cperey]
- task forces should/would be focused on topics
- 13:34:47 [DKA]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: the group will three task forces: privacy; user experience and context.
- 13:34:49 [cperey]
- Privacy seems to be very popular
- 13:35:13 [tinkster]
- Task forces for privacy, interop, another thing (anyone catch it?)
- 13:35:15 [DKA]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: the group will three task forces: privacy; user experience and context. Landscape will be a deliverable of the main working group.
- 13:35:21 [tinkster]
- Ah, DKA has.
- 13:35:32 [mib_4d0quw9x]
- mib_4d0quw9x has joined #swxg
- 13:35:37 [hhalpin]
- Zakim, mute me
- 13:35:37 [Zakim]
- hhalpin should now be muted
- 13:35:46 [tinkster]
- From this structure, the landscape should organically emerge.
- 13:36:06 [mischat]
- distributed architecture task force seems important too .
- 13:36:06 [cperey]
- what about distributed/decentralized architectures?
- 13:36:15 [petef]
- DKA< there was a fourth too: distributed architectures and data portability
- 13:36:20 [tinkster]
- DKA has proposed a resolution to task forces. He agrees with hhalpin that Landscape is key.
- 13:36:25 [hhalpin]
- Privacy, User Experience, Context, Distributed Architecture.
- 13:36:31 [hhalpin]
- That's 4. Perhaps too many.
- 13:36:34 [jsalvachua]
- i think that interoperability and distributed may be interesting (merged)
- 13:36:36 [tinkster]
- Landscape still needs a leader even if it's being worked on by whole XG.
- 13:36:38 [hhalpin]
- We could do a WBS Questionnaire.
- 13:36:41 [cperey]
- not too many, if there are sufficient people
- 13:36:48 [hhalpin]
- Landscape leader will be editor of final report deliverble.
- 13:36:51 [cperey]
- no need to delay getting a poll now
- 13:36:52 [AlexPassant]
- +1 for merging distributed architecture and interoperability
- 13:37:13 [cperey]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:37:13 [Zakim]
- cperey was already muted, cperey
- 13:37:16 [cperey]
- Privacy, User Experience, Context, Distributed Architecture.
- 13:37:24 [karl]
- -> Social Web Privacy on delicious
- 13:37:33 [jsalvachua]
- +q
- 13:37:34 [cperey]
- Landscape=final deliverable?
- 13:37:38 [DKA]
- ack jsa
- 13:37:40 [hhalpin]
- CPerey, yes.
- 13:37:42 [tinkster]
- I can't scribe and put myself on the queue.
- 13:37:50 [cperey]
- Miguel Martin wanted to do the distributed architecture
- 13:38:10 [tinkster]
- jsa: distributed architecture
- 13:38:16 [hhalpin]
- Distributed Architecture + Portability.
- 13:38:17 [cperey]
- it is of high interest
- 13:38:26 [hhalpin]
- That's popular.
- 13:38:36 [jsalvachua]
- Joaquin salvachua :)
- 13:38:38 [hhalpin]
- Joaquin.
- 13:38:40 [karl]
- small goals are achievable.
- 13:38:44 [Zakim]
- +Hakan
- 13:38:48 [jsalvachua]
- zakin, unmute me
- 13:38:58 [uldis]
- if landscape / overview is a deliverable of the main group, will there be anyone focusing on it? that is, if we don't mention such a group (for landscape), who will work on it?
- 13:39:06 [tinkster]
- jsalvachua: reintroduces himself. Interested in running distrib arch and portability.
- 13:39:07 [hhalpin]
- Landscape will be worked on by the editors.
- 13:39:12 [petef]
- I would be interested in working on that too, with jsvalchua
- 13:39:20 [jsalvachua]
- perfect petef :)
- 13:39:29 [mischat]
- no
- 13:39:30 [tinkster]
- Privacy, User Exp, Context - leaders?... anyone?
- 13:39:32 [hhalpin]
- So, in general, each of the task force will contribute use-cases and add technical details to technical document.
- 13:39:47 [hhalpin]
- Then towards end of XG lifespan, we synthesize this work collectively.
- 13:39:48 [tinkster]
- Does is make sense to combine them. Mischa says no.
- 13:39:54 [hhalpin]
- Into landscape.
- 13:39:59 [hhalpin]
- Which is given by the final report.
