ISSUE-88: Widgets, what happens to preferences if the UA swaps locales?

widget swaps locales

Widgets, what happens to preferences if the UA swaps locales?

HISTORICAL: Widgets [Bugs and Issues are tracked via Bugzilla]
Raised by:
Marcos Caceres
Opened on:
If a widget starts in one locale, and the ua swaps locale, what should happen? should the widget try to adjust once it is restarted or should it continue running in the language in which it was instantiated? If it starts using new localized content, what should happen to the preferences? etc.
Related Actions Items:
No related actions
Related emails:
  1. [widgets] Draft minutes for 8 October 2009 Voice Conf (from on 2009-10-08)
  2. [widgets] Draft Agenda for 8 October 2009 voice conf (from on 2009-10-07)

Related notes:

On 8-Oct-2009 the widgets group agreed to Close this issue. See rationale and discussion at:

Arthur Barstow, 8 Oct 2009, 20:13:03

Display change log ATOM feed

Chair, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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