IRC log of html-wg on 2009-01-22
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 17:00:49 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #html-wg
- 17:00:49 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 17:00:50 [gsnedders]
- takkaria: JPEG, I guess.
- 17:00:53 [Zakim]
- Zakim has joined #html-wg
- 17:00:57 [DanC]
- Zakim, this is HTML
- 17:01:05 [Zakim]
- ok, DanC; that matches HTML_WG()12:00PM
- 17:01:15 [Zakim]
- +DanC
- 17:01:17 [Zakim]
- +Matt_May
- 17:01:21 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft]
- 17:01:31 [DanC]
- Topic: Convene
- 17:01:36 [DanC]
- Zakim, who's on the phone?
- 17:01:36 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Masinter, Julian, Sam, Matt_May, DanC, [Microsoft]
- 17:01:51 [DanC]
- scribe: DanC
- 17:01:57 [oedipus]
- zakim, pass?
- 17:02:05 [Zakim]
- I don't understand your question, oedipus.
- 17:02:12 [takkaria]
- gsnedders: yeah, but I thought JPEG was pretty much done with these days
- 17:02:12 [Zakim]
- +??P40
- 17:02:18 [rubys]
- zakim, codes?
- 17:02:19 [hsivonen]
- Zakim, ??P40 is me
- 17:02:23 [Zakim]
- I don't understand your question, rubys.
- 17:02:25 [Zakim]
- +hsivonen; got it
- 17:02:33 [DanC]
- Zakim, code?
- 17:02:34 [Zakim]
- the conference code is 4865 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), DanC
- 17:02:40 [DanC]
- Agenda:
- 17:02:41 [pimpbot]
- Title: {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2009-01-22 [w/addendum] from Sam Ruby on 2009-01-21 ( from January to March 2009) (at
- 17:03:08 [Zakim]
- +Shepazu
- 17:03:13 [hsivonen]
- my regrets for the second half of the call (I have to leave in 30 minutes)
- 17:03:22 [Zakim]
- +Gregory_Rosmaita
- 17:03:24 [DanC]
- Zakim, [Microsoft] is Cynthia_Shelly
- 17:03:24 [Zakim]
- +Cynthia_Shelly; got it
- 17:03:40 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft]
- 17:03:54 [oedipus]
- zakim, who is here?
- 17:03:55 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Masinter, Julian, Sam, Matt_May, DanC, Cynthia_Shelly, hsivonen, Shepazu, Gregory_Rosmaita, [Microsoft]
- 17:04:00 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see RRSAgent, DanC, Joshue, masinter, dsinger, rubys, oedipus, ChrisWilson, adrianba, laplink, smedero, zcorpan, deane, billmason, aroben, aaronlev, gavin_, Julian,
- 17:04:03 [DanC]
- Topic: Issue states
- 17:04:05 [Zakim]
- ... MichaelC, ed_work, darobin, Dashiva, marcos, Lachy, tlr, ROBOd, heycam, rking3, shepazu, sryo, anne, gsnedders, hober, phenny, xover, karl, drry, pimpbot, krijnh, jgraham,
- 17:04:07 [Zakim]
- ... timelyx, wilhelm, gavin, deltab, Shunsuke, matt, Hixie, trackbot, inimino, hsivonen, jmb, Philip, Yudai, takkaria
- 17:04:14 [aaronlev]
- aaronlev has left #html-wg
- 17:04:16 [adrianba]
- Zakim, [Microsoft] is adrianba
- 17:04:16 [Zakim]
- +adrianba; got it
- 17:04:24 [DanC]
- Sam: note update to issue states in
- 17:04:25 [cyns]
- cyns has joined #html-wg
- 17:04:26 [Zakim]
- +[Microsoft]
- 17:04:28 [pimpbot]
- Title: HTML - ESW Wiki (at
- 17:04:30 [DanC]
- (no comments)
- 17:04:31 [ChrisWilson]
- zakim, microsoft is me
- 17:04:31 [Zakim]
- +ChrisWilson; got it
- 17:04:41 [DanC]
- (last edited 2009-01-20 23:06:24 by SamRuby)
- 17:04:58 [DanC]
- Topic: ISSUE-59 (normative-language-reference)
- 17:05:06 [rubys]
- 17:05:08 [pimpbot]
- Title: HTML 5: The Markup Language (at
- 17:05:14 [hsivonen]
- q+
- 17:05:30 [DanC]
- Sam: I propose we publish
- 17:05:31 [pimpbot]
- Title: HTML 5: The Markup Language (at
- 17:05:41 [Zakim]
- +Shawn_Medero
- 17:06:00 [DanC]
- hsivonen: I object to publishing it as a normative spec; it's valuable, but having 2 normative documents is a problem...