- 13:40:00 [cperey]
- hi Claudio!
- 13:40:12 [tinkster]
- claudio: interested in context, but what is the scope?
- 13:40:16 [claudio]
- +q
- 13:40:24 [DKA]
- q?
- 13:40:27 [DKA]
- ack claudio
- 13:40:54 [tinkster]
- claudio: talking to Philip Oscar (?) to understand whether Telecom Italia (?) work might fit in here or another group.
- 13:41:31 [cperey]
- The mission of this task force is to document those principles which the task force members believe to be the appropriate use & approaches to control of abuse of contextual data in social networks. One of the deliverables of this task force is a report mapping the current uses of context in social networking. A best practices guide could also be envisioned,
- 13:41:35 [cperey]
- location, proximity
- 13:41:41 [mischat]
- q+ regarding context
- 13:41:44 [tinkster]
- DKA: christine's notes mention context = location, proximity, more.
- 13:42:03 [DKA]
- q?
- 13:42:05 [tinkster]
- What goes into context information? Mapping them to existing standards/vocabs.
- 13:42:13 [hhalpin]
- For example of context, look at this:
- 13:42:14 [DKA]
- ack reg
- 13:42:16 [DKA]
- ack cont
- 13:42:21 [DKA]
- q+ mischat
- 13:42:23 [petef]
- zakim, who is speaking?
- 13:42:33 [Zakim]
- petef, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: ??P5 (9%), MacTed (35%)
- 13:42:40 [hhalpin]
- 13:42:55 [tinkster]
- Wide scope of context - abuse of context info - is this better handled by privacy task force?
- 13:43:45 [tinkster]
- claudio is mostly interested in context as in device capabilities.
- 13:43:48 [cperey]
- +1
- 13:43:53 [DKA]
- ack mischat
- 13:43:55 [mischat]
- zakim, unmute me
- 13:43:55 [Zakim]
- mischat was not muted, mischat
- 13:43:56 [hhalpin]
- maybe think geolocation API, how does that work with an API like OpenSocial or Social Data?
- 13:44:08 [tinkster]
- mischat: people can hear him.
- 13:44:14 [tinkster]
- He's from Garlick.
- 13:44:32 [tinkster]
- Looked into life logging and working out autobiographies from web activity.
- 13:44:35 [AlexPassant]
- s/Garlick/Garlik
- 13:44:49 [tinkster]
- AlexPassant: I knew it was some kind of silly spelling.
- 13:44:53 [tinkster]
- ;-)
- 13:45:09 [mib_4d0quw9x]
- q+ Hakan
- 13:45:13 [DKA]
- +1
- 13:45:14 [tinkster]
- Interesting = Analysis of photographs to figure out what people were doing at the time.
- 13:45:44 [karl]
- s/ AlexPassant:/ AlexPassant,/
- 13:46:03 [raphael]
- Misha refers to work from Mor Naarman, previously at Yahoo Berkeley now in New York
- 13:46:05 [hhalpin]
- The real key is that likely all task-forces work will have to merge.
- 13:46:24 [hhalpin]
- The entire point of the task forces is to get small enough groups to allow productive telecons to produce text.
- 13:46:37 [mischat]
- zakim, unmuted me
- 13:46:37 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'unmuted me', mischat
- 13:46:44 [mischat]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:46:44 [Zakim]
- mischat should now be muted
- 13:46:44 [hhalpin]
- for the deliverables and to have detailed technical conversations as well.
- 13:46:47 [tinkster]
- Can mischa lead a task force or edit a document about this? No, he's still working on PhD and that takes much of his time. But he'll add his thoughts about context to the wiki.
- 13:46:57 [cperey]
- ...but context also includes more
- 13:47:38 [DKA]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: the group will four task forces: privacy; user experience; distributed architecture and context. Landscape will be a deliverable of the main working group.
- 13:47:44 [tinkster]
- claudio: Still thinks this is a little too general. Probably not interested in leading context task force. Context might have to be something which is launched further along, not initially. Wait until needs are clarified?
- 13:48:24 [mischat]
- context related project in EU :
- 13:48:31 [hhalpin]
- We can always launch a contextual task force later as needed, or do it in larger group telecons.
- 13:48:35 [DKA]
- ACTION mischat to write some thoughts into the wiki on context, channeling Mor Naaman.
