See also: IRC log
<trackbot> Date: 20 November 2008
<JeffSchiller> shepazu
<shepazu> Christophe, it depends upon the WG
<shepazu> I think most of them are
<Manuel> i'm here, but, as mentioned, not in reach of a phone
<stelt> me
Previous minutes are at
<scribe> Scribe: Christophe
<scribe> Meeting: SVG IG
DS: SVG 1.2 has entered PR phase (yesterday). Announcement:
DS: Notable change: URL is no
longer 'SVGMobile' etc but 'SVGTiny':
... Sort of important: clarify the message of SVG. Want to work
on marketing.
JS: I.e. the spec is not only aimed at the mobile space.
<stelt> SVG counting in mobile space:
DS: See also implementation
report at
... New version of the test suite does not rely on XML
... Desktop browsers were not interested in implementing XML
ID, and there were other issues related to XML ID.
... Basically say: "only use XML ID if you are in a non-browser
... Only risk now would be if W3C member companies now said
they don't want to publish it. (Not very likely.)
... Companies interested in seeing SVG 1.2 published are asked
to support it.
... Possibly REC in mid December.
<stelt> woot!!
DS: SVG GI web site would be a
good promotion tool. The book, too.
... also ask more people to implement SVG
... Convince people in Safari and Firefox to take SVG 1.2 as an
implementation target by saying X is better defined in SVG 1.2;
it's a better reference for resolving bugs.
JS: Pushback microDOM?
DS: That was one of the less populart parts in SVG, but it's very useful.
JS: In terms of implementation, microdom is easier that full SVG 1.1 DOM. Another DOM might be expensive.
DS: Much of it is convenience
... Anything that can be implemented as it stands: encourage
vendors to implement.
JS: Future? SVG 2.0 Core mentioned in places
DS: Not yet 100% certain about
path forward.
... Current plan: build modules that describe specific pieces
of functionality. you could plug them into SVG Tiny 1.2.
... SVG 1.2 has most of the features of SVG 2.0; the modules
... Other modules would introduce new features.
... SVG 2 would be a major rewrite of the spec but not
necessarily much new functionality. tighthening up the spec and
changes things to make it more adaptable. Integration with HTML
... Make it a more stable platform. E.g. allowing
non-namespaced href on outgonig links as well as ... etc.
<Manuel> I'd like to see mentioning of text format handling in SVG 2.0via XHTML *or* XSL-FO, that would be great.
DS: We resolved to work on modules. In the near future, there would be a path to follow before a single profile ...
DS: Japanese chapter - Japanese
market is not comfortable communicating through the same
channels as rest of W3C. They're more comfortable discussing
technical matters in japanese.
... Try to see how they can promote SVG in Japan, find use
cases and requirements and bring the back to the SVG IG.
... Two main things going one:
... (1) KDDI (service provider) is working on a "map module":
module for mapping uses. Have a prototype. Not necessarily a
general SVG viewer, but works on mobiles.
<stelt> LOD
DS: They're working on things
like level of detail (e.g. when you zoom in, blocks resolve
into individual buildings etc)
... Range of zoom - e.g. from zoom level 5 - 10 show X, from 10
- 15 show X details etc
JS: At the highest zoom level, you dont want all the details in your document.
DS: See the 'discard' element;
also need 'add' element: add something to the DOM when
... Also tile mechanism so you don't need whole map.
<darobin> Zakim: aacc is me
DS: (2) Also working on making
SVG 1.2 Tiny ratify in JISC. Until it is a JISC standard,
Japanese companies won't implement it.
... More a formalization thing. If they decide that it is a
good time to have this spec, they'll translate it.
... They're also interested in making the mapping module a JISC
... Not aware of changes that they would want to make.
JS: Google no sponsor for SVG Open 2009
RB: Liaison statement from ITU
(?) to SVG about standardizing SVG for interactive TV.
... The statement was sent by one of the ITU groups; a group
that has to do with interactivity.
DS: Discuss off-line.
... JSR-287 : up for ratification as well.
JS: One of the companies there is NVidia.
RB: Nandini had good contacts with NVidia.