- 17:06:31 [DanC]
- ... also, markup-spec basically includes the schema from , and I don't think it should be normative
- 17:06:40 [MikeSmith]
- MikeSmith has joined #html-wg
- 17:07:03 [DanC]
- ... if it weren't my schema, I would like that, so on behalf of potential competitors, I don't think we should do that
- 17:07:07 [billyjackass]
- billyjackass has joined #html-wg
- 17:07:40 [billyjackass]
- Zakim, call-Mike-Mobile
- 17:07:40 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'call-Mike-Mobile', billyjackass
- 17:07:48 [deane]
- I object to publishing the markup-spec, it hasn't been reviewed by the group. There are other reasons for objecting, but I would rather discuss in email
- 17:08:26 [DanC]
- Sam: I hear your arguments; neither this doc nor the HTML 5 spec enjoys consensus; do you think your argument should prevent publication?
- 17:08:26 [Julian]
- depends on the definition of "publish"
- 17:08:42 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, call Mike-Mobile
- 17:08:42 [Zakim]
- ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made
- 17:08:43 [Zakim]
- +Mike
- 17:08:54 [oedipus]
- q+ to ask naively why does this document exist? what is its relationship to the HTML5 spec as submitted to W3C
- 17:09:04 [oedipus]
- ack h
- 17:09:16 [DanC]
- hsivonen: publishing as WD suggests an eventual REC, yes?
- 17:09:17 [deane]
- The spec has been discussed at length by the group though
- 17:09:35 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, who's on the phone?
- 17:09:35 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Masinter, Julian, Sam, Matt_May, DanC, Cynthia_Shelly, hsivonen, Shepazu, Gregory_Rosmaita, adrianba, ChrisWilson, Shawn_Medero, Mike
- 17:09:40 [oedipus]
- q?
- 17:09:57 [DanC]
- [missed some; hope it wasn't essential technical stuff]
- 17:10:11 [deane]
- publishing the spec is in the charter, it's not a new concept like the "markup-spec"
- 17:10:39 [oedipus]
- ack me
- 17:10:39 [Zakim]
- oedipus, you wanted to ask naively why does this document exist? what is its relationship to the HTML5 spec as submitted to W3C
- 17:10:48 [shepazu]
- mailing-list++
- 17:11:34 [DanC]
- Sam: the HTML 5 spec has a number of things that are controversial; the TAG asked us to look at other approaches, and this is one... the proposal to publish isn't a guarantee of its outcome
- 17:11:36 [Julian]
- q+
- 17:11:56 [oedipus]
- GJR: note or REC track?
- 17:12:21 [DanC]
- Sam: regarding 2 normative specs, I think competition would be healthy
- 17:12:30 [DanC]
- ... we can continue to discuss this proposal in the mailing list
- 17:13:09 [masinter]
- q+
- 17:13:14 [hsivonen]
- IIRC, it isn't a proper subset
- 17:13:17 [DanC]
- Julian: my understanding is that the html-markup spec is derived not only from the schema but also text from the HTML 5 spec. it has sections pulled from the HTML 5 spec
- 17:13:30 [DanC]
- ack Julian
- 17:13:43 [deane]
- Sam, the HTML WG, has never decided if we need a markup-spec, so I don't think it's appropriate to publish
- 17:14:04 [Julian]
- ack masinter
- 17:14:10 [DanC]
- q+
- 17:14:25 [DanC]
- Masinter: are people objecting to discussion of publication?
- 17:14:39 [marcos]
- marcos has joined #html-wg
- 17:14:39 [deane]
- It all arose from misinformation (like most things)
- 17:15:53 [deane]
- I wasn't joking
- 17:16:02 [deane]
- :)
- 17:16:15 [DanC]
- DanC: I understand the proposal to be to publish, not to discuss publishing. This WG takes several days between when questions are put and when the outcome of the decision is announced
- 17:16:29 [DanC]
- Sam: I'd like to have a high bar for objections...
- 17:16:32 [dsinger]
- when did it become something that was even a potential deliverable (the intro says it is not an agreed deliverable of the group)? going straight from "not a deliverable" to "publish this" seems a leap, to me...