- 13:48:42 [hhalpin]
- q+
- 13:48:55 [dom]
- ACTION: mischat to write some thoughts into the wiki on context, channeling Mor Naaman
- 13:49:01 [DKA]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: the group will four task forces: privacy; user experience; distributed architecture. Landscape and context documents will be deliverables of the main working group.
- 13:49:04 [DKA]
- q?
- 13:49:04 [mischat]
- dom that dom :)
- 13:49:09 [mischat]
- got that dom
- 13:49:10 [tinkster]
- me: Could context be an area of user experience? Providing different experiences based on context?
- 13:49:11 [DKA]
- ack hakan
- 13:49:20 [danbri]
- i only see 3 there
- 13:49:23 [petef]
- DKA s/four/three ?
- 13:49:44 [tinkster]
- hakan: we should have a look at what's already been done in presence area. Can we use what's already there?
- 13:49:51 [danbri]
- "the group will initiate THREE task forces: privacy; user experience; distributed architecture."
- 13:50:07 [tinkster]
- hakan: will add links and info to wiki about this topic.
- 13:50:12 [hhalpin]
- Let's check to see if we have a lead for privacy and user-experience.
- 13:50:15 [tinkster]
- How can I add actions?
- 13:50:16 [hhalpin]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 13:50:16 [Zakim]
- hhalpin should no longer be muted
- 13:50:34 [DKA]
- ACTION: hakan to provide some info into the wiki on existing work on context.
- 13:50:44 [tinkster]
- me: am interested in privacy, but not enough to lead.
- 13:50:46 [cperey]
- this (presence work in the past) is landscape!! thank you!!
- 13:50:49 [danbri]
- +1 on 2 or 3 for starters being fine
- 13:50:59 [karl]
- It would be good to have a precise description of what are the deliverables of each task force.
- 13:51:03 [hhalpin]
- Zakim, mute me
- 13:51:03 [Zakim]
- hhalpin should now be muted
- 13:51:04 [tinkster]
- Who wants to lead privacy; and user experience?
- 13:51:06 [mischat]
- q+
- 13:51:08 [hhalpin]
- Volunteers for privacy task force?
- 13:51:09 [bblfish]
- I will be looking at Access Control
- 13:51:10 [DKA]
- ack mischat
- 13:51:14 [bblfish]
- Is that privacy?
- 13:51:16 [DKA]
- ach hh
- 13:51:28 [karl]
- q+ to tell about privacy scope
- 13:51:29 [cperey]
- precise definitions of task forces are for the participants
- 13:51:31 [hhalpin]
- The key is not just to list technologies, but to inspect them.
- 13:51:56 [DKA]
- +1 to mischa's comments
- 13:52:02 [hhalpin]
- To determine what are compatible with current user and business practice, both on a social level and technical level.
- 13:52:07 [tinkster]
- mischat: XRIs - are people interested in these? Garlik can provide insight on what sort of personal info is out there on the web. But what do people want?
- 13:52:09 [mischat]
- zakim, unmute me
- 13:52:09 [Zakim]
- mischat was not muted, mischat
- 13:52:22 [mischat]
- zakim, mute me
- 13:52:22 [Zakim]
- mischat should now be muted
- 13:52:50 [hhalpin]
- However, note that usage of XRIs *may* prove to be sticking point if W3C wanted to push standards that use XRIs due to RF issues.
- 13:52:51 [cperey]
- This task force will explore how specific approaches to ensuring user and user data privacy and trust can improve the security and reduce risks of users. This task force is also responsible for the development of best practices recommendations on privacy in social networks.
- 13:53:04 [tinkster]
- "Best Practices for Privacy in Social Networks" could be an outcome. What are people's perceptions of privacy?
- 13:53:08 [karl]
- q?
- 13:53:26 [mischat]
- zakim, unmuted me
- 13:53:26 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'unmuted me', mischat
- 13:53:31 [tinkster]
- Can mischat provide information about privacy on Wiki?
- 13:53:34 [mischat]
- yes i can add to
- 13:53:37 [mischat]
- wiki
- 13:53:48 [DKA]
- ACTION: mischat to provide some data on privacy to the wiki.
- 13:53:52 [DKA]
- q?
