15:50:46 RRSAgent has joined #xproc 15:50:46 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/11/20-xproc-irc 15:50:49 Zakim, this will be xproc 15:50:49 ok, Norm; I see XML_PMWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 10 minutes 15:50:56 Meeting: XML Processing Model WG 15:50:56 Date: 20 Nov 2008 15:50:56 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2008/11/20-agenda 15:50:56 Meeting: 130 15:50:56 Chair: Norm 15:50:56 Scribe: Norm 15:50:58 ScribeNick: Norm 15:51:17 Norm has changed the topic to: XProc WG meets 20 Nov: http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2008/11/20-agenda 15:51:28 Regrets: Michael 15:58:35 MoZ has joined #xproc 15:58:51 XML_PMWG()11:00AM has now started 15:58:58 +Norm 15:59:36 Zakim, what is the code ? 15:59:36 the conference code is 97762 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), MoZ 16:00:30 +MoZ 16:00:38 +Alex_Milows 16:00:39 PGrosso has joined #xproc 16:01:01 +[ArborText] 16:03:52 zakim, please call ht-781 16:03:52 ok, ht; the call is being made 16:03:54 +Ht 16:03:59 Present: Norm, Mohamed, Alex, Paul, Henry 16:04:25 Topic: Accept this agenda? 16:04:25 -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2008/11/20-agenda 16:04:39 Accepted. 16:04:45 Topic: Accept minutes from the previous meeting? 16:04:45 -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/2008/11/13-minutes 16:05:08 Accepted. 16:05:15 Topic: Next meeting: telcon 4 Dec 2008? 16:05:28 Skipping 27 Nov, US Thanksgiving. 16:05:38 No regrets heard. 16:05:48 Topic: Fixing static context before CR 16:05:55 -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-processing-model-comments/2008Nov/0098.html 16:07:00 Norm explains the situation and proposes to strike "or made available through p:namespaces" 16:07:06 Accepted. 16:07:21 Topic: Fixing p:wrap match="/" 16:07:43 richard has joined #xproc 16:08:11 Norm explains that it's only about user convenience. 16:08:18 +??P21 16:08:19 zakim, ? is me 16:08:19 +richard; got it 16:08:27 Present: Norm, Mohamed, Alex, Paul, Henry, Richard 16:08:48 Henry suggests that since XSLT 2.0 allows something similar, we should too. 16:09:09 -Ht 16:09:11 Alex: I agree with Henry 16:10:08 Norm: If you match /, you get all the nodes in the document. 16:10:25 Mohamed: Is it the only place where we should do this? 16:10:46 zakim, please call ht-781 16:10:48 ok, ht; the call is being made 16:10:48 +Ht 16:11:28 Norm: After a quick check, I don't see any others that make any sense. 16:12:01 Proposal: Make the change. 16:12:13 Mohamed: What about www-form-url-encode. 16:13:31 Norm: Well...www-form-url-encode does allow match=/, but will invariably produce a dynamic error if you do that. 16:13:37 Accepted. 16:13:51 Topic: Allow extension steps to use c: namespace 16:13:52 -Ht 16:15:15 zakim, please call ht-781 16:15:15 ok, ht; the call is being made 16:15:16 +Ht 16:15:22 See: http://exproc.org/proposed/steps/ 16:16:08 Norm: I think we should allow people to reuse the c: namespace. 16:16:24 Alex: I wouldn't want to restrict what people can produce from their steps. 16:16:51 Mohamed: We have three namespaces, on two of them we explicitly don't want people to reuse them. 16:18:09 Richard: What about in inline documents? 16:18:33 Norm: We're pretty clear that content in an inline is just content and we don't care what it is. 16:19:08 Mohamed: If we used the c: namespace and we use an element that's already been defined in this specification, can we add an attribute to it? 16:19:41 Henry: I think we should just say that common sense suggests that such usages shouldn't overlap with the uses defined in this spec. 16:19:52 s/spec./spec. unless the usage is identical./ 16:19:58 Alex: I'm with Henry. 16:21:56 Mohamed: Today we don't mandate that if you extend the output of an existing step, you must use an extension attribute. So you could put a @type on c:result and that might effect interoperability. 16:22:27 Norm: This is a bigger can of worms than I thought, perhaps we shouldn't say anything. 16:23:03 Norm: If we do this later, does it push us back in the process? 16:23:15 Henry: No, how could it effect the conformance of an implementation. This isn't a big deal. 16:23:21 richard has joined #xproc 16:23:36 X crashed :-( 16:23:41 Norm: So do we want to try to nail this down today, or come back to it later. 16:23:47 Henry: I'm fine to come back later 16:24:00 Mohamed: Me too. 16:24:05 Norm: Ok, we'll leave this. 16:24:24 Topic: Any other comments on the CR draft. 16:24:35 -> http://www.w3.org/XML/XProc/docs/CR-xproc-20081126/ 16:25:06 Norm: Any comments? 16:25:11 Mohamed: Congratulations! 16:26:47 Norm: Congrats to us all. 16:27:01 Topic: Any other business? 16:27:36 Mohamed: What's the future work? 16:27:57 Norm: We need to get the test suite finished, we need to encourage implementors, and we need to turn our attention to the default XML processing model. 16:28:09 Adjourned. 16:28:17 RRSAgent, please set logs world-visible 16:28:18 -MoZ 16:28:20 -Alex_Milows 16:28:20 -richard 16:28:21 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:28:21 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/11/20-xproc-minutes.html Norm 16:30:06 -Ht 16:30:06 -PGrosso 16:30:08 -Norm 16:30:08 XML_PMWG()11:00AM has ended 16:30:09 Attendees were Norm, MoZ, Alex_Milows, PGrosso, Ht, richard 16:30:15 PGrosso has left #xproc