15:55:58 RRSAgent has joined #RDB2RDF 15:55:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/12/12-RDB2RDF-irc 15:56:58 zakim, this is rdb2rdf 15:56:58 ok, Ashok; that matches INC_RDB2RDF()11:00AM 15:57:08 chair: Ashok Malhotra 15:57:41 meeting: RDB2RDF Telcon Dec 12, 2008 16:00:03 +Ashok_Malhotra 16:00:38 Andre1 has joined #RDB2RDF 16:01:17 +Andrew_Eisenberg 16:01:26 +Ahmed 16:01:54 + +43.316.876.aaaa 16:02:11 +Wolfgang 16:02:55 +??P20 16:03:12 +??P18 16:03:31 zakim, P20 is Satya 16:03:31 sorry, Ashok, I do not recognize a party named 'P20' 16:04:23 ssahoo2 has joined #rdb2rdf 16:04:33 zakim, ??P20 is Satya 16:04:34 +Satya; got it 16:04:56 Soeren has joined #rdb2rdf 16:05:01 zakim, ??P18 is Soeren 16:05:01 +Soeren; got it 16:05:09 zakim, +43.316.876.aaaa is Wolfgang 16:05:09 +Wolfgang; got it 16:06:03 scribenick, Soeren 16:06:54 minutes for 5th of Dec are approved 16:08:03 next meeting 3 meetings canceled 16:08:12 iv_an_ru has joined #rdb2rdf 16:08:21 next meeting will be 9th of Jan 2009 16:10:14 no responses yet on action items Bijan and ChrisB 16:11:10 satya will send state-of-the-art document in first week of Jan 16:11:50 +[IPcaller] 16:12:15 + +0383306aabb 16:12:58 Zakim, 0383306aabb is me 16:12:58 sorry, iv_an_ru, I do not recognize a party named '0383306aabb' 16:13:04 Zakim, +0383306aabb is me 16:13:04 +iv_an_ru; got it 16:13:25 satya requests timeslot for presentation about mapping clinical data to RDF 16:14:28 zakim, 0383306aabb is Orri 16:14:28 sorry, Ashok, I do not recognize a party named '0383306aabb' 16:14:46 Satya will contact Susie Stephens 16:15:05 no discussions about RIF today 16:15:25 Ashok reports about Semantic Web gathering last Tuesday 16:16:01 takes place regularly at MIT and organized by Kingsley 16:16:19 Ashok reports about positive feedback 16:17:38 Andrew from W3C supports RIF serialization of a mapping language 16:18:29 creative commons aims at starting a common naming workgroup 16:19:55 similar to ENS (and LSID) 16:21:32 use cases should be referenced from the recommendation 16:23:24 Orri: integration and interoperability justify the need for a mapping language 16:24:10 http://linkedgeodata.org/ 16:25:07 Data from Open Streets 16:25:44 Distributed World Wide Community ... anyone can contribute 16:26:35 Data can be published as RDF. They use Triplify 16:26:59 http://linkedgeodata.org/browser/ 16:27:08 There is also a facet-based browser for this data 16:27:55 can search for bicycle-shops for example 16:28:16 Open Street Maps 16:28:46 Relational data structure but close to RDF 16:30:18 OSM schema consists of relations and RDF like structures 16:30:45 Each point and way as a unique ID 16:31:31 points and ways are tagged with property value combinations 16:31:50 That is FK into a tag table ... which has Mant-to-Many Rels from point to way ... 1 to M from Way to Tag 16:32:20 Soeren propoert-vale annotations on each point or way 16:32:29 -Satya 16:33:07 +??P15 16:33:44 People shd try it out .... still work in progress ... setting up Wiki etc. 16:34:56 Data is open, people can add and modify it... can create own properties and, in fact, new applications 16:36:07 There is a website called MapMyRun which tells you where you can run anywhere in the world. 16:36:39 (Alan Ruttenberg should look at linkedgeodata. By replacing Earth map with X-Ray snapshot of, say, brain, he may get an interesting tutorial application) 16:36:55 OSM applies the wiki approch to geo data 16:36:58 Can be more detailed. Depends on the community. Liepzig and london are very detailed. Much more info than Google Maps 16:37:37 Ivan sent email on the ordenance survey use case 16:39:37 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-rdb2rdf/2008Nov/0027.html 16:41:13 Orri: mapping geo-graphical joining requires special SPARQL support 16:43:18 OpenLink will look into the ordinance survey use case once logistics are clarified 16:44:54 one week of work for OpenLink (after setup of the infrastructure) to create a showcase on using SPARQL for handling ordinance survey geo data 16:45:18 Orri estimates most workload can be pushed down into the DB 16:46:49 ACTION: Orri to write up Ordnance Survey Usecase by early January. Discuss on Jan 9 telcon. 16:47:47 Topic: XG Recommendation 16:47:48 talk about XG recommendation 16:47:52 http://esw.w3.org/topic/Rdb2RdfXG?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=ProposedRecommendation 16:51:54 ACTION: Ashok will send recommendation draft to mailing list 16:55:57 Ahmed: How about a JDBC like interface that takes a SPARQL query and refurns RDF 16:56:46 Why "JDBC like"? Use JDBC... 16:57:59 Orri says SPARQL and SQL can be mixed and used together 16:58:45 SQL should be writeable inside SPARQL 16:59:00 If needed, I'll implement that quickly 16:59:31 DAG working group exists 16:59:42 Actually, some SQL fragments appear in our mapping rules already, so the required infrastructure is in place. 16:59:51 s/DAG/DAWG/ 17:00:48 fairly limited scope right now in DAWG 17:01:36 Orri: Put a SQL view in SPARQL instead of graph-pattern 17:02:04 SPARQL must have views and these may be SQL-views 17:03:46 satya asks whether a SPARQL view can be considered as a sub graph 17:04:02 Satya: Would a SPARQL-view be a ub-graph? 17:04:12 Orri: It would be a derived table 17:05:28 in-completeness of SPARQL complicates the problem 17:06:42 ACTION: Ashok we remind on the public list on documents for review by the group 17:07:09 next meeting 9th of Jan 2009 17:07:11 -??P2 17:07:13 -Andrew_Eisenberg 17:07:14 -[IPcaller] 17:07:15 -Ashok_Malhotra 17:07:16 -Wolfgang 17:07:17 -??P15 17:07:17 -Soeren 17:07:19 -iv_an_ru 17:07:20 INC_RDB2RDF()11:00AM has ended 17:07:21 Attendees were Ashok_Malhotra, Andrew_Eisenberg, Satya, Soeren, Wolfgang, [IPcaller], iv_an_ru 17:07:57 Soeren: Result of SPARQL query is not always a graph ... SPARQL does not have relational completeness. Not easy to acheive. 17:08:49 rrsagent, make logs public 17:08:59 rrsagent, create minutes 17:08:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/12/12-RDB2RDF-minutes.html Ashok 18:23:11 Zakim has left #RDB2RDF 19:41:12 iv_an_ru has joined #rdb2rdf 23:19:32 MacTed has joined #RDB2RDF