- 17:16:53 [deane]
- hear hear
- 17:16:55 [DanC]
- DanC: well, whether a WG participant objects is up to that participant, right? I understand hsivonen to have objected, formally...
- 17:17:03 [DanC]
- Doug: on behalf o Mozilla?
- 17:17:05 [DanC]
- DanC: yes
- 17:17:12 [DanC]
- HSivonen: as a developer
- 17:17:21 [Zakim]
- -Gregory_Rosmaita
- 17:17:30 [mattmay]
- mattmay has joined #html-wg
- 17:17:55 [dsinger]
- really concerned about having two specs and having to deal with contradictions, explain their relationship, and so on...what is the proposed publication status?
- 17:18:06 [Zakim]
- +Gregory_Rosmaita
- 17:18:11 [DanC]
- (I understand Sam to have proposed status of WD)
- 17:18:43 [masinter]
- q+
- 17:18:46 [DanC]
- Sam: hsivonen, pls elaborate on your objection?
- 17:19:26 [DanC]
- hsivonen: having a normative specification built from a schema seems circular. [scribe doesn't think he got the gist of that]
- 17:20:12 [DanC]
- (I should have sent mail... I wonder about publishing Mike's doc as a NOTE called "A schema-based description of HTML 5"; but I'm not sure I should muddy the waters now...)
- 17:20:45 [DanC]
- Mike: it's currently in sync what, but that's not an essential constraint
- 17:20:53 [oedipus]
- +1 to sam on moving on
- 17:20:56 [deane]
- I believe that the W3C has been sending mixed messages to people about what the HTML5 spec is, and what's in scope, and this IMO is how the request arose for a "markup-spec". So, IMO there is no need for such a document, it contridicts the main spec.
- 17:20:57 [DanC]
- q- masinter
- 17:21:01 [zcorpan]
- circular as in bugs in hsivonen's schema become bugs in the spec if the spec is generated from the schema (which become non-bugs since by definition it is correct behavior)?
- 17:21:03 [DanC]
- q- DanC
- 17:21:26 [DanC]
- Topic: ISSUE-65: HTML 5 spec update after 10 June 2008
- 17:21:34 [hsivonen]
- the schema becoming out of sync with would invoke my previous objection :-)
- 17:21:37 [DanC]
- Sam: note proposal to publish
- 17:21:40 [pimpbot]
- Title: ACTION-95, ISSUE-65: Plan to publish a new WD of HTML-5 from Chris Wilson on 2009-01-22 ( from January to March 2009) (at
- 17:21:48 [dsinger]
- ...thinks an informative documen might be useful, but a normative one bad...
- 17:21:52 [DanC]
- Sam: any objections?
- 17:22:09 [deane]
- I think Mike's work should be incorpororated into the main spec.
- 17:22:13 [DanC]
- Topic: ISSUE-54 (doctype-legacy-compat)
- 17:22:23 [oedipus]
- pointer to emessage please
- 17:22:27 [DanC]
- Sam: we seem to have consensus around a recent proposal...
- 17:22:45 [DanC]
- hsivonen: proposing 2 valid doctypes: <!DOCTYPES html>, as current, and ...
- 17:22:57 [zcorpan]
- (also constraints hsivonen some day prefers to implement in java instead of schema become undefined in the spec if the spec is generated from the schema)
- 17:22:59 [Julian]
- q+
- 17:23:06 [DanC]
- ... <!DOCTYPES html system "about:sgml-compat">
- 17:23:10 [hsivonen]
- <!DOCTYPE html> and <!DOCTYPE html SYSTEM "about:sgml-compat">
- 17:23:14 [DanC]
- q+ to request registration about:
- 17:23:38 [oedipus]
- +1 to hold off for a week
- 17:23:45 [DanC]
- start of thread is
- 17:23:46 [pimpbot]
- Title: ISSUE-54: doctype-legacy-compat from Sam Ruby on 2009-01-08 ( from January 2009) (at
- 17:23:48 [DanC]
- -1 hold off for a week
- 17:23:51 [masinter]
- +1 hold off, "about:" scheme is unregistered
- 17:23:51 [DanC]
- ack Julian
- 17:24:15 [hober]
- How about a tag: URI?