- 13:54:04 [hhalpin]
- unmute me
- 13:54:07 [cperey]
- 6 min to close of meeting
- 13:54:07 [hhalpin]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 13:54:07 [Zakim]
- hhalpin should no longer be muted
- 13:54:11 [DKA]
- ack hh
- 13:54:15 [hhalpin]
- Do we still not have a Privacy Task Force Leader?
- 13:54:20 [tinkster]
- hhalpin: Don't we have a privacy leader??
- 13:54:25 [DKA]
- q?
- 13:54:27 [hhalpin]
- Zakim, mute me.
- 13:54:27 [Zakim]
- hhalpin should now be muted
- 13:54:31 [DKA]
- ack karl
- 13:54:31 [Zakim]
- karl, you wanted to tell about privacy scope
- 13:54:49 [tinkster]
- karl: would be happy to lead on privacy if the scope is very focussed.
- 13:55:03 [hhalpin]
- Maybe give Karl an action to clarify the privacy task force :)
- 13:55:17 [tinkster]
- karl: user stories might be a way to focus on what is needed.
- 13:55:26 [hhalpin]
- +1 to user stories
- 13:55:32 [mischat]
- +1 to user stories
- 13:55:46 [hhalpin]
- User stories then become part of use-case document...
- 13:55:48 [cperey]
- how is user stories = or not to use cases?
- 13:55:55 [DKA]
- ACTION: Karl to provide some user stories regarding privacy.
- 13:55:59 [tinkster]
- DKA supports the idea of user stories as a way of exploring these topics - equally works for context.
- 13:56:03 [pchampin]
- same question as cperey
- 13:56:13 [tinkster]
- Would someone want to provide context user stories?
- 13:56:26 [DKA]
- ACTION: Julian to provide some user stories regarding context.
- 13:56:27 [hhalpin]
- Cperey, pchampin: user stories, once mature, will be part of use-case document.
- 13:56:28 [tinkster]
- julian could.
- 13:56:28 [danbri]
- if someone has a template, i could probably contrib a tv-related story
- 13:56:33 [DKA]
- ACTION: Hakan to provide some user stories regarding context.
- 13:56:36 [tinkster]
- Someone else (who?) could.
- 13:56:45 [hhalpin]
- (actions are good!)
- 13:56:47 [yuk]
- yuk has joined #swxg
- 13:56:55 [tinkster]
- DKA = actions equal progress!
- 13:57:09 [cperey]
- yes
- 13:57:12 [karl]
- user stories will help to refine task forces I guess
- 13:57:20 [tinkster]
- Will Christine edit the landscape document? Christine says yes.
- 13:57:28 [cperey]
- I would be happy to shape landscape wiki area
- 13:57:41 [hhalpin]
- Note that landscape wiki = (probably equals) = editor of final report for W3C :)
- 13:57:56 [hhalpin]
- Oshani, do you want an action on that context + privacy?
- 13:58:01 [oshani]
- sure
- 13:58:15 [hhalpin]
- ACTION: Oshani to provide use-cases for privacy and context on wiki
- 13:58:15 [tinkster]
- Editing a document vs contributing to wiki. Wiki is good to start with, but we need to ultimately provide documents.
- 13:58:22 [tinkster]
- Item #3 on agenda.
- 13:58:48 [danbri]
- danbri: "Can you hear me? Is this thing on?"
- 13:58:53 [hhalpin]
- Zakim, unmute me
- 13:58:53 [Zakim]
- hhalpin should no longer be muted
- 13:58:54 [mischat]
- no we cant hear you
- 13:58:55 [danbri]
- pls continue my actions
- 13:58:56 [tinkster]
- Can't hear danbri.
- 13:58:57 [cperey]
- we should continue this discussion abou how to work onj the next call
- 13:59:03 [hhalpin]
- q+
- 13:59:05 [danbri]
- noting that harry made a start, and i tweaked his page ...
- 13:59:13 [tinkster]
- About time to finish off...
- 13:59:22 [hhalpin]
- 13:59:36 [danbri]
- re wiki, i am thinking something a bit like in spirit but less IRC-ish
- 13:59:44 [tinkster]
- hhalpin: Was a slow start because of wiki editing issues, but here's a list of people we could invite here.
- 13:59:46 [danbri]
- hhalpin, i edited that a bit earlier
- 13:59:56 [danbri]
- confirm that wiki editing works now :)
- 14:00:01 [tinkster]
- me: I really want to look at OMB spec.
