19:32:32 RRSAgent has joined #svg 19:32:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/03/19-svg-irc 19:32:34 RRSAgent, make logs public 19:32:36 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 19:32:36 ok, trackbot; I see GA_SVGWG()2:30PM scheduled to start 62 minutes ago 19:32:37 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 19:32:37 Date: 19 March 2009 19:32:54 GA_SVGWG()2:30PM has now started 19:33:01 +??P2 19:33:11 Zakim, ?? is me 19:33:11 +ed_; got it 19:33:37 +Shepazu 19:34:27 +??P3 19:34:35 Zakim, ??P3 is me 19:34:35 +anthony; got it 19:36:03 Zakim, code? 19:36:03 the conference code is 7841 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), heycam 19:36:10 +[IPcaller] 19:36:14 Zakim, [ is me 19:36:14 +heycam; got it 19:37:40 Zakim, pick a victim 19:37:40 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose heycam 19:37:49 Zakim, pick a victim 19:37:49 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose heycam 19:37:53 Zakim, pick a victim 19:37:53 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose heycam 19:37:56 Zakim, pick a victim 19:37:56 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose anthony 19:37:59 Zakim, pick a victim 19:37:59 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Shepazu 19:38:04 Zakim, pick a victim 19:38:04 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose ed_ 19:38:08 Zakim, pick a victim 19:38:08 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose ed_ 19:38:10 -heycam 19:38:12 Zakim, pick a victim 19:38:12 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose anthony 19:38:24 the curse has been lifted!! 19:41:20 +??P4 19:41:24 Zakim, ??P4 is me 19:41:24 +heycam; got it 19:42:16 scribeNick: shepazu 19:42:27 Chair: heycam 19:42:35 Topic: We Are Robots 19:42:46 s/heycam/Erik/ 19:43:36 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-svg-wg/2009JanMar/0254.html 19:43:51 s/Erik/heycam/ 19:43:55 Topic: 3d Transforms 19:44:40 heycam: I saw various emails about publication, what's the status? 19:45:00 shepazu: CSS is ready to publish 19:51:32 shepazu: we could be ready to publish as early as tomorrow 19:52:10 shepazu: the open question is, do we want to form a CSS-SVG Task Force about this? 19:52:38 heycam: there has been some pushback on that 19:55:00 shepazu: we really need to have a long-term collaboration 19:55:12 heycam: ideally, the HCG should do that 19:55:38 shepazu: yes, but there's too many groups there, and there's only 1-hour telcon every 2 weeks 19:57:11 shepazu: there's all sorts of cross-posting problems, and we have to set up a liaison each time there's an issue... a TF would make that easier 19:57:26 ScribeNick: heycam 19:57:47 CM: how about us subscribing to www-style and doing coordination there? 19:57:58 DS: there are many other mails to www-style, would be distracting 19:58:22 ... a taskforce with a dedicated mailing list is just a little bit more email for each group 19:59:12 ... i'd like for the taskforce to be public 20:00:17 RESOLUTION: We are in favour of creating a taskforce for coordination on Transforms 20:00:40 DS: it might be too late for coordination on transforms FPWD 20:02:11 CM: what are the open issues on Transforms? 20:02:19 ... did dean's comments get put into the spec as issues? 20:02:22 AG: not all of them 20:02:30 s/for coordination on transforms FPWD/for forming a TF mailing list for comments on transforms FPWD/ 20:03:13 DS: a couple of them are in there, i think 20:03:55 ... first one was what to do about z-index/layeredG 20:04:12 ... second one was the 4x4 matrix 20:04:30 AG: i have a note in there about transform-style 20:04:40 DS: both of those comments are in there already 20:06:04 ... anthony, you should write up an analysis of why we choose 3x3 over 4x4 20:06:18 ... like you described at the F2F 20:07:08 AG: you could render to an offscren buffer, then blit that using OpenVG's perspective transform 20:07:47 ACTION: Anthony to write up the reasoning for using 3x3 matrix in SVG Transforms 20:07:47 Created ACTION-2498 - Write up the reasoning for using 3x3 matrix in SVG Transforms [on Anthony Grasso - due 2009-03-26]. 