<stelt> shows loads of parties to maybe contact
JS: Conference: can work that out
on the mailing list.
... Robin Berjon: first time on IG call.
RB: Independent consultant. Was member of SVG WG for a few years.
RB: Also editor on the community site.
DS: Element traversal spec:
really useful for SVG.
... Was moved out of SVG and moved to Web Apps WG and is going
to PR.
DS: There is an implementation report at
RB: Same interface as in HTML 5?
<stelt> SVG Open 2009: Enschede city has economical relation with Palo Alto city. Thin, but looking into it for leads
DS: Already planning Element Traversal 2.0.
DS: Element Traversal 2.0 already being implemented; could be published next year.
RR: Working on a theme.
... Looks good graphically, but ... Will be uploaded to the
site later; either default or optional.
... Also turned on the update check .... Drupal updated.
<stelt> the sooner to have something other than the default Drupal the better IMHO. We can perfect later
<Manuel> i'm working on how the forums page could look, but it will last a bit (weekend?)
<stelt> I've figured out how moderating works :-)
RR: list items - news: need to get URL at bottom of the blurb.
<stelt> make NEWS index ?
RR: Need to work on news feed and global feed for articles (RSS or Atom)
RS: currently site looks like nothing is happening.
RR: (...) In the theme we can filter which types of content go into which boxes.
JS: News and latest stories and articles should be major focus.
RR: Manuel working on ... theme.
DS: Worried about input and output. Would like this as source of info for SVG WG page. RSS feed for news available?
RR: No feed for news yet. There will also be other feeds.
<stelt> raw feed is what editors get
DS: Also interested in raw feed with Google news alerts etc where SVG is mentioned .
RR: The editors get that feed and approve things for publication.
<gwadej> Apologies, but I have a meeting and have to go. Bye.
DS: Would like to be notified. Would rather have a feed from PlanetSVG than one from Google.
<stelt> to get "SVG Capital", StaVanGer, etc. filtered out
DS: Forums: when building community site, they noticed that "old folks" like e-mail while "young folks" prefer forums.
RR: We need a "Frankenstein's monster" for mail and forums.
<stelt> Jon Cruz said he wanted to help on that
RB: There are modules for sending
mails to people when there's a new post on the forum etc.
... You can't reply via the e-mail, but there's a link to the
DS: That would not be as good as replying to a thread via e-mail.
RB: You would need to integrate with a mail module on the back end.
<Manuel> have to leave, bye
DS: If we get simply the notification, that would satisfy the "old fogeys".
<stelt> i'll bill an extra hour then :-)
DS: Would also like to see old news stories from Should be possible to get a dump of the news stories, maybe also the blogs.
RR: Legal ramifications?
<Rob_Russell> (that was js)
<stelt> i'd like my diary from there as well
DS: Get tutorials and/or fresh materials ("instant tricks" etc) on the site.
JS: Would like to get one or two tutorials. Anyone else who can write something up?
RB: We could get content from that is more than one year odl - see A. Quint's articles?
<stelt> there are many inkscape tuts on Youtube
DS: go through tutorials sites elsewhere. E.g. Photoshop tutorial -> how do the same thing in SVG.
DS: Also simpler things e.g. what is the simplest way to do a gradient, markers, etc.
<scribe> Agenda:
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.133 of Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/XX/RB/ Succeeded: s/someone/Nandini/ Succeeded: s/new/news/ Succeeded: s/SVG/PlanetSVG/ Succeeded: s/ca't/can't/ Succeeded: s/XX/RB/ Found Scribe: Christophe Inferring ScribeNick: Christophe Default Present: Shepazu, +1.713.851.aaaa, +1.312.540.aabb, JeffSchiller, Christophe_Strobbe, Rob_Russell, Don_Doherty, +, darobin Present: Doug_Schepers Jeff_Schiller Bruce_Rindahl Rob_Russel Ruud_Steltenpool Donald_Doherty Robin_Berjon Anthony_Grasso Christophe_Strobbe G_WadeJohnson Regrets: David_Dailey Dominic_DePasquale David_Porter Andreas_Neumann Manuel_Strehl Agenda: Found Date: 20 Nov 2008 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]