- 14:00:03 [Zakim]
- -uldis
- 14:00:26 [jsalvachua]
- hhalpin, my w3c user does not works for the wiki
- 14:00:27 [danbri]
- re list of people/projects, i'd rather have a list of topics and problems ...
- 14:00:32 [tinkster]
- Do we have consensus on having invited guests?
- 14:00:32 [petef]
- +1 for biweekly guest telecons
- 14:00:33 [danbri]
- ... which is what i consider my action to address
- 14:00:36 [tinkster]
- me +1
- 14:00:37 [cperey]
- I would like to suggest that we have the guest telecons to be separately
- 14:00:41 [mischat]
- jsalvachua: when was the last time you checked
- 14:00:50 [jsalvachua]
- 1 hour ago
- 14:00:53 [danbri]
- not: "we'd like you to come and talk to us. " but "we'd like you to come and talk about x"
- 14:00:57 [DKA]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: we should have guest speaker telecons - guests to be organized by chairs.
- 14:00:59 [tinkster]
- Guest telecons will be separate from main telecon. Will be bi-weekly.
- 14:01:03 [DKA]
- +1
- 14:01:04 [danbri]
- where my action is specifying some Xs and a template for X
- 14:01:10 [cperey]
- but a task force telecon could happen in the same week as guest speaker telecon
- 14:01:12 [hhalpin]
- Maybe test for consensus or ask questions?
- 14:01:20 [mischat]
- can we add to list of Guest speakers ?
- 14:01:31 [hhalpin]
- mischat: yes, that's why the guest speakers are on the wiki
- 14:01:56 [tinkster]
- DKA(?): Main objection was that it might be a distraction, and information is already available in other ways, but that shouldn't stop us.
- 14:02:01 [cperey]
- I would like there to be an effort to bring in Facebook as an invited guest
- 14:02:01 [melvster]
- list of speakers id add: Kevin Marks (opensocial etc.) , Brad Fitzpatrick (Google social graph API)
- 14:02:12 [DKA]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: we should have optional guest speaker telecons - guests to be organized by chairs.
- 14:02:21 [DKA]
- +1 to the proposal.
- 14:02:21 [petef]
- although there are already enough speakers on the wiki to last a year
- 14:02:26 [Zakim]
- -petef
- 14:02:30 [tinkster]
- It's always possible to skip particular guest telecons if you're not interested.
- 14:02:35 [danbri]
- lots of them will be too busy, for sure
- 14:02:40 [cperey]
- I have to sign off
- 14:02:42 [danbri]
- we don't know who, so good to have a nice list
- 14:02:43 [tinkster]
- Some people listed on wiki might not be available.
- 14:02:46 [cperey]
- bye
- 14:02:52 [hhalpin]
- Any objections?
- 14:02:57 [danbri]
- if we make it very problem-focussed we could get folk who might otherwise be unable to justify the time
- 14:02:59 [Zakim]
- -cperey
- 14:03:10 [tinkster]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: we should have optional guest speaker telecons - guests to be organized by chairs.
- 14:03:14 [petef]
- +1
- 14:03:15 [hhalpin]
- Danbri: we can tweak the kind and type of inviation...
- 14:03:16 [mib_4d0quw9x]
- +1 (Hakan)
- 14:03:19 [jsalvachua]
- +1
- 14:03:20 [tinkster]
- RESOLUTION: we should have optional guest speaker telecons - guests to be organized by chairs.
- 14:03:25 [danbri]
- :)
- 14:03:37 [hhalpin]
- ACTION: hhalpin and danbri to invite guest speakers and investigate their schedule
- 14:03:54 [danbri]
- i pinged chris saad earlier re dataportability too
- 14:04:00 [tinkster]
- Evan P of OMB interested in contributing.
- 14:04:05 [danbri]
- i can bring it up on next week's dataportability call too
- 14:04:14 [hhalpin]
- karl: big news would definitely be important
- 14:04:19 [karl]
- rrsagent, make logs public
- 14:04:22 [tinkster]
- Next week: pick up discussion on task forces.
- 14:04:22 [hhalpin]
- Zakim, mute me
- 14:04:22 [Zakim]
- hhalpin should now be muted
- 14:04:27 [karl]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 14:04:27 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate karl
- 14:04:30 [tinkster]
- Bye everyone!
