14:23:31 RRSAgent has joined #backplane 14:23:31 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/09/23-backplane-irc 14:23:35 zakim, this will be forms 14:23:35 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, Charlie 14:23:42 zakim, this will be rwab 14:23:42 ok, Charlie; I see INC_RWAB()11:00AM scheduled to start in 37 minutes 14:23:54 rrsagent, make logs public 14:24:06 Meeting: Backplane XG Telecon 14:24:17 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-app-backplane/2008Sep/0016.html 14:24:21 Chair: Charlie Wiecha 14:56:26 Steven has joined #backplane 14:57:43 Steven_ has joined #backplane 14:59:49 INC_RWAB()11:00AM has now started 14:59:55 +[IBM] 14:59:58 zakim, [IBM] is Charlie 14:59:58 +Charlie; got it 15:00:03 Hi Steven! 15:00:10 Howdy 15:00:54 jackjansen has joined #backplane 15:01:31 unl has joined #backplane 15:02:40 zakim, dial steven-617 15:02:40 ok, Steven; the call is being made 15:02:41 +Steven 15:03:10 +??P48 15:03:33 zakim, ??P48 is me 15:03:33 +unl; got it 15:04:13 + +31.20.592.aaaa 15:04:34 zakim, +31.20.592.aaaa is me 15:04:39 +jackjansen; got it 15:04:49 lingtt has joined #Backplane 15:05:34 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-app-backplane/2008Sep/0016.html 15:05:42 zakim, mute me 15:05:42 unl should now be muted 15:07:06 Scribe: Steven 15:07:12 rrsagent, make minutes 15:07:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/09/23-backplane-minutes.html Steven 15:07:46 JohnBoyer2 has joined #backplane 15:08:53 + +1.250.294.aabb 15:09:10 zakim, +1.250 is JohnBoyer 15:09:10 +JohnBoyer; got it 15:09:33 Topic: TPAC 15:09:42 Charlie: Status 15:09:57 Steven: Well, please prepare to give a talk 15:10:08 Topic: Congratulations 15:10:36 Charlie: Congratulations are due to Jack on his best paper prize at the recent conference 15:11:20 rahul has joined #backplane 15:11:25 Kevin has joined #backplane 15:11:59 jack: SMIL is an example of a technology integrating XForms 15:12:14 ... and I hope the take-away at TPAC is that other technologies can do this 15:12:56 A good blog entry that explains why people should read the paper by Jack Jansen and Dick Bulterman is here: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/page/JohnBoyer?entry=on_the_best_paper_at 15:12:58 +Kevin_Kelly 15:15:07 www.webdialogs.com 15:15:09 801862 15:15:10 meeting 801862 15:16:24 s/Topic: Congratulations/Topic: Jack's Paper/ 15:17:56 John: In the talk I'd like to talk about ubiquity, and the loan form and then segue into the other stuff like ARIA 15:18:18 Charlie;I’d want to coordinate with Mark Birbeck as well 15:18:27 s/;/:/ 15:18:48 rrsagent, make minutes 15:20:19 Steven has left #backplane 15:20:27 Steven has joined #backplane 15:20:40 test 15:20:59 Charlie: I'd want to coordinate with Mark Birbeck as well 15:21:42 Jack: Why don't we dress up our homepage with references to Ubiquity and my paper and so on 15:22:00 ... for people at the TPAC to refer to 15:22:04 Charlie: Good plan 15:22:33 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/app-backplane/ 15:23:12 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/app-backplane/wiki/Main_Page 15:23:33 Charlie: Gregory has a page with the ARIA stuff too 15:24:07 Jack: For this crowd the no-budget bicycle tour is interesting 15:24:32 ... since it demonstrates the integration of components 15:25:08 Charlie: What are the talking points from this paper? 15:25:36 Jack: Shared data model 15:26:04 ... timing 15:26:32 ... time-based metadata in the datamodel 15:26:48 ... such as longitude and latitude 15:26:59 ... which controls the map 15:27:20 Charlie: We could compare this with Mark's map as XForms repeat 15:28:37 Jack: Last bit, the search terms can be seen as time-based metadata 15:29:42 ... xforms:output can be used to output text, but not to change attribute values 15:30:23 John: My talk can link to this, and the relation to MVC 15:31:10 Charlie: Is there an example of how SMIL binds to the model? 