See also: IRC log
<scribe> scribenick: Sandy
<scribe> scribe: Sandy Gao
<johnarwe_> MSM sent regrets, is on a plane
RESOLUTION: approve 2008-11-13 telecon meeting minutes at
Action 203 is done.
<trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - 203
RESOLUTION: these calls are cancelled.
Kumar: expected publication date Nov. 25.
Kuamr: namespace policy was not included in the publication request.
Kumar: should we have one for each namespace uri, or one that covers all the namespaces?
John: seems we need one for each namespace URI, which is the same as Len's reading.
Ginny: how about one document but linked from multiple places?
Kumar: will confirm with W3C whether it's OK to have single doc with multiple links.
All: OK with Kumar's draft.
RESOLUTION: Kumar to consult with W3C with his draft.
Len: now has CVS setup OK. wondering where the XLink note should go.
John: likely to put the notes in the same directory as the specs.
<ginny> [Public] / 2007 / xml / sml
Kumar: source/build files need to go to "sml" directory.
John: seems 4633 is done in the CR candidate draft. should be closed.
Kumar: yes. I will close 4633.
John: 6207 is for CR changes. should also be closed.
<johnarwe_> is new, found looking at cosmos code
John: can documentURI be
relative? e.g. to refer to documents in the same directory on
the file system.
... spec doesn't answer one way or the other
Ginny: sounds like relative should be allowed.
John: suggest to use "should". That is, contents of documentURI elements *should* be a URI reference.
Ginny: the schema type is anyURI, so relative references are already allowed by the normative schema.
Sandy: then what base URI should be used to resolve such relative references?
John: 5.3.4 is the relevant section about where the [base URI] is applied.
<johnarwe_> 11/6 telecon agreed on the following revision.
<johnarwe_> smlif 5.4.2, betw existing parag 2 and 3, add:
<johnarwe_> Note: Since the URI prefixes specified as ruleAlias and documentAlias elements
<johnarwe_> are aliases, they are subject to all of the processing for aliases as described
<johnarwe_> in [5.3.3]. For example, if they are relative references then they would be
<johnarwe_> transformed to absolute URIs before comparison.
John: at 2008-11-06 telecon, we decided that 5.3.4 does cover aliases. A non-normative note was added. See above under bug 6191.
<johnarwe_> It sounds like the proposal emerging is, in section 5.2.2 of SMLIF where it currently says: SML-IF specifies one way that MAY be used to provide the location of the referenced document, the documentURI element.
<johnarwe_> Have it say: SML-IF specifies one way that MAY be used to provide the location of the referenced document, the documentURI element. (same so far)
<johnarwe_> ... (new) It is a consequence of documentURI's schema definition that it contains a URI reference, i.e that it may be an absolute URI or relative reference. When it is a relative reference, the [base URI] property SHOULD be used to transform it to an absolute URI, as stated in [5.3.2 Base URIs].
John: we can add a "should" to say: if documentURI value is relative, then [base URI] *should* be used to resolve it. See above for details.
Ginny: this matches my expectation.
RESOLUTION: adopt the above wording change to resolve bug 6237. No further review needed.
<scribe> ACTION: Michael to add "PR" as a valid "target milestone" value in SML bugzilla system. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-206 - Add \"PR\" as a valid \"target milestone\" value in SML bugzilla system. [on Michael Sperberg-McQueen - due 2008-11-27].
John: anyone thinks the impl reports contain member-confidential material?
All: no.
RESOLUTION: move impl report discussion to the public mailing list.
Kumar: about the impl report format, I think it's easier if the source is in something like Excel, then transform to xml.
John: think we are OK with using Excel for now. Wondering how to merge changes made by different people.
Kumar: we can try to merge the xml file and import back into Excel.
John: there were concerns about using the generic link to COSMOS CVS repository. We may need to point to specific versions of the test cases.
Kumar: better to use the generic
pointer (to the latest version) now. after things stablize, we
can go through them and add version numbers.
... COSMOS impl report looks OK.
Ginny: also looked at the diff. what's the next step?
John: need to look at the
"potential problem" ones and decide what to do.
... first such instance is "SchemaBindingNS". If schema binding
is supported, then "SchemaBindingNS" can't be implemented.
Kumar: sounds like we need a new "conditionally required" category, in addition to "reqiured" and "optional". The condition can be included in the "description" field.
John: Same problem with "smlifBaseUri" and "locatorNS"
Kumar: I wil add the new "CR = conditionally required" category. Will import changes made to description and implementedByCosmos elements.
John: noSchemaNV. no implementation for this. should reconsider where this feature belongs. suggest to move from "interop" list to "extensibility" list.
RESOLUTION: move "noSchemaNV" from "interop" list to "extensibility" list.
John: Similarly, should "baseUriCheck" be an interop feature?
Kumar: doesn't look interop.
Ginny: agreed.
RESOLUTION: move "baseUriCheck" from "interop" list to "extensibility" list.
John: "baseUriReq" seems to be a duplicate of "baseUri" (renamed to "baseUriIfRelativeURIExists" in COSMOS report)
<johnarwe_> new/old line numbers: 105/109 smlif:baseuri 139/152 xml:base 163/176 at least one of them required 219/237 appears to dup the prev one(s)
<johnarwe_> new/old line numbers: 105/109 smlif:baseuri 139/152 xml:base 163/176 at least one of them required 219/237 appears to dup the prev one(s)
[note to scribe: change new/old to old/new]
Ginny: agree that "baseUriReq" is a duplicate of "baseUri"
RESOLUTION: remove "baseUriReq" from the feature list.
Kumar: I will make changes agreed upon today and send out the master copy of the source.
John: will go through Ginny's
list and see whether COSMOS already has tests to cover them.
e.g. non-schema-determined ID.
... should we put the impl report, feature list etc. at a fixed
location, so that we don't have to fish through the archive all
the time.
Ginny: sounds like a good idea.
Kumar: I can add Ginny's list to my Excel. That'll make it easier to manage the lists.
<scribe> ACTION: John to put content of Kumar's zip file at a location, preferrably publicly accessible. [recorded in]
<trackbot> Created ACTION-207 - Put content of Kumar's zip file at a location, preferrably publicly accessible. [on John Arwe - due 2008-11-27].
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.133 of Date: 2008/01/18 18:48:51 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/topci/topic/ Succeeded: s/last week/at 2008-11-06 telecon,/ Succeeded: s/"optional"./"optional". The condition can be included in the "description" field./ Found ScribeNick: Sandy Found Scribe: Sandy Gao Default Present: [Microsoft], Sandy, JohnArwe, Kumar, Ginny_Smith Present: [Microsoft] Sandy JohnArwe Kumar Ginny_Smith Regrets: MSM Kirk Agenda: Got date from IRC log name: 20 Nov 2008 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: john michael WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option.[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]