- 17:24:19 [hsivonen]
- q+
- 17:24:38 [DanC]
- ack danc
- 17:24:38 [Zakim]
- DanC, you wanted to request registration about:
- 17:24:57 [Julian]
- Julian: the alternate doctype should be accepted as valid, otherwise there's no point in adding it.
- 17:25:01 [hober]
-,2009-01:sgml-compat or some-such
- 17:25:14 [DanC]
- DanC: I'm happy to consider this done provided someone volunteers to get about: registered as a URI scheme
- 17:25:26 [MikeSmith]
- MikeSmith has joined #html-wg
- 17:25:26 [DanC]
- Masinter: that could be tricky... might need a registry of values
- 17:25:32 [gsnedders]
- hober: That seems too long
- 17:25:36 [hsivonen]
- hober, that date is dangerously close to a version number
- 17:25:45 [DanC]
- action-91 due next week
- 17:25:45 [trackbot]
- ACTION-91 Propose 'legacy-compat' and report on feedback due date now next week
- 17:25:46 [MikeSmith]
- RRSAgent, make minutes
- 17:25:46 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate MikeSmith
- 17:25:54 [hober]
- IIRC you need at least the year, so I guess s/-01// would work too
- 17:25:57 [DanC]
- (er... trackbot???)
- 17:26:20 [DanC]
- Topic: ISSUE-13 (handling-http-401-status)
- 17:26:25 [MikeSmith]
- RRSAgent, make log public
- 17:26:30 [zcorpan]
- putting a date in there means you have to google for it (because it's impossible to remember all magic dates in doctypes, namespaces, etc)
- 17:26:48 [DanC]
- Masinter: I'd like us to review http [?]
- 17:26:52 [Julian]
- q+
- 17:27:00 [hsivonen]
- q-
- 17:27:17 [DanC]
- ... we talked about taking origin out... should we do that here?
- 17:27:19 [MikeSmith]
- title: HTML WG weekly telcon
- 17:27:25 [MikeSmith]
- chair: Sam Ruby
- 17:27:31 [DanC]
- DanC: I gather Hickson took the 401 stuff out after some experimentation
- 17:27:37 [DanC]
- Julian: yes, that text is gone...
- 17:27:39 [masinter]
- thanks, that was my question
- 17:27:55 [DanC]
- ... I've been following Thomas Broyer's IETF ID; I gather a new draft is in progress
- 17:28:05 [alexf]
- alexf has joined #html-wg
- 17:28:20 [DanC]
- q+
- 17:28:29 [DanC]
- julain: what would a decision to postpone mean?
- 17:28:45 [DanC]
- Sam: I'd move this back to RAISED if we don't have a concrete proposal
- 17:29:01 [MikeSmith]
- s/julain:/Julian:/
- 17:29:55 [DanC]
- DanC: when I proposed to postpone, I meant "not in HTML5", i.e. RESOLVED WONTFIX
- 17:30:17 [DanC]
- Masinter: seems addressed elsewhere, to me
- 17:31:51 [DanC]
- DanC: how does Thomas Broyer's proposal work? browser builder interest?
- 17:32:10 [DanC]
- Julian: aside from a bug in opera, it doesn't require any browser builder changes
- 17:32:24 [DanC]
- Julian: it introduces a 'cookie' auth scheme...
- 17:32:40 [Zakim]
- -hsivonen
- 17:32:58 [rubys]
- I'd like to move on in a minute or two...
- 17:33:13 [rubys]
- doesn't sound like the status is CLOSED or PENDING
- 17:33:20 [rubys]
- 17:33:32 [DanC]
- (I can't seem to get Julain to tell me who is in the critical path for deployment. who changes from 200 to 4xx? webmasters? any big webmasters lined up to do this?)
- 17:33:34 [alexf]
- alexf has left #html-wg
- 17:34:13 [DanC]
- Sam: so we can move this back to RAISED until further work is available
- 17:34:31 [DanC]
- action-86 due 1 June 2009
- 17:34:31 [trackbot]
- ACTION-86 Review Thomas Broyer's IETF ID to see if we can postpone ISSUE-13 due date now 1 June 2009
- 17:34:44 [DanC]
- Topic: issue-31 missing-alt
- 17:34:53 [MikeSmith]
- RRSAgent, make minutes
- 17:34:53 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate MikeSmith
- 17:34:54 [pimpbot]
- Title: SV_MEETING_TITLE -- 22 Jan 2009 (at
- 17:35:04 [DanC]
- Matt: yes, the WAI coordination group met and decided to put something to draft a position... in a couple weeks
- 17:35:13 [Julian]
- DanC, users of web servers would need to change their code to return 401/WWW-Authenticate: Cookie instead of 200.