15:33:00 John: I didn't understand the question about attributes 15:33:24 Steven: Well, we had talked about using attribute value templates for this 15:33:42 Jack: Yes, like altering an href 15:34:58 staven, load is an action 15:34:59 Steven: There is a control special case for links (load) 15:35:14 ... trigger linked to a load 15:35:36 what about xf:output bound to xs:anyURI? 15:35:54 Charlie: Tell us more about the next sections 15:36:07 Jack: In figure 7 15:36:15 ... I talk about hotel information 15:36:42 ... an expression is evaluated at run time, that decides whether a parallel section gets played 15:37:10 ... that is from XForms to SMIL 15:37:42 ... and the setvalues at the bottom of fig 7 set the metadata in the datamodel 15:38:00 ... which will be interpreted to put it the map or the HTL page 15:38:10 s/HTL/HTML/ 15:38:21 Charlie:My voice example is similar 15:38:40 ... I have an equivalent to the setvalues to achieve the same effect 15:39:36 Steven has left #backplane 15:39:45 Steven has joined #backplane 15:39:56 Charlie: How about events? 15:40:13 Jack: I should have used a different construct to allow that while it was playing 15:40:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/09/23-backplane-minutes.html Steven 15:40:45 Charlie: And this works without scripting? 15:40:47 Jack: Yes 15:42:03 ... the HTML and the SMIL are black boxes synchronising via the data model 15:42:11 ... that's a nice feature 15:42:45 Charlie: I would like to be able to synchronising with external events 15:43:02 Jack: You can emulate that with some datamodule variables 15:43:19 Charlie: Do you support DOM Events, like dispatch Eveent? 15:43:23 s/ee/e/ 15:43:47 Jack: Oh yes 15:43:57 ... but inside SMIL only 15:44:13 ... if it was embedded in a UA that supported it, you could do it 15:44:24 Charlie: The events could bubble out? 15:44:29 Jack: Yes 15:44:45 Charlie: The argument of our talk is that we don't need new machinery 15:45:22 Jack: one thing that we want to mention in the talk, in section 5, is that the engine is 500 lines of code 15:45:30 ... it is really easy 15:46:20 ... implement setvalue and ATVs and so on 15:47:03 Charlie:So if you have XForms, Events, SMIL, the rest is glue 15:47:08 JackYes 15:47:13 /me curses 15:47:17 Steven has left #backplane 15:47:24 Steven has joined #backplane 15:47:37 Charlie: So here is our form 15:48:50 [Charlie demonstrates XForms, with voice output] 15:49:08 [Running in Firefox] 15:49:13 Charlie: This is event driven 15:49:35 ... getting back from Voice, I have to write into the datamodel 15:50:32 ... this is different from x+v 15:50:51 ... where there is no round trips to the data model 15:51:31 ... this is similar to how Jack does it via the datamodell 15:51:46 ... which gives all the advantages of the constraints and so on 15:54:12 [Charlie shows the code - link in the agenda] 15:55:04 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-app-backplane/2008Sep/0010.html 15:57:32 John: A shame you have to do rebuild, recalculate, revalidate, refresh 15:57:43 Charlie: Not sure why the rebuild is needed 15:59:10 John: XForms:label is meant to supply the voice system with a prompt 15:59:17 Charlie: We can do that 15:59:26 John: Even if it has a @ref? 15:59:28 Charlie: Sure 16:00:20 John: For demo purposes, it gives the talking point of using label 16:00:40 Jack: Doesn't it break the MVC? 16:01:09 ... since the voice part looks at the XForms view part 16:01:30 Charlie: Longer debate, but Voice is presentation, so it is View 16:02:15 also has to leave 16:02:42 -Kevin_Kelly 16:03:07 John: Talking to accessibility people, it helps to be able to show the equivalence of visual and voice outputs if needed 16:03:29 Charlie: I will do an outline, and we can review next week 16:03:42 John: Which slide technology? 16:03:47 Steven: HTML 16:04:24 ... slidy 16:04:28 -JohnBoyer 16:04:29 -jackjansen 16:04:29 -Charlie 16:04:30 -Steven 16:04:31 -unl 16:04:31 INC_RWAB()11:00AM has ended 16:04:33 Attendees were Charlie, Steven, unl, jackjansen, +1.250.294.aabb, JohnBoyer, Kevin_Kelly 16:04:34 rrsagent, make minutes 16:04:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/09/23-backplane-minutes.html Steven 17:23:03 Zakim has left #backplane