- 14:04:30 [jsalvachua]
- karl, looks interesting
- 14:04:31 [Zakim]
- - +1.510.931.aagg
- 14:04:32 [Zakim]
- -mischat
- 14:04:32 [Zakim]
- -dom
- 14:04:34 [mischat]
- bye all
- 14:04:35 [Zakim]
- -??P5
- 14:04:36 [hhalpin]
- bye everyone, only a few minutes over!
- 14:04:37 [Zakim]
- -tinkster
- 14:04:37 [petef]
- thanks all, bye
- 14:04:37 [mib_4d0quw9x]
- bye
- 14:04:38 [Zakim]
- -raphael
- 14:04:40 [danbri]
- cheers, sorry to be partially conneted
- 14:04:40 [Zakim]
- -MacTed
- 14:04:41 [jsalvachua]
- bye
- 14:04:41 [AdamB]
- bye
- 14:04:42 [Zakim]
- -karl
- 14:04:43 [Zakim]
- - +39.011.228.aaff
- 14:04:43 [wonsuk]
- wonsuk has left #swxg
- 14:04:44 [Zakim]
- -mischat.a
- 14:04:44 [Zakim]
- -AdamB
- 14:04:46 [Zakim]
- -Hakan
- 14:04:46 [Zakim]
- -AlexPassant
- 14:04:48 [Zakim]
- -Julian
- 14:04:49 [pchampin]
- pchampin has left #swxg
- 14:04:50 [Zakim]
- -mischat_
- 14:04:52 [Zakim]
- -danbri
- 14:04:54 [Zakim]
- -FabGandon
- 14:04:56 [Zakim]
- -jsalvachua
- 14:04:57 [tinkster]
- Is there anything I need to do as scribe to finish off?
- 14:04:58 [Zakim]
- -wonsuk
- 14:05:05 [Zakim]
- -oshani
- 14:05:07 [Zakim]
- -pchampin
- 14:05:12 [tinkster]
- thanks
- 14:05:19 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate raphael
- 14:05:20 [tinkster]
- no problem.
- 14:05:22 [petef]
- petef has left #swxg
- 14:05:47 [dom]
- zakim, list attendees
- 14:05:47 [Zakim]
- As of this point the attendees have been AdamB, tinkster, AlexPassant, FabGandon, wonsuk, karl, dom, oshani, jsalvachua, cperey, +0797094aaaa, petef, +03539149aabb, mischat,
- 14:05:50 [Zakim]
- ... +39.011.228.aacc, pchampin, uldis, +49.899.5.aaee, raphael, Julian, +39.011.228.aaff, danbri, hhalpin, MacTed, +1.510.931.aagg, Hakan
- 14:05:58 [dom]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 14:05:58 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate dom
- 14:06:05 [dom]
- Zakim, who's on the call?
- 14:06:05 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see hhalpin
- 14:06:09 [dom]
- zakim, drop hhalpin
- 14:06:09 [Zakim]
- hhalpin is being disconnected
- 14:06:10 [Zakim]
- INC_SWXG()9:00AM has ended
- 14:06:11 [Zakim]
- Attendees were AdamB, tinkster, AlexPassant, FabGandon, wonsuk, karl, dom, oshani, jsalvachua, cperey, +0797094aaaa, petef, +03539149aabb, mischat, +39.011.228.aacc, pchampin,
- 14:06:14 [Zakim]
- ... uldis, +49.899.5.aaee, raphael, Julian, +39.011.228.aaff, danbri, hhalpin, MacTed, +1.510.931.aagg, Hakan
- 14:06:18 [yuk]
- i don't miss me in the attendee
- 14:06:36 [dom]
- Present+ yuk
- 14:06:39 [dom]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 14:06:39 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate dom
- 14:06:41 [yuk]
- thank you
- 14:07:01 [mischat]
- mischat has joined #swxg
- 14:07:29 [dom]
- Regrets: Ronald, BenG, JeffS, PhilA, AlexKorth
- 14:07:36 [dom]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 14:07:36 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate dom
- 14:22:05 [raphael]
- raphael has left #swxg
- 14:27:04 [tinkster]
- OK, I've read the scribe.perl documentation now, so if you need me to scribe again, I should be able to to a neater job of it.