- 17:35:21 [MikeSmith]
- meeting: HTML WG weekly telcon
- 17:35:30 [DanC]
- Sam: lacking a concrete proposal, let's move this issue to RAISED, OK?
- 17:36:03 [DanC]
- ACTION-98 due 5 Feb 2009
- 17:36:03 [trackbot]
- ACTION-98 Discuss missing-alt with the WAI CG and report back due date now 5 Feb 2009
- 17:36:07 [rubys]
- change Issue-31 state to RAISED and move the date on action-98 out two weeks, any objections?
- 17:36:36 [DanC]
- Zakim, mute me
- 17:36:36 [Zakim]
- DanC should now be muted
- 17:37:02 [DanC]
- ACTION-93?
- 17:37:03 [trackbot]
- ACTION-93 -- Larry Masinter to make a proposal on doctypes and versioning -- due 2009-01-29 -- OPEN
- 17:37:03 [trackbot]
- 17:37:04 [pimpbot]
- Title: ACTION-93 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
- 17:37:23 [MikeSmith]
- action-76?
- 17:37:23 [trackbot]
- ACTION-76 -- Chris Wilson to create poll on issue-32, based on Joshue's page from action-66 -- due 2009-01-31 -- OPEN
- 17:37:23 [trackbot]
- 17:37:25 [pimpbot]
- Title: ACTION-76 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
- 17:38:33 [gavin_]
- gavin_ has joined #html-wg
- 17:38:38 [DanC]
- Topic: ISSUE-37 (html-svg-mathml)
- 17:38:38 [DanC]
- Doug: I expect progress today and next thu on ACTION-94 (
- 17:38:52 [DanC]
- Doug: I've been experimenting with <img> vs <object>
- 17:39:01 [oedipus]
- shepazu, i am intrigued by your philosophy and would like to subscribe to your newsletter
- 17:39:24 [DanC]
- Topic: ISSUE-60 (html5-xhtml-namespace)
- 17:39:32 [DanC]
- ACTION-79?
- 17:39:32 [trackbot]
- ACTION-79 -- Sam Ruby to - send email to spark issue-60 -- due 2009-02-13 -- OPEN
- 17:39:32 [trackbot]
- 17:39:33 [pimpbot]
- Title: ACTION-79 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
- 17:39:42 [shepazu]
- s/<img> vs <object>/<img> vs <object>, and <foreignObject>/
- 17:39:56 [DanC]
- Sam: this is on my stack, but not high
- 17:40:03 [DanC]
- LMM: why postpone?
- 17:40:12 [DanC]
- Sam: if anybody wants it, fine by me...
- 17:40:16 [DanC]
- LMM: OK, I'll take it
- 17:40:32 [oedipus]
- shepazu, let me know if i can help by porting info to:
- 17:40:36 [pimpbot]
- Title: PF/XTech/HTML5/MathMLinHTML5 - ESW Wiki (at
- 17:41:06 [DanC]
- Topic: ISSUE-55 (head-profile)
- 17:41:07 [DanC]
- q+
- 17:41:18 [Julian]
- q-
- 17:41:22 [DanC]
- ACTION-75?
- 17:41:22 [trackbot]
- ACTION-75 -- Michael(tm) Smith to raise question to group about Yes, leave @profile out, No, re-add it -- and cite Hixie's summary of the discussion -- due 2009-02-19 -- OPEN
- 17:41:22 [trackbot]
- 17:41:23 [pimpbot]
- Title: ACTION-75 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at
- 17:41:26 [DanC]
- Mike: We don't seem to have consensus
- 17:41:29 [MikeSmith]
- ack Julian
- 17:41:38 [DanC]
- ack danc
- 17:42:09 [oedipus]
- DanC: took this action because didn't think more discussion would change anyone's mind; that's why the action is important
- 17:42:18 [oedipus]
- MS: don't think survey appropriate
- 17:42:24 [oedipus]
- DC: don't do a survey, then
- 17:42:40 [oedipus]
- MS: basing decisions on results of surveys is best
- 17:42:49 [oedipus]
- DC: putting question to people should be done via email
- 17:42:58 [DanC]
- s/should/may/
- 17:43:04 [oedipus]
- MS: sending email and trying to evaluate results of email discussion
- 17:43:44 [oedipus]
- DC: choice of survey: informational and speak-now-or-forever-hold-your piece
- 17:44:01 [Joshue]
- JOC: Well the proposed survey for the summary attribute is its last recourse for a stay of execution. Is it a waste of time?