20:08:49 ACTION-2498: Put it in the wiki 20:08:49 ACTION-2498 Write up the reasoning for using 3x3 matrix in SVG Transforms notes added 20:15:20 DS: the css wg agreed to publish all four of the apple specs as fpwds, but they want to move more slowly on 3d transforms 20:16:13 Topic: SVG / ODF 20:16:21 http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/200902/msg00007.html 20:16:37 DS: this came up on the SVG IG list 20:17:01 http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/200902/msg00007.html 20:17:20 ... AN noted that there was a proposal from the staff contact for the ODF TC saying: 20:17:24 [[ 20:17:26 You are invited to help define the feature set of the next revision of OASIS 20:17:26 Open Document Format (ODF) to follow ODF 1.2. Help us take "ODF-Next" to a 20:17:26 higher stage of document evolution. Be creative. Push the envelope. Be 20:17:26 provocative. Change the paradigm. Start a revolution. The only limits on our 20:17:27 vision are our own. 20:17:28 ]] 20:18:32 http://wiki.oasis-open.org/office/Requirements 20:18:55 ED: they're looking for comments before the end of the month 20:19:03 DS: the earlier the better, since we might have some back and forth on this 20:19:14 .. i've joined their mailing list 20:19:19 http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/SVG_in_ODF#Proposed_Liaison_Prose 20:19:27 ... i've been doing some research on this, going back through old issues 20:19:56 ... i have some background, a summary of the current state [in this wiki page] 20:20:24 ... they claim that they have svg support, but they don't 20:20:44 ... they can import svg (in oo.org) into their Draw format, and they can export their Draw format to svg 20:20:55 ... they use SVG attributes, but use them in a namespace (instead of the null namespace) 20:21:14 ... and they don't use them on svg elements, they use them on 20:21:18 s/on/like/ 20:21:25 s/like/on/ 20:21:36 s/, they use them on/, they use them like/ 20:22:37 DS: we need to convince them to actually use svg, as a native object 20:22:55 ... so that you can generate it using whatever tools, and have it work in their document format 20:24:31 ED: it would be important to make sure they follow guidelines, if they need to extend svg in some way then they should do it in a way that is still compatible with svg 20:24:40 ... e.g. putting extensions to svg in their own namespace 20:24:47 DS: i mention that in the wiki page 20:24:57 ED: there's a page/section in 1.2T, we should give a link to that 20:25:26 DS: i would also say that the SVG WG is interested in getting their feedback, and that we'd be willing to working with them on features that they would want from svg 20:25:44 http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGMobile12/extend.html#ForeignNamespacesPrivateData 20:27:31 CM: should we just add things to the wiki page? 20:27:35 DS: i'd like a deadline 20:27:46 ... i researched it pretty thoroughly 20:27:51 ... i'd like to send it fairly soon 20:28:06 ... so if you could check over it over the next couple of days, that would be good 20:29:01 ED: i'd like to see a requirement that if they do extensions, that they follow our guidelines 20:29:09 ... i can add that to the wiki page 20:30:05 DS: missing at the moment is exact technicaly requirements on what we want to change 20:30:16 ... i'll research how they do embedding in ODF 20:33:05 RESOLUTION: We will ask ODF TC to use SVG for the native graphics format 20:33:53 sthe native /a native / 20:34:17 s/the native /a native / 20:34:44 Topic: SVG in government 20:35:05 s/government/HTML/ 20:41:00 CM: started looking at the proposal pages briefly yesterday 20:41:07 ... i'll commit some changes 20:41:14 ED: did you add all of the parse errors? 20:41:19 DS: i added them for nonquoted attributes 20:42:17 ED: we should discuss is treated 20:55:27 ED: how about