- 14:27:33 [dom]
- be careful, tinkster, you risk being elected permascribe :)
- 14:28:29 [mischat]
- you shouldn't have admitted to the reading the documentation
- 14:28:39 [tinkster]
- I don't know about that. I found the words tended to go straight from ear to hand without passing through brain in between. I'd like to get a chance to think about some of the comments some weeks!
- 14:28:59 [tinkster]
- But am happy to do it, say, once a month.
- 14:34:09 [hhalpin]
- Official Scribe: Tinkster :)
- 14:34:22 [hhalpin]
- But really, thanks, you did a great job scribing.
- 14:34:51 [oshani_]
- oshani_ has joined #swxg
- 14:35:42 [oshani]
- oshani has left #swxg
- 14:50:04 [tom]
- tom has joined #swxg
- 14:50:35 [tinkster]
- Hello tommorris!
- 14:50:38 [tommorris]
- hey tinkster
- 14:53:24 [tinkster]
- @item, @itemprop ?
- 14:53:44 [tommorris]
- (RDFa is Not Invented Here!)
- 14:54:48 [tommorris]
- But about #swxg, I've had an idea.
- 14:55:27 [tommorris]
- We create a Facebook group called "Tell us what sucks about online social networks".
- 14:55:54 [mischat]
- :)
- 14:56:00 [tommorris]
- If we are hunting for use cases, we should go straight to the source: Facebook users.
- 14:56:42 [tinkster]
- tommorris: same principle could be carried out on other social sites. Though we'd be unlikely to get in-depth information on twitter/
- 14:56:48 [tinkster]
- Unless
- 14:56:50 [tinkster]
- it
- 14:56:51 [tinkster]
- came
- 14:56:52 [tinkster]
- in
- 14:56:54 [tinkster]
- many
- 14:56:55 [tinkster]
- short
- 14:56:57 [tinkster]
- messages.
- 14:57:12 [tommorris]
- #with #lots !of #micro !metadata @pieces #laced #therein.
- 15:01:20 [tommorris]
- Here's a first thing: someone who I vaguely knew at school over ten years ago should not be able to wink at me on Facebook. ;)
- 15:08:39 [tommorris]
- Does #swxg have a public e-mail address?
- 15:09:20 [mischat]
- 15:11:17 [tommorris]
- Okay, I'm going to list that on the Facebook group.
- 15:11:23 [tommorris]
- Group name: "Tell us what could be better about the 'social web'"
- 15:11:30 [tommorris]
- Description:
- 15:11:31 [tommorris]
- The W3C's Social Web Incubator Group are trying to collect stories and ideas from users of social networking sites and services so they can make better standards and technologies to make the life of users on social web services better.
- 15:11:38 [tommorris]
- Please tell us your story: how do you use social networking and social web services? Do you use them just on your computer or on your phone or other portable gadgets? What do you think could be better? Do you worry about privacy? Do you get frustrated with having to add your friends on other social networks? Do you ever worry about social networking sites abusing your trust and privacy?
- 15:12:28 [tommorris]
- Two betters in first paragraph.
- 15:17:27 [tommorris]
- 15:19:30 [tommorris]
- I'd now invite all the #swig people I know, but Facebook's friend selection panel doesn't seem to be working for me in Firefox
- 15:22:08 [tinkster]
- tommorris: Add "Facebook's friend selection panel doesn't seem to be working for me in Firefox" to the list then!
- 15:22:24 [tommorris]
- nah, I'll just do it in Safari later.
- 16:21:03 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #swxg
- 16:55:43 [tpa]
- tpa has joined #swxg
- 16:59:11 [mischat]
- mischat has joined #swxg
- 17:00:51 [mischat]
- mischat has joined #swxg
- 17:01:19 [mischat]
- mischat has joined #swxg
- 17:04:41 [MacTed]
- MacTed has joined #swxg
- 17:13:25 [trackbot]
- trackbot has joined #swxg
- 17:24:25 [bblfish]
- bblfish has joined #swxg
- 17:49:01 [bblfish]
- bblfish has joined #swxg
- 18:05:14 [tommorris]
- tommorris has joined #swxg
- 18:06:59 [tommorris]
- hhalpin: tinkster tells me that I ought to ask you nicely to become an Invited Expert. Would that be appropriate? ;)
- 19:02:45 [petef]
- petef has joined #swxg