- 17:44:04 [oedipus]
- MS: speculate from examination so far, will have formal objections to removing @profile
- 17:44:29 [oedipus]
- SR: will get worse than that - base of zero and what works on web
- 17:44:45 [oedipus]
- DC: should withdraw this action because MikeSmith no longer a chair
- 17:44:57 [oedipus]
- SR: second that
- 17:45:02 [DanC]
- close action-75
- 17:45:02 [trackbot]
- ACTION-75 Raise question to group about Yes, leave @profile out, No, re-add it -- and cite Hixie's summary of the discussion closed
- 17:45:08 [oedipus]
- MS: happy to have action withdrawn;
- 17:45:23 [oedipus]
- SR: could move to RAISED or POSTPONED
- 17:45:36 [oedipus]
- DC: moving to POSTPONED is giving another week for email review
- 17:45:41 [oedipus]
- SR: someone needs to take an action
- 17:45:48 [oedipus]
- DC: how do you propose we move forward
- 17:46:23 [oedipus]
- SR: issue raised; differing opinions as how to resolve; further discussion likely to be circular
- 17:46:29 [oedipus]
- SR: anyone change their mind?
- 17:46:43 [rubys]
- s/SR/LM/
- 17:47:09 [oedipus]
- SR: wary of action item with no one assigned to it
- 17:47:41 [oedipus]
- MS: volunteer to review issue and come up with recommendation
- 17:47:50 [DanC]
- LMM: I'm willing to review the issue and make a propsal in 2 weeks
- 17:48:09 [DanC]
- oedipus, are you volunteering to clean up the minutes? if not, please stop
- 17:48:51 [DanC]
- ACTION: masinter to review @profile due 2 weeks
- 17:48:51 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-99 - Review @profile due 2 weeks [on Larry Masinter - due 2009-01-29].
- 17:49:21 [oedipus]
- i/DanC: took this action/ScribeNick: oedipus
- 17:49:21 [oedipus]
- i/close action-75/ScribeNick: DanC
- 17:49:24 [oedipus]
- i/DanC: took this action/ScribeNick: oedipus
- 17:49:24 [oedipus]
- i/close action-75/ScribeNick: DanC
- 17:51:38 [DanC]
- Topic: ISSUE-56 (urls-webarch):
- 17:52:20 [DanC]
- DanC: the funding negotiation I've been doing with adobe about authoring materials is done, so this URI stuff might get a little lower proiority
- 17:52:27 [DanC]
- LMM: I'm willing to help with the URI stuff
- 17:52:38 [DanC]
- Topic: ISSUE-13 (handling-http-401-status)
- 17:52:42 [DanC]
- LMM: [missed]
- 17:53:04 [DanC]
- LMM: adam posted a link to the new IETF draft
- 17:53:49 [masinter]
- 17:53:51 [pimpbot]
- Title: draft-abarth-origin-00 - The HTTP Origin Header (at
- 17:53:55 [DanC]
- (I don't see Adam's msg)
- 17:53:56 [MikeSmith]
- RRSAgent, make minutes
- 17:53:56 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate MikeSmith
- 17:53:57 [pimpbot]
- Title: SV_MEETING_TITLE -- 22 Jan 2009 (at
- 17:54:00 [Zakim]
- -Shawn_Medero
- 17:54:01 [Zakim]
- -Cynthia_Shelly
- 17:54:01 [Zakim]
- -ChrisWilson
- 17:54:02 [Zakim]
- -Matt_May
- 17:54:03 [Zakim]
- -adrianba
- 17:54:04 [Zakim]
- -Sam
- 17:54:04 [Zakim]
- -Julian
- 17:54:06 [MikeSmith]
- Zakim, drop Mike
- 17:54:06 [Zakim]
- Mike is being disconnected
- 17:54:07 [Zakim]
- -Mike
- 17:54:09 [Zakim]
- -Masinter
- 17:54:11 [Zakim]
- -Gregory_Rosmaita
- 17:54:16 [DanC]
- Sam: let's adjourn. I expect discussion on [chinese menu numbers]
- 17:54:24 [Zakim]
- -Shepazu
- 17:54:30 [dsinger]
- bye
- 17:54:40 [Joshue]
- Joshue has left #html-wg
- 17:55:04 [DanC]
- Sam, I think it's recording what you expect discussion on, with subject keywords, not just numbers... repeat, please?
- 17:55:41 [Julian]
- issue-59, action-77
- 17:55:49 [Julian]
- issue-54, action-81
- 17:56:01 [Julian]
- s/81/91/
- 17:56:05 [Julian]
- as far as I recall
- 17:56:43 [DanC]
- thanks
- 17:57:18 [DanC]
- Sam: I expect discussion on ISSUE-59 (normative-language-reference), ISSUE-54 doctype-legacy-compat
- 17:59:46 [DanC]
- Zakim, I hung up
- 17:59:46 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'I hung up', DanC
- 17:59:49 [DanC]
- Zakim, drop me
- 17:59:49 [Zakim]
- DanC is being disconnected
- 17:59:50 [Zakim]
- HTML_WG()12:00PM has ended
- 17:59:51 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Masinter, Julian, Sam, DanC, Matt_May, hsivonen, Shepazu, Gregory_Rosmaita, Cynthia_Shelly, adrianba, ChrisWilson, Shawn_Medero, Mike
- 18:00:23 [DanC]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 18:00:24 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate DanC
- 18:00:25 [pimpbot]
- Title: HTML WG weekly telcon -- 22 Jan 2009 (at
- 18:00:46 [DanC]
- smedero, now's the time to pitch in on minutes clean-up, if you're still interested
- 18:01:33 [smedero]
- hrm, why didn't rrsagent grab Mike's fix ups on the chair...
- 18:02:05 [oedipus]
- smedero, refresh the minutes -- sam is listed as chair
- 18:02:11 [oedipus]
- pimpbot is a bit slow
- 18:02:13 [pimpbot]
- oedipus: Huh?
- 18:02:18 [smedero]
- there we go.
- 18:02:23 [smedero]
- thanks
- 18:02:37 [oedipus]
- no problem - you going to push the minutes?
- 18:02:52 [smedero]
- scanning them now, but yes I will make them public
- 18:03:20 [smedero]
- that's fine
- 18:03:25 [oedipus]
- zakim, please part
- 18:03:25 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #html-wg
- 18:03:56 [smedero]
- no problems
- 18:05:58 [oedipus]
- i/MS: happy to have action/ScribeNick: oedipus
- 18:06:05 [oedipus]
- i/LMM: I'm willing to review/ScribeNick: DanC
- 18:06:13 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, please make minutes
- 18:06:13 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 18:06:14 [pimpbot]
- Title: HTML WG weekly telcon -- 22 Jan 2009 (at
- 18:06:21 [smedero]
- yeah I just noticed that lengthy bit at the end.
- 18:07:25 [gsnedders]
- oedipus: We've adjourned. It isn't anymore.
- 18:07:55 [oedipus]
- gsnedders, RRSAgent is still logging because it is the only way non-staff can edit and tweak the minutes
- 18:09:20 [gsnedders]
- rrsagent, please make minutes
- 18:09:20 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate gsnedders
- 18:09:21 [pimpbot]
- Title: HTML WG weekly telcon -- 22 Jan 2009 (at
- 18:09:45 [smedero]
- s/incorpororated/incorporated/
- 18:10:10 [smedero]
- s/proiority/priority/
- 18:10:15 [Sander]
- Sander has joined #html-wg
- 18:11:13 [smedero]
- s/propsal/proposal/
- 18:12:03 [deane]
- deane has left #html-wg
- 18:12:14 [smedero]
- rrsagent, please make minutes
- 18:12:14 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate smedero
- 18:12:15 [pimpbot]
- Title: HTML WG weekly telcon -- 22 Jan 2009 (at
- 18:14:39 [smedero]
- s/on behalf o Mozilla/on behalf of Mozilla/
- 18:14:53 [smedero]
- rrsagent, please make minutes
- 18:14:53 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate smedero
- 18:14:54 [pimpbot]
- Title: HTML WG weekly telcon -- 22 Jan 2009 (at
- 18:20:42 [hyatt]
- hyatt has joined #html-wg
- 18:25:14 [smedero]
- rrsagent, bye
- 18:25:14 [RRSAgent]
- I see 1 open action item saved in :
- 18:25:14 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: masinter to review @profile due 2 weeks [1]
- 18